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DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power ( TID 3.2 anticipation ) - Printable Version

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RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 07-26-2017

This has to be one of the weirdest experiences I had up to date. I feel literally everything comes together at this point like an almost guiding force of DMSi. I describe it as a sort of rush pushing me forward. Im highly analythical, dividing my attention well and my mind works like a freaking supercomputer. It seems like the perfect execution and flow now. Its making me euphoric and hype aswell, [I feel I understand tons right now. Also, I seem to be divided, like several versions of myself working together and shit gets done, Its almost like a hidden superpower unlocked right now. perhaps this is the execution. Its a welcoming `belief`

Also, by restign in it, allowing and embracing this, makes me pretty much mindblown in the swiftness of execution, understanding and what not. Like, if I pay my attention to the brain puring all out, executing and knowing the subconscious registers everything, then its a whole new ballgame. My emotion seems to be gone, only being filed with flow and full hyperfocus attention. liker, this only matters at this point.

All written with a sneaky grin on my face. Women keep seducing me, less being affected at all right now by one blond girl of today who seemed to be closed of for some reason. whatever. her loss.

Also, If im writing its as if I write it in a story telling frame. like writing down some sort of story. My mind comes up with new adventures to indulge. Working for a big company. Languages are next because I feel drawn to it. Itll be effortless to pick up and absorb. Whatever is happening and unlocking, I like it even to its unknown to me where its heading to, well, maybe...sort offly. Just letting all go and letting it fill me and guide me. Not even excitement to anticipation, maybe a bit, just unattached to the outcome.

Oh hey the luxury vision is stronger and stronger getting clearer and sticking. Allowing it. Its a reality that will be, becomes and is. Omnipotent. No matter what, itll be. Itll get its way.

After reading Chaos´s journal about MLS clearing faulty beliefs about pre/existing knowledge`I cannot help but resonate with it and strongly embrace that. tbf, I even want to be proven wrong, merciless so by DMSi and going to the very deep end. Im running now DMSI since I came home from training, which would be around 2 pm. I will not say I have a day off as my existing line of reality is shifting for the better and more intense. I want the very deep end of everything, to come to know and unlock full potential. No wonder I am in tears right now, as every little thing hits me with a shitload of realisatrion/bricks.

Im open toward endless possibilities to this point, crwating reality in the litteral sense, it bring out lots of tears and awe, If its a mental universe driven by the subC, then, how uch can there be physical change? ( think the movie Lucy ) Also, empire building.

I also have these slight sense of notion that some young girls will set me up for some sex orgy. little sexual nympho's. Them dating ME. them little sexual vixen all seducing me and shit, only to trick me into seks with them.... Im opening up more the last few days about it, more relaxed even, welcoming it in my space ( no not the safe space )

Grudges are lifted off from my shoulders aswell, yet experiencing those grudges, those stright in your face things are vital. manifestation seems to kick up a notch again, also, even with my injured leg, I might actually take back on Martial arts. Im not thinking anymore in ways I used to do, just like going to appointments, its "just doing it because I like to and pick up along the knowledge through learning" Another moment, another appointment, and it already happens kind of thing ( autopilot/flow)

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 07-28-2017

Things seem to smoothen out and go one notch up. Talked with A today and she was creamin. Like litterally licking her lips, longing eyes and what not. My whole face did freaking twitch and tremble. Idk wtf thats about. Im becoming self actualized and know. A became like clay in my hands and I envision it live and clear. Also, the talk in the tread of herr Dr, is inspiring, about style and such. Last few days are breakthroughs.

This month is expensive. Leg gets better now, atleast, the painkillers seem to help yet cant help but think the origins of the injury come from something else. When the ibu is waned off its still painfull as shit. Another is my phone screen of my s7 edge that broke and is now damaged. Its as if financial costs keep piling up from every corner :/

Did kill it at the gym. My agression turns up and each hit increases it. Like remembering gym motication kicks up my agression a notch. Im growing and get more defined in muscle and physique.

At the gym talked with another women at the counter. Older women. She has something about her which I can't (yet) pinpoint. Talking to her went effortless and caught her bodylanguage. Some cute 8/10 was also wsiting and talked to her. She opened me. Cute girl. Pick her up next time if I see her.

