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My experience with ASC 5.0 - Printable Version

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My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 06-16-2013

Absolute Self Confidence 5.0 (free download)

Hi. Smile

This is my first post. Sorry this is so long, but thought it useful to include details and some personal background info. Not sure where's best to post this, decided here is good enough. I have read a sufficient volume of positive testimonials to commit to completing Absolute Self Confidence 5.0. Yesterday was my first day listening. 12 hours or so. Today was my first day of interacting with others since. Never been to this website before yesterday, and in fact have never heard of this subliminal technology before yesterday.

In effect, I've committed to listening to rainwater for 90 days, or 96, I forget which. Wink

I feel it worthwhile to commit to ASC 5.0, and to post my experience with it, because among other reasons both Shannon and his product(s) seems very sincere in ability and intention. Also, all things considered, I have to give a hat tip in the direction of "Hey, this stuff may in fact be legit...because today my interactions with people were somehow more genuine, more risky, and more positive than normal. Indeed, today could likely legitimately be filed away under the category of being "one of those unique and somewhat rare days where an unexpected emotional breakthrough/growth spurt happens, and I wish I could bottle whatever it is that caused this".

But on the other hand, maybe this is the booze talking. And by booze I mean a potential and strong placebo effect consisting of the following elements: (i) having read positive testimonials on the forum about the effectiveness of this technology; (ii) having listened to ASC 5.0 for 12 hours yesterday; (iii) wanting greatly to find something akin to a magic bullet to fix the bad neighborhood that is my habitually negative emotional mind.

Quick Background:
WHY I'M HERE (PROXIMATE CAUSE): Was searching internet for info on dating coach Cory Skyy's program and approach to picking up women, and discovered a thread by forum member Ryan. In short, I was intrigued by Ryan's knowledge of Cory Skyy and subsequent recommendation of using products from Subliminal Talk, specifically in lieu of the conscious affirmations that Cory Skyy recommends.

WHY I'M HERE (ULTIMATE CAUSE, or some such): SEX!!!!! WOMEN!!!! Ha Ha. This is (almost) true. I'm currently focused intently on creating/discovering a workable and highly satisfactory sexual identity. I'm 42, never been married, and have never been good with women. My core sexual identity is beta male. My first sexual partner, the only true love of my life, cheated on me 2-3 months into our relationship (I was 18, she 36). Slept with something like 10 women total in my life, and most of them while in my college years around late teens early 20's. Was in a 10 year relationship (no kids) with a great woman who I'm still friends with, but something was always missing. This ended probably 5 years ago, though still friends.

More and more I believe quite emphatically that for most of my adult life I've been missing an essential element of self: embracing my masculinity and sexual desires as a man. Don't get me wrong: during my 10 year relationship we had an active sex life. And when in college, I did my best to get laid as much as possible. But after college, in my core identity, I was playing the role of a man seeking monogomy, this is what society says is good, I should seek a long term relationship with "that special woman" kind of thing. And during my 10 year relationship, I continually was unable to attract my woman in the way I wished to.

Why the struggle for clear sexuality? At root are likely to be found the facts that (i) I grew up without a father figure, and (ii) I was alone as a male in my family, the younger brother of 2 sisters and a single, very conservative mother who embraced a religious view of sexuality: i.e. see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Essentially, sexuality was never discussed as I grew up, much less honored or embraced. (iii) Indeed, there was much shame associated with it. One of my sisters teased me mercilessly about my sexuality...i.e. questioned my heterosexuality (e.g. "tiny homo!"), made fun of the size of my penis (e.g. "you're a wimp!"). Good times.

Also, of importance to note, I have always been very cerebral. This served an important purpose for my emotional survival in my family of origin---a never ending tangle of dysfunction and pathology. Surely it could have easily been much worse, and there are many positives to take from my youth---like for example, ultimately, no one intended to do harm, etc.---however, nonetheless, I became a very, very introspective and sensitive person who also, as a shadow of this, tends to be very judgemental and suspicious of people (i.e. in addition to being so toward myself, including my sexuality).

