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Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-11-2012

My eventual goal is to complete Alpha Male and then either follow it will Sex Magnet or perhaps with some success and wealth subliminals.

I just completed Anger Management. Next I'm going to do Disconnect From Negativity Within, followed by Alpha Male 2011 (or 5.0 if that comes out in a months time). I still got some fear and negativity that comes up at random times which I'm looking forward to cleaning out, although the anger management subliminal greatly reduced that.

I decided to do the anger management subliminal because I had a lot of repressed anger that came out in weird ways, including an extreme rage I would sometimes feel. Although I'm in my early thirties now I was worried that my anger would cause health problems later in my life. This was also in preparation for Alpha Male 2011 which I'm looking forward to but I wanted to make sure that I had my anger under control before doing that program. Alpha Male 2010 was great but I found at times I was much more expressive of my anger (which I'm happy about but I want to be able to manage it better).

I've been listening to it for about four hours a night (along with ultra success for the other four hours).

I'm really happy with the results. I noticed that I am angry far less often, and when I do get angry it seems to blow of very quickly in a much healthier way.

I'm generally much calmer and more at peace and I noticed other effects that I wasn't expecting, for example I'm more social and easy going around people in general. Last year I started to get a bit more closed to people but the anger management subliminal seemed to open me up. I find myself joking around with friends and family and having more fun these days. I also seem to be more understanding and accepting of other peoples view points. I also feel like I'm getting more positive responses from women, that makes sense because if I'm letting go of a lot of anger I'm more emotionally healthy and more confident.

A note about Alpha Male 2010 which I completed just under a year ago. I'm really happy with it and feel that it defiantly improved things a lot. Both my sexual dominance and sense of humour improved dramatically. However I'm definitely one of those guys who will likely be doing multiple run throughs. I might be doing some sex magnet as well but I want to move my career and wealth forward more then anything else. I tend to be a little to easy going at times, I noticed that one run through of alpha male improved that but I'm looking forward to getting that under even more control.

I compose music for film and radio. It's great fun and very challenging at times but in the past I've being guilty of taking on more work then I should. I've often put my health and social life on hold while I tend to a big project. 2012 will be about having a far more balanced life. I'll be moving forward with my career and music but I'll be having a more enjoyable and balanced life. No matter how much I want something it's not worth sacrificing my health and social life for.

Another thing is that I want to earn a lot more money. I do get paid but not enough to live on. I also want to write music purely for listening as well. In a way, I think sometimes the best way to solve two problems is to combine them together. If I'm writing more music for myself and also taking care of my health and social life more I'm less available for film work. I'll have to be more selective about what films I take on but the films I do work on will be the ones that I really care about. Either that or I'll be paid for the film work I do.

I'm definitely drawn to sex magnet, part of me feels that I'm be indulgent if I spend six months on manifesting more sex but I think that sex magnet could improve far more then just my sex life. I get the impression that guys who have done sex magnet have a richer social life, become people magnets and are more fulfilled sexually. I think this is important for anyone in the music and film industry. Obviously the social aspect would help immensely but I think people who are fulfilled sexually tend to be more successful in life in general. I don't mean that they use their sexuality to get success, I mean that the reasons that they are successful are the reasons they are sexually fulfilled. First they like themselves more, they are more attracted to themselves, trust themselves and just generally enjoy life a lot more. I'm thinking of guys like Brent, Sean Stepheson, Cory Skyy and Rion Williams. I imagine that Alpha Male would take care of all of that but I think sex magnet would supercharge the social life which would make getting contacts in film and music a lot easier.

I'm getting back into natural grounding. I didn't keep up with it as much as I would have liked last year, partially because I took on too much. However I sometimes wonder if natural grounding is a whole subliminal in itself. Perhaps natural grounding would over tax the mind if I'm also doing subliminals? Or perhaps natural grounding would be a great way to support the subliminals. For example, if I'm doing Disconnect From Negativity Within then perhaps watching NG videos would help to clean the negativity away. I'm not sure, I would love to hear from guys who doing both NG and subliminals though.

It will fun to see where this adventure will take me. I enjoyed alpha male 2010 a lot but got very bad at keeping up with my journal. I'm going to do a lot better job with this journal.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Shannon - 02-11-2012

Thanks for the feedback on Anger Management. I haven't had much feedback on that. I know how amazingly well it worked on me, though. It was created to help me deal with a woman I was dating who did some things that so angered me that without it, I might have ended up dead or in prison. That's one of those programs like DFNW that's going to get a major overhaul and be much improved when I upgrade it to 4G.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-12-2012

Hey Shannon.