Overal things pick up more clear. Higher up. Im more assertive and calling out is automaticly now, like I own it. Things become more and more automatic. Fears are released. Vision is being clearer. I am also aware of trust and some blocksges. Oh well. Openness to this all is paramount at this point.

Edit: motivation for the gym is pretty much spiking. Like seeing myself grow. Tracking macro's, eating healthy, dressing better. Stronger motivation to get habits back on the road. Tracking macro's wasnt my thing, but disciplinairy order and setting things straight gives me a huge boost. I am already there. It makes things all so much easier, like, more fluid, beneficial and smooth. Slacked in responsibility before. Not anymore. These arent even feeling like sacrifices but rather massively attractive and right. I want to have the best condition for myself. To be in form and being in maximum health.

Also, there seems to be fear going round. Fear as to "how to" in terms of accomplishment and going full on DMSI reality. Im already more clearheaded and the momentum picks up. Its gettin "weird" again, like echo-y internally and in my mind. Interesting times. Also the tearfullness and anxiety coming up in my body makes me relive shit. Its crushing.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 07-29-2017

Killing it at the gym. Getting more agression while going and feeling executing bodybuilding knowledge. Benching 100 + for reps is easily. Getting toned and more defined on a rapid frequency that make people wonder "wtf is with this guy"

Felt calm, centred yet very down and panicky in a slight sense. Underconfident for sure and heightened. Total off responses yesterday aswell when meeting up with friends. Im outgrowing them. Their intetests are not even close to me in terms of slight interest. I even felt wasting my time there. Like, it was so empty and unfulfilling I went home eventually.

Some girl was observing me from afar. The responses today were highly unusual. S was with another girl at the gym and for some reason, I displayed total disinterest at all, till MGTOW proportions. Training, eating, "planning" being on a flow of almost isolation. The looks from people vary very much. Weird looks like a distrust or some sorts, till other more looks of "taking of the pressure" as if greeting brings a sign of relief to them.

Went to get groceries after training and walked up on almist everyone to get what I needed. An war seems to be fought out internally. Visions and knowing of girls is coming bsck now and its a matter of time before having a partner/partners. Theyll line up for sure.

I am having attraction towards bodybuilding lifestyle, tracking macro's, carbs, fats, proteins. Since this shift broke through Im feeling kind of...flat? Numb? Somewhat meh-ish and chilled out without any interest in other things. AAS even has my interest now. Im legit confused. Slow glimpses of fragrance life and walking through the city and all of that. Amgry at limitations. Myself and the limitations that dictate others and so poison other peoples minds through it.

Oh, my spending is spinning out of hand. Im very much procrastinating aswell around it. Sucks but feel some things shifting in understanding and getting investment. Investment for investment. Like a circle thing and no interest at all to "side spend" for unnecessary things. Strict business view.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 07-31-2017

DMSi is breaking throug once again, and I am feeling very driven, positive and inspired. my reality of several girls is becoming a now reality, aswell as manifesting a car. Im going by the code of silence for a while, to not jinx it and letting DMSi run its course. Im pretty much done involving myself in all kind of bs, I rather let it not even enter, nor coming close to me. Also, realizing how much influence there is by surrounding myself with succes and succesfull people and cutting off all other bs.

may be going on a steak, eggs, veggies diet. also, the 20/80 model is really clicking for me, as in, I resonate with it and it seems to be the right thing as off now.

DMSi causes me to relax now, allowing to become seduced by women now, and its overwhelming, had glimpses today off it already, with J, with W aswell and some other girls/women. My psyche used to have this huge front/coping mechanism that would trigger eevry time. now its being dealt with. Snipers are unleashing again, several grisl will dream about me, and are dreaming about me, I expect the reports to come quickly now. also, some ( not yet met ? ) gitrls are hitted by the snipers and stay in my mind, including some who are close and nearby. Its even causing me to become excited to welcome them, its like the snipers go worldwide now. its insane. Now, Im not closing off those close in my vicinity now. My game is changing, aswell as rapid shifts in my exterior outlook. Like 2 days back, it was like being hit constantly with women crossing my path. like, I couldnt even turn my back or some other women almost bumped into me.

Im pretty hyped on the cutting out of all things/people that dont benefit succes. Selectiveness is good, yet also, fucking women just because ( the fucking on sight thing ) is also nice. cuz, why not?

this morning ran 2 loops US, evening ran 3 loops hybrid. seems right for me.