Clearly, I have adopted many negative behavioral and thought patterns as a result. I've spent much, much time trying to untangle all of this. Surely we all have differing degrees of negative patterns in ourselves and it is one of our life's important tasks to learn to make lemonade from the lemons in our lives.


Anyhow, moving onto my direct experience with ASC 5.0:

Almost the entirety of my social life occurs at work (grocery/general merchandise store). It is my intention and goal to change this, but for the time being this is the fact I have to work with.

Today, after having yesterday off, I returned to work and my mind/emotions felt unusually free and clear. Not totally free and clear, mind you, but noticeably so. And I might add, so much so that as I mention above, today could legitimately be categorized as a uniquely positive day for me, a day which normally happens perhaps once every 3 or 4 weeks (?).

And for the most part this positivity and freedom was sustained throughout most of the day, being very strong in the first hour or two, and leveling off afterwards.

Also, I felt less needy toward people. Neediness is my natural default position vis-a-vis' women, though I'm quite conscious of the PUA community and, through it, the fact that a needy posture and mindset is a bad deal, and signal that internal beliefs and outward actions need to be changed. To this end, I've been directly working on my sexuality and enhancing my alpha qualities for, say, six months or so.

Today I was more in the moment without trying to be so, busy internally enjoying my own precense and activity instead of casting my eyes and attention elsewhere...i.e. normally, the curves of the sexually mature females in the vicinity...or their faces to see whether they notice me and/or want me. Lol, I have no idea whether any of them ever "want" me or not. I don't even know at this point whether women (a) even think this way; or (b) if they did, if they are even conscious of it. Perhaps, I wonder, their desire is more a fleeting thing, based upon their emotional state of the moment, and a thing below the surface of their consciousness, and therefore to be sustained, needs to be consciously caressed and brought forth by a man. Brought forth arduously, I might add. At least for me at this point...knowing so devastatingly little about how to seduce. lol. Argh.

I was more open and honest with coworkers today. Not all of them, but some of them. And I didn't plan to do this. I cared less today. And I was approached by customers more often than usual, and was more spontanous and fun-loving when interacting with them--also not a preplanned strategy I chose before arriving to work. And my voice was deeper and tonality stronger, and my intent clearer, because I was embracing something more masculine than usual.

A little girl of 4 years or so said hi to me, and I jumped right into a very brief conversation with her. After, I believe I heard her say to her mom "I love him." LOL. This little episode alone could probably be taken as strong evidence for positive rewiring happening in my head.

Anyhow, I have to say that all in all, it feels like something real is happening in my brain. It's waaaay too early to call the race, and I want to be cautiously optimistic. We'll see, but I've seen enough and felt enough in this very brief period of two days to conclude that it seems likely that this stuff is working to some significantly impactful degree for my betterment and my better fulfillment, which if true is a marvelous, marvelous thing. But like I said we'll see.

PS: Concrete indication of brain rewiring going on: Last night, after some large number of hours listening to ASC 5.0, reached for kitchen cupboard handle to retrieve pepper from cabinet notorious in my apartment for roach I reached, somewhat hesitantly in anticipation of possible roach encounter, I felt a drop of cold water on the small of my back, though I was wearing a tshirt, and though it wasn't raining in my kitchen. The sensation was so real that I physically untucked the back of my shirt and thoroughly felt my lower back to make sure I was only "hallucinating". It should be noted that I never have such random sensations. This one, however, felt very real. The episode was somewhat freaky, though overwhelmingly in an amusing and interesting way. Caused by listening to ASC 5.0? Very likely. In no way am I alarmed, however. Just reporting.

