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What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Printable Version

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What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Shannon - 09-29-2024

Yes, I promised to make Absolute Self Confidence and AMv7 first in 6G.  However, the reality is, AM v7 is going to take me 2 to 6 months to build.  In the mean time, I am going to have to build one or more single stage titles to publish to keep things going.

I am hoping to be done with 6G development and testing in late November, which, based on my history, means the first 6G titles will be published in January or February of 2025.  But in the mean time, I'd like to start thinking about which titles to consider for the first 6G single stage paid titles to produce.

Let's be clear: I'm looking for single stage title ideas.  6G is a big step up from 5.11G, but it does not allow me to pack a six stage or even a 4 stage set into one stage.  Multi-stage sets are multi-stage because it takes time for YOU to adjust to the instructions for each stage.  Otherwise, everything would be in just one stage.

So please don't give me a request for a multi-stage set, or a multi-stage set to be produced as a single stage title, or a single stage title of such complexity that it's either impossible to build outright or impossible to build as anything but a multi-stage program.

Also remember that the title I choose has to be something that will sell well.  I can't afford time and resources to build titles that will only sell one or two copies, or sell very slowly.

So: Given the above, what title would you suggest that I build as the first single stage 6G subliminal that is made available for sale?

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Johannesbrst - 09-29-2024

I have had an idea for some time, I took the freedom to let chat-GPT write a product description of it.

Total Energy Alignment

Unlock and harmonize your body's natural energy systems with Total Energy Alignment. This subliminal program is designed to help you open up and balance multiple types of energy within you—physical vitality, sexual energy, creative flow, confidence, love, expression, thought, and intuitive insight. Total Energy Alignment uses advanced subliminal techniques to encourage a free and balanced flow of energy throughout your body and mind. By regularly engaging with this program, you may experience a greater sense of grounding, embodiment, and overall energetic harmony.

This program aims to:
  • Enhance Physical Energy: Boost your stamina and overall vitality to feel more alive and active.
  • Amplify Sexual Energy: Cultivate a healthy and vibrant sexual presence, enhancing personal relationships.
  • Stimulate Creativity: Unleash your creative potential and inspire innovative thinking.
  • Strengthen Confidence: Build unshakable self-assurance in all areas of life.
  • Deepen Love and Compassion: Open your heart to give and receive love more freely.
  • Improve Self-Expression: Communicate your thoughts and feelings with clarity and authenticity.
  • Clarify Thought Processes: Enhance mental focus and cognitive abilities for better decision-making.
  • Increase Intuitive Insight: Develop a stronger connection with your inner wisdom and intuition.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Giacomonos - 09-30-2024

Inspired by Johannesbrst, I also experimented with ChatGPT to craft a pitch for the program Creative Freedom:

Creative Freedom - Concept Pitch

Creative Freedom is a subliminal audio program designed to fully unlock and harmonize the creative potential of individuals who rely on creativity for their work, such as artists, writers, musicians, actors, and other creative professionals. The program focuses on eliminating subconscious blocks to allow users to access a natural, effortless flow of inspiration and productivity.

A key element of Creative Freedom is its unique approach to developing both the masculine and feminine aspects of creativity. The masculine aspect is linked to structure, discipline, and the ability to turn ideas into concrete projects, focusing on execution, completion, and making ideas work in the real world. The feminine aspect nurtures the generation of ideas, inspiration, and the embrace of mystery and intuition.

This program strengthens both these dimensions and fosters a synergistic balance between them. Users learn to listen to and alternate between these two forces, knowing when to tap into the feminine for more openness and inspiration and when to rely on the masculine for focus, structure, and the completion of creative projects. Ultimately, Creative Freedom empowers individuals to flow effortlessly between these two states, achieving peak creative performance and authenticity in their work.

