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RE: OSC + DRS - Have at ye - 03-16-2025

I'm running it together with OSC for two full loops (1 hour each) as well and it's been working just fine.

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-16-2025

I just recently started doing so and its been just fine,too! :-) the last few days. I just got finished doing it all. I agree.
in My Case 20 minutes of OSC + 2 Hours of DRS, works for Me. tired going to rest some.

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-16-2025

Deeper levels of anger & resentment's surfacing and deeper "awareness-es", along with it. Grateful. Today is MY 5th day of Using OSC+DRS. Deep Diving apparently !!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-17-2025

6th Day of OSC+DRS..... I AM using tricking streams hybrid of both OSC + DRS, from the start of using these programs.
Reconnected with My niece today, a nice big hug and unspoken 'forgiveness', a decent conversation that followed, brief but a quality connected conversation , this was before I ran The program today,
Even still DRS 24 coverage, so it worked out the same.

RE: OSC + DRS - 4Kingdoms - 03-17-2025

You've recently met with family. Did any of your relatives say, "There's something different about you?"

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-17-2025

(03-17-2025, 03:15 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: You've recently met with family. Did any of your relatives say, "There's something different about you?"

Great querstion 4Kingdoms, thanks.

  Not in words, one "Sister" tried to be snippy with Me ,once and it fell flat. I thought this is bullshit, you just wait!!
 MY Brother  noticed a difference but  did say anything. 

I was in a calm relaxed state, over all. I choose rarely be around them, even here at the house, when they  visit on Sunday nights, the whole crew converges here to see Mama. I usually stay upstairs , with the down stairs, door to the stairsteps closed.  There are sooo many reasons why this is so,  for many a decade.  

The Meme's that goes " The further I AM AWAY from Family, the More I Love them"  could not be  more apropos !!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-17-2025

Had a good interaction with my sister, this evening. I had another decent interaction with her 38 daughter earlier today here at the house. MY Mother will be officially 89 yrs of age on Tuesday the 18th,2025. Had a forvieness session with my Aunt yesterday. So heck yeah OSC+DRS are indeed working. thankful.

Today makes 6 days completed on OSC_DRS, I think wow what would this be like in 6 weeks or 4 months worth? This is game changing stuff here Yawl. I mean ,as in, for real ,for real game changing material. TJC !
10:54 pm - 3/17/23

RE: OSC + DRS - Shannon - 03-17-2025

I'm glad you're getting value from them.

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-17-2025

(03-17-2025, 07:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: I'm glad you're getting value from them.

 Thank you Shannon ! I love how you understate this. Coz this  stuff is incredible!! Even for the short amount of time I've used them. I realize that I may go through "The 'Dark Night of the Soul" as things deepen and progress Shannon, to the Light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. To use some vernacular's " "this is the shit," "the bomb dot com", "The best", even still I Am firm in my beliefs that these statements are NOT premature, its amazing. Thank you!! Blackhat

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-18-2025

7th day on OSC+DRS.... burning sensation around the forehead, a band of energy sensation, waves moving through,that area.
DRS firing up at almost the end of the run of the program. However the day is young and theres more to, I AM shure of that....The JJC,

A Few hours later.... dawg tired, after 2 loops of DRS! The programs are doing what they are meant to do, So grateful for this work !!

RE: OSC + DRS - Omni3 - 03-18-2025

I trust your Mum is having a great birthday with you Smile

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-18-2025

(03-18-2025, 02:32 PM)Omni3 Wrote: I trust your Mum is having a great birthday with you Smile

  Yes We did indeed have a good time.
Family is here along with Me & Mama. We had a great time over all.  ONLY one  hang up MY former favorite Aunt MY MOhter's youngest sister, who says She has forgiven me as I have forgiven her, but its clear as a bell she's still holding a grudge.

The whole experience with Family went really well. over all  was amazing to Me, DRS+OSC  on the case working like a muther. Good time had by everyone,except her.
 Cant wait to run OSC+DRS tomorrow. In the ,meantime Im doing my weekly "energectic" work session, elsewhere, and that will help clear up a lot, too. Thanks for asking.

 The Journey continues. Though I've only been using OSC+DRS for 7 days now... what its doing for me and what i AM doing for myself on them is 
Ree-markable !! I've used that word a lot and will again...coz 6G is   off the chain, good & then some. Peace.
 Down the road OGSF3 is definitely on the  MY  "Manly ,To Do List"

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-19-2025

8th Day on OSC+DRS
Glad all the major Family stuff is over. A bunch of residual stuff is still up but I feel sooo relieved this afternoon, running OSC and then DRS, Its a relief and really helps in dealing with the aftermath of family interactions at a large scale. I am FEELING very very tired, running my second loop of DRS..
Going to take a much needed nap.
2 hours later, coming out of the nap, I felt like I was wrapped in a cocoon of energy. A bubble of golden light protection. Very cool. I was not looking for that nor even focusing on such. I was just really tired, rested for well over an hour and boom, it was "there" when I came out of the sleep state.
Thre whole thing combined OSC+DRS , is growing, developing and becoming so much stronger and evident day by day. Very groovy!

RE: OSC + DRS - ncbeareatingman - 03-20-2025

9th on OSC+DRS woke up to a lot of shame ,followed by enormous guilt. huh? Yep a lot of it. inciteful but frustrating. About to run both programs back to back.... I will report later...

"intriguing Mr. Spock....but not resolved......YET !" :-)

Hours later... ran my programs... feel much better. Its still clear that OSGF3 is much needed. What a good dilema... I want to use UMS3 & OSGF3 ,like yesterday, like last Wednesday...alas I have to take it all, step at a time. NO complaints about OSC+DRS, they're doing their respective jobs. Im gonna follow through on the time usage, full run through and perhaps after that another round of OSC+DRS. ALL of it is good stuff. Gonna Keep on Truckin' here. The Journey continues.

PS: Between Doing the "Energectic clearing work" of which I do 4 times a week,, prayer, and the IML Subs , visulization, deep connected breathing, MY herbal meidication, (known as suppliments) and more...its like from Earth Up and Heaven down, so to speak.... I Meet in the middle of this, it make a perfect cross & a circle around me & with Me. DRS is amazing,too.