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JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Printable Version

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RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jones - 06-14-2016

(06-14-2016, 12:58 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
Quick Question

Can you listen to music or watch tv when you have a masked track playing? (whether that be playing through headphones/earphones or via speakers?)


I use earbuds for the masked tracks, and turn the volume down to somewhere between 1-3, then I go about my daily routine. If I listen, I can hear the babbling brook or the ocean waves in my ear. But it doesn't distract me from concentrating, having a conversation, or enjoying media of any kind.

It's there, even if your mind is hearing a barely perceptible whisper, you are getting the message.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-14-2016

(06-14-2016, 01:09 PM)Jones Wrote:
(06-14-2016, 12:58 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:
Quick Question

Can you listen to music or watch tv when you have a masked track playing? (whether that be playing through headphones/earphones or via speakers?)


I use earbuds for the masked tracks, and turn the volume down to somewhere between 1-3, then I go about my daily routine. If I listen, I can hear the babbling brook or the ocean waves in my ear. But it doesn't distract me from concentrating, having a conversation, or enjoying media of any kind.

It's there, even if your mind is hearing a barely perceptible whisper, you are getting the message.

Fantastic, thank you very much Jones Smile

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-14-2016

Day 8: Tuesday 14th June 2016

Its taken 8 days people but its finally here.....

The 8hour a day listen has finally begin ---- wahaaaay!!!!!

Today, on this day I finally got to listen to E2 for 8hours in total

This is how I managed this magical feat....

Headphones: 2hours 32mins - Trickling Stream

Laptop Speakers: The remaining 5hrs 28mins - Silent Track

It is 4.35am here right now and I have been on my laptop dealing with Amazon's horrendous Indian customer service via their chat system for the past 2.5+hours at least.

Its a nightmare and got me frustrated and I'm now finally dealing with a representative from there who has shown me that he has competence that eludes the vast majority of his colleagues!

That being said I cannot say whether my level of frustration was up or down due to E2, however I do not want my courage or confidence affected. If there is wrong being done to me and it gets me rattled I want to face it not be mellowed out like some 1960s hippie after free love lol nothing is free after all.

Anyway so I was frustrated and I know it and rightly so, so no idea if E2 had any effect on me during this but as its occurred I'm adding it to my journal.

That being said, tomorrow I will listen relaxed-fully because from tomorrow I can listen during the day and night now.

This way I aim to hit always 8hours a day ideally and easily by playing silent at night and in the day anything extra will be a bonus. If of course I don't hit 8hours at night then daytime will assist in making these hours up.

Of course you the reader, reading this will know this as you will have read all my journal and understood my strategy by now Wink lol

so heres to my future!

I am travelling soon so hope that my night time 8hours or near to it will be achieved with the help of my laptop. Once I'm back here then i can use the speakers I have.

Big Grin

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-15-2016

Day 8 Continued - Thoughts and Experiences

Today I got woken early by a friend's phone call.

I realised that I was dreaming and it was a pleasant dream as usual so nothing out the ordinary.

I cannot recall what the dream was now which is unfortunate.

I then went to sleep.

I woke and I'm sure I may have been dreaming again but unsure.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-15-2016

(06-14-2016, 11:43 AM)CatMan Wrote: When listening to ultrasonic, it should be "silent". If you hear crackling, static etc., it's a sign that it's either too loud, or the speakers can't play ultrasonic properly and you should stick to masked.

The max the subs should be playing at, is -30db at the source in Frequensee.

Ive checked again, the subs are reaching -40db and when I measure near my ears its less than this. (where I'm sat which is about 60cm away from the laptop lets say)

The crackling sound is very very tiny but its when I put my ears close to the laptop speakers.

yet frequensee shows that subs playing at 19Khz as per the image I had attached in the original post some day ago.

Any thoughts anyone?

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Catman - 06-15-2016

What app are you using to play the sub? If you have Regain, dynamic range compression, or Night Mode on, this can happen. Turning that kind of stuff off will fix it if this is the case here.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-16-2016

(06-15-2016, 02:06 PM)CatMan Wrote: What app are you using to play the sub? If you have Regain, dynamic range compression, or Night Mode on, this can happen. Turning that kind of stuff off will fix it if this is the case here.

Im using iTunes player which came pre-installed onto my mac book pro. Ive no idea what any of those other things are.

Ive turned the volume lower and the crackling has gone, but I'm worried that the volume is too low.

So using frequensee this is what I go (see image attached)

What do you think?

