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My Journey Through BASE - Printable Version

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My Journey Through BASE - BreathlessDragon - 04-19-2015

I bought BASE the day it was released and started using it immediately. This is the journal I kept while doing it.

Stage One

After listening to BASE Stage 1 for one night I woke up and cleaned the house. I rarely clean the house, but I vacuumed everywhere, opened the windows, did the dishes, emptied the bins, made my bed and put away my clean clothes. That is definitely End Clutter and Get Organised shining through after only one night of listening.

Day 7: DAMN! This sub is amazing! At work today I emptied a 40 foot shipping container an hour earlier than usual and I was incredibly impressed. I had a very strong sense of confidence, authority, focus and assertiveness. Both of my bosses even noticed how intense my focus was. It was great! I haven't had much drive to actually work on my book, but I feel that will come later after all the internal issues have been dealt with.

Day 8: I've had a strong urge to do nothing today. I had a 3 hour nap and I haven't had a nap in at least 5 years. I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I hope it passes. I don't enjoy feeling unmotivated to do what I enjoy.
Day 9: Had an incredible realisation that I wanted to be a completely different person to who I currently am. I currently see everyone as equal, but I feel I can level it out more if that makes sense. I like not having an emotional attachment to outcomes when it comes to people and I believe I can reduce that even more to the point where everything I do will be done based on what is best in the long run for everyone and not how people feel about it short term.

Day 20: My sister sent me a link to national novel writing month the other day. I have from November 1st till 11:59PM November 30th to write a 50,000 word novel. I'm pretty excited about it and have an idea that I've been thinking about for a while. I have another novel I'm about 20,000 words into, but I feel it would be better to do this thing with a fresh concept. I've planned about 4 chapters so far since being told about it. Also I suddenly got the urge to stop watching porn. I didn't really watch it much and it was mostly the artistic kind, but I just felt the desire to stop. Masturbation has been cut down from almost everyday to maybe once or twice a week. I would stop completely, but that requires sex and my life doesn't really make an allowance for that right now. Also, my sleep has increased incredibly since starting this. I used to sleep maybe 8 hours a night, but now I sleep 8 hours a night and anywhere from 1 – 4 hours during the day. This is totally crazy and has never happened in my life.

Day 29: My posture has changed completely. I used to look ahead when I walked, but my eyes would be looking to the ground. Now my eyes look ahead and even scan the areas that I would through. Novel writing month is going smoothly. I've been writing every day since the start of November and I'm a little over 12 thousand words. I'm planning to get extra work done on the weekends because I have to work during the week so it gets challenging to do more than I feel is necessary. I've been pacing myself when it comes to writing too. I've found I can't go for more than hour without taking a break. If I don't take a break, I end up just sitting and become frustrated that I can't concentrate. I've also been asked if I would be interested in becoming a permanent employee at my current job. That would mean my hourly rate drops from $23 to a little over $18, but it means consistent hours and higher weekly pay so it works out well. I honestly thought I was resisting the sub for a while, but after nearly finishing stage one I can see that it's working quite well.

Day 30: About two weeks ago I started looking into alternatives to the way I eat. I decided I decided to work out how much of vitamins and minerals I need daily along with my macro nutrients. I have figured out the cost of everything I need and it will cost me about $350 Australian dollars and should last me a little over a month. I have gotten tired of cooking and have always found eating to be a chore so being able to drink everything is going to be a great convenience. I also end up saving a lot of money and get everything my body needs from natural resources. I'll make sure to journal how I feel when I start and every week after until I've run out of supplies.

Stage Two

Day 3: I've made it halfway to 50k words in my novel and I'm two weeks in so I'm set to finish just in time for national novel writing month. It's all very exciting. Last night I had a dream about sailing and gold fish. I had a large, beautiful gold fish. I just bought a really expensive tank for it and with the push of a button, the filter began spreading seeds and plants began to grow in it. There was a lot more to it, but that's all I'm able to recall. I'm pretty sure the goldfish represents wealth in dreams, though I'd have to double-check.

Day 11: Not much has happened since the start of stage two, but I'm only eleven days in. I've found it usually takes two to three weeks for a sub to kick in so I'll have to wait and see. Progress on my novel is going swimmingly. I have just under 15k words to go and seven days left so at the rate I'm going I should be done on the 30th or a day earlier. I've been doing EFT for a few years now, but lately have started to incorporate muscle testing which has made things a whole lot easier to clear negative emotions. I use a combination of the charts from the emotion code, sway muscle test, EFT and fEFT. I've found regular EFT is good for more indepth clearing and specifics like addictions and fEFT is good for general emotions and thoughts.
Day 14: Went to work today, but came home after an hour. I was feeling quite sick and crashed as soon as I got home. I slept for about four hours after sleeping for eight during the night. Got some more work done on my book and only have eight thousand words til I hit the 50k mark. I can feel the story starting to wrap up, but I'm don't want it to end just yet. I reckon there's still at least 30k words worth of story to tell.