I was also dating someone once who made me furious on a regular basis, in my case I was worried I would end up going crazy. That was many years ago but I found that I tended to hold my anger in a lot. I feel from experience that this can be very dangerous. Alpha male 2010 helped a lot with this, if I'm angry or upset about something I tend to speak up a lot sooner. The woman I'm dating now is much more understanding and a great listener which helps a lot to.

I've decided to combine DFNW with Happiness and Joy. (I was going to start last night but couldn't download anything because I had internet issues).

I spent a wonderful time in London with my girlfriend yesterday but I feel that my happiness needs a boost. I tend to get in kind of a funk at times. Although things improve when I relax (and also it's very cold in London at the moment which is probably effecting my mood), I think making happiness and joy an important of my life could really improve things. All my life goals could be that much easier to achieve if I'm happier overall.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-13-2012

I went to the gym after having not been for over a year. I couldn't believe how much and how quickly it improved my mood. I was practically in a good mood as soon as I got there. I'm not going to be there that often, just to do kettlebell swings and the crunches I learnt from the 4 hour body. I really felt the burn in my abs tonight and I'm looking forward to seeing how my body develops over the next month. What's great about the workout is that it is so short yet so effective. I can use most of physical energy to get back into my martial arts training which I've being missing as well. I have a feeling a big part of me manifesting more happiness into my life will be from getting into regular exercise.

I still struggle with the whole porn debate. Although I really enjoy natural grounding meditation I have found that there is a lot of different information out there about whether porn is helpful or harmful. What was interesting is that most of the research found seemed to imply that porn was actually helpful. However I decided that the best thing for me to do is to just focus on what works for me. I feel strongly that natural grounding works for me so I'm going to continue doing it. Also it's great fun anyway. I may still look at porn once in a while but I'm not going to obsess over the big debate about it.

I downloaded the new version of DFNW tonight and I'm looking forward to seeing how my life changes in a positive way over the next month. I've often found that I can be quite positive and that things generally work out for the best for me in the long run. However if I can clear out all the negativity I imagine that my life will be a lot more enjoyable.

That's the ultimate goal for me really, to enjoy life as much as possible.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Shannon - 02-13-2012

My point of view about porn is as follows, and you may take it as you wish.

The Good: Porn provides a sexual outlet for people who for whatever reason cannot easily achieve that release otherwise, whether it be because of lack of companionship, lack of appropriate companionship, lack of opportunity, social anxiety, lack of time/readiness for a relationship, or any of a number of other factors.

The human body is designed from the ground up, literally, to be sexual and reproduce at every opportunity, which is why humans are only outnumbered in the animal world by insects. Denying this innate fact is only going to damage and distort things. Expression of the natural sexual urge is important to maintain health, physically, emotionally and mentally. Porn helps facilitate that.

The Bad: Porn is like a drug. It is the purest form of something that we normally cannot achieve, but always try to, in nature. It therefore overloads our circuits, so to speak, and this can lead to rapid addiction response, escalation of interests and other undesirable things.

Furthermore, since humans are designed to learn through what we observe, porn in effect helps train/teach us that sex, sexuality and other people (or gender) are going to act in unrealistic manners. This can lead to a severely skewed point of view concerning the subject of one's particular pornographic desires, and inhibit successful real-world interaction and sexual success with them.

The Ugly: As for the argument that porn is degrading to [take your pick], it is important to remember that nobody can legally be forced to be a porn actor - in the United States, at least; therefore, given the strict legalities of the matter, and the strict enforcement, wherein an actor must be over 18 years of age, sign at least one model release stating their consent to what they are doing, and it's publication, etc. etc., the subject of degradation seems to be a personal one. Therefore, if an individual sees it as degrading, they should not become a porn actor; beyond that, it is not their choice, or their business what someone else chooses to do with their time or sex organs, as long as what they do is legal. Taking away someone else's rights and freedoms is not going to make anything better, especially since I guarantee you that every one of those who insist it's degrading to whomever have used porn in the past, and probably still do.

Guilt and shame concerning sexuality and porn is about the worst possible response, and only results in mental and emotional damage. Therefore, these are not good, and not desirable; when you don't force it, or try to hide it unduly, or try to make it taboo, you normalize it, and it becomes no bog deal. Humans are humans; we are sexual by nature; and that sexuality is NOT GOING AWAY. So we might as well treat it as natural and normal, respond to it in healthy ways (moderation!) and do something more productive and healthy with our time than to say that there should be guilt/shame/fear involved, or that it should be banned/etc.

The United States is one of the only countries in the world where there is such a ridiculously puritanical and infantile response to sex. It's embarrassing.

(Whoops, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread.)

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-19-2012

Hey Shannon.

