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Types Of Resistance And How To Spot Them - Printable Version

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Types Of Resistance And How To Spot Them - Shannon - 12-12-2018

This thread is for me to make notes on what types of resistance we have encountered and how to spot them.  I will be updating it as I can.  This is not to say that everyone will encounter or experience resistance, or any particular type of resistance; this is just a comprehensive list of the types of resistance that have been observed so far.

Resistance to subliminals is triggered by a set of instructions that conflicts with what you currently believe subconsciously to be true, and/or what you are willing to allow yourself to achieve results-wise at the subconscious level.  Early generations of subs were not designed to take this into account because they were not yet strong enough to overtly trigger resistance, so we did not know that resistance was an issue.  Modern IML subliminals take these things into account and work to move past them.

The 3G/4G subs were only powerful enough to trigger minor resistance, if they triggered it at all.  At this level there were only two types of resistance:

Type 1: Stonewalling.  This is when the subconscious is terrified of something to do with executing, and/or the results of executing the script.  It responds with complete unwillingness to cooperate, and simply refuses to execute the script at all.  The result: nothing happens.  This form of resistance can be encountered with 3G, 4G, 5G and some 5.5G subs.  Later 5.5G subs are becoming capable of preventing this.

Type 2: Partial Or Selective Execution. This is where the subconscious will cherry pick what to execute.  It usually results (with 3G and 4G) in the program appearing to work, but the results will not stick or be as deep as they should.  For all cases of partial/selective execution, it may also result in some of the script statements being executed, or parts of some statements being executed, while others are executed completely and/ still others are just ignored.  Later 5.5G gets past this form of resistance.

5G subs began being powerful enough to reveal the fact that there was resistance happening.  In addition to the above types of resistance, this also brought to our attention:

Type 3: Agitation And Upset.  This form of resistance happens when the subconscious is upset by what the instruction set is instructing it to do because the instruction set conflicts with one or more subconscious fears, but the subconscious either cannot fully ignore, cherry pick or stonewall the script.  This results in the subconscious becoming highly agitated and upset, which may result in dramatic conscious mood swings, irritability, anger, depression, headaches and/or, digestive issues.   It is an indicator that the subconscious must deal with the instruction set, but is significantly conflicted in doing so.  5.5G usually does not trigger this form of resistance, especially later releases in 5.5G.

Type 4: Self Deception.  This form of resistance started appearing in response to 5G subliminals, but it wasn't actually identified until 5.5G subs upped the ante significantly and brought it out into the open.  Self deception happens when the subconscious convinces the conscious mind that running the subliminal is a bad idea because [excuses] and that it should stop running the subliminal because [reasons].  In many cases, this will work unless someone else points out what is happening, and in some cases, people have discovered/realized that they did this after having switched to some alternate course of action.  Sometimes, when pressed, the person will resort to extreme excuses like "I guess I just can't execute."

Another form of this is for the subconscious mind to prevent the program from working by doing X, and then convince the conscious mind that X will lead to execution.  

The goal of this form of resistance is to stop the perceived threat posed by the subliminal to the subconscious mind and it's established status quo by tricking the conscious mind into ending the use of the program.  Later 5.5G is overcoming this.

In 5.5G we started discovering new tactics used by the subconscious, as the power increased and Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology (ASS/ART) was introduced and began being refined.  They were:

Type 5: Self Delusion.  When self deception was no longer enough, some people started responding with an even stronger form of that form of resistance, which is Self Delusion.  This is where the subconscious essentially alters some or all of the person's perception of reality to match it's desires and goals for defeating the acceptance and execution of the program.  This can be seen where someone uses the program starts to get results, and then makes a drastic change that results in their refusal to see or believe that they were getting results, and may include various forms of the next form of resistance (Running Away) and/or Self Deception.  They may switch to older, weaker, less effective technology while claiming it is actually far superior, they may begin becoming negative, nasty and/or antagonistic towards others who point out their self deceptive and self delusional behaviors, and they may choose to create some elaborate "reason" why they have to stop using the program.  The more intelligent the person is, the more this "reason" will seem "reasonable and logical", but ultimately, it all boils down to running away. In some cases, they will (or will try to) convince themselves in this this way that it is "simply impossible" for them to execute as an excuse to stop trying, which may lead to running away.  This type of resistance is being overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 6: Running Away.  This tactic is used by the subconscious when it realizes that it will eventually be unable to resist the subliminal and will eventually lose to those parts of the subconscious that are accepting and executing the script.  It seeks to end usage of the subliminal by whatever means possible.  In most cases, it simply invents a "reason" why it must stop.  In some cases, it uses extremes of upset (headaches, upset stomach/digestive issues, anxiety attacks, etc), self deception or self delusion to achieve getting the user to stop.  

