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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Greenduck - 08-20-2016

I was thinking about DMSI and out ability to control our emotions.

- Could you make DMSI in such a way that the user could on will "turn on or off" the effect of the program?

Reasons why it would be valuable:
1) Not creating sexual tension when it is not 100 % appropriate
2) Being able to expand your emotional arsenal by controlling one more emotion (sexiness)

Ideas for how it could work
1) By holding either a thought or a symbol in the mind, the user could "activate" the program by association. When it had been done enough times, the user could recall the emotion at will, and making it as natural as thinking about something joyful and then become happy.

Am i off track? Would be cool if it would be possible though.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - chaosvrgn - 08-20-2016

(08-19-2016, 10:57 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Chaos I think you're taking it a little too far with your response with what he said. Technically it is true that being a valid tester for a new version it's hard to know which version is doing which without the rest inbetween. But that doesn't discount results either.

But you're going a bit far the way you're talking down to him and the 'nagging wife' attack.

Ben --

I understand that you have to be an objective moderator and can't take sides. But, please consider this: Don't allow classism and elitism -- both forms of intellectual slavery -- to pervade what seems to be IML's noble goal of bringing peace to people's lives. That's how communities die.

This isn't the first time that RTBoss exalted himself to the role of arbiter and used that self-appointed authority to silence another person's voice. He tried to silence Sarge -- who was only inquiring on the nature of relationships -- by virgin-shaming him. There was someone else (can't remember, in the early DMSI threads) he attempted to silence by telling that individual that he had no voice on relationships since he'd never been in one. And that's just off the top of my head. He has a pattern of telling people that doesn't agree with him that they shouldn't have the right to even speak on the topic -- a vast difference from methodically breaking down an argument.

My "temper tantrums," as he refers to them (which, based on the sheer number of likes I get from them insinuates that people largely agree with me) are FAR LESS of an insidious threat than someone attempting to promote a culture where someone else's voice is diminished based on arbitrary reasons. If that's the kind of culture that IML wants to build, the "chaosvrgn problem" will vanish anyway.

I would never presume to know what Shannon thinks, but based on my observations, that's not the culture he wants. I've seen him respond to questions and comments (that would've made me rage) with wisdom and kindness. I've never seen him once take the elitist role (when he's the only person here qualified to do it) and tell a person that they don't have the right to speak.

(08-20-2016, 04:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: No worries, Ben. If people want to take the results of someone who ran a program a total of 6 times or less over 3 versions in 2 months [...]

Incorrect. I ran DMSI much more than that, I simply condensed reports and only reported when significant things happened -- like dates.

(08-20-2016, 04:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: [...] he's on my block/ignore list, so I won't be seeing anything from him anymore anyway.

Thank you.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - K-Train - 08-20-2016

Unfortunate what's happening between RT and Chaos. I hope you guys work out your differences eventually because while I love seeing trolls get trounced and shunned (as they should) it saddens me to see things like this play out among active members although I do accept that it's almost an inevitability of an open forum.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Raykon - 08-20-2016

(08-19-2016, 04:14 PM)CatMan Wrote: There's something about this program in particular that brings out the argumentative, petty cattiness and ego/d*ck measuring contests in people. I can't wait for it to be released just so people chill out. This happened the last time when 2.2 was debuting, too. We're all a very small community, on the cusp of human mind development, on a scale that nobody has EVER seen on this planet. Think of our paths to get here, all of our different lives and struggles, and how much we are all benefiting from this incredible opportunity to change here.

Guys, this should be a joyous time, we have a new DMSI coming. New and improved, I am grateful for that, it may finally have the power to change my life, and yours too.

Let's focus on what's important...

well said brother. I'm grateful too.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - chaosvrgn - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 07:18 AM)K-Train Wrote: Unfortunate what's happening between RT and Chaos. I hope you guys work out your differences eventually because while I love seeing trolls get trounced and shunned (as they should) it saddens me to see things like this play out among active members although I do accept that it's almost an inevitability of an open forum.

BEGIN PHILOSOPHICAL RANT. Skip down to see the CRAZY v1 aura hit!!!

I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm good man -- there's no need whatsoever to be sad. On the path to six, seven, eight figures and freedom from the system, you're always going to encounter those people that'll try to destroy your voice and push you back in line. The biggest challenge is learning to release the desire for "harmony."