Thanks for your response to my post about porn. I really appreciate your perspective because it's very balanced and very healthy. My perspective on porn has changed over the years. In the beginning when I was a teenager I saw it as something healthy and fun. My parents are really supportive and understanding and made it clear to me that as long as anything I did was between consenting adults there was no problem. I had this perspective up until my late twenties when I started getting into the PUA community.

I then started reading a lot of newsletters, forum posts and listening to a lot of podcasts that said that it was unhealthy and that it makes men repulsive to women or too needy for sex. When I got into natural grounding specifically is when I quit cold turkey. I did notice a huge improvement in my interactions with women at the time. However there would be times a couple months later where I would give in and use porn occasionally. I found that it didn't have much of a negative effect on my interactions with women if at all and if anything I can remember specific times where I used porn and within a few days to week later had some wonderful interactions with women as long as I was either doing affirmations or natural grounding most of the time.

I think porn is like junk food or alcohol, as long as someone is eating and drinking mostly in a healthy way the occasional ice cream, pizza and beer won't hurt, if anything it might be beneficial.
So I've sort of come full circle, I'm back to having the same thoughts about porn that I did when I was a teenager again. I feel that porn is no big deal at the moment and I have control over it again.

I think my issue with porn might have being that I was trying to be a perfectionist, or trying to live up to what I perceived as someone else's standards. Ironically I think this was what was causing me the most stress and worry about my interactions with women.

About what you said about the States. I was born in New Jersey but spent most of my life in the UK. I used to go to San Francisco a lot in the past because my sister used to live there and also women there were not only very approachable but often a lot more proactive. I think San Francisco is very sex positive but I assumed that the entire States is like that when maybe it's not this case. I recently read a book called "Ameirca's War On Sex" by Dr Marty Klein which I found really interesting and basically agreeing with everything you just wrote. I think the puritanical views about sex are also here in the UK to because when I meet women from the rest of Europe or anywhere else outside the UK they tend to flirt a lot more and be more open with their sexual interest.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Shannon - 02-19-2012

In my experience, the only harm porn will do to you with regards to your interactions with women is causing you to polarize to, and attract, a specific type of woman and repel the rest; which is to say, whatever you obsess/focus too much on, is what your subconscious begins perceiving as what you want, and it will cause this polarity. If other beliefs happen to prevent them from coming into your life, then you will find porn is good for killing your sex life.

Anything in moderation is fine. In fact I believe that a man who tries to deny his sexuality by not using porn at all in order to "get women" is actually emasculating himself in a sense, to appease women. Women, who, I might add, are very likely to also use and enjoy porn in moderation, if they are healthy.

I believe it is a major error on a man's part to try to change oneself to appease or appeal to women. I also think it is the same error for a woman do so to appease or appeal to men. In the case of a man, though, she is looking for the leader, not the follower; the man who sets his own rules and expectations and standards, does his own thing, and can take it or leave it when it comes to her coming into his life. She does not want to be able to control you at the genetic level, regardless of what society has convinced her of at the conscious or subconscious levels.

The solution? To attract women who are right for you... stop trying to attract women, and start being yourself, doing your own thing, and leading your own life. You will then automatically polarize yourself to attract those women who are in alignment with that reality, and they will fit you best. Trying to attract women otherwise is in general going to get you women who may not be in alignment with you, and the result of that frequently is her controlling you.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-19-2012

Thanks again Shannon.

I think I can really put this worry, shame and guilt about porn to rest now. I admit that I probably did try to be attractive to all women in the past instead of just being who I want to be. Your perspective is really empowering.

Ironically I used a bit of porn this last week but have being finding that women are generally very warm, open and friendly to me at the moment.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-19-2012

I've being on both DFNW and Happiness and Joy for about a week now. I'm noticing some really good changes. I am definitely enjoying myself a lot more. I went out with my parents to have dinner last night and had a great time. I'm quiet at times but I don't mind, if I'm quiet I just relax and be myself where as before I used to worry that I wasn't being outgoing enough and would get down on myself. Last night that didn't happen and if anything I because more outgoing because I relaxed and let myself be who I was. I found that I joked around a lot more and enjoyed myself in an effortless way.

Last night I had a dream that I was going to be in a walking race and everyone was preparing before the race started. For some reason even though I was in race with professional athletes I felt really confident and that I could win the race. It was an unusual dream for me so I'm sure that it was because of the two subliminals I was using. Today I went out with my girlfriend and had a good time relaxing and joking around.

I realised that the last couple years I have being way too hard on myself. Basically about two years ago my mums boyfriend died of cancer and within a couple months later my dad had a mole removed that turned out to be cancerous. It was a very scary time for us all although my family is close and we really support each other. Even though subsequent tests showed that the cancer had not spread from the mole it scared the crap out of me on some level.