Running away frequently consists of suddenly discovering an urgent "need" to run a different program, almost always one that is older and with less advanced technology or which had no ASS/ART (because the subconscious can still successfully resist and defeat the older technology).  In some cases it will be a program with a goal in the same thematic direction as the first one (e.g. running away from DMSI by running Sex Magnet 5G), and in extreme cases, it will be a completely different goal (deciding that one needs to stop using DMSI to run the Alpha Male Training Set 5G or Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid instead, for example).  

Amazingly, the subconscious also appears to be able to go so far as to turn off cell phones remotely, cause audio players to stop remotely, remove headphones while you sleep, and other things, some of which we do not yet know how to explain.  This type of resistance is being overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 7: Inducing Self Sickness.  This is a relatively common form of resistance for early and mid 5.5G subs when the perceived threat of the subliminal becomes great enough.  The idea here is that the subconscious causes the body to develop an infection, cold, flu, sore throat or other sickness, and this in turn forces the user to switch to another subliminal to deal with it (Maximum Immune Response).  This type of resistance is being prevented by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 8: Reversal Resistance.  This form of resistance was actually first discovered in 5G in response to the Weight Loss and Stop Smoking programs.  Weight Loss 5G v6.0 is known to trigger some people to actually gain weight instead of lose it, while some people using Stop Smoking will actually smoke more.  

Upon analysis of this phenomenon, it stems from an extreme subconscious terror of achieving the goals of the program.  For example, one woman who reported gaining 14 pounds in 2 weeks on Weight Loss v6 turned out to have suffered horrible mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse by her father, brother, mother and uncle.  Her way of stopping the sexual abuse was to gain weight, which she believed would cause them to lose interest in her sexually.  When WL6 instructed her to lose weight, she perceived extraordinary threat as being the result, and instead of losing weight, began gaining weight as fast as she could to make sure she was "safe", even though she had lived hundreds of miles from her family, and had no contact with them for more than a decade.

In the case of smokers who smoke more when they start using Stop Smoking, this is also a fear based response which results from a fear of the only perceived coping mechanism being removed.   This is why if you follow the directions, and do NOT "try" to quit while using Stop Smoking Forever, the program will be much more successful; this initial increase in smoking will fade with time.  However, some people will resort to the next form of resistance to deal with their fear instead.

This type of resistance is being overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 9: Misusing The Program.  When the subconscious believes that achieving the goals of the subliminal program is a sufficient level of threat for whatever reason, it may attempt to stealthily sabotage the success of the program by guiding the user to ignore the instructions and intentionally mis-use the program.  

The first example of this was a woman who was using Stop Smoking Forever, V5.1.  The instructions are very specific and state that you should continue to smoke as usual and allow the program to do all the work for you.  The reason for this is that the trigger for smokers to smoke is stress, and trying to quit is stressful.  By smoking as usual, and allowing the program to do the work, you eliminate the stress and make progress.  Her response was to intentionally try to immediately go "cold turkey", after having stated that this method had failed her many times.  Since that program is designed to naturally result in stopping within 4 to 8 weeks, and be used for a total of six months to achieve a permanent result, her insistence on going cold turkey right off the bat was a very obvious effort to cause the program to fail by not following the instructions.

In some cases, this form of sabotage will consist of intentionally using the program too much, too little, in patterns of use that will degrade it's effectiveness, at too high a volume, at too low a volume, with the wrong format, or even stopping the program for periods of time.

This form of sabotage is usually accompanied by thinking that following the instructions doesn't matter, doesn't apply to them, doesn't work anyway, I know better than whoever wrote the instructions and so on and so forth, which are forms of the earlier Self Deception.

In some cases, the subconscious will try to mask it by going so far as to trigger full on denial of reality concerning what it is doing (Self Delusion).

This type of resistance is being progressively overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 10: Scorched Earth Tactics. Scorched Earth Tactics is is the higher level form of Type 3 resistance, a rare form of resistance which makes itself known as chaos in the person's life in response to being unable to do anything else to get the user to stop using the program.  This may include:

  • Causing the person to make bad choices at a conscious level, which the subconscious knows will result in problems that discourage their use of the program.
  • Causing things to happen, from the subconscious level, that produce negative results or consequences externally, which appear to be "bad luck" until you look at the timing and the direction the results are pushing you in.
  • Causing negative stress which pushes the user in the direction of stopping the program.
  • Causing mental, physical (headaches, stomach/intestinal cramping, muscle aches, etc.), emotional, or some other form of pain which pushes the user in the direction of stopping the program.

