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OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Printable Version

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OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-14-2024

It's time.
Start date - September 15th. End date - February 15th.
Starting off with one loop hybrid. Running it right now, feels pretty good. Wonky sensations are beginning.
It should take off where EHPRA has left off, so now I hope it's going to focus more on GSF removal and further trauma healing.

RE: OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-15-2024

Yeah, this feels like a direct continuation of where EHPRA left off, I had wonky dreams which were similar in nature but slightly different in outcomes. Otherwise feeling pretty fine albeit a little sleepy. I was a little worried about OGSF because some people here report serious side-effects, I currently am not experiencing any (though it's only been one loop).

RE: OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-15-2024

Feelin' good. I get moments while listening when I feel wonky, but they pass soon. Something's wrong with my phone's volume settings, though - it's become way quieter than it used to, hopefully the speakers did not become damaged or anything, I'll try rectifying that.

I had a very long, very important and very interesting dream regarding myself, designee "foxy psychotherapist" (an old flame of mine, I mentioned her in my DMSI journals) and that degenerate ex of mine.

Having fun playing around with my stuffies and thingies, feels really good. But I'm gonna have to get back to serious work on Wednsday.

RE: OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-17-2024

On EPHRA, I'd get moments of anger and suchlike, especially when experiencing frustration IRL (f. in. in the face of failure or when singing practice did not go as well as I'd have liked), on OGSF this effect is lessened.

I get some wonky sensations but they are slighter. They're in the areas where trauma is stored on an energetic level, probably.

I do feel a little bit unmotivated to do things, even though I've got some stuff to do. I'd love to have a prolonged vacation.

I also feel like yakking less.

I feel way less lonely but that could also be related to my stuffies and thingies.

RE: OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-18-2024

Had a very interesting, semi-lucid dream today. It would prove to me that whatever is happening in your unconscious, you do indeed have a say in it and even a measure of control (hence the lucid aspect).

Feeling kinda lazy, though. I can't seem to find the motivation to do things.

I did get some moments of aforementioned frustration and dark thoughts after my singing practice today, which I kinda had to force myself to go to (it went fine).

RE: OGSF v2 non-binding journalings and musings - Have at ye - 09-19-2024

I'm feeling very sleepy on this program and need way more sleep, and a little bit down for now. Motivation to do things is lacking. I am getting wonky dreams, though, so it's working through something.