Things look up incrdibly well, im excited of whats about to come, of whats here ( contrast gap ) and the gap is closing, including my r32, yet will end up with multiple cars. also, the sense of being rich is a thing coming back now, im on it, its right, its true. this is it. healing aint Always easy, yet glorious when passing.

Thimgs are about to change on massive tectonic level. I feel it coming. Like, a final instalment that holds. perceptions and beliefs are shifting right now, its great. Im fine with it, content with it. like, having so many pussy my desire is being snuffed out, making me even more irresitable. I know it deeper in my core now, but this....???

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-01-2017

Pretty much on edge, the tiniest slightest memory of events today with some friends ( if to call them, im moving on, changing rapidly, outgrowing anyone and cutting out till there is nothing left ) over groups whatsapp, sets me off like no toher and I'm raging. like, this white hatred bubbling up. Im also considering deleting my facebook and going ghost lol. wtf. bs comments feel incredibly poisonous right now, like, I want to assert boundaries, dictator style. No fucking space for it. knowing my vibration is changing and people fall off, posting this on my facebook, met with one of them placing a comment that brought my state down to crash. Its a harsh look right now of which one are to be going replaced, if so, or Im going to focus solely on succes, business and finances. this along the road and way will manifest great oppurtunities and people along the way. law of exchange.

I am aware of how validation comes from insiode, and all originiates from inside/my mind, yet, surrounding yourself with succesfull people is another thing. Im not denying the externals, such as succesfull people have a positive adding to my momentum and mindstate. perhaps I ghive to much of a fuck, but I am really getting at my witts end, cutting all distractions out as of now. Im solely focussed on me ( damn, that car keeps popping up :') ) and what i can do.

Im also releasing the alpha beta limited framework. its bs when being actualized. I want to call out people, and am calling out people, my fuse is short, my fuell is high towards these things and I have no chill, AT ALL.

W seems to be getting more infatuated with me, longing eyes and listening, turning her attention towards me now, nice milf. also, she commented stright up to me, how she experienced herself being "hot" in a smiling seductive way. my eye contact is relentless when its all kikcing in. In other ways, this build up will be released in shedding tears probably, and I welcome it. if it sends me down the dark night of the soul, so be it. I realize some layers of fronts going on in my psyche, and letting them go is something that is met with a struggle. 3 loops hybrid A are running as of NOW.

My focus and vision on succes is growing again, its more laser focus and concentrated, and things that are bs/no concern are falling down the road, only to not return at all. Im done delaing or giving energy to any of that. its a warzone. Cutting out people, bs and what not will be one hell of a sacrifice.

Also, Im so thrilled from which car is about to manifest, I love it already, its a beautiful, comfortable sportscar, very much streamlined, cabrio and ( matt ) black, in a higher class, which would be considered high end exclusive by many.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-01-2017

For some reason the limitless soundtr\ack gets me out of the rut, after listening to 3 loops hybrid A im buzzing, buzzing with energy, momentum, clarity, and all is seemingly to move so fast and effortless tro the reality I envision. DMSi is the real deal. if this is 3.1, I wonder how far shannon could go in blending several subs, the 3.2 release and much more. ill become my dream life. Im feeling like a golden g*d. just went out for a bit, women now lock me first and effortlessness is ensueing, through eye contact and greeting, yet I feel somewhat...weird? light? slight unrealness yet very comfy in it all, while my vision is growing and expanding, all is expanding, from where I am now will be a shadow of where I will be, all stuff that is coming seems somewhat "small" compared of ewhats coming.

To come back on the limitless movie, which seem to be a huge theme the last few days and blends well with DMSI and its goals and visible workings, expansion is the game, growing, getting oodies, growing, expanding, thriving, lifes purpose, its as if hacking the subconscious or/and universe at some point, putted in the state-shifting? IDK. this is glorious. the sense that there is so much more to attain makes it flawless, effortless, in a way, puts new perspective on the whole approach and be approached thing and what not.

Limitles programming is the real deal and im pretty much wanting to be an example of IML, a succesfull man, entrepreneur, living life succesfully and I am open to subC downloading in my brain.

MLS seems to be close to an NZt pill tbh, yet Im pretty certain subs can mae it possible to hack and open up to the subconscious in similar fashion.

