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AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Printable Version

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S5-D1- Mind....Liquid Mind.... - LiquidMind - 04-18-2015

Started stage 5. Have gotten some nice feeling from it already

It compares stage 5 to a cool james bond effect. If I were to tell you which bond it'd be then I'd have to go with: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuoUplfZymc5Kkm0moX-7...UYN25G0LQA]

I can maintain laser like eye contact and I've noted that I am more likely to stand up to bs more. Like you can control the situation with ease.

Must admit this feels like the best stage thus far. Can totally see the comparison to 007 and make you feel unstoppable.

Also uncontrollably hornier on this stage than any other too wtf. Its like I've been shot with a testosterone dart or something.

More to ccome brooos


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Alpha Male mo - 04-18-2015

(04-18-2015, 04:40 AM)LiquidMind Wrote:

Started stage 5. Have gotten some nice feeling from it already

It compares stage 5 to a cool james bond effect. If I were to tell you which bond it'd be then I'd have to go with: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuoUplfZymc5Kkm0moX-7...UYN25G0LQA]

I can maintain laser like eye contact and I've noted that I am more likely to stand up to bs more. Like you can control the situation with ease.

Must admit this feels like the best stage thus far. Can totally see the comparison to 007 and make you feel unstoppable.

Also uncontrollably hornier on this stage than any other too wtf. Its like I've been shot with a testosterone dart or something.

More to ccome brooos


My journal is not even close or animated as tours but on stage 5 I was definetly uncontrollably horny and what's so funny is thatAm6 is not centered on Women but still women still notice you and offer themselves to you. Anyways great journey man wish the best for you.

RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Shannon - 04-19-2015

The last stages have the SM lead in. That's why you become horny, and that's part of why women start overtly noticing and responding. The SM lead in is only a small part of what's in SM3, too.

RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - LiquidMind - 04-19-2015

(04-19-2015, 03:27 AM)Shannon Wrote: The last stages have the SM lead in. That's why you become horny, and that's part of why women start overtly noticing and responding. The SM lead in is only a small part of what's in SM3, too.

Huh thats cool. I was wondering how it differed greatly from stage 4 and previous with me all of a sudden becoming hornier than usual.

I feel like this stage is going to be a very defining stage for me as it is as Shannon says, it leads into SM3. Sex magnet 3 is something I was considering but I'm not entirely sure about it given the amount of money it costs. I was happy to potentially use either EPRHA or just go straight into AYP Sexual Lover programs as they also appeal to me as well.

However so far stage 5 is shaping up to be good. Stage 3 was very polarizing, it began great and I felt the good confidence levels and wittiness but towards the end the irritation and aggressiveness was amplified and I also felt very pent up and ultimately wanting to start fights and hurt people for very small insignificant things - not gonna lie in that regard.

Thankfully I am a rational and well equipped human being that I didn't go out there and fucking try start a million battle royales with random people in the fucking park or whatever. So for me stage 5 should be an uplifting month and slightly more sexual as well with the sm tie in.

Okay thanks Shannon for the extra detail as well. I'm sure you're pretty busy all of the time so to hear from you every now and again is really good so thank you.

More to come later guys


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Inconceivablezen - 04-20-2015

Why not run stage 7 for half a year, and then see if you still want to buy SM3?

S5-D5 - LiquidMind - 04-21-2015

Really liking stage 5 as of now. It feels much more calmer and more of a continuation of the previous stages all rolled into one. The horniness hasn't stopped though! Jeez I feel like watching porn all the time and thinking about sex more frequently

However regardless, women aren't the main purpose in life. Living my life in a happy, free and alpha way is. It is my mission. To lead, to love and and to live life to its fullest.

And to reply to Incon - yes I could do that and span my horizons while I wait on my choices. I wonder if it's worth running EPRHA after for a few short months to truly bring my subconscious to overall peace with itself. I have not decided yet.

I want that leadership role more and more now. That growing urge to lead and captivate the minds and hearts of individuals and give back to them all.

I want to build a world where we all love one another and we are all free. Free to be ourselves, free to believe in ourselves and free to make ourselves happy.

Bring on the challenges that await. I am a man on a mission. Be grateful and happy for this could be your last day you get to make a difference

Thanks all


S5-D6- Altercation - LiquidMind - 04-23-2015

Well just now I had a great game of tennis spoiled by a gang of youths who were thinking they were big and tough and wanted to try start a fight. Pfft little dweebs must have only been about 15 years old.

