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RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-27-2025

Day 16
Running round 2 of DRS after OSC!

TID for UMS3
The feeling of wealth and another phenomenon, NOT only feeling wealthy & very groovy about it , but its as if
"I've always been this way" huh? WTH?.... its like wealth abundance and prosperity have always been a part of my reality, my history. - of course it has and its Natural at that!! This on going consciousness, awareness, knowingness!!

This is some f---king amazing technology , Shannon M. Amazing,

This is only STRONG STRONG TID...Dang Man, what will the "Real Deal' be like? Holy cow Batman!!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-27-2025

It is obvious that I AM indeed growing and changing.
With the influence of UMS3 even at a distance, things are shifting for the better, not without some growing pains, either... part of the process for shure. As is feeling a bit dizzy, a bit out of it and a bit sick to my stomach, but only slightly. Again its part of the healing process. Nothing too serious or over the top! Breath deeply, focus, relax, retain,be aware:-) Yet another chance to LOOK at MY Heart and what relationships mean to me and even deeper tahn I'll go into here, suffice to say ,again, change is afoot Sherlock!

OSC is remarkable and its effects are clearly being felt near & far. MY relationships are changing as well, of course. MY relationship to these relationships is shifting for the better.
being not as tied into 'survival mode" or stuck there. there is a freeing up of my potential and great opportunity for the expansion of my heart/mind/being.
I think I will stick with OSC Until around Mid May, because its so powerful and effective. I could stay on it for an entire year and I'd still be growing/developing and changing as a result. That means I can use it for the rest of my life on Earth, along the way, of course. These new 6G programs are amazing, thats putting it mildly.
I need and very much want to run UMS3 for at least one full round if not two, possibly longer I'm shure. Ill wait til Mid May do to so.... Until then its diggin the shit outta OSC + DRS. OMG what would I do without DRS 6G !! Thank you Shannon, deeper than you know Man. wow. Gratitude for all of this.
As the saying goes " And the Band Played on!"

PS: OSC having it, well its soo good, that starting UMS3 in mid May, it too has a good dose of Self Confidence in it . related to the goals of UMS3, so in a way I'll be picking up from OSC in UMS3 where I left off, only on a much different level. Win-win. Plus OSC is opening th way for such UMS3 action, in my beingness, again a win win. Heres grows !!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-28-2025

Shannon's quote
"And please also understand that there is a big difference between "I have PTSD" and "I am PTSD". A lot of people take their condition and make it their identity, which only makes it solidify more and more and it becomes harder and harder to release and change when they do. Your identity should not include or be based on a condition you happen to be experiencing, especially if it is temporary. And PTSD is temporary until it is changed. It's just a matter of understanding how to change it."

Shannon this is sooo true. I realized/knew this decades ago and have tired to tell various people about their various " Condition's" as such They were way too bought into it to shift out of it slowly or rapidly. I've a long time friend of mine that is from NC. but lives Georgia and he's just like this.
His "condition", you'd think he was talking about his right arm, the way he identifies with it as if its a permanent part of him and/or has been with him since Birth. He's now in his 70s but 20 years ago in his 50's it was the same way, same thing.
ONLY re-enforce's his condtion, and enabling him to always be on certain kinds of medications for it. He had become sooo Identified with the condition that NOW it is permenet becuase ges put so much energy into it being that way!!

DIsclaimer : Im no Doctor nor AM I trying to be one here, nor AM I making anyone wrong for thier aliements,conditions,ect.

However I do Know for a fact that many many 'conditions' are made worse by the mental & emotional energies 'dumped into" re-enfircing the very condition and there fore over time, making it worse.
I once knew of a situaltion where a Lady had come to a Master herbologist, because she'd been to every Dr. Under the Sun and there was no one who could help her. Finally through a friend of Her's, she went to Dr.R. he diagnosed her WHOLE LIFE and found that 1# She was heavuly grieving the loss of her adult Daughter, Had kept her' living room like a shrine to her daughter. ALL kindsa things her daughter has kept,over the years, The curtain's were drawn, windows closed, dark, low energy. the area contained all of this.
Now this lady was ONLY grieving for the loss and the Love of Her daughter, but it was so weighted, the Lady was 'dying too" along the way. Dr.R told her one I can treat you with herbal remedies, but #2) energetically & emotionally YOU have to get rid of your daughter things, air out that room and breath Life back into the House/your Life!!
The women did so, some what reluctantly but she did it. and guess what?
Her health returned, she started getting better and better with each day. he gave her some remeides to take but most of this was her Mind and emotions "doing her in" - She made a full recovery.
Yes get medical treatment if needed, do due diligence, homework ,research, ect. its the whole Pie, not just one slice, the whole person not just the physical part alone I hope that I made this clear enough, that this made some sense to yawl?