Empire state of mind. my vision is awe inspiring to myself, the whole bunch, the whole package. everything, effortless and DMSI driven. its like the excitement wanes, knowing takes its place and literally flashing forward through reality bending.

Ps; im shifting now to giving, may it be giving 5k to my parents, giving sex/love like something more bigger, driven out of value and the whole world kind of place. riding the waves of momentum. All feels like a dream and all feels good. what a change.

This somewhat illustrates the state im in.
"relax and enjoy the dmsi ride"blending with laser motivation andf getting shit done.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-02-2017

Running B now and its met with tears. Lots of them. Idk why. Do I care? Nope.

Killed it again at the gym. Chest went full. Bigger then ever. Talked with some people there just because why not?

Played and toyed around with A. She keeps me wanting around her. Playfull banter. Going all sad when I dont join her and what not. She seeks physical contact, ass against my arm, leaning in while close to my neck. Constant screening my reactions and glancing eye contact, licking her lips, playing with her ponytail, adjusting herself and what not.

Internally succes and financial related stuff is ramped up to the point of 'succes is easy, im well off' its solidifying. And lo and behold, yesterday I spotted a red ferrari which is rare, its like a F16 on the road and streamlined. Today a lamborghini was spotted all black.

As I run my B loops now, I feel some sadness and want to tear up. Just bawling my eyes out for no reason. Could be A still carrying over. I dont know.

Also, I have a thing for russian women going on. Hot.

I feel the aura over my hands again now, glowing and traveling. Something tells me A will be hit strongly by the aura following days. Also, smell is something that turns on or turns me off. How a woman smells, her scent.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-02-2017

Version B is highly potent. I will be incorporate good morning habits again. Ill set up a shedule and whatever changes and pops up might aswell blend in. There are no excuses for excuses, nit even the past and circumstances take full on control ( and get molested... ) alright, so my focus is laser now, im becoming a self actualized man and am back on my A game. Nothing can and will stop me. 0 bs tolerance from people or myself. Be prepared to be cut out. I create new and new and better might and will be replaced by it.

first round of B gave hard stuff to work through, including women. Im already different now. Stirred up many things.

Frankly enough IDGAF. Only business driven now and becoming a self actualized man as a priority. Yes, a MAN. I am.

Money aint a issue, things are moving incredibly fast, things are about to manifest and my solar plexus is going very quick. IDGAf about women right now at all, being driven like this is satisfying at this point.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-03-2017

I find myself beaming smiles on B version. Confidence is high, IDGAF skyrockets. had the gym for my own today, yet I feel by not giving any fucks about women right now, theyll get space to being attracted to me. I just feel super cozy, lught feeling and glowing, like the disabling of healing and running B gives me more space and sets me free. Again, the mental cardhouse is about to collapse and the sub is merciless breaking through right now.

Thinking about the brazilian chick and knowing many brazillian chicks makes me wana drown in their pussy, B is moving me upwards and fiorward incredibly fast, yet some part is getting exhausted and sad.

Abundance = unlimited resources. even looking at the leaves at trees, and the abundance everywhere gives me a sense of "yes this is it, glorious"
Training is still going hard and understanding this abundance sense and getting glimpses of this hyperdrive/hypermotor/dynamo thing, makes me realize the sub will do everything to get me reach the goal, including indirectly being focussed on women, such as manifesting coaches and mentors.

Im now sure I have a gf. we havent met, yet we are together. lol. wtf. Im laughing my ass off right now. this is so clear to me now, shes freakin cute. Also, my BDSM streak is coming back. I want to do things with girls, playing out roles and submission roles, 50 shades kind of style or whatever, and they are willingly, its almost predatory like.

Im craving so much right now, and am in awe over abundance.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Blacksheep - 08-03-2017

Love your writing style man

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-03-2017

Thanks bro, enjoying reading your updates aswell.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-04-2017

The sexual tension between me and A is growing fast. She can barely hold herself together. Wouldnt he suprised if she is now seeking ways to have sex with me. Caught her dreaming away while locking on me. Sge has almost only attention for me now. Crazy ponytail flipping, feet dangling, trying to get me as her "assistant" haha yeah right. Im also dropping sexual hints now, turning things sexual and she does aswell. D gets more and more "weak/melting" like stumbling over her words like she blows herself out. Another blond girl, stunning 8/10 beamed the biggest smile. A gets physical at work. Im passing shittests with ease. Her eyes and bodylanguage reveals it all. With D I flipped "preparation" into foreplay talk.