PSS: I'm sharing all this because this product seems the very least in intent. It's significant to me that Shannon released ASC 5.0 for proof of concept purposes. Clearly, he believes in his products, and wants to demonstrate their effectiveness. It's a risk, but one he willingly takes. I respect that. What's more, however, if this technology is for real, people will benefit from knowing about it and what better way than through learning about the positive experiences of others. On the other hand, if it's not so much for real, people will benefit from know this as well. Finally, if it is for real, I will gratefully promote the fact.


RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 06-17-2013

Day 3:

Listened to ASC 5.0 yesterday for probably 8 hours total. Purchased an Ipod shuffle and some night time earphones today for like $50 []. I will try using regular ear buds with my Ipod until my new night earphones arrive.

Was super tired today, because I drank a lot of vino last night, stayed up late, and woke up early. Only had to work a half shift today, and was dragging mentally and physically. However, on the positive side...

(1) Dealt with a coworker today regarding an issue that's been bothering me about his performance for some time. I've been waiting for my boss to handle the situation, but nothing has changed. Fed up, I did the best I could to express my wish that he change a certain bad habit of his. The interaction didn't go well at first, but turned around for the better. He says he understands my perspective. Time will tell. It is a weight lifted off my shoulders, because I've been biting my tongue on this issue for quite some time now.

(2) A very cute and married supervisor who I rarely interact with planted herself right next to me, very close (our arms touched when she stood close) during a quick verbal interaction we were having while unloading a delievery truck tonight. She's very cute, and seemed excited by my presence. I have zero interest in pursuing a married woman, and very likely she also. It was fun though, and she seemed to be having fun (though less consciously than I).

(3) I'm caucasion, and the store I work at is located in a neighborhood relatively dense in african americans. Anyhow, while unloading said truck, pulling loaded pallets through the store, a very petite and sexy black girl went out of her way to "accidentally" cross my path as I pulled an empty jack through the store. She said "excuse me" like she'd done this type of thing many times before---totally relaxed. I said "excuse ME" and we continued on our separate ways. She was with her sister or something. She was probably like 18, wearing tight gray sweat shorts and a tight pink polo shirt. She had a very nice body.

I was so very tired that I had no energy to be creative in the moment and pursue her in any way. This is not to say that if I were completely energized I would have done anything different than what I ended up doing and saying. But, damn, these are the types of situations that I see as potentially golden sexual opportunities, if only I had the power and ability to transform them this way. This is the power that I want to possess.

This sexy young black girl went out of her way to "bump into" me. What the hell does this mean to her? What did she want from me?

(4) Decided to grow a gotee today. May seem strange, but this is sort of a big deal to me. I don't grow thick facial hair, so I've always considered myself to have no realistic options for sporting any facial fashions, and thus usually go with the clean shaven look like always. It is such a big deal that I was nervous driving to work, and walking into work---very self conscious that some women I know would say something sarcastic about it, my thin shadow of sparse hair now growing on my face.

But I noticed many other men sporting some sort of non-full facial hair thing, and felt better. In fact, I think I look better with it (4 days growth so far)---more masculine, more sex oriented.

Anyhow, today was a struggle due to tiredness, yet with nice positives nonetheless. Thinking of getting my ears and face pierced a-la Cory Skyy at some point (and not necessarily at the same time). Fears and worries about what people will think pervade my thoughts on this. Things like "lol, this guy thinks he's a player or something." I've never gone out of my way to sexify myself. It's very fun, and freeing to even consider the possibility...sexifying myself is such a new and different idea to me. I've always thought such things as silly, and thought men like this were kind of a joke, and that I was somehow better/more grounded/more authentic/more spiritual/etc. than them.

I'm not worrying so much about what others are doing these days, however. I'm much more focused on myself. It feels pretty good too.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Shannon - 06-17-2013

We have the whole business set up to bet the farm on our knowledge (not faith, or belief) that the programs actually do work. You'll note that we have free full version products, an uncensored public forum, a lot of repeat customers, and customers in 23 countries and counting. We also have the best refund policy in the industry, and we give direct personal support and assistance, as well as allowing customers to help design products.