Having a more Empowering attitude, Positive attitude can really help even in even more serious conditions. it may not always be easy but it is something to refocus on, and work on over time its better than the opposite I tell ya that. Peace.

Ran OSC, Now on second run of DRS. The journey continues!!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-28-2025

"Attraction/ manifestors are coming. But loving yourself, let me know if you still want that after running OGSF v3."

Good point Shannon, will do. I think from what all I've read and could see, that OGSF v3, removes much of the stuff thats in the way of one's own Self Love and therefore one's ability to like & love the Self in greater ways and greater amounts, too. thank you kindly for the response.

Today: Ran OSC, Now on second run of DRS. The journey continues!!
One thing I've noticed is that I feel slightly sick to my stomach,after running my second run thru of DRS, right after , for about 45 minutes to an hour ,but its only slightly, slightly that way. Its noticeable but does not get in the way. It could be OSC moving stuff outta the way. I feel 20 minutes usage isnt enough for me, I could use an hour, bur hey if Shannon says 20 minutes ONLY thats what IM sticking with, 20 minutes!!
6G is something special!!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-29-2025

Today ran BOTH OSC+DRS has a moderate level of fear which later, due to a relatives stuff, triggered in Me, major anger & resentment, which Im still feeling and experiencing hours later. Not overflowing, not up to top 10 anger ( from 1 to 10) stuff, but almost grounded, in anger. OSC seeming to magnified this or clarified it or both today, Im going to take a much needed nap. Huge Fear turned to anger and yet clarity there of.

The Journey continues.

RE: OSC + DRS - Shannon - 03-29-2025

That sounds like anger at being forced to endure something out of fear. Confidence can do that.

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-29-2025

(03-29-2025, 02:32 PM)Shannon Wrote: That sounds like anger at being forced to endure something out of fear.  Confidence can do that.

 Bingo !! How you know that I dont quite know but yes that is it.... Ahhh the confidence part.... how does it play into this Shannon? 
'mind expanding upon that  scenario, when you have time?   Thanks!!
 I Just wanna understand better, so I can get to solution,option,alternative or possibility here. MY head is hurting,
 IM pissed that Im pissed, that  my peace evaporated like F-ing Smoke Im pissed off to be in this  situation in the first place( shame, followed by guilt,blah blqh blah) "The Woe-eth  Me"  routine,  'aint' gonna get me no where. IM too good for that shit.

 Life is definitely pointing me in a new direction and pushing me towards this new direction, I know. The kind of Growth that wont be "Contained"
 "Stop the train,I wanna get off!!" is My cry. I WILL NOT ,I Must keep going. What was that song back in the '80's?
  "When the going gets tough,the tough get going"
 2 1/2 weeks on OSC+DRS and this is happening already!( Insert swear word!!) Wow. I  "aint " throwing in the towel !! Wiping the sweat off with it, and keep going!
 The journey continues.

RE: OSC + DRS - Shannon - 03-29-2025

Basically what you're experiencing is having the fear that was manipulated to control you become less and less strong compared to your confidence, which means if my idea is right, then more and more of your response to being manipulated through fear is coming through the fear.

And as we all know, nobody likes to be manipulated or controlled, and nobody appreciates it especially after having all that precious time in their lives wasted by the fear holding them back.

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-30-2025

Shannon, you said it Man ! Spot on. Thanks for the response. I deeply appreciated that !!
Today isnt as difficult as yesterday was, but primarily because I've hardly been anyone and dont really want to be, least not anyone who is going to trigger the hell outta Me. Hell Im still dealing with what all happened yesterday and related, the rippling effects there of. I Know I dont wanna add anymore to it !!

Like @Johannesbrst said OSC is No joke!! It is much deeper than people realize. I feel like Im finding 'new footing; and am stll, getting my bearings straight... as if I'm headed HOME, back to Myself, I know that 'sounds' weird but linearly and logically and 'right Brain-ly" it makes a lot of sense to Me ! Im not in the best shape to be writing, but this is the best that I can manage right now.

I Did OSC and now on second run of DRS !
The journey continues. Keith.

Finished up... time for a short nap !

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-30-2025

One of MY favorite songs, from the 1980's when I Lived in NYC in My 20's. What a great time musicallly and otherwise !! This is how I feel now on OSC 6G

RE: OSC + DRS - Shannon - 03-30-2025

That is one of my favorite songs from the 80's too. Good stuff.