Day 30: It's been a while since my last update. I haven't noticed anything new in the way of motivation or anything like that. My circle of friends has grown, which is quite odd. I haven't made any effort to befriend anyone, but it seems to be happening nonetheless. People have started being a lot nicer to me and saying how strong I am when it comes to the work crew. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with Psychic Ability to Read Ahead, but I've been having a lot of deja vu lately and it's quite interesting and also entertaining.

Stage Three

Day Two: Today I have had a very strong sense of disgust towards fear and contempt. I've always disliked the two, but today, for the first time, I could feel myself being close to tears whenever I thought of people acting out those two concepts.

Day Eleven: I haven't noticed much in the way of progress towards becoming an entrepreneur, but my desire for a girlfriend has sky-rocketed. I have been content on my own for the last three years, but suddenly I feel a very strong desire for companionship. It's a very strange feeling for me to have.

Day Twelve: I have no doubt my success will come from a creative avenue. Photography, writing, singing or music. These are all things I am extremely interested in and can see myself excelling at all of them. Today, the inevitability of my success was hitting me hard. I feel that missing my target is going to be impossible and I am very excited to see where I end up. I've been looking at the photography of Fedor Shmidt, and although the majority of his work is comprised of half naked women, I find myself admiring the composition and artistic style more than the subjects, which is quite odd for me. My taste in music has evolved and I am now listening to even more variances in genre than ever before. Chillstep is definitely one of my new favourites.

Day Eighteen: My urge to take up photography has grown considerably over the last week. My brothers are both photographers and I'm going to be getting a hold of their equipment in the coming weeks to give it a shot. I'm really wanting to create work similar to Fedor Shmidt. The lighting and focus is so well done and the subjects look incredible. I want people to look at my work and feel the same way I do when I look at his. My novella seems to be quite popular. I've given drafts to those I know don't read much or are hard to please. I know these people will be brutally honest with me and so far I've heard nothing but good reviews. They're all eagerly awaiting part two.

Day Twenty-Eight: I've been wanting to move out recently and the feeling of needing my own space has risen dramatically. I moved out when I was seventeen and moved in with my grandparents and father a little under two years ago when I moved interstate. I now remember why I moved out in the first place. Family is always fun to spend time with, but for me anything longer than maybe a week or so and it just starts to become too much for me. I've started looking for places and posting ads online for anyone wanting to share so we'll see how that goes.

Stage Four

Day Four: The last couple of days since starting day four have been very intense. I love my job and going to work everyday, but when I went the other day I just wanted to leave and work on my writing. I wanted to leave so much that it got to the point where I started to feel physically sick. Fast forward a couple of days to when I'm writing this and I currently feel very frustrated. I want to quit my job so bad, but I am so frustrated because I don't have any idea of what it is that I want to do. I'm so close to crying about it because I KNOW there is something perfectly suited to me, but I just cant figure out what it is. Nothing is quenching the thirst that I have, not even writing which I thought was what I enjoyed more than anything else. I'm at a loss for things to do and just feel like sitting around, playing games and letting my thoughts stew until I come up with an idea. It's incredibly difficult for me to describe the feeling, but the closest word that I can think of would be 'lost'. My purpose seems lost and I have no idea where to start looking for it.

Money is starting to come in nicely and I've been saving up a bit. I was planning to move out, but now that I'm seeing how much I can save by living with family, I'm not too sure if I want to now. I love the independence of being on my own, but the accumulation of savings is really appealing.

Day Nine: The last couple of days have been hell. This stage is really dragging me through the mud. I've become incredibly unhappy with my working arrangements and was soooooo close to quitting today. I don't feel like the time I spend working there is worth the investment. If I quit or go back to working casual my finances take a hit and I'll end up struggling to pay for the things I need, but if I continue full time I can tell these feelings are just going to get stronger and I'll feel even worse about the whole situation and make bad decision. I know there is a third option which would solve all my problems, but I'm struggling to see it at the moment. I'm really at a loss right now.