Now, my IDGAF is skyrocketing. Im confident, focussed, comfortable and frame flipping. Untouchable levels of ease now. I find myself snapping at guys trying to do shit without effort.

Now, I might quit journalling about women, because abundance. For once I thought A would rape me right on the spot. She was soaking wet. Dressed so her tits came out more. Oh lawd, such is DMSI life I suppose. My attraction skyrockets on B.

Ps; some things I start to see as digits, like 0 and 1? As in, the whole tuning in to projects, like its easier to be solved that way. Whatever it is, it seems to succesfully dissolve a block inside. Now, whats next? Whatever it is, it is huge and helps me process and execute things. Purely analythical and logical approach topped off with the right amount and dosage of whats needed.

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-05-2017

B is pretty awesome thus far and it seems some other guys start to dislike it due my status and changes shifting rapidly. The future is bright, my body is electrifying and warm and energized. This morning I felt the aura and moving my hand some centimeters before my face made me feel a warm, morphing swirling energy while having simultaneously a slight headache. Literally like a compact solid energy. The store owner where I get my groceries acts slightly hostile. I dont care overal but he starts to really annoy me with his fake high horse attitude and social retardedness. Fucking bellend. This all after 2 loops of B.

At the gym I was a sort of superstar/celebrity. The fit girl training there glanced over and caught her slyly smiling. I shared some brief eye contact moments and my focus was intense. People keep tellin me I grow on a mindblowing freqency and some elder guy cant even believe it. Ofcourse some other older guy had to tell me about 15 years ago and how he was as big and what not. The irony. The girl using the cable station was fit looking. It was almost a game we played on the spot. Something tells me I will attract her eventually without a doubt. Its a great feeling to have her already.

Other people engaged with me and thus I had several people join in. Im very relaxed socially nowadays. Unfiltered and flowing. Good. Another women was training on some midsection machine while I needed the dip machine. Asked her if she needed it. She didnt look bad at all. Cute face. Nice figure. After she said she didnt use it, I caught her tranced out for some splitseconds.

I feel the shifts happening. Manifesting will happen. The whole package and goods. Several things like cars are now empathized yet also the process. Its starting to become effortless allignment. Like succes incarnated and am clear in my mission ans vision. I tend to be visual and high on the process. Having the process skills enables to grow, build, rebuild etc. Having the power of the proces, yet the endgoal is glorious aswell. New visions pop up aswell. Laptop life, meet ups, creating stuff, not really coaching yet something similar is mine. I expect this to grow. The idea is clear. Execution gets more clear. The flow is so strong now, its hard to even think instead of letting it come and surrender which is key.

My learning streak is coming back full force.

From now on I will wear a tom ford suit, have the best cars to my exposal and live well off. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of 'when'. Its that subtle and talk aswell as communication.

Some couple of days back I did write myself up for yoga. How DMSI will affect is the question. The checkout girl at the gym keeps reminding me to update her. Told her she should come along with me and teased her about it. She gets more and more flirty lately. When she began to waver around it I asked her why not. She brought all excuses up as to why she cant due time. Its easy to DHV tho. To show by example. Yoga is totally new to me, like, at all. Yes, I have experience with Shaolin kung fu, with meditation and the several body poses and flexibilities, yet I still wonder. To escalate nowadays and create time, instadates and what not is so easy. To own the process.

4 loops in today. 2 hybrid. 2 US. all verson B. Its all business. All part of it.

Edit; thinking back at today some other instances happened. Like when paying at the checkout the guy was reacting shocked. 2 other women teamed up with me, as in, couples frame. One did apologize when getting some drinks out of the cooling, foreigner girl. B happened to hit hard and was pretty much in processing mode or whatever. She smiled, kept bumping in me like the universe said "hell no, you 2 stay here, no room to get out bro" very cute "I'm sorry" others checked me out aswell once again. I do keep forgetting things tho. First my trainings towel, then my jacket, now my wristwraps. :/

RE: DMSI 3.1 ~ Rise in power - Kol - 08-07-2017

There is no reason to not be rich. Its right in my face. Obvious. Tho Im about high goals setting, having steps is important. Like building up while knowing ill get to the goals set.