In short, there is no way this business could fly if it was a product that didn't work. We've been in business since 2005, and we have always been profitable, and always have been growing. That doesn't happen by accident.

When I first created ASC for myself to test the veracity of subliminal technology, it took 14 days of use all night every night before I saw any results, and then it just hit me like a tidal wave. ASC 5G is known to hit most people in consciously noticeable ways within 1-3 days. And your results are actually fairly typical for a first day.

I'm not entirely sure ASC will help with all your goals, but it certainly can make a big impact on improving anyone's life, and once you know for certain that my programs work, you have lots of other options for what to use for a more focused result. I can tell you from first hand experience - as can many of the other guys here - that Alpha Male, Sex Magnet and Woman Magnet are just plain fantastic for what you want to achieve. I was once in your shoes. If I was to tell you what I have going on with women in my life right now, you probably wouldn't believe it.

I think you'll really appreciate ASC. And once you have enjoyed it, there is a whole world of options available to explore. My goal is to make everyone suffer from too many awesome options to choose from, so they stay customers of mine forever. Smile

Looking forward to seeing your journey continue to unfold. Just remember that like the incoming tide, there is usually an ebb and flow to progress with subliminals. That's normal. Enjoy.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 06-18-2013

Thanks, Shannon. You and your products exhibit the telltale signs of authenticity. My brief experience so far with ASC 5.0 also testifies to this.

The PUA gurus stress the importance of inner game. Well, your technology looks like it could be the creme de la creme of sure and rapid entry to solid (perhaps super solid) inner game. It's awesome to hear you've been where I am, and that I wouldn't believe your current situation if you told me. LOL. I HAVE to get there!!

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Shannon - 06-18-2013

If you get where I am, you won't be worried about PUA gurus or what they say. Most of us who have run the course (so to speak) have separated ourselves from the pickup community. Yes, it takes "inner game" to get the girls, but the "inner game" it takes is really not game at all. That implies it's an act, or nor solid or serious. What it actually is, is a state of being in which you are so solid within yourself that the world naturally and automatically becomes your oyster, and women will either respond or they won't (as always). But the difference is, because you'll have the confidence and leadership and drive and boldness down so well that it is thoughtlessly automatic (because it actually is your authentic deepest genuine self at that point), they will respond even if they don't understand why or don't want to. And when that starts happening, if you understand how women communicate and their psychology, you can pretty much do whatever you want with them. Of course you have limits; not every personality type will respond the same to you, nor even very well. But at least one will. And at that point, you just work with the ones you trigger, and let the rest fall away, and you'll be getting results that amaze you and everyone around you. But it requires self mastery and a very good understanding of how women communicate and their psychology.

Naturally, every man has his own particular areas of skill, strength and weakness. Women who I can seduce without effort, might run screaming from one of my friends if he did exactly the same thing. Likewise, women a friend of mine can seduce without trying might laugh at me for trying the same thing. Understanding that each person will only be responded to well by compatible others, and not so well by the rest, takes the pressure off to be good with every woman. Another important factor is just not caring, because you can and do support yourself internally, and don't need someone else to do that, which kills neediness, and that is very attractive to women also. These programs can definitely help a lot with that. Years ago, maybe 8-10 back, I used to be beta as hell, needy as hell, socially clueless and "anxiety" did not begin to describe my social response. It got so bad at one point that I didn't leave my house for months, and even my bedroom was hard to leave at times, just to deal with my roommate back then. Going to work was torture, going to school was an exercise in futility because if I was even a second late I could not bring myself to open the classroom door. It actually killed my career as a computer programmer because I missed so many classes that way.

Now I am completely free, the world is my oyster and I have unlimited options for success and women. It didn't happen overnight, to be sure, but these subliminals have a very large part to play in my radical improvement. And if I can do it, anyone can do it. It just takes the determination to do so, the willingness to do what it takes, and the persistence to actually get there.