My mate was started on but thankfully nothing happened and no one was hurt. I know how badly people want to fight back and kick the shit out of these little dic*heads who think they can just do what they like but it's the best overall decision to walk away from getting into serious trouble.

I know myself. I know I would have gotten myself into the thick of it and who knows what might have occurred but its better to be safe than to end up in prison or worse..

Although I wasn't scared of fighting I felt the jittery nerves making me feel anxious. But I feel a true alpha just laughs off people like that and doesn't rise up to their stupidity which I did. I laughed at one guy and he got all up in our faces but didn't do anything.

I think we came out the overall winners Wink

Stay safe out there, in case stupid people are about


S5-D11- True Colours - LiquidMind - 04-28-2015

Guys I got 3 words for you. don't trust anybody....

Seriously. In life, you can get f**ked. By people who are supposed to be your employers but turn out to be just moronic jackasses.

I am of course referring to my *old* job - the grosvenor casinos. They intentionally overpaid me by just a small amount over the months and then when I really desperately
need my final paycheck to see me through my new job - they f**k me by telling me they overpaid me and took my last paycheck as a "compensation" WTF?!

Are you serious?! Are you telling me that you supposedly "didn't realise" how much I was supposed to be paid and then took my money from me to which I am rightfully owed?

I worked in an environment where you could get generous paychecks and tips added on each month. No one knows how much they get paid without reading their payslips, I got my payslips each month but sometimes I couldn't get access because I worked 2 days a week. This is abhorrent, this is distrustful and down right distasteful. P**sed off isn't the word

But in other news I did start my new work which they got wrong right from the get goHuh I am supposed to be a court usher but was instead put in an office environment to input data entry into a computer -

[Image: ztan2z.jpg]

So quite a terrible day...not impressed at all and im just in a very dull and depressing mood because of it... BY the way, what is this "tapping" that people do? Is it supposed to be like life changing or just a quick pick me up type thing?

Thanks for the read anyways


S5-D15- Landing on both feet - LiquidMind - 05-02-2015

So I;m over the worst of what happened this week haha. What a week indeed!

Started my new job. My role is "Court Usher"

Not done any court ushering as of yet. I have been made to do admin work on a computer. Easy as riding a bike and boring as watching paint fact I'd rather mow my lawn, sit in it and wait for it to grow back over doing this stuff lol its terribly repetitive.

My idea is if I don't end up doing this court usher stuff within a few week. I may go look for something else entirely or come up with something alone. This bait and switch smells like a 9-5 admin job which although people would be happy to have in this type of economy, falls flat of being what I want/deserve. I know I can do better!

This line of thinking all stems from Alpha male 6. It's turning me into a more driven, focused and entitled individual who wants to build an empire for himself.

Stage 5 is executing all of the best stuff from every stage thus far and I will continue to grow and further myself into a socially powerful and adept individual.

By the way guys give this a read when you have the chance

Great stuff in there. Definitely will help the budding alpha turn the tides of his social life.

Hopefully I'll have more stuff through the week for you guys


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - DarthXedonias - 05-02-2015

I would also suggest Robert Greene's "The 33 Strategies of war" as well. Both are very good books in my opinion. His books, in combination with the subs, have really motivated me to work on myself.

S5-D23- - LiquidMind - 05-09-2015

Still climbing as a man and as an alpha male.

Nothing major to report lately. Maybe more emotional and able to be empathetic towards people and situations.

It's been the general elections here in the UK and we are f**cked. The tories won a majority which is pretty much the equivalent of a full blown republican government where you are in US. It sucks because I know a lot of people are very upset with the result too as it means more cuts and more austerity for us for 5 more years.

On the plus side, I am becoming more of a one man army lately. My new job is boring, incredibly easy and just not very challenging at all. I really deserve more as a man on planet Earth.

Not sure what to run after the time for the subs is complete. Perhaps AYP? or maybe BASE? Anyone got any opinions or experiences on those types of subs?


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - dissonance - 05-09-2015

Me personally, I'm going to do SM3 after AM6 =].

RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - JJ54 - 05-09-2015

I'm doing one of the AYP subs after the first run of AM6 ends in July.

RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - LiquidMind - 05-12-2015

(05-09-2015, 07:24 PM)JJ54 Wrote: I'm doing one of the AYP subs after the first run of AM6 ends in July.

Nice which one you have in mind?..or which girl do you have in mind? Rolleyes