Day Fourteen: I told my boss I will be leaving my job at the beginning of March. He seemed pretty upset, saying I was doing really well. I felt I had to tell him early because he had organised for me to get my forklift licence and I didn't want to have to pay for it when I leave. He said I have been such a good employee that he is going to let me get the licence as a reward for being so helpful. I'm not sure where I'm going to go once I leave, but I have a feeling it's going to be the Gold Coast, but I feel a strong pull coming from Los Angeles. I guess I'll just wait and see how things pan out. I'm going to be handing in my manuscript for my book in the next couple of weeks so that could potentially change things.

Day Twenty-One: I have told my boss I am leaving my job. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I have about three months worth of savings to get me by until I do. I can't describe how excited I am about the changes ahead even tough I have no idea what I'm going to do or where I'm going to be. Just last year I would have been freaked out about leaving my job without a plan, but I feel as though it's the right thing to do and everything will work out perfectly. I'm getting a new tattoo in two days which I'm very excited about. I'm getting a coloured half-sleeve of a panda. I've been wanting this for years, but never got around to doing it. The guy at the shop was really excited when he saw the picture I gave as a reference because he's been wanting to design a panda tattoo, but no one has come in asking for one so that's pretty exciting. I handed in my manuscript to a publisher the other day so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I'll probably hand in a proposal to another place within a week or so.

Day Twenty-Eight: My boss pulled me into his office today and offered me a pay rise in the hopes that I would stay until the end of the year. I accepted and now earn an extra $60 a week. I've downloaded a program called You Need a Budget or YNAB and am working on my weekly spending and planning to be completely debt free by September. I'm disconnecting my home phone and switching internet providers so I can save myself an extra $25 a week. I feel like the Get Out of Debt programming is starting to kick in now. Just a few more days and I'll be onto stage five. I haven't figured out whether or not I'll start BASE again after a week or so of rest or if I'll try something else. I'll have to wait and see where I'm at in two months time.

Stage Five

Day Fourteen: Nothing much has happened since starting this stage other than having very frustrating dreams. Almost every night someone in my dreams has told me they have a great idea for me and my alarm goes off just before they tell me what it is. I'm getting so pissed off about it because I just want to know dammit!

Day Twenty-One: Nothing really to note. Just been working out five days a week and going to work. I'm planning to take a month off from subs after stage six to see if anything happens. Depending on how things go after time off I will either go through BASE again or try AM 6.

Day Thirty: Still nothing really to note. I have been working out five days a week for about a month now and I'm thinking of continuing my personal training course. Nothing concrete yet, but there's still time. It looks like a second run through will be needed after my month break.

Stage Six

Day Twenty-One: Nothing much has happened other than some lucid dreams which I haven't had for a couple of years. As I'm getting closer to the end of the final stage I'm definitely leaning towards another run through after a month of no subs. I have noticed that I have been going out everyday when I'm not working which is VERY out of character for me. I've also noticed I get bored very easily on my days off and almost crave for something productive to do as my old habit of watching movies or playing games has become quite boring. It's definitely a step in the right direction, but I would like to enjoy a day or two off without feeling the need to work.

Day Thirty-Two: I have an idea of where this subliminal is taking me, but I feel there is still a lot it can do for me. I'm going to run through it again after taking a break for a month. I've definitely seen a lot of differences since starting BASE.
- I'm more social
- I was promoted at work
- I have more money
- I am more focused
- women show signs of interest (which was unexpected)
- I feel much more confident
- I have been exercising five days a week for the last three months and I don't even have to think about it it's just something I do.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - Natious - 04-19-2015

Good for you man, do you still have that negativity while going to work? I like the commitment you put into making this work by running it another time. Good luck on your second run.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - BreathlessDragon - 04-19-2015

The negativity has gone completely. I do have a slight dissatisfaction with going to work, but it isn't that bad.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - Shannon - 04-20-2015

I applaud your wisdom in running it again. I also suggest being more proactive about achieving the goals of the program. It sounds like you're trying to lay back and allow the program do everything for you in those regards.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - BreathlessDragon - 04-20-2015

Thanks Shannon. I was trying to set it and forget it, but I'm definitely going to be more proactive about it from now on.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - Shannon - 04-20-2015

Set it and forget it is fine for manifestations, but it can sometimes be an excuse to lay on the proverbial couch and play the proverbial xbox while eating proverbial cheetos. Wink Dead weight isn't going to accomplish anything.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - BreathlessDragon - 04-21-2015

Haha that's true. I'm going to start making more of an effort starting from this moment on.

RE: My Journey Through BASE - AriGold - 04-21-2015

I have to say thank you very, very much for the detailed, informative and very interesting review.
I like how you compressed it and the results you posted at the end. Good luck on your journey, I hope you will reach every single goal you're setting.