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The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - Printable Version

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RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-17-2015

Yeah, I'm running Become Irresistably Attractive to Women Sexually with Develop an Aura of Sexiness. I just feel that I just take longer to get results with subs. I mean with EPRHA, people were saying they had a massive improvement in 1 WEEK! Took me MUCH longer than that to even be sure I was improving! I think it's all just a matter of time.

3 hours via earbuds
5 hours via speakers

5:47 via earbuds

Okay. I actually had some decent proof that the subs are doing something. Too many "coincidences"/out of the normal things happened today and yesterday for it to be anything else. I just have to wait and see how it builds. I'm definitely expecting it to build from here. And go in a noticeable sexual direction. I know I'm vague right now, but I'll put up details once I'm absolutely sure. I'm expecting the end result to be there being a nice selection of hot girls that are irresistably attracted to me sexually that I can easily create relationships with. Should that happen, my goal would be achieved.

One thing I will say, I am getting more and more free socially as the days go by. It may be a little slow, but that's definitely happening.

Also these workouts are starting to get longer little by little. I now see how a bodyweight program like this could deliver results. It's definitely challenging! I started recording my progress so I know I'm doing better each time!

Current Strategy For Subs:
*For the next month (until 12/18) I will be using only ultrasonic tracks. So all hours will be from the ultrasonic as I feel I respond quicker to it.

-Maximize hours as much as I can
-Get Sleep Phones (Is there going to be a Black Friday discount for these?)
-Continue bodyweight routine and internal workouts
-Ensure I get proper sleep (9-10 hours)

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-18-2015

1:41 via earbuds
8:39 via speakers

30 min via speakers
7:30 with earbuds

Between the two, I think I'm having a little more resistance from AoS. Regardless, I'm good and I'm confident that the subs are helping me. Day by day...I'm gonna get where I want to be

Also, pretty unrelated, I just got DMC4 SE for my PC! I'm totally gonna play it when I have time! Just wish my pc could run it at 60fps...but it's still smooth!

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-19-2015

8:21 via speakers

8:36 via earbuds

I wasn't as socially free today I noticed. I considered running ASC after this run, but no, I'm gonna stick with running OF after. Because after OF I shouldn't have any fear, and since I'm doing AM6 right after, it already has ASC in it.

I'm not "irresistably attractive to beautiful women" yet though. I really look forward to seeing exactly this happen in the coming month or two.

Also, I wanted to f*** girls to f*** just like I went to pron.

Part of me thinks that it is all my fault I'm not f****** as many hot girls as often I want to. The other part of me thinks that their actions are outside of my control. It's something that's been in the back of my mind for a bit. It really pissed me off before. Now, it's just a mental debate without much emotion behind it.

Unrelated, but with some tweaking I found out how to run DMC4 around 45-almost 60 fps. Awesome! I think I'll have time to play this weekend

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-20-2015

9:11 via speakers

8:52 via earbuds

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - JackOfHearts - 11-21-2015

Can you add on each post the amount of days you have done, thanks.

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-21-2015

I see your point there...from now on I will add the number of days for every 16 days. I think if I put up the next day count every day when I post my hours, it'd really make it seem like it's taking longer.

Today is Day 34
I will post the day again in bold when it is day 48

I will post hours at the end of the day as usual. But I had some dreams last night. I remembered them and they do relate to girls. I was having a conversation with one that I haven't talked to. I want to, but I haven't had a chance to approach her under decent circumstances. And almost all of the time I'm in a hurry. Anyway, in the dream I was having a convo with her and she called me out for looking at her tits/ass or whatever. For a second I was stunned and then I see a smile or some expression from her that showed she's either totally bluffing or playing around and then I'm like "No you didn't!" and started laughing about it.

In another dream, I was talking to a girl from my hometown. I was just telling her about how things have been recently. We haven't spoke in person in a while since I'm not in town that often. Anyway, I don't know it came to me that I should f*** her sometime in the future.

