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OGSF V2 - Printable Version

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RE: OGSF V2 - Shannon - 09-23-2023


RE: OGSF V2 - Magnus - 09-24-2023

Defiantly is and starting to settle into it now just in time for my next cycle on.

So thought I may also post a few of the external changes I have noticed as well (these now seem far less important to me than internal shifts)
* Noticed I'm a lot more genuinely generous with people I care about. I do things from a very authentic place for them with no expectations of anything in return.
* Am able to speak up far more and can set boundaries when I need to with people as well
* My voice and laugh are louder
* People who seem to have some of their own issues with self esteem have started saying snide remarks and being passive aggressive with me and people who seem to have a good sense of self esteem seem to be a lot friendlier and I get on a lot better with them now
* Just had a family gathering and my mum who has always used fear, guilt and shame to control me and my actions was really appreciative and nice and not controlling at all (This change alone is big and very different). My dad who has never hugged me in my life gave me a big hug.
* Random people are saying Hi or chatting to me more often
* I am doing way more for my health and my environment (Cleaning everything, really looking after everything, improving my appearance, working out, eating well, losing weight etc). This is inspiring others to do the same (multiple people quit smoking, people going to see dentist after a long time, alcoholic friend trying to stop drinking etc)
* Less bad habits - barely watch TV and don't game anymore and watching less porn
* Getting more joy and happiness when spending time with good people and very aware of people that suck my energy away and naturally don't want to spend time with them

Also internally starting to have times where I am genuinely happy and at peace just spending time with myself and don't feel like I am missing out and feel quite whole and complete in that moment. This one's a bit strange but there are times when I'm alone that I have felt a warmth in my chest that I have only ever experienced being in bed with a partner that loves me.

RE: OGSF V2 - Shannon - 09-24-2023

Those are great results!

RE: OGSF V2 - Magnus - 09-24-2023

Indeed and I believe I was getting TID up to a month before starting as well as some of these started at that time.

There are others that I noticed that were so natural I had to really look back. For example I remembered a time I wouldn't say a word to my hair dresser and be in my head all the time last time I visited was chatting away the whole time the thing is without the past memory coming up I would have thought that was just who I am.

Looking at the last cycle I'm starting to get a handle on how it plays out for me the first few days on are uneventful and pretty good, then something hard gets worked on until I almost snap and the first few days off were rough but then the insights start to come and changes start to happen and it seems to reach a natural conclusion on the days off if I follow the instructions to a tee. For example last night was the last night off and something around relationships was being worked on last cycle and I had a dream about a very healthy relationship where there was a flow of energy between us and I was naturally playful, sexual, dominant and the women was very feminine and it felt like the most natural thing in the world the way we were together and I felt completely secure in this relationship. It's very different to how I had seen or been in relationship in the past which had been based off what each other needed.

RE: OGSF V2 - Magnus - 09-26-2023

So far this cycle has been far gentler than the last it almost feels like nothing is happening but it seems to be going on in the background as get random periods of depressed moods also feeling far more relaxed and neediness is dropping a bit to which is good. Seems to be a lot of intense dreams going on and memories popping up at the moment. One thing I have always struggled with is the fact that I thought I was really unattractive. I used to be a competitive runner so was in very good shape but still viewed myself as very unattractive and like no one would want me but the last few days I have had random memories of when girls (cute girls to) had shown me interest or when girls had given me their number without asking and then my mind goes to well how many times have you actually been rejected and I could really only come up with 2 times that I could remember. So it wasn't that I was unattractive it was that I was to shy to talk to anyone. So I'm guessing something is being worked on around rejection and self worth will be interesting to see where this one goes and it has held me back a lot in life and relationships.

RE: OGSF V2 - Magnus - 10-01-2023

Approaching the end of the days on for this cycle and it has been very quiet and not a lot going on so I'm wondering if something is going on in the background. Have noticed am still enjoying looking after myself and doing things for myself and cleaning and decluttering my environment. Noticed I was a little depressed a few days but nothing to major really and this cycle has been a lot easier than than the last.

Also had a comment from family that the improvements in my energy levels and mood is huge but hard to know if this is an internal change or one of the many other things I have done (diet, exercise etc) or whether they really just play off each other to improve energy levels and mood.

Have noticed porn has crept back in but generally feel quite different about it, it's hard to explain but TV and Gaming has just been very light and don't seem to be used as a way to escape more just to pass time on the odd occasion.

All in all a pretty easy cycle so will see what the days off bring. I know I still have at least one or two big fears that hold me back but it's still early days in listening. Which brings me to something else that has changed I'm now in way less of a rush to change which I believe was in the past somehow fear driven but that has changed and I more see it as just a continual process rather than must hurry and get to this specific outcome.

RE: OGSF V2 - Magnus - 10-09-2023

Been pretty quiet the last week or so. On a side note this is the longest I have managed to stick with a subliminal without giving up in about 8 years I think (Maybe more) have always given up due to resistance and have tried every generation that has come out over the last 12 years, so something has defiantly cracked resistance for me with 5.11

Have been having a lot of very vivid dreams and often waking straight after them in the night for about a week and a half now. A lot of dreams around women (both dreams where I am flirty and sexual and also dreams where I am watching a women I love hook up with another guy) so seems there is some trauma/fear being worked on in this area. Also been having dreams of apocalypse and death or serious harm of family and waking with a massive sense of dread. Seems there is a whole lot going on in the background at the moment so will see where it all leads

RE: OGSF V2 - Shannon - 10-10-2023

Sounds like good progress to me!