This form of resistance comes from a subconscious that is terrified of achieving the goals, but knows it cannot stop the program from achieving those goals, so it seeks to "punish" the user for running the program and make them suffer until they stop, as an incentive to stop using the program.

This type of resistance is being overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 11: Manipulating The Script.  If the subconscious cannot avoid executing, it will sometimes try to resort to changing the interpretation of what the script is telling it to do, or creatively altering the definitions of some or all of the words used to describe the goals in the script.  This allows it to "execute" while achieving the goals it has, instead of the intended goals of the program.  This has already been overcome in later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 12: De-motivation And Artificial Self Manipulation.  Sometimes, when all else fails, the subconscious will seek to defeat the execution of the script by altering variables that trigger the execution of the script, so that it can technically "execute" without having anything happen that advances the user toward the goal.

For example, if a piece of script is triggered to execute according to how interested the user is in X, then the subconscious will seek to cause the interest in X to be 0%.  This then allows the "execution" of the script without actually triggering it to do anything.

This is being overcome by later 5.5G ASS/ART.

Type 13: Hidden Execution.  This happens when the subconscious seeks to stonewall the program, but cannot; since the balance of power is usually very close, progress being made is small steps and/or slow, and the subconscious seeks to make the conscious mind believe that it is not making progress by hiding the progress being made.  The goal is to cause the conscious mind to believe that the program is being stonewalled and give up, when in fact it is not being stonewalled.  This form of resistance is dealt with in later 5.5G subliminal scripting methods.

Type 14: Demanding Impossible Proof/Refusal To See Reality.  This form of resistance happens when someone insists on seeing the end result as proof that the program works, while refusing to execute the program instructions and otherwise do what is necessary to actually experience the end result.  This is the ultimate skeptic's logical fallacy, since if one only accepts the outcome as "proof that the program works" and then consciously and/or subconsciously intentionally prevents the very outcome they require as proof, then no "proof" is possible, and they (think they) have a reasonable-sounding excuse not to execute the script or achieve the goals of the program.  

The person can then simply claim the program didn't work, the ideas behind it were faulty, subliminals don't work, the scripting is wrong, etc. ad infinitum, while taking no responsibility for their own refusal to do what is necessary to experience the external results.  This results in their achievement of their real goal (not executing/achieving the goals of the program) while comfortably blaming someone or something else for their choice to refuse to execute and achieve the "desired" results.  Given the level of self delusion this requires to work, it is easy to then hide in the delusion that their conclusion is logically correct, regardless of who says what, argues what, etc. otherwise.

Since this form of resistance is in essence based on self delusion and consists of refusing to accept the fact that a person must change at least their subconscious beliefs and the resulting conscious and subconscious choices, actions and attitudes that those beliefs result in to achieve their goals, and because capacity for self delusion is potentially infinite for certain personality and mentality types, there may not be a way to get past this form of resistance.  This seems to have been overcome since 5.75.xG.

At approximately this point is when we started seeing new tactics in response to 5.75.xG subliminals.

Type 15: Changing The Goal Posts.  This shows up in sometimes response to titles like Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer, where the program allows you to consciously choose a goal.  The idea is that if you change goals fast enough, you will never have to deal with whatever fear stands between you and achieving that goal.  Over time, in Fear Removal Module 4.5 and later, this will be dealt with.  It can also be overcome by recognizing this evasion tactic and forcibly choosing a single goal and sticking to it using conscious will until FRM finishes.

Type 16: Don't Think, Don't Execute.  There have only ever been very few cases of this reported so far.  This form of resistance goes like this.  The subconscious realizes that if the conscious mind thinks about the goals of the program at all, the program will execute, so it distracts the conscious mind from thinking about it to prevent that.  It was described to me as follows: "I stop thinking. I'm a bit absent minded already but I notice my thinking shuts down and I don't really process much of anything or relate to anyone when I'm resisting. So, in effect, thinking about the goal of the program would be executing it, so therefore I don't think at all because that way I avoid executing I also don't visualize as much which is an aspect of cognition. Also, I shut off my emotions, which makes it hard to relate to people. I become very dismissive."  In other words, trying to shut down cognition, thinking , emotion and awareness to prevent execution.

