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I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Printable Version

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RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Bliss - 08-23-2016

Cool! It's nice to see another fan of Terry Reid...

Add this to your playlist

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

Day 4:

5 loops. Phone died in the middle of the night. Woke up feeling so-so. Not too tired, not too motivated. Good, overall.

Had a weird dream. I had to carry these super heavy stone slabs up a flight of steep stairs. I couldn't make it up, though. The stones were just too heavy. I DID, however, keep trying and trying until I woke up.

Interesting Tinder conversation, gives great insight into women's sexual strategy of receiving free attention from a man without giving anything in return. This is the SECOND conversation I've had in two days with women over the same topic (you'll have to click to enlarge them):

Context: She was going on and on about how mature she is compared to other women her age (she's 20 -- yes, I'm cradle robbing quite a bit, but we're doing it for the science). That's when I said the top message.

[Image: image.png] [Image: image.png] [Image: image.png]

Here's the subtext -- a translation of the interaction:
Me: I don't believe you're as mature as you claim. You'll meet with me so I can find out.
Her: I'm not, and it's easier for me to maintain this facade over text... so... please keep providing me with that eD*ck in the form of validation.
Me: B*tch, please. We meet up or I bounce.
Her: :: Throws Tantrum :: ... but okay. Sad

Was talking to Leonidas, he provided this insight: "Her top priority isn't meeting guys straight away [her priority is getting that eD*ck in the form of validation], but getting to "know them", and other BS. So she thinks, like any other person, that the universe operates around her... and therefore it wasn't 'pragmatist' for her own agenda to meet for the coffee right away, and she projected that on you by saying that."

In other words -- "let me waste your time so I can feel good and achieve my agenda."

F*ck that.

My priority isn't "becoming friends" with a woman and seeing if that'll turn into a relationship. Sh*t doesn't work like that. If you're constantly finding yourself in the friendzone. Being "friends" first doesn't work. You're an orbiter, a validation machine.

When I'm with a woman, I make myself very clear: I'm not interested in being your friend. I'm interested in being your lover. Accept that, or move on.

Also, you'll get a lot of "Red Pill" guys (not that I totally disagree with their position) claiming that I was responding with too much text, or not being enough of an asshole.

I'll put it like this: I number close. A LOT. Only since I started DMSI has that number closing not converted to dates. And when I go on dates, I generally f-close by the second date.

My strategy? You CAN'T BE A JERKFACE OVER TEXT. It's like I said to her, when you chat online, the essence is gone. She can't see the confident smirk on your face that lets her know that the verbal jab was just a little tease. Saying "you just want validation" online is gonna yield a blowout. Chuckling and saying it in person will initiate a fun conversation. So, online, you play the gentleman role. A gentleman with BOUNDARIES. I'm not giving eD*ck. We meet in person, or not at all. Just wrap it up in some florid prose and boom!

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

So, the narcissism thing was just resistance. Today, I feel grounded, confident, and yet... humble. Happy to be alive. Happy to enjoy life. Just want peace, love and prosperity to flow into the lives of everyone around me.

But... knowing my resistance, I'll probably hate you all by the end of the night. j/k -- I <3 all of you, even the jerkfaces I've fed logic cookies.

Other notes:

* I no longer need caffeine to get my day started. I was a CAFFEINE FIEND, guys. 500 - 600mg a day in the form of energy drinks and/or caffeine pills. I still use caffeine because I'm addicted AF and I'm weaning myself down to about 100mg, but I don't NEED it to even get started like I used to. I've finished half my task list for today without it.

* Interests that I've "kinda" wanted to do are manifesting. Like cooking. I've always wanted to be a good cook. Cooking is one of those things that unites people, it's kinda like storytelling.

* People in general are being nicer and more respectful to me. When the aura is immolating, I do get shit tests from the platonic women in my life, like my mother and sister. But that's okay. Women only shit test when they suspect that they're in the presence of a superior male. Having a year of AM6 under my belt has given DMSI v2.3 an amazing base to build upon.

* My creativity has SKYROCKETED. I'm so eager to finish all my tasks today so I can sit down and write and work on my business.

People spend years and thousands upon thousands of dollars for therapy and pharmaceuticals. I spent $615 ($500 for AM6, $115 for DMSI) and a single year -- all while contributing to a company with a noble mission -- and I feel like I'm 85% out of a funk that I've spent my entire life in. Once I finish with DMSI and move on to BASE 4g + UM or (if the Maestro will create it) US + UM + LM + MLS (seriously, I'd buy it if you just took the 4g scripts and put it in 5.5g), I'll be at 100%.

If you're on the fence about jumping into IML's subs, don't. Just grab one of the free ones to "prove" they work, then jump in.


RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - LionKing - 08-24-2016

Love how she has to try and inject that "I'm controlling this" stuff, like giving you points, stating "..before I take things further..." and so on.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Shawn - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 06:36 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Here's the subtext -- a translation of the interaction:
Me: I don't believe you're as mature as you claim. You'll meet with me so I can find out.
Her: I'm not, and it's easier for me to maintain this facade over text... so... please keep providing me with that eD*ck in the form of validation.
Me: B*tch, please. We meet up or I bounce.
Her: :: Throws Tantrum :: ... but okay. Sad

Was talking to Leonidas, he provided this insight: "Her top priority isn't meeting guys straight away [her priority is getting that eD*ck in the form of validation], but getting to "know them", and other BS. So she thinks, like any other person, that the universe operates around her... and therefore it wasn't 'pragmatist' for her own agenda to meet for the coffee right away, and she projected that on you by saying that."

In other words -- "let me waste your time so I can feel good and achieve my agenda."

Fascinating. I am reading this and realizing I am still unable to see the things behind.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Inconceivablezen - 08-24-2016

Good book to check out about women wanting validation and taking your time:

Alan Roger Currie: The Possibility of Sex.

Weed them out by being very direct. Like you just did.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 10:39 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: Good book to check out about women wanting validation and taking your time:

Alan Roger Currie: The Possibility of Sex.

Weed them out by being very direct. Like you just did.

Great recommendation -- just added it to the list.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 10:35 AM)Mr. Anderson Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 06:36 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Here's the subtext -- a translation of the interaction:
Me: I don't believe you're as mature as you claim. You'll meet with me so I can find out.
Her: I'm not, and it's easier for me to maintain this facade over text... so... please keep providing me with that eD*ck in the form of validation.
Me: B*tch, please. We meet up or I bounce.
Her: :: Throws Tantrum :: ... but okay. Sad

Was talking to Leonidas, he provided this insight: "Her top priority isn't meeting guys straight away [her priority is getting that eD*ck in the form of validation], but getting to "know them", and other BS. So she thinks, like any other person, that the universe operates around her... and therefore it wasn't 'pragmatist' for her own agenda to meet for the coffee right away, and she projected that on you by saying that."

In other words -- "let me waste your time so I can feel good and achieve my agenda."

Fascinating. I am reading this and realizing I am still unable to see the things behind.

If you really want to understand how women think, find yourself a female "best friend." Make sure you're completely non-judgmental with her on all things related to sex, and listen to their stories. You'll quickly discover that the things men talk about in the manosphere are completely true.

Most men fail to realize (or just don't want to admit) that women use their sexuality as a form of currency. They want to lock down the highest value male they possibly can. What does that mean for men? It means that we're the gatekeepers of commitment, validation and attention -- that's OUR currency.

In ANY market, the goal is to get as much as possible by spending as little as possible. Thus, a woman will try to get as much validation and attention as possible while investing as little of their sexuality as possible. This is why sex diminishes as the relationship progresses -- the value of your commitment has decreased, and she feels less obligated (or willing) to put out. Or give you BJs. Or give you anal.

Hence, the "friendzone." Men flooding a woman with ridiculous amounts of attention and validation in exchange for her "companionship," which isn't what the man wants. He wants to f*ck her.

Keeping that in mind, you'll be able to understand the subtext of a lot of sh*t that women say.

"I'm not a sl*t! I'm a good girl." -- Invest more resources in me because I'm worth a lot more than other women because I don't sleep around.

"Ew, look at her -- she's such a sl*t." -- I don't like her because she's giving away the p*ssy too cheap, ruining the market for the rest of us. Why do you think women hate prostitution so much? P.S. Women slut shame waaaay more than men do. We really don't care. The biggest "ho" on Earth will still get locked down by some thirsty dude.

"Friends first, then we'll see where it goes." -- I know exactly where "it'll go." The friendzone. Women do not need an emotional connection to have sex. They're just like men. They'll f*ck you if they're attracted to you. This is an attempt to maximize the number of resources she receives before she'll put out. Except she won't. She'll bang your musclebound neighbor.

"You're a creep. / You're creepy. / That's creepy." -- They see you as a male with no value whatsoever and are disgusted that you'd hit on them. When women try this on me, I go for the nuclear blowout just for sh*ts and giggles.

et. al.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

Just lost my copy client. Wants to put my monthly retainer "on hold for a few months" while she looks at analytics. She was the source of a significant amount of my discretionary income.

She claims that the copy isn't converting any more than it was before they hired me and "after running a few tests," they determined that it was my copy writing style -- which consists of a heavy story driven style with an emotional hook. That irritated the hell out of me. Her boss was the one that requested that style. He said that's what their customers wanted, that they didn't respond well to benefits-driven sales copy. Not only that, I asked them about conversions last month and she claimed that everything was going great and they loved working with me.

Fast-forward a month, suddenly everything's changed. I'm like, look -- I was a marketing executive before becoming an entrepreneur, this ain't my first party. When they first hired me, they showed me a spreadsheet full of pages they needed copy for. I finished the last page about two weeks ago and I suspected this was coming.

Here's how this related to DMSI. In the past, I would've been extremely upset and pissed right now, probably to the point that I would've taken a day off. Now? It's like, whatever. I'll make up the income gap through product creation. Not only that, I kinda severed any future ties with them. Told them that I didn't appreciate the lack of a warning, the lack of communication, nor the feeling of being used. Said, assuming they're telling the truth about just wanting to "put it on hold," they'll need to find another copywriter.