The issue I have is whether this volume will reach me if I'm not sat around the laptop, so shall I use frequensee with the phone held nest to my ear and walk around my apartment and see if how the graph changes? and if so what should I be looking for?


RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Catman - 06-16-2016

Well, do some research on Google on that player with those terms, then. I'm not familiar with that player. They can cause the exact issue you are describing, that kind of night mode function may be on. I've noticed it with MPC, which is what I use now for subs, sometimes VLC.

I personally wouldn't want the subs going below -45db. The lower you go, the less impact it can have.

You may need to switch to using masked. If you don't end up having night mode on, you may need to switch as that would show the speakers may be JUST under 20,000khz in usefulness in reality. Regardless of what the specs for it say, which happens sometimes as they figure it's cheaper to make and most people will never be playing something like this to discover the limitation.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-16-2016

(06-16-2016, 01:26 PM)CatMan Wrote: Well, do some research on Google on that player with those terms, then. I'm not familiar with that player. They can cause the exact issue you are describing, that kind of night mode function may be on. I've noticed it with MPC, which is what I use now for subs, sometimes VLC.

I personally wouldn't want the subs going below -45db. The lower you go, the less impact it can have.

You may need to switch to using masked. If you don't end up having night mode on, you may need to switch as that would show the speakers may be JUST under 20,000khz in usefulness in reality. Regardless of what the specs for it say, which happens sometimes as they figure it's cheaper to make and most people will never be playing something like this to discover the limitation.

Thank you Catman, ill look into this more and try and sort this out otherwise it'll have to be masked I guess.

I have AudioEngine 2+ which I know is 20khz and so will hopefully give me the night time 8hours I need, its the daytime where I'm struggling now - Sad

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-16-2016

I got a reply from Shannon - So I'm copying and pasting here so that it helps anyone and everyone reading my journal Smile

(06-16-2016, 01:16 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-16-2016, 06:59 AM)Jake2015 Wrote:
(06-15-2016, 02:15 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-15-2016, 01:18 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: Shannon, How loud should you play the silent speaker test mp3 please?

I have a mac book pro 2015 laptop. I did play this at the volume id normally want to play the silent track and it worked without any hiccups.

For the past 8 days I've played the silent track again without any issue.

I used frequensee and it showed that my signal was around 19KHZ and about -50 to -30db from speaker to my ears and further behind.

Today however I played the track at full volume as I was away from my laptop and wanted to make sure if reached my ears. When I sat down at the laptop I then could hear crackling.

When I played the free silent testing mp3, at this loud volume (full volume both on my laptop and my iTunes player), then I could hear crackling very very low and only if I bring my ears to the speakers of the laptop. My apartment is super quiet and this is why I could hear this but its only when Im sat at the laptop.

Is there any issue with my laptop therefore playing silent tracks? i hope not now Sad

Play it at the same levels of audio you would anything else.

All you need to do is calibrate.

Thanks Shannon

Im using iTunes player which came pre-installed onto my mac book pro.

Ive turned the volume lower and the crackling has gone, but I'm worried that the volume is too low, especially for when I'm not sat at the laptop. I walk around my room and leave the laptop at the table that I'm sat at to get to the sink (same room).

So using frequensee this is what I got at the laptop itself. (see image attached)

What do you think?

The issue I have is whether this volume will reach me if I'm not sat around the laptop, so shall I use frequensee with the phone held next to my ear and walk around my apartment and see if how the graph changes? and if so what should I be looking for?


Play the trickling stream track. Set it, while you are sitting at your computer, to a comfortable volume. Now go to every point in the room, and listen. Just listen. And then to other areas where you will commonly be.

If you do that, you'll find that you can hear it at surprising distances from your laptop. I can hear it playing on my phone, in my bedroom, through the master bedroom, through the bathroom that leads to the hallway, down the hallway and in the living room in my house. And that's at the standard volume I use at night.

The subconscious is MUCH more sensitive to volume than the conscious mind is. I have done experiments where I played a test track only phone at a volume of 1/15 (minimum volume possible), with a lifeproof case on my phone. It still gets results. Not very far from the phone, probably within about 6 feet or about 2 meters, but they are still there. And consciously, for me to hear anything even from an audible track at that point, I need to have the speaker right up to my ear!

Just relax. Calibrate as instructed, then reduce the volume until there are no crackles if necessary, and you're done.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-18-2016

A very quick update:

I have exams and so haven't been able to write a detailed update.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still listening and I'm still continuing.