Type 17: Black & White Thinking. Here, the subconscious leads the conscious mind to resist by presenting its argument against the goals of the program as absolutes with binary options only.  For example: "Absolute success means that I won't waste time on silly things like girls or my sex life, so therefore I won't be able to execute the program because I'm naturally a sexual person and I would lose a part of me."  This relies on faulty definitions and faulty logic, and also ties in with self deception and self delusion.  Nobody ever said that absolute success required you to give up women or sex, and even if you chose to give up sex, you wouldn't be "losing a part of yourself".  Another example might be, "All rich people are jerks, and I refuse to be a jerk, so I refuse to let myself become wealthy."  All rich people are not jerks, and even if they were, you still have the freedom to choose to be otherwise regardless of your wealth.

Type 18: Slippery Slope Thinking. This is a common logical fallacy that seeks to create a rapid transition from the current situation to the worst possible scenario, typically in the fewest steps possible.  For example, "If I try to become wealthy, everyone will hate me, and they'll kill me!".  Which is quite ridiculous, since you can observe the world's population of wealthy people are not being killed by "everybody" and are not being hated by "everybody".  They're generally less likely to be killed than poor people, in fact.

Type 19: Excessive Skepticism.  This one is relatively rare with people who are using subliminals because usually the type of skeptic who uses this tactic isn't willing to even try subliminals.  Excessive skepticism is similar to and sometimes intertwines with #14 (above).  Skepticism is useful in moderation; as they say, keep your mind open, but not so open that you let your brain fall out.  Balanced, reasonable skepticism is attempting to determine the truth.  Excessive skepticism is attempting to prevent the user from seeing (or being affected by) the truth by refusing to accept any evidence that contradicts what they want and choose to believe.   When applied to subliminals, excessive skepticism amounts to a fear driven reaction from the conscious and/or subconscious mind that is aimed at blocking the execution of the program.  This blocking of execution, which is a choice, is then blamed on the subliminal and claimed as "evidence" that "subliminals don't really work".  In many cases, this "evidence" is then used to bolster the position of the "skeptical" (fearful) parts of the person, and strengthen their position.  In reality, cases of excessive skepticism are always based in fear.  That fear can be of achieving the goal(s) of the program, of losing professional or scientific credibility among skeptical peers, of losing control of one's mind, or of having a belief based on faulty logic (typically something along the lines of "if subliminals actually work, then there is no such thing as free will, which terrifies me") be "proven true".  Excessive skepticism is becoming more and more difficult to resist with, and rare in, 5.75G.

Type 20: Demanding Impossible Usage Conditions.  This extremely rare type of resistance makes itself known when the user's subconscious attempts to manipulate the requirements for usage to cause the program to be unable to succeed.  For example, causing the person to become extremely sensitive to sound so that volumes must be too low for the program to be able to accomplish it's goals; convincing the person that their hearing is being damaged by volumes that are significantly below what can actually damage their hearing; requiring too little usage time or else something negative happens; and other requirements for usage that have the effect of preventing the program from being able to achieve its goals.  This should be dealt with relatively well by 5.75.xG for most people.

Type 21: Hyperconscious/Hyperfocus Failure Gridlock.  This method is the result of a subconscious terror that the program will work if it is not interfered with.  It works by training the conscious mind to deeply fear the reverse of what the subconscious fears by using other resistance tactics to prevent execution, usually stonewalling and self deception or self delusion to hide execution.  The result is that the subconscious fears execution, while the conscious fears failure to execute. The subconscious then uses this to cause the conscious mind to expect failure, which it uses to help itself create the failure the conscious mind fears in order to prevent the execution it fears, thus leveraging the power of the conscious mind to prevent execution.  It causes the conscious mind to become trained to expect failure and create failure by hyperfocusing into the conscious fear of failure, which helps create failure by preventing the expression of anything else even if some part of the subconscious is cooperative and trying to execute.  In other words, looking too hard for results out of expectation of and fear of failure to execute, starting with a fear of and expectation of failure, prevents the expression of the cooperative subconscious when it tries to execute, thus maintaining a state of failure to execute - which is the goal of the non-cooperative subconscious.  It does this because it knows that without the help of the conscious mind, it cannot resist the script or the cooperative subconscious efforts to execute the script.  This form of resistance is exceedingly rare.