And in the end, you walk into a bar and sit down and you can appreciate any woman there, regardless of her physical looks, and you can see every woman for what she really is, also regardless of her looks. When you can sit down with a 10 on your left and a 5 on your right and spend the evening getting to know each one and then consciously decide that tonight, you want X and you're going to bed the 10 or the 5 because that is where X leads, not because one is a 10, then you'll realize that pickup is behind you. And when you can see a 10 and really not care whether or not she's interested, or that she's even there... it feels pretty awesome, because it's freedom. And that's when they start hunting you.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 06-18-2013


Damn, I thought I had social anxiety!! I have much less now than before, since I've had some many years to chip away at it, but I was never as bad as you. I can relate to staying indoors for months at a time...I've done weeks at a time. So much shame and fear. So you are very familiar with (past) feelings of aloneness, despair, and desperation, and have reached far far beyond this. Wow!

I feel as though I have not even lived a life yet. I've spent so many many years alone and closed off from this part of myself---and have been clueless as to a remedy. Pickup has been the most potent remedy I've seen, though my skill and experience using it is remedial. The most potent remedy, that is, possibly until four days ago when I stumbled cluelessly upon this site and this technology. Which to me is simply ridic good fortune, since there's so much [promise of]* efficiency and surety of result associated with your subliminals.

* Ha ha, sorry have to throw this in here, since I'm here to see for myself.

Anyways, good for you Shannon. Thanks for sharing. It's great knowing that this can be turned WAAYYY around.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Astrack - 06-18-2013

Shannon, Did you add something in ASC to remove inhibitions. I read in a recent asc success thread that the person felt like he had no inhibitions. I ask bcoz I found out that I have a few inhibitions about social life. So I am wondering if it will help me.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Shannon - 06-18-2013

Astrack, ASC focuses completely on self confidence, which for some people, will remove inhibitions. It just depends on what the cause of the inhibitions was.

Molon, a big part of my reason for starting this business was because I was intent on helping others overcome the same things I myself was overcoming. Fear, guilt, shame, lack of self respect, lack of self confidence, neediness, beta qualities, and on and on. Most of the programs started out being built for my use, and when they worked for me, I realized that there was a fair living to be made helping others achieve the same results. There is hope.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 06-19-2013

Day 4

Surprisingly tired. Surprisingly aggravated.

Hours of listening to ASC 5.0 are definitely contributing to my tiredness. I've read a couple of Shannon's warnings about this, yet I'm still surprised at HOW tired. But maybe it's also a sleep thing too--my past 48 hours were a bit haphazard.

Big life change decisions are to be associated with being aggravated, in addition to contributions from ASC 5.0. Meaning: Prior to starting ASC 5.0 I'd already been in transition from beta to alpha. In addition, however, I do feel that ASC 5.0 is encouraging today's super aggravation with my present circumstances.

Side note: Opened by a super cuty nerd girl coworker today who can't be more than 20-22 years old. She's cute in a nontraditional, nerd-girl way. I saw her a couple weeks ago reading a book on break. Didn't see the book. Hope it was nonfiction.

Was super aggravated today by my lack of career options. My degree and education are in economics, but didn't pursue post-college professional work. Economics, as an academic discipline, is rife with theoretical problems on the one hand, and on the other hand most non-academic professional applications involve heavy doses of mathematics and statistics, and watching so-called economic indicators constantly, which has never appealed to me. I'm more a big-picture, system design person than a daily number crunching type.

Didn't want to deal with anybody today...and I mean anybody, not even my closest work friends/aquaintences. Was thinking all morning of legitimate paths I could take out, based closely upon my gifts and abilities, and start upon soon like by summer's end.

I cannot accurately identify the overriding cause of today's high dissatisfaction, because I have been moving my thoughts and life towards these moments, especially recently, prior to starting ASC 5.0. But as I mention above, it does feel true to me that ASC 5.0 is contributing to these feelings in some material way; perhaps significantly, but there's no way to tell by how much.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 07-20-2013

30 day update.