I am averaging around 19hrs a day listening via silent track on my laptop and at night with my speakers.

Read my journal to know what day I am at so far.

That being said, besides maybe a dream here and there (which is more I think connected to listening with headphones), there is absolutely nothing else to report.

I am seeing that nothing in myself has changed.

I am still avoiding or procrastinating from studying and the 'pain' of cramming information and the 'pain' of learning information and trying to push it into my mind.

I am procrastinating from the overload of information too.

I see other students, a friend here and there who are in the same boat as me BUT are able to just get into the information and make notes. They have shared those notes with me.

It disturbs me that these people are able to attack the information and make notes and I cannot.

I rather come here and write this update, or think about what to eat, or chat on the phone, or do this or that, rather than study.

Before anyone asks, I do want to study, i want to learn and I want to be the best that I can be.

The other disturbance is that so far, I have not noticed any results. I read journals where others have noticed enough to claim that E2 is working on them. I have not.

My sleep cycle is completely off sync which I'm sure is due to stress, or apathy to the stress and other poor lifestyle changes but this hasnt improved.

I also now remember that I feel no sense of stress or loss to failing, its as if I'm in a cycle of thought where I feel don't worry there are always resits in the summer. I know this attitude isn't serving me as it also is connected to my perfectionist behaviour, that come summer I will do x, y, z, I will do this and this and change myself around.

Others feel that sense of dread if they fail, I don't and I do believe its a deeper sense of apathy or numbness and perhaps its a defence mechanism that has installed this into me - from where I do not know.

So I just wanted to give this update.

For those too lazy to read my journal, well I have listened for 12days so far, and today is the 5th day where I am listening for 8hours minimum a day. The first days were a slow hourly daily buildup to the 8hours a day.

If anyone has any advice, any words of wisdom or encouragement then please jump on board...I need it! thank you

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jones - 06-20-2016

(06-18-2016, 10:19 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: A very quick update:

I have exams and so haven't been able to write a detailed update.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still listening and I'm still continuing.

I am averaging around 19hrs a day listening via silent track on my laptop and at night with my speakers.

Read my journal to know what day I am at so far.

That being said, besides maybe a dream here and there (which is more I think connected to listening with headphones), there is absolutely nothing else to report.

I am seeing that nothing in myself has changed.

I am still avoiding or procrastinating from studying and the 'pain' of cramming information and the 'pain' of learning information and trying to push it into my mind.

I am procrastinating from the overload of information too.

I see other students, a friend here and there who are in the same boat as me BUT are able to just get into the information and make notes. They have shared those notes with me.

It disturbs me that these people are able to attack the information and make notes and I cannot.

I rather come here and write this update, or think about what to eat, or chat on the phone, or do this or that, rather than study.

Before anyone asks, I do want to study, i want to learn and I want to be the best that I can be.

The other disturbance is that so far, I have not noticed any results. I read journals where others have noticed enough to claim that E2 is working on them. I have not.

My sleep cycle is completely off sync which I'm sure is due to stress, or apathy to the stress and other poor lifestyle changes but this hasnt improved.

I also now remember that I feel no sense of stress or loss to failing, its as if I'm in a cycle of thought where I feel don't worry there are always resits in the summer. I know this attitude isn't serving me as it also is connected to my perfectionist behaviour, that come summer I will do x, y, z, I will do this and this and change myself around.

Others feel that sense of dread if they fail, I don't and I do believe its a deeper sense of apathy or numbness and perhaps its a defence mechanism that has installed this into me - from where I do not know.

So I just wanted to give this update.

For those too lazy to read my journal, well I have listened for 12days so far, and today is the 5th day where I am listening for 8hours minimum a day. The first days were a slow hourly daily buildup to the 8hours a day.

If anyone has any advice, any words of wisdom or encouragement then please jump on board...I need it! thank you

I cannot give you any wisdom, as I have neither walked a mile in your shoes NOR used EHPRA yet.

I can tell you that my experience with ASC is similar in some ways. The changes I have noticed are almost imperceptible. BUT... they are there. One must "listen" in a quiet room to sense the difference in inner thought. But it is there.

My suggestion would be to continue to the 32-day mark. Then take a few days off and start another 32-day course.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - DisneylandUSA - 06-27-2016

(06-18-2016, 10:19 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: A very quick update:

I have exams and so haven't been able to write a detailed update.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still listening and I'm still continuing.