Type 22: Subconscious Reality Alteration.  This is an extreme version of Type 5 (Self Delusion) in which the subconscious defeats the execution of the program by simply adjusting what it experiences as "reality" in whatever way or ways allow it to do something other than execute the script.  Essentially, this is the subconscious creating a false "reality" and then choosing to "believe the lie" in order to escape the execution of the parts of the script it is most afraid of.  Because this tactic is being used by a part of the subconscious that experiences dreams and imagination as just as "real" as the conscious awareness perceives what we cal "waking reality", this may be the only form of resistance that cannot be defeated by the subliminal being used no matter what the script has in it, how advanced it is, or what the Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology scripting contains.  Fortunately, this form of resistance is extremely rare to the degree that after more than 25+ years of doing this, I can count all of the cases of this I have ever seen on one finger as of this writing.

Type 23: Distraction By Diffusion.  This clever and common type of self sabotage works like this: The subconscious convinces the conscious to play multiple titles at a time (the higher the levels of power the better) and then executes each script so the conscious believes all of them are working at once.  The catch is, since all scripts are being executed, and all scripts have different goals, and all scripts are trying to access and use all resources simultaneously, the result is usually a short term belief that "They're all working." and a long term net zero concerning actually achieving one, some or all of the actual end goals of the programs.  In other words, the illusion of everything working, while no real progress is being made because the scripts are constantly causing the subconscious to steer in multiple directions at once.  Much like you would not get far trying to sail a waterborne ship to Japan, Australia and the United States all at once, this tactic relies on the subversion of, delusion of and distraction of the conscious mind to achieve an net zero in results while the person believes they are making progress.  In the end, the results will either not be achieved, not be fully achieved, or will only seem to have been achieved.  This tactic is usually attempted in response to subliminals that are too powerful for the subconscious to resist, especially Overcoming Fear v2 and later.  The simple solution to this issue is to resist the desire to use multiple subliminals at a time, and instead use one title until you have actually achieved its goals before moving on.
Type 24: Electronic Interference.  This is a very unusual one, and very rare.  I'm personally experiencing this one right now, and it has become too frequent and obvious to be coincidence.  This type of resistance happens when your subconscious attempts to thwart your conscious from using a subliminal by altering the electronic player device or the software/app being used to play it.  For example, I'm using a subliminal of my own creation which I consciously want to use, but I am having a variety of responses that tell me some part of my subconscious is REALLY afraid of this program achieving it's goals.  It is 1 hour 20 minutes per loop, and requires 2 loops per day on.  I am finding that out of nowhere, every day I try to use it, the player has some sort of issue.  It will skip forward 20+ minutes, or stop playing at the end of loop 1, or skip forward to the correct time stamp on Loop 2 before finishing Loop 1, or just stop playing.  This has never happened before unless I was using a subliminal that my subconscious was resisting hard.  I haven't experienced this in 2 years.  Yet since I started playing this program 2 weeks ago, it has happened every time with one exception.  This form of resistance does not seem to happen with generations of technology above 5.75G, and I have only ever had one other person report this happening, so it's extremely rare even when you use a subliminal of a generation where it can happen.  To detect and manually correct it, I start a stopwatch at the same time as I start the program.  However, even this is not foolproof, as I have on a couple of occasions seen the stopwatch get paused or I "accidentally" close it.  Even more cleverly, I have noted that when I check the stopwatch app, it actually causes the player to jump from Loop 1 to the identical place in time in Loop 2 when I return to the player app. If you notice this happening to you, be very careful to track the time and also try using a different player app or player hardware if possible.


As you can see, the subconscious can be very subtle, clever, creative, capable and even deceptive in attempting to prevent the execution of a subliminal script it perceives as a threat in some way.  The reason it has taken 6+ years to create 6th Generation technology from 5th Generation technology is that we had to identify, deal with and prevent all of the different forms of resistance and sabotage the subconscious can come up with.  Some of these are extremely difficult to prevent, but we have found the ways to do it.

The more powerful the scripting technique and the technologies in use, the more likely you are to achieve the goals of the program, and the more the subconscious must respond to that with resistance to prevent success it fears achieving.  

As we get closet and closer to achieving the goals of 6th Gen subliminal scripting techniques and technologies (which is to prevent and/or overcome any and all resistance and get everyone to execute and achieve the goals of the program they paid for), we are progressively closing the gate and plugging the holes for all possible resistance techniques.  

The result is that in the end, we should see only two options left: execute or run away.  And when we reach 6G, I am working to make running away no longer an option.