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EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - Printable Version

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EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - MagicalAlchemist - 09-12-2024

Glad @Shannon  decided to release EHPRA v5 as a free product. I can say that 5.75.7G is technology from three years ago, and honestly, it is more advanced than its competitors.

So far after tried EHPRA v5 1 cycle (2 loops - 3 days on, 1 day off instead 3 days off, it's from autoconfig) :

  1. I don't need lorazepam to fix my sleep issue like what i did 2 months ago (I can stay awake for up to 2 days without medication), Now, I am feeling drowsy before midnight.
  2. The tension in my body and my anxiety are now significantly reduced. And is even better than the medications from my psychiatrist, lmao!  Sarcastic_hand 
  3. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but my once indifferent cat has now started seeking my attention.

Note : I am also continuing to monitor my mental health and not forgetting my treatment to the psychiatrist.

But this is a good initial experience, even from just 1 cycle. May good things continue to unfold.

Have a nice day everyone. Victoire

RE: EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - Have at ye - 09-12-2024

Enjoy the ride!

I also had lorazepam prescribed for anxiety and akathisia after I went through a psychotic episode and it didn't really help all that much, even though it's one of the stronger anti-axiety meds (and addictive to boot because it's benzo-based). That stuff passed with time and therapy in my case. I still get flares of "restless leg syndrome", lol, and can't really sit on my butt for extended periods of time, I feel like walking about all the time.

RE: EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - Shannon - 09-12-2024

(09-12-2024, 01:15 AM)MagicalAlchemist Wrote: Glad @Shannon  decided to release EHPRA v5 as a free product. I can say that 5.75.7G is technology from three years ago, and honestly, it is more advanced than its competitors.

So far after tried EHPRA v5 1 cycle (2 loops - 3 days on, 1 day off instead 3 days off, it's from autoconfig) :

  1. I don't need lorazepam to fix my sleep issue like what i did 2 months ago (I can stay awake for up to 2 days without medication), Now, I am feeling drowsy before midnight.
  2. The tension in my body and my anxiety are now significantly reduced. And is even better than the medications from my psychiatrist, lmao!  Sarcastic_hand 
  3. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but my once indifferent cat has now started seeking my attention.

Note : I am also continuing to monitor my mental health and not forgetting my treatment to the psychiatrist.

But this is a good initial experience, even from just 1 cycle. May good things continue to unfold.

Have a nice day everyone. Victoire

I am pleased to hear that it is helping you, and that you are not forgetting your psychaitrist.

You might find yourself quite impressed by CM if you like the effects you're getting from E5, but if you go for CM, wait until you're finished with E5 to worry about it.

RE: EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - MagicalAlchemist - 09-15-2024

@Have at ye Thanks man. Are you still do medication and therapy with your psychiatrist?
Are the issues you mentioned still present today?

Unfortunately, the psychiatrist here only prescribes medication and does not offer any therapeutic advice. If I weren't familiar with subliminal techniques, I might prefer to rely on medication, but I do not want this to become a continuous habit.

@Shannon Thanks for the input. The goal from EHPRA is awesome, the description is eye catching and I couldn't resist using it lol.

Cycle 2 (Ongoing - 4 Days on)

On this fourth day, I feel anxious if I don't follow through with the urge from autoconfig.

I actually wanted to take an off day, but I decided against it and am still monitoring my inner state, which seems to still require an additional loop.
I am uncertain whether I will take a day off tomorrow.

More positive aspect :
  1. My attitude is more forgiving and understanding rather than blaming the past and present circumstance.
  2. If I make a mistake (whether in the past or present), it's easier for me to forgive myself, and stop blaming myself.

RE: EHPRA v5 5.75.7G | Improving my mental health - Have at ye - 09-15-2024

(09-15-2024, 02:06 AM)MagicalAlchemist Wrote: @Have at ye Thanks man. Are you still do medication and therapy with your psychiatrist?
Are the issues you mentioned still present today?

Unfortunately, the psychiatrist here only prescribes medication and does not offer any therapeutic advice. If I weren't familiar with subliminal techniques, I might prefer to rely on medication, but I do not want this to become a continuous habit.

I'm still on medication (aripiprazole) though I don't think I really need it, but they told me to take it for at least a year, so here I am. Smile I had a very crappy one before that (risoperidol) which caused impotence and urinary incontinence, lol. I don't really feel like I have issues though.

My psychiatrist doesn't offer therpeutic advice either, apart from medication. I attend psychonalytic psychotherapy on my own time, it's very handy when EHPRAing.