One way I think I reacted was by pushing my career to the extreme and working way too hard. I worried that I was going to run out of time even though I'm only in my early thirties. In both 2010 and 2011 I started to become an emotional mess. Even though my dad has being doing really well I think the cancer caused me to panic. It's like I started to think about my own mortality and it might have made me into a workaholic. In the last couple of months I've slowed down a lot. I'm taking more time with my work and learning to enjoy my life again. I'm putting my health, happiness and well being as top priority because my career can only be enjoyed as much as I enjoy life in general. Also being burnt out and tired is not good for creativity.

I'm finding that my enthusiasm for music is coming back in a big way. Yesterday I spent the day finding new music that I hand't heard before. I've also being watching some David Lynch films and just learning to enjoy films for the sake of it again.

Also I went to the gym twice last week and really enjoyed it. I feel strongly that I will be exercising regularly now.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-20-2012

Had two really interesting dreams last night which I'm sure where due to the subliminals, particularly the DFNW one.

In one dream I was a jeep that was driving a group of us to an imrov class. I didn't want to go because I thought I would be crap but everyone else insisted I go and that I would have a good time. On the way the jeep had to go through a deep river that had being flooded due to rain. As we went through the river the water came into the jeep and literally came up to my hips and then went down again as the jeep left the water. The whole time I wasn't fazed or worried about the jeep flooding.

In the second dream some friends of mine were going to perform in a gig. They wanted me to perform with them even though I didn't know any of the songs or play any of the instruments. I eventually decided not to perform with them as I didn't know any of the songs and didn't feel it was right. However as they started performing they made a total arse of themselves. They were singing Aerials by System of a Down but they sang it terribly to the point I was trying not to laugh and everyone in the audience was shocked.I was really embarrassed for them. Glad it was just a dream.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-22-2012

I noticed a general sense of well being this morning. I have also being very productive today and upbeat. I got a lot of work on but it doesn't phase me. Also had another interesting dream. In this dream a director of a movie was kind of having a go at me and I was really feeling the pressure of having to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time, when I woke up I was glad it was just a dream. In real life directors are really nice to me but the pressure to do a good job is still there. I think I'm finding a better balance between enjoying my work and getting stuff done.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-22-2012

Still finding that I'm super productive today which is really exciting. I wonder if maybe the DFNW subliminal cleared out some of my procrastination. Or perhaps the happiness subliminal is making me enjoy work more. Either way I feel the two subs are a great combination and will be a really nice lead into Alpha Male.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-27-2012

I had a great time this weekend. It was a friends birthday so a group of us went to Hyper Japan in London, it was a convention all on Japan, everything from Manga, art, films, food and even Japanese fashion. Sunday was pretty good to. Quite relaxing but had a lot of fun in the evening with some friends playing xbox online.

I can definitely see that the happiness and joy subliminal is creating a lot of fun social situations. I'm also finding that I'm more social and outgoing at the moment.

The only thing was today, despite the fact that I was very productive, a lot of anger came to the surface. It was a strange feeling. It was a feeling of being victimised or abused. It made me very angry but I decided to just let the anger be and not judge myself for it. I tend to judge myself when I get angry and maybe this is the problem, perhaps being hard on myself when I'm angry only makes it a lot worse. I can see that anger is maybe a very healthy emotion in a lot of situations and maybe just calmly letting it be will help to clear it out.

Perhaps the DFNW sub is digging up some very deep stuff that I haven't looked at for a long time. Either way I'm going to keep going and I'm sure that it will be cleaned out eventually. I'm already feeling much better after doing some energy healing I learnt online (similar to EFT in a lot ways but quite different).

I've decided that I'm going to not use Alpha Male 2011 and instead wait until Alpha Male 5.0. I think it's best that I use the most up to date and powerful program. I'm sure that 2011 is wonderful but I might as well wait a little longer and do 5.0.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 02-29-2012

Overall a really good day. Generally my mood is pretty good and I'm finding I'm having a noticeably easier time letting go of negativity. My weight is now the lowest it has being this year. My goal is to get to 80kg, I am now at 82.4. Also the director I'm working with is really happy with the music and sound and I created so far. Perhaps DFNW and Happiness and Joy are improving the effects of the ultra success subliminal that I used last month.

I also found neat trick for getting up in the morning. Instead of using an alarm clock I have my ipod play ultrasonic subliminals for eights hours while I sleep, then on the eight hour the ipod starts playing masked subliminals. It's nice to wake up withe waves but to be honest I had it up kind of loud this morning.