I am averaging around 19hrs a day listening via silent track on my laptop and at night with my speakers.

Read my journal to know what day I am at so far.

That being said, besides maybe a dream here and there (which is more I think connected to listening with headphones), there is absolutely nothing else to report.

I am seeing that nothing in myself has changed.

I am still avoiding or procrastinating from studying and the 'pain' of cramming information and the 'pain' of learning information and trying to push it into my mind.

I am procrastinating from the overload of information too.

I see other students, a friend here and there who are in the same boat as me BUT are able to just get into the information and make notes. They have shared those notes with me.

It disturbs me that these people are able to attack the information and make notes and I cannot.

I rather come here and write this update, or think about what to eat, or chat on the phone, or do this or that, rather than study.

Before anyone asks, I do want to study, i want to learn and I want to be the best that I can be.

The other disturbance is that so far, I have not noticed any results. I read journals where others have noticed enough to claim that E2 is working on them. I have not.

My sleep cycle is completely off sync which I'm sure is due to stress, or apathy to the stress and other poor lifestyle changes but this hasnt improved.

I also now remember that I feel no sense of stress or loss to failing, its as if I'm in a cycle of thought where I feel don't worry there are always resits in the summer. I know this attitude isn't serving me as it also is connected to my perfectionist behaviour, that come summer I will do x, y, z, I will do this and this and change myself around.

Others feel that sense of dread if they fail, I don't and I do believe its a deeper sense of apathy or numbness and perhaps its a defence mechanism that has installed this into me - from where I do not know.

So I just wanted to give this update.

For those too lazy to read my journal, well I have listened for 12days so far, and today is the 5th day where I am listening for 8hours minimum a day. The first days were a slow hourly daily buildup to the 8hours a day.

If anyone has any advice, any words of wisdom or encouragement then please jump on board...I need it! thank you

Jake, you may want to experiment on the time usage on this subliminal... reduce the hours ? For the mind to Process it... sometimes, this 5.5 G Subliminal may need less time to listen and more time for the mind to process it... give it a try Smile

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-29-2016

(06-27-2016, 02:10 PM)DisneylandUSA Wrote:
(06-18-2016, 10:19 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: A very quick update:

I have exams and so haven't been able to write a detailed update.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still listening and I'm still continuing.

I am averaging around 19hrs a day listening via silent track on my laptop and at night with my speakers.

Read my journal to know what day I am at so far.

That being said, besides maybe a dream here and there (which is more I think connected to listening with headphones), there is absolutely nothing else to report.

I am seeing that nothing in myself has changed.

I am still avoiding or procrastinating from studying and the 'pain' of cramming information and the 'pain' of learning information and trying to push it into my mind.

I am procrastinating from the overload of information too.

I see other students, a friend here and there who are in the same boat as me BUT are able to just get into the information and make notes. They have shared those notes with me.

It disturbs me that these people are able to attack the information and make notes and I cannot.

I rather come here and write this update, or think about what to eat, or chat on the phone, or do this or that, rather than study.

Before anyone asks, I do want to study, i want to learn and I want to be the best that I can be.

The other disturbance is that so far, I have not noticed any results. I read journals where others have noticed enough to claim that E2 is working on them. I have not.

My sleep cycle is completely off sync which I'm sure is due to stress, or apathy to the stress and other poor lifestyle changes but this hasnt improved.

I also now remember that I feel no sense of stress or loss to failing, its as if I'm in a cycle of thought where I feel don't worry there are always resits in the summer. I know this attitude isn't serving me as it also is connected to my perfectionist behaviour, that come summer I will do x, y, z, I will do this and this and change myself around.

Others feel that sense of dread if they fail, I don't and I do believe its a deeper sense of apathy or numbness and perhaps its a defence mechanism that has installed this into me - from where I do not know.

So I just wanted to give this update.

For those too lazy to read my journal, well I have listened for 12days so far, and today is the 5th day where I am listening for 8hours minimum a day. The first days were a slow hourly daily buildup to the 8hours a day.

If anyone has any advice, any words of wisdom or encouragement then please jump on board...I need it! thank you

Jake, you may want to experiment on the time usage on this subliminal... reduce the hours ? For the mind to Process it... sometimes, this 5.5 G Subliminal may need less time to listen and more time for the mind to process it... give it a try Smile

thank you that is a great idea and one that I had actually done over the past few days without intending to and no change to be honest.

Im about to write an update and so will share and reveal all I can in there.