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Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Printable Version

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RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-05-2019

Took a little nap, had one of 'em kinda weird/semi-lucid dreams, with stuff happening in it (I don't remember what stuff exactly) and had some sort of resistant part of myself trying to get uppity and scare me off. My reaction seems to have been "Oy, STFU", and very dismissive. Big Grin

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-06-2019

Unfortunately, I have elected to implement once again the "additional shielding protocol", and it seems that it was the right thing to do, judging from the effect this has had today.

I was really, really on the verge of doing very stupid things, and been right on the way to derailing myself - because I was unable to think clearly due to mental and emotional static, and it appeared to me that this "static" was the result of being bombarded by negativity and sabotage attempts by at least several people at the same time - both personal (with my lovely ex appearing to be the main culprit, and I'm now beginning to suspect that she's attempting to do this consciously and deliberately - she's been watching bullshit like Teal Swan, maybe she's picked up some stupid tricks from the Internet) and professional/personal (several people I have to work with for the time being, since they are involved in my touring affairs, and I'm touring next week again).

I don't know, maybe it was fear talking, but after I did my shielding protocol in the morning, right after finishing my DMSI loops, I was able to start to think clearly once more and prevented myself from making what I believe to be a serious mistake. Also I'm feeling way better too, with more physical and mental indicators of execution [EDIT: and it's been getting progressively better, too].

If it was indeed a matter of pushback from people who want me to fail, then I hope that the improved auric shielding modulation that's been added to the skeleton script in LTU5.5g will do the trick. The version of auric shielding that's in this version of DMSI, while a great help, may not have been enough for what I'm facing.

I am currently electing to err on the side of caution and will be doing this "shielding protocol" of mine for the time being because a) I believe that I've been on the right track, and I seriously do not want to mess it up, and b) it is definitely a "I do not have the time, patience, nor the energy for this shit" type of situation. The shielding protocol is additional 20-40 minutes of busywork per day (like I don't have enough things to do, lol), but it is what it is.

All things considered, though, I've had a very productive day up to now, and hopefully this trend shall continue.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-07-2019

Feeling pretty good, did my bardic practice for the day, did my exercises for the day, got some nice IOI reactions from females, experiencing physical sensations that would point to the fact that FRM is doing what it's supposed to be doing (it feels kinda like what I was experiencing on the later versions of USLMaxx. Some sort of "thick, dark" cloud seems to be appearing here and there, and feels like it's about to dissipate).

Going to be setting up my loops for the day soon, then it's three days of break (so until Tuesday).

I'm touring from Monday on, so I'll probably have very little time for anything else apart from that and DMSIing. I'm going to have to push the listening sessions up a bit earlier, due to having to be up and about very early in the AM, but that's only until Friday.


Oh yeah, forgot about this - noticing an increased need for sleep. Right now, about 10hrs/day seems to be what's necessary. Also noticing that I'm having NocWood (stealing that term from RTBoss, hehehe) pretty much throughout the night.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-08-2019

Feeling very good, and very optimistic today. Experienced insight, and progress, regarding one of my fears, the one which I call "the Big One", while being up and about, and being quite zen-like while it was happening. Decisive, but calm.

Also caught a couple very attractive women doing something that would sometimes occur on ver. 3.2, but this time more obviously and even more powerfully - I'd be walking, minding my own business, thinking stuff, and then suddenly I see a very attractive woman, she stops in her tracks (like the proverbial deer in the headlights Wink ), passes me by, and then proceeds to follow me for a bit (all inconspicuous-like Wink ), oftentimes trying to walk right beside me, overtake me and slow down her pace, etc.

I'm kinda tempted to run some more DMSI today, but I shall restrain myself as I'm on break until Monday. Big Grin

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-09-2019

For some reason I'm finding myself drawn back to my Sorcerer practice these past two days, and I've not touched that for quite some time. I did find several *very* interesting and intriguing texts related to it, though, and have some new concepts to check and develop. Fascinating stuff, really.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-10-2019

FRM appears to be working very well now, judging by what I've been up to, and how I've been feeling, lately. Really can't wait to put on my loops come Tuesday (actually, more like "Monday at 10PM" or thereabouts, but I count the day on which I finish the loops in the morning. Normally I'd be starting Tuesday around midnight-1AM, but I'm going to have to be up and about by 6AM at the latest until Friday).

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-12-2019

Lots of stuff going on in me brain, apart from the touring. I do not really have the time or energy right now to describe all this (nor do I, actually, feel like doing so), maybe some other time. I'm doing good work, doe.

Random musing of the day: causation, cause-and-effect ("karma") does not imply reciprocity.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-12-2019

Random musing of the day no. 2 (I decided to add this because this might be useful to others): if you're struggling with contradictory drives, or want to do something but find yourself struggling to do so owing to "internal blockages", look up the concept of "pseudopersonality" as pertains to methodical brainwashing (from that study on American POWs after the Korean War, IIRC). Apply this concept universally. See what happens.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-13-2019

Interesting stuff about the shields in Shannon's journal. What I call the "additional shielding protocol" that I'm using currently is a form of "transmutational absorption" shielding.

I also sometimes do "transmutational directional reflection", but that's only in special cases.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Shadow2200 - 02-13-2019

Shields Up Captain

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-16-2019

Good progress overall, noticing some interesting happenings and reactions etc. etc., amazing progress on the internal front. F. in. this time around during the tour I had a very lovely, lovely responder with me through most of it (of the kind that I find myself thinking, "wow, I was losing hope that women like that actually *exist*" - especially in this biz!), who was responding lovely, and I noticed another gal who was with us (one I like very much, but to whom I am not sexually attracted) actually, I think, trying to steer the lovely responder towards romancing me, haha.

Still, some of the other morons I have to work with + my ex are still trying to make life difficult, but there's great progress in this regard, too (internally, for me, as well as externally, I think - as mentioned above in the shielding post, I can do a little energetic operation to deflect and/or transmute their negative intentions towards something more to my liking, though the barrage does seem to intensify every now and again, making it a nuisance). I *am* halfway tempted to do a little rule 4 operation that could potentially prevent them from trying to do me any sort of harm, physical, mental or otherwise, or even engage in manipulative practices behind my back as regards me, but it's a bit on the darker side, eh. Decisions, decisions. Big Grin There really is no negotiation tactic or diplomatic maneuver that works with these types of people.

Continuing tonight. Going to consider switching from 7:3 to 8:2 days on/off this week, as I was tempted to do so last time around.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-16-2019

In other news: my bro is moving out of my apartment. This is very, very good for my purposes, as he's a bit of an ogre and kinda difficult to live with (also off-putting to the fairer sex, unfortunately).

I tried to recommend some Shannon subs to him (E2, mostly), but he has resisted the attempt. Apparently, he's tried some stuff from the Interwebz which he claims has had a very bad effect on him (quite possible, who knows what he's tried) and he even says that he's now purposefully programmed himself to be impervious to subliminal influence (....hahahaha, lol. No, he is not. Far from it.). Oh well. Will try again at a later date, maybe he'll be receptive then.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Have at ye - 02-18-2019

I've been feeling a little bit worse these past two days than before, though this might simply be tiredness. I'm going to try 8 days on:2 days off this time around, so I'll still be listening to DMSI tonight, and then be back to it on Friday.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings - Shannon - 02-18-2019

Maybe demo your brother on something like Sleep Induction Aid or Awakener in their 5.5.5G or 6G versions.