Additionally, Creative Freedom is designed to help users structure and adapt their creative routines in a dynamic way, specific to each project. The program assists in developing a work routine tailored to the user's current state, taking into account how they feel, what they are experiencing, and what is happening in their creative channel. It supports the creation of an optimal workflow that can evolve as needed, ensuring that the user remains adaptable and effective in bringing each project to fruition.

The program also encourages users to take the right breaks when necessary, preventing burnout and ensuring sustained creativity. By recognizing the importance of rest and recovery, Creative Freedom integrates a balance between productivity and downtime, protecting users from creative exhaustion.

Beyond mental and emotional support, Creative Freedom also promotes creative physical expression, making it ideal for performers like actors, dancers, and other creatives whose bodies are key instruments of their art.

In addition, Creative Freedom provides the user with the tools to maintain a strong sense of self-identity amidst the intensified creative flow. It helps users observe and recognize creative impulses without becoming overwhelmed by them, encouraging disidentification from the creative flow and fostering mastery over the creative process while preserving a healthy ego and grounded sense of identity.

A significant added benefit is that Creative Freedom also facilitates the technical learning necessary to achieve the highest level of creative expression in a given artistic channel. The program significantly increases, stimulates, and reinforces motivation and self-motivation to practice and refine the technical skills required to attain full creative freedom. It nurtures a nearly limitless drive to learn, improve, and master the technical aspects of one’s craft, ensuring users have the technical proficiency to match their creative vision.

On a deeper level, Creative Freedom helps users connect with their true creative identity, guiding them toward an understanding of who they are and what they truly want to express in their creative journey. By aligning with their inner creative truth, users can manifest their authentic creative expression in the world. This connection fosters a sense of pride in their creative work, allowing them to vibrate with life and purpose through their art.

As users embrace their authentic creative identity, they open up to the natural circulation of energy and financial flow. The program helps them understand that creative expression has value, leading to a return on investment, both energetically and financially. Whether it's through their art helping a community or engaging in a healthy exchange of creative energy, Creative Freedom brings recognition and an inevitable financial return. However, the program emphasizes that it begins with self-recognition—helping users give themselves permission to acknowledge their identity as artists. Once they truly recognize themselves as creative beings, others will follow suit, acknowledging their work and contributions to the world.

Moreover, Creative Freedom aids users in discovering the impact they wish to have on the world through their art. It helps them clarify what they believe in, what ideals drive them, and what they want to experience creatively. This clarity empowers users to take full responsibility for their inner creative process, leading to a profound creative expansion in the world and a tangible impact on those around them through their artistic expression.

By tapping into the subconscious, the program nurtures endless inspiration and emotional clarity, ensuring that users can continually access fresh ideas and push the boundaries of their craft. Over time, it builds an unshakeable sense of self-belief, enabling users to take bold creative risks, experiment freely, and bring their most innovative ideas to life.

Whether you're an artist seeking new inspiration, a writer overcoming creative blocks, or a performer aiming to deepen your emotional range, Creative Freedom offers a powerful, holistic tool to enhance your creative output and align your mind, emotions, technical skills, and creative instincts for success.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - MD81 - 09-30-2024

In terms of high sales (if results can be brought in fast) DMSI or the new X4A, Natural Male Enhancement.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Ruffian - 09-30-2024

Optimum Physical Healing.  Not sure how well it would sell, but I'd jump on it. So if anyone else is interested, chime in.

Shannon, have you settled on the price of 6G single-stage programs yet? Ballpark?

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - 4Kingdoms - 09-30-2024
(08-24-2024, 05:31 PM)Shannon Wrote: My preference has always been for US alone. 

That's not to say I haven't used and benefited from USLM; in fact that program has helped me get through some of the toughest times I have had to deal with. 

The "Luck Magnifier" part tends to be most useful for countering circumstances outside of your control, in my experience, as opposed to having good things just land in your lap.

For the reason in BOLD, USLM 6G will be my 2nd 6G experience.
I will listen to  OSC - Optimal Self Confidence 6G when it is released.

