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Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-07-2024

6G Development news:

I am almost finished upgrading the last module that needs to be upgraded before I can use this 6G skeleton script for testing purposes.  It will be finished later on today, after which time I will process it in the ways necessary to make it possible for me to build.

This first build will be considered an alpha level build, since it has seen massive changes since I started working on the skeleton script of 5.11.5G.  First test program will be designed to get our bearings and verify that nothing was overlooked and no mistakes were made so far.  I have been over this and over this with a fine tooth comb and I can find nothing that is out of place, but with such major changes we always err on the side of caution, because our customers must be able to trust that we follow our creed: Safe, Effective, Useful.  It must be safe first and foremost.  Maybe this is too much caution, maybe this level of caution is overkill, but it is never a bad thing when it comes to producing the best possible product that is safe, effective and useful.  At worst, this will make the development and testing slower, but I'll do that all day every day over being not cautious and careful enough.  My customers are the lifeblood of my business, and I and my family and friends also use these programs. 

First test build will happening some time this month.  What the goals of the alpha test program are is a trade secret.  Only qualified testers who have already been accepted will be eligible for testing this and knowing what the goals are. 

I fully expect that the safety is a complete non-issue, but I need to observe how the core scripting for 6G achieves its goals relative to 5.11.5G and see if it works as intended and as designed.  I also need to know if it is as powerful and effective as the models have led me to believe it would be, and if it is not, where it needs adjustment.  I'm relatively confident in this being successful.  Regardless, however this turns out, I will be seeking ways to tweak and improve on this alpha level 6G skeleton script and then build a beta test program.  Rinse and repeat.

How long will alpha testing require?  I don't know.  At least a month.  But after 12 long years of development, we are finally on the path to actually finishing, publishing and using 6G!  I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-11-2024

Last night at 9:45 PM, I finished calculating the configuration for the 6G skeleton script additions. Now I am developing the support script. After that the tagging needs optimization and then I weave it out. Then it will be ready for me to build the alpha test program. So we should have the 6G alpha test program in an estimated 4 to 12 days.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-11-2024

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but...
A) There is still no guarantee that we will publish X4A-2000, and
B) There will only be 45 copies available for sale if we do.

Publication will depend on what seems the best choice once I have a positive lock on the price, because after that I'm going to have the models tell me if it is better to publish it, or not.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-12-2024

To clarify a few things for you guys:

1. I'm hesitating on releasing X4A-2000 because I cannot get a stable response from the models as to how to price this or what the impact of releasing it will be. I need to know that I have it priced appropriately and that it makes my customers happy before I am willing to release it. It's not that I don't want to. But it's more important to me to know that you guys will be happy with it. If we get everything set up to release it and I still can't get a bead on whether or not I should release it, we will wait until I have a solid answer with high confidence.

2. Premium programs - I'm not planning to make everything Premium. Just the stuff that is suitably difficult to create and make work, and which requires that particular approach. The other case where something will be released as a Premium is where the value it gives is such that pricing it below $1,500 per copy is considered by the user to be too low. I fully expect that Premiums will be the exception, not the rule.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-12-2024

Currently, it looks like X4A-2000 is go for launch this month. Yes! I am currently calculating the price and the predictive models are holding steady and giving answers that are well within confidence requirements.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-16-2024

Alright, so things are up in the air with X4A-2000 right now, and I don't know if it will be released this month, but I am working on an aphrodisiac to publish this month either way. This aphrodisiac is aimed at men interested in arousing women, and it is a Direct Exposure Aphrodisiac, meaning the women to be affected must listen to it. It is of course not designed to take away free will. But it works by communicating extreme social proof to her for you in ways that result in sexual arousal, attraction and interest. This one's for the bad boys, players and the PUAs out there. I think I'm going to name it the Extreme Social Proof Aphrodisiac, or ESPA.

It's effects are likely to be damaging to a LTR if the girlfriend, wife or fiance is exposed, as it's effects usually result in her concluding that there is infidelity going on. But the right woman will respond with rather extraordinary sexual arousal and attraction to the man playing it, and is much more likely than otherwise to respond by having sex with him because she concludes that he has been pre-selected by other women as a result of the social proof.

It works with females ranging from about 18 to 40, and within that set, the subset it works best on is 18 to 24. It is age limited to only affect 18+.

Very useful for arousing and attracting college girls and women, party girls, bartenders, servers, and generally speaking any women within those ages who are more attractive than average and who respond to pre-selection with heightened interest.

Yes, you too can now be "that guy" who all the attractive women notice, notice all the other women noticing, and want!

Not very useful for arousing or attracting faithful women, women looking for LTRs, or women who want romance or have a very sensitive heart. These women tend to be very pointedly turned off and repelled by this program.

Currently I am optimizing the Key Script for this program. It promises to be one VERY interesting (and fun) aphrodisiac! Been wanting to make this one for about three years now.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-18-2024

I am about to finish developing and optimizing the Key Script for ESPA. Should be starting build on July 19th, local time. This is exciting!

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-19-2024

I have the final fully optimized Key Script for ESPA finished, and now I am beginning the build process.

I have also caught my inner child trying to derail me lately, apparently because he is not wanting me to finish 6G, so I'm countering him by starting a run of UMS v2 S3, which s what the models tell me will guide me back to productivity and success.

Once I get ESPA finished, it is just a matter of tagging the 6G alpha test skeleton script and performing weave-out before I can build the 6G alpha test program.

Let's get ESPA done! I'm dying to see what you guys think of this. It's looking crazy!

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-19-2024

Now building the actual subliminal audio for ESPA. We are almost there.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-19-2024

[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed Audio]$ sha256sum *

51954db6147fe400328f6edb308d5a4179adb5b487e8cb6379a23bc0666003cf Extreme_Social_Proof_Aphrodisiac_5p11G_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

05215f8601cc50d88c5b7e767c876d2999f868b1d0f83ae2cd3b8fa678db6d35 Extreme_Social_Proof_Aphrodisiac_5p11G_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

131fbfe3d13f2ac877b605224fea2ef19e7e4b736b4a8beec503b921725c0176 Extreme_Social_Proof_Aphrodisiac_5p11G_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

c831df65eec74ad86fec084c21a1922856ff6b9073c5b42ba585a80e33830ac8 Extreme_Social_Proof_Aphrodisiac_5p11G_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

bf86ed90aef2c90b7c31c539600f72cde97ebad2e890a2a92c1d8ecfec96761a Extreme_Social_Proof_Aphrodisiac_5p11G_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed Audio]$ sha256sum *.txt

e547e0fce0dbb7cd2bc937f5af9259c0f7ffd23021e7d1aa341b24f64bb43cd4 ESPA_5p11G_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed Audio]$

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-21-2024

I am now into the last step before we publish ESPA. I have to edit the description. It should be published within the next hour or two!

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-21-2024

I am pleased to announce that the Extreme Social Proof Aphrodisiac subliminal in 5.11G is now available for your pleasure. You can find it here:

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-24-2024

I am now fully finished developing the 6G alpha test skeleton script and processing it for use. Tomorrow I start on the 6G alpha test program title, which should be a much faster build than 5.11G would be. We shall see.

RE: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3 - Shannon - 07-27-2024

I am in the process of building the 6G alpha test program.