Positive life changes:
Started going to the gym 2 weeks ago to lift free weights: squats/shoulder press/bench press/dead lifts/power clean a la Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Plus I'm also running outdoors a bit. I'm athletic and have always loved working out, just stopped a couple years ago for several reasons not important to go into. I'm so very happy to be working out again.

Also, started eating much, much better and healthier foods. It's a process for me to change my eating habits away from frozen pizza, frozen Chinese food, and Tostitos and salsa. I stopped eating all the ridiculous frozen stuff and empty carbs/processed foods. On the other hand it's hard to come up with variety to fill the gaps and keep things healthy, affordable, etc. just doing it cold turkey. Nonetheless, this has made a huge difference in how I function and is an important reason why I'm feeling physically great.

Been very, very dissatisfied with my job the past 10 days. Things don't run smoothly very often, and I usually keep my mouth shut about it, but recently have instead been letting management know how poorly I think things are being handled by coworkers in certain key areas. Unfortunately, things are not getting much better, and the big boss seems a-o.k. with his paycheck and is reluctant to take on the responsibility of fixing things that need fixing. I really dislike many things about my job, and am eager to move on asap, or at least relegate it to a second-job status.

Women. Argh, the omnipresent ache in my soul. Been very alone for way too long, and feel the need to get things rolling in this area in a much more proactive way. I'm very frustrated yet at the same time scared---to be completely honest---about becoming a social person. I'm pretty nearly the consummate loner. It's a journey I must take, and I expect it to be difficult though amazing and wonderful, but lately my confidence in this area is lagging. I'm around women at work somewhat, and that's about it. Need much more female face time, and an apartment with more sound proofing so I can have uninhibited sex when it happens.

Difficult to separate cause/effect for the positive choices I'm making. Like I state above, I already began moving in these directions prior to discovering this website and subliminal technology. However, I can't imagine that feeding my emotionally hindered brain positive messages 8+ hours a day is a bad thing.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Shannon - 07-21-2013

Molon, please change your avatar. This isn't an appropriate place for political statements or associations. Much appreciated.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 07-29-2013

Not here recruiting Shannon, just self-expressing. It happens that I've spent much time and talent studying economics and politics, and thus have a strong self-identification with certain views. As a scientist, perhaps you can appreciate the fact that my investigations have been premised upon unanswered questions, and not upon seeking justification for myriad unexamined presuppositions. I'm proud of my efforts, methods, motives, and accomplishments in this area. Nevertheless, as you wish sir, my avatar is no more. This is your platform, I am merely visiting.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Shannon - 07-30-2013

I have no beef with your choices, just trying to keep this forum as neutral and flame-war resistant as possible. I appreciate your help.

RE: My experience with ASC 5.0 - Molon Labe - 08-23-2013

60 Day Update:

Not much to report vis-a'-vis the fact of whether my positive life choices are clearly being affected by listening to ASC 5.0 daily. For me, no definitive causal link can be identified. This is no reflection on the quality of the technology or products offered on this website.

Instead, it is totally due to the fact that human behavior is uber subjective and human motivation influenced by a myriad of variables, none of whose relationship to thought and emotion can be reliably assigned a quantitative value. best I can only surmise that, yes, logically speaking listening to ASC 5.0 surely has a positive effect on me.

At the very least, I feel better today---indeed much better---about myself and my life than I did 60 days ago.

Started reading 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, and couldn't take the writing style enough to finish. Currently reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, which I find to be highly motivating and instructive. It discusses strategies on how to achieve one's true dreams and desires. For me, #1 is solving the women issue, #2 is solving the career issue. Very happy with my progress to date since I began 75 days ago to focus on these areas in earnest.

Still eating well and supplementing, still lifting free weights and running. Feel great physically. Looking very forward to finishing this book and implementing its strategies...turning up the momentum on my new goals.