USLM 4G was the first experience I purchased from IML in 2014.
From time to time, I listen to Ultra Success Luck Magnifier v5.0 - 5.11G

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Sir Ovaltine Jenkins III - 09-30-2024

 I’ve been thinking of this idea or the possibilities that something like this could entail and I think a subliminal program could achieve this, at least theoretically (maybe). The other option is using subtle energy to activate these types of results from the quantum field.  

My idea for a program is “universal abundance”. 

Essentially the goals of this program would be to align the user completely with the “flow of well-being” or vortex as the Abraham hicks material refers to it, which is essentially source energy.  The Seth material would refer to the way this is achieved as stepping into framework 2.

As the user is able to align more with this energy they would naturally draw all forms of abundance to them whether that be

Wealth/material gain

Health/vitality in all its forms (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional)

Love in all forms (self, friendship/platonic and even romantic love)

Exponential increase in energy as @Johannesbrst Johan stated in all forms such as physical, mental, spiritual, sexual 

Creativity/flow as @Giacomonos recommended 

Brain/mind power 

Far greater connection with spirit: this could even increase spiritual experiences such as assistance with astral projection, lucid dreaming, psychic events etc. 

Success at manifestation in all its forms

And honestly probably a lot more would be possible with this too. 

Essentially the concept of the program would be similar to universal healing, ultra success,  and self improvement as it would would completely align with the sub/super consciousness to work on what it needs to in the order that is specified while remaining general/flexible enough to achieve a wide range of goals without the necessity of massive scripts for each goal. In other words more universal goals such as “improving in every way” rather than one way specifically like more targeted programs. 

Fear, guilt and shame might be a concern with this as a program of this sort would likely bring up much resistance in the user, but instead of having to include a fear removal module it might be worth it just to recommend at least one run through of EHPRA and OFSG and maybe also self development before use as these would really deal with a lot of the resistance that could crop up in achieving this goals. 

I honestly have no idea if this is something that is even feasible, I believe it could be but I obviously defer to your expertise in such things Shannon.  

However, if this program is possible, I believe every person on the planet would want this as its potential is game changing.  

Thanks for reading this even if it is just fantasy at this point haha 

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - ncbeareatingman - 09-30-2024


(jOHANNNESEBRST suggestion. I Love His suggestion by the way & its a total seller ,right off ! good going Johaness Dude! )
Total Energy Alignment
This program aims to:
Enhance Physical Energy: Boost your stamina and overall vitality to feel more alive and active.
Amplify The Chakra's Energy: Especially the Lower 3, Freeing the Root Charka,2nd Creativity,3rd POWER/WILL/DETERMINATION being completely OK with all of that happening/changing ( I Changed the original suggestion by Johann, in this case)
Stimulate Creativity: Unleash your creative potential and inspire innovative thinking.
Strengthen Confidence: Build unshakable self-assurance in all areas of life.
Deepen Love and Compassion: Open your heart to give and receive love more freely.
Improve Self-Expression: Communicate your thoughts and feelings with clarity and authenticity.
Clarify Thought Processes: Enhance mental focus and cognitive abilities for better decision-making.
Increase Intuitive Insight: Develop a stronger connection with your inner wisdom and intuition.

Real DEEP Love/Confidence/Self Esteem in 1 Sub program. I know Self development 2.0 or something.
USLM 6G - TOTALLY as 4Kingdoms suggested, a total buy there, right off !! Gawd that'd be great!!

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - kserenyi - 09-30-2024

A wealth attracting program such as Money Magnet or stage 4 of UMS.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - ReconGunner - 09-30-2024

Universal Detox.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - ncbeareatingman - 09-30-2024

(09-30-2024, 03:39 PM)Sir Ovaltine Jenkins III Wrote:  I’ve been thinking of this idea or the possibilities that something like this could entail and I think a subliminal program could achieve this, at least theoretically (maybe). The other option is using subtle energy to activate these types of results from the quantum field.  