Anyway, I know that I'm going to change as a person so I shouldn't hold on to an "identity" that I once had. The only parts of me that I want to hold on to are the parts of me where I feel like I'm enjoying myself, carefree, flowing, and I'm fun. I also think motivation to get and stay in perfect shape is important due to the nature of my career. Besides that, I'm open to every other part of me changing for the better. And that's what I want to happen

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-21-2015

4:39 via earbuds
8:44 via speakers

8:42 via earbuds

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-22-2015

Just a short update. I have been having some lines under my eyes when I wake up. I've noticed the past week or two. And now that I'm thinking about it, it's been the same with my forgetfulness. I'm thinking me turning up the volume at night has really put a strain on my mind or something. I've been tossing and turning every night for a little while. I'm finding it nearly impossible to lay down, fall asleep, and stay asleep for a night. It's either the increase in volume, me thinking more, or the bed I'm sleeping in that is sagging in the middle, maybe a combination of all 3. Anyway, it's gotta stop, I can't wake up with some bags under my eyes. For now, I'll turn the volume down when I sleep.

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-22-2015

I don't feel like doing the math right now, will update later
1:39 via earbuds
7:29 via speakers
2:48 via earbuds

6:00 via earbuds

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-23-2015

1:46 via earbuds
6:20 via speakers

3:32 via speakers
6:40 via earbuds

On the 48th day, I'll post what my findings are in terms of external results. Since I'm judging the subs effectiveness from my point of view, I think I can only effectively determine how much it's helping by looking at external results. I can say that internally, I have changed with x y and z, but I think it all comes down to "Did the changes create the results?"

I can say that in terms of internal changes, I do feel different. And after each weekend of fully cramming in sub hours, when the following week starts I do feel more different than the last. But during the week I don't typically notice much internal improvements, it's after the weekends mostly. Again, though I "feel different", it may be difficult for me to determine if it is good or bad.

Also last night I turned down the sub a little bet when I was going to sleep. BEST SLEEP I'VE HAD IN A LITTLE WHILE! I don't know if it's because I donated plasma yesterday or if I changed the sub volume, but I really enjoyed that sleep. I got a good 10 hrs when I wasn't really planning on it. I woke up after 7hrs, changed the sub, and was gonna get another 90 minutes (1 more sleep cycle in), but it went longer than that.

I've also been looking up YouTube videos to allow my chakra to flow. So far I've done exercises for my 4th and 1st chakra. Tomorrow I'm planning on getting a workout in, was gonna do it today, but time got away. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but I gotta get the workout in

I also look forward to doing OF since it's pretty damn simple to evaluate if it has achieved it's goal :p

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-24-2015

8:33 via speakers

6:13 via earbuds

I'm looking forward to the 48th day to post some of the "possible influences" the subs have had. It would've been a month and a half. And maybe someone can shine some light on this in case I'm missing something (but I don't think I am). If I could just get a clear response of some kind each day then that'd be helpful...but maybe with more time

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-26-2015


1:48 via earbuds
7:40 via speakers

16 minutes via speakers
8:17 via earbuds

First off, Happy Thanksgiving! I just wanted to get on here and make sure I recorded my hours from yesterday. Solid! I'm still going strong today even with all the holiday stuff and shopping to do.

Note to self: Maybe doing ultrasonic with masked is the best way to approach this. If my the 48th day, I still feel the same way then that's what I'll go back to doing. No mones yesterday or the rest of this week for me. I want to be 100% sure that I'm getting what I think I am from listening to the sub.

P.S. I came across a site called Change Your Energy, it's a Youtube channel as well. They claim that using magnetic meditation, you can clear ALL of the negative beliefs, negative thought patterns, and negative history that holds you back. I may try it. The magnets are pretty cheap.

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-26-2015

1:29 via earbuds
8:37 via speakers

4:41 via earbuds

Got sort of wrapped up with the family, couldn't listen to AoS as much as I wanted to. Also, I noticed Sleepphones Wireless just dropped down to $79 plus they're doing free shipping right now. So I ordered a pair of the Sleepphones Wireless in Breeze fabric. I measured just like they said to and it seems an extra large is what is supposed to fit. So they're on the way!

Also, I'm gonna save up some money and I'm going to get the Phallosan Forte and a Bathmate X30. I've checked and it seems like both of those are the best at what they do and the PF is supposed to be comfortable and completely unobtrusive to a social life. Sweet. I figure since it takes time to see substantial gains, and I can wear it passively from day to day, the sooner I get it, the better, in order to maximize my time. After that, I'll worry about getting some wireless earbuds just to not have to deal with cords all the time when I go into my pocket.

RE: The Start of A Sexual Journey: Prologue To AM6 - maxx55 - 11-28-2015

1:37 via earbuds
9:52 via speakers

6:48 via earbuds

I'll post today's at midnight