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RE: OGSF2 - Frosted - 05-30-2024

Yeah I’m getting destroyed right now emotionally lol. I suppose this is the other side of the coin. The hard gritty work I don’t want to do that is standing between me and everything that I want. I seem to be heading in a direction of consciously implementing stuff instead of letting the subliminal do everything like I’ve done in the past. I realize more than ever that time is precious and while I’m pretty sure I’ll get where I need to go if I just sit back and press play, the reality is that I’m dissatisfied with where I’m at and I’m not enjoying sitting here waiting for everything to happen from the inside out.

Things will be more exponential if I consciously do things to feed me, and feed things that feed me and vice versa. An intake and outpouring of growth that leads to a vortex of upward awesomeness. I’ve mostly cut out shitty foods, but only recently resolved to do that completely or like 95%. I’m also heavily focusing on knowledge right now. I’m liking Owen Cook and Leo Gura right now. I'm reading “Winning” by Timothy Grover and I’m meditating 30 minutes in the morning. Not currently exercising, but if I do add anything it’ll be small like some jumping jacks or something. Haven’t been doing those since my ankle tends to get sore for some reason after.

I want to do something to make money. This is my main sticking point right now. I’ve never been able to get myself to sit down and just do things I don’t want to do to make money.

OGSF2 seems to be hitting some deep stuff and already has made some profound changes in me. For awhile I was looking forward to something else, but recently I’ve been really encouraged from my results. I’m thinking of extending my run for a bit. Things can change, but I’m thinking I’m gonna run EPHRA6 next and then back to OGSF2 before AM7 comes out. I don’t want to waste time with anything but the most important things.

RE: OGSF2 - Frosted - 06-03-2024

This growing feeling I’m experiencing is love. It feels like it’s fading in from the background, if that makes sense. It’s a feeling that is experienced all throughout my body and it changes how I experience everything. I suppose that’s true for all emotion though. But it feels like more than an emotion it feels like… an “experience”. Maybe it’s not just love, maybe it’s some kind of cocktail of stuff my subconscious is doing in response to OGSF2 that is creating this positive experience I’m feeling.

Everyday feels like insane progress right now. Really deep insecurities are coming up. I hope that this is a sign that I’m hitting emotional bedrock. I’ll go between transcendental enjoyment to grasping pain. Mostly I experience a state of just calm pain though. I think this is the optimal state that OGSF2 has me in to clear most of the time. The transcendental seems to be growing though. It feels like waves that are slowly getting bigger and lasting longer.

I told a coworker I have anxiety and they seemed suprised. They said I don’t seem like an anxious person. Also another coworker keeps insisting that I’m always on drugs, which I take as a compliment lol. Mostly the consensus I hear from people is they think I’m a calm person. It’s funny because actually I’m usually experiencing some kind of deep insecurity I’m dealing with. I guess OGSF2 is just good at creating a balanced pace of dealing with things.

RE: OGSF2 - Frosted - 06-04-2024

Here’s a testimonial I posted in the testimonial section. It sums up my experience of OGSF2 pretty much. This might be my last post in this journal unless I have a significant shift between my break days and EPHRA6 which I’ll be starting shortly.

So… I had this big review typed up but my iPad updated on me and now it’s gone.   Thumbsup

If you want the tldr then read this list (final rating at the bottom of the post):

More clarity
More “transcendental” experiences
More present to the moment
Less in my head
More secure with myself and comfortable in my own skin
More love for everything
A different experience of reality due to this feeling of universal love
An expanded ego
Tons of spiritual insights
Many years of growth packed into 6 months
Maturity improvement
Character improvement
Huge wisdom improvement
Less pain, less GSF
Less trauma
Less defensive
More calm
Less anxiety
Less misery and suffering
Find it more natural to socialize
More authentic; Easier to be myself
Tons of other changes I can’t think of

The coolest stuff I’ve been experiencing recently in the last month or two of my run. There seems to be an accelerating spiritual-like transformation process that I’m sad I couldn’t keep feeding into with OGSF2, since I’ll be switching to EPHRA6 in 10 days. Hopefully EPHRA6 picks up where OGSF2 left off.

450$ for this experience is absolutely ludicrous. It is so laughably cheap. The value Shannon is providing is so much. There’s nothing I know of today that can create such deep and profound changes, and without any conscious effort on your part (beyond hitting “play”). If I had a choice between using these subliminals and winning billions of dollars from the lottery, I would unironically and wholeheartedly take the subliminals. You just can’t buy anything today with that money that can provide what these subliminals provide.

I am more than satisfied with my run of OGSF2. It’s not just a subliminal to use so you can get better results from other subliminals. It brings awesome results once you burn through the trauma. I can’t recommend this subliminal more. Best results hands down than with any other subliminal I’ve used before. Seriously, just buy it and use it to get ready for when 6G drops next year.

I’m not where I want to be yet and I still have massive issues, but the growth rate and results I’ve gotten for OGSF2 is incredible.

Growth rate: 9/10 (early on in my run it felt slow, but actually I now realize that the growth rate is deceptively fast)
Pleasantness:8.5/10. You’re dealing with trauma. It’s still unpleasant, but incredibly manageable compared to doing it manually.
Ease of use: 10/10
Value: 11/10
Results: 9.5/10

Final rating: 9.5/10.

OGSF2 = Masterpiece.

Thank you Shannon, for all the value you provide!

RE: OGSF2 - GreekGod22 - 06-04-2024

Glad for you. How long did you run OGSF2?
I ran it last year for 3 or 4 months.

RE: OGSF2 - Inconceivablezen - 06-05-2024

WONDERFUL results! Crazy to see how far you've progressed over time. This is hopefully the beginning of a journey of TONS of growth!

RE: OGSF2 - Frosted - 06-05-2024

Thanks for the well wishes guys Smile.

@GreekGod22 I ran it for the full 6 months.

@Inconceivablezen I hope so as well! I’m betting my results on EPHRA6 and OGSF2, when I get back to it, will be awesome! And by the time all that is finished I’ll be giga-ready for AM7 when it drops next year.