My idea for a program is “universal abundance”. 

Essentially the goals of this program would be to align the user completely with the “flow of well-being” or vortex as the Abraham hicks material refers to it, which is essentially source energy.  The Seth material would refer to the way this is achieved as stepping into framework 2.

As the user is able to align more with this energy they would naturally draw all forms of abundance to them whether that be

Wealth/material gain

Health/vitality in all its forms (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional)

Love in all forms (self, friendship/platonic and even romantic love)

Exponential increase in energy as @Johannesbrst Johan stated in all forms such as physical, mental, spiritual, sexual 

Creativity/flow as @Giacomonos recommended 

Brain/mind power 

Far greater connection with spirit: this could even increase spiritual experiences such as assistance with astral projection, lucid dreaming, psychic events etc. 

Success at manifestation in all its forms

And honestly probably a lot more would be possible with this too. 

Essentially the concept of the program would be similar to universal healing, ultra success,  and self improvement as it would would completely align with the sub/super consciousness to work on what it needs to in the order that is specified while remaining general/flexible enough to achieve a wide range of goals without the necessity of massive scripts for each goal. In other words more universal goals such as “improving in every way” rather than one way specifically like more targeted programs. 

Fear, guilt and shame might be a concern with this as a program of this sort would likely bring up much resistance in the user, but instead of having to include a fear removal module it might be worth it just to recommend at least one run through of EHPRA and OFSG and maybe also self development before use as these would really deal with a lot of the resistance that could crop up in achieving this goals. 

I honestly have no idea if this is something that is even feasible, I believe it could be but I obviously defer to your expertise in such things Shannon.  

However, if this program is possible, I believe every person on the planet would want this as its potential is game changing.  

Thanks for reading this even if it is just fantasy at this point haha 

 I like your idea- presentation suggestion, I'd damn shure buy it. This is Like a Universal  Overhaul,like that title  thats already built that I can't think of the name of right now....that does all kindsa things for the Self, yeah that one:-) but an Advanced Universal 2.0 version.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - CatMan - 09-30-2024

Hello, Shannon!

Your logic on the situation, due to AM7 taking a considerable period of time to build, makes sense. You would need ongoing revenue then in the meantime.

Clearly, to maximise ability for sales, I would suggest X4A-1600, or DMSI. X4A-1600 may be slightly more "useful" if you get me, and thus slightly more "mainstream", due to the issues in the past with DMSI execution. 6G would be well-served I feel with "quick wins"! So X4A, due to it's lower resistance threshold, coupled with the ability for widespread sales, it seems like a shoe-in. So if I have to pick one to prioritise, I think I would lean towards X4A-1600. Of course, it's hard to know for sure as I don't see any true data on 6G yet. So I can't tell if, for example, the X4A series is even needed. Maybe DMSI would dominate at last in 6G, it's had a very hard time in the past. I just feel those two would be very clear favourites for sales.

The fact that we are talking about this, in an apparently short timeframe from now, is somewhat of a shock. To be at this point, is a bit surreal. Congratulations to you for reaching this point. I hope 6G will prove to be a big step forward for personal development, and allow the deep change of our lives. It's been an extremely long time to get here. Kudos, Shannon.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - AbundanceCH - 09-30-2024

I think a lot of people have been waiting for the DMSI upgrade or if not DMSI maybe X4A in 6g like catman mentioned.

RE: What would you suggest for the first paid 6G single stage subliminal title to make? - Magnus - 09-30-2024

I'm assuming EPRHA and OGSF will still be very usually to use as two base subs before heading onto others if so I would vote for one of those. If it seems like 6G has progressed far enough that those aren't so much needed as base subs would go with DMSI. I wouldn't immediately use it but I do believe it would sell well. EPRHA or OGFS I would use straight away.

Another I would like to see is something around socialising like socialising is a fun game that was around years ago as it's definitely something I've noticed has dropped off in myself and others over the last 5 years