The point of signing a retainer is income security. If you're going to come in and try to pause the retainer when it benefits you, then I lose the ONLY real benefit to myself. Simply put, they used the promise of regular income to get a lower copywriting fee and then canceled when I finished everything they needed.

Not only that, but what I perceive is the OE in DMSI and the AM6 programming is pushing me in a direction where my life's mission and my "job" will be one and the same. I get no enjoyable or fulfillment from copy writing, and I really can't stand working with clients in the first place. As such, I now view writing copy as high risk / low yield unless it's a one-off for a high paying client. I'm going to stick to product creation and product marketing.

On the dating front, I was mad at #3 for giving me her number and never responding. Well... looked at the numbers again. I texted the wrong number. Might be too late to recover, this is the second time I "vanished" on her. Sh*t.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

Have you ever had the feeling
That you was being had
Don't that shit that make you mad
They treat you like a slave,
With chains all on your soul,
And put whips up on your back,
They be lying through they teeth
Hope you slip up off your path
I don't switch up I just laugh
Put my kicks up on they desk
Unaffected by they threats
Then get busy on they ass
See that's how that Chi-Town made me
That's how my daddy raised me
That glittering may not be gold,
Don't let nobody play me
If you are my homeboy,
You never have to pay me
Go on and put your hands up,
When times are hard you stand up
L-U-P the man, 'cause a brand that the fans trust
So even if they ban us
They'll never slow my plans up!

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Shannon - 08-24-2016

That mistake with the numbers on#3? Might be OE preventing something for a good reason...

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 04:02 PM)Shannon Wrote: That mistake with the numbers on#3? Might be OE preventing something for a good reason...

Weird thing is... I could've SWORN that I put the number in right. Like, I checked four or five times, switching between Coffee Meets Bagel and my phone book and it LOOKED okay. Now, I'm paranoid.

I feel like OE had something to with that copywriting client too. I was becoming complacent, relying on that income instead of expanding. I was so shocked at how calm I was on the Skype call, and it was my fault for signing into a month-to-month retainer agreement in the first place.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-24-2016

DMSI makes music SO MUCH BETTER. I can't stop listening. Weird thing is, my choice of music has changed. Before, I would listen to a lot of angry hip-hop to get pumped up. Now, I'm listening to a lot of mellow, laid back tunes with touching lyrics. Just heard a line that just totally moved me in a way it never has before:

From: JJ Grey & Mofro - The Sun Is Shining Down
All those simple thoughts, all those peaceful dreams
Share the space with a hard worked, hard worked day
But it's the little things, the little things not expectation
That make life worth living

I know everyone wants to hear the crazy CV banged thirty b*tches and made 'em call him Daddy Ding-a-ling stories, but I'm honestly just reveling in the insane self-confidence and inner stillness that DMSI is giving me. It's almost like that's what's becoming more important. And I think that'll lead to the target goal. It's like I'm letting goal of so many things from the past and striving toward allowing abundance and prosperity flow into my life.

EDIT: Remember how I said DMSI was bringing out the urge to learn cooking? Well, I looked up a steak and vegetables recipe. Tasted great. Wink

[Image: IMG_20160824_183136681.jpg]

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - K-Train - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 10:39 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: Good book to check out about women wanting validation and taking your time:

Alan Roger Currie: The Possibility of Sex.

Weed them out by being very direct. Like you just did.

I wanted to co-sign this book. This book was the catalyst for a lot of my self-development. Alan himself said that many guys who read (or listened) to his book were on the verge of tears because of all the raw truth inside of it. I have to say I was one of them. I remember at the time I was DEEP in the friend zone with one chick that I was attracted to (I don't consider it a friend zone if I'm not attracted to the chick but I digress) and that book helped wake me the f*ck up. I recommend the audible version.

Chaosvrgn Wrote:"Friends first, then we'll see where it goes." -- I know exactly where "it'll go." The friendzone. Women do not need an emotional connection to have sex. They're just like men. They'll f*ck you if they're attracted to you. This is an attempt to maximize the number of resources she receives before she'll put out. Except she won't. She'll bang your musclebound neighbor.

That phrase right there really gets under my skin. Probably because I fell for it hook line and sinker Tongue. My argument against it is that it is no different from a man telling a woman "let's have sex first, then we'll see where it goes from there..." Both those statements are essentially promising nothing but asking for something. The difference is one is trying to put sex off and the other is asking for it early on.

Obviously "be friends first" is looked upon favorably because its in favor of "courtship" before sex. Here's the thing: if a man sucked in bed and had only an average income/salary would women be a) motivated to remain with him b) still treat that man with love respect c) do both a & b and also not cheat on that guy? There are women out there who truly don't care about sex and truly only want an emotional connection but I would argue a good portion wouldn't stay with that dude. They probably dump his ass, treat him like shit/disrespect him during the relationship or if they stayed with the dude they'd bang another guy on the side.