I know that sounds bad, but sometimes, trying to reach a state of faux-harmony means sacrificing your principles and living an inauthentic life. Allowing people to repeatedly violate everything you are so that you can pretend to be peaceful. But, behind that peace is a deep-seated RAAAAAAGE ™ because you know you aren't demanding more from yourself, from the people around you -- from society. To me, harmony, zen -- whatever you wanna call it -- comes from the realization that you can't directly control outcomes. You guide yourself through life and direct what you can.

I cannot control others -- only myself and my reaction. And in a situation where someone tries to diminish the very essence of who you are (your experiences) I'll stand up, push back and detach myself from the fear of what might happen. Only way to live authentically.

This individual has expressed that he's not interested in anything I have to say. I'll respect that. That's his right. I won't respond to any of his posts or make reference to him ever again after this post. I'm going to direct energy at why I even started talking to him yesterday in the first place.... that DMSI HYPE!!!!


Gonna be hard to put this into words, it's kinda one of those, "you had to be there" things.

I've said many times that I believe many of the men here would get better success if they pursued women -- and yes, I realize that the target goal is to turn women into the seducers. Well, today... I ate my words. I had a hit so blatant and so inappropriate that I literally froze and just stared at her for a good 15 seconds.

Had to get the oil changed in my car. The place I usually take it is about 5 minutes from my friend's house (M's boyfriend -- I know, I'm terrible). I hit 'em up, asked if he wanted to get breakfast at the McDonald's up the road.

Anyway, I ordered one of those "big breakfast" meals for me and my kid. The clerk was this really beautiful, really cute blonde named Hailey. She takes my order, I notice that she's staring, but that's a normal thing for me after running AM6 twice. I split the big breakfast with my kid. Realize we only had one set of silverware. I was being lazy, decided to just eat the pancakes with the one fork we had. That is, until my three-year-old started sticking it up her nose and shit.

So, I run back up to the cashier's area to get another set. I realize my friend followed me. I was a bit ticked off that he left my kid there alone, so I was in a rush.

I ask Hailey for another set of silverware. She turns bright red, starts stumbling over her words. "You want a fork... knife.. and I mean, spoon... for... knife?" I looked at her kinda silly. She bursts into laughter, places her hand over her chest and starts apologizing, saying she doesn't know what's wrong with her. I smile, tell her it's okay. I'm just like: "Fork. And spoon. No knife." Kinda in a hurry because I'm trying to get back to my kid.

She literally starts stumbling around. Finds the spoon. Can't find the forks. And she's tripping on things, tearing through boxes and stuff. Then she comes back, and in this really sexy, submissive voice says, "I can't find the forks. I'm sorry."

In my head, I'm thinking htf am I gonna eat pancakes with a spoon and I wanted to bop her with it, but I ended up playing it cool, telling her that's it's okay. Needed to get back to my kid. When she hands me the spoon, she places it in my hand, grabs my hand and goes: "Are you sure?" I'm like, "yeah, it's all good." And then she looks me dead in the eyes and says:

"... because I'll get you anything you want."

I totally froze. I didn't know what to do. My mind went completely blank. I just stared at her for a good 15 seconds. I'm wearing athletic pants, so you can clearly see the d*ck helmet bulging out. My friend was looking at this interaction like, "yo wtf is this sh*t." I ended up just taking the spoon and walking away, rushed back to my kid. She kept finding reasons to walk out to where we were sitting. She had her hair up in a pony tail, and she let it down. Kept stroking it and smiling. About 15 minutes later, she brings me a fork...

... after I had finished the pancakes. My friend is cracking up, saying that he doesn't remember girls being so flirty when we were that age. And my mind's trying to trick me into doing something I shouldn't. That little voice in the back of my head talking about, "Don't be a misogynist, chaos. Who are you to tell her she ain't old enough to get f*cked? If she 16, it IS legal. And she IS smart enough to make her own decisions."

I was like, nah brain and rolled up out of there before my primal brain got the best of me. v2.3 is going to be CRAZZZZZZY!!! Get hyped, ya'll! When you run DMSI and go out, just loop this song in your head over and over:

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - SargeMaximus - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 10:00 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: "Don't be a misogynist, chaos. Who are you to tell her she ain't old enough to get f*cked? If she 16, it IS legal. And she IS smart enough to make her own decisions."

Is that not true? I'm confused.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Have at ye - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 10:10 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote:
(08-20-2016, 10:00 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: "Don't be a misogynist, chaos. Who are you to tell her she ain't old enough to get f*cked? If she 16, it IS legal. And she IS smart enough to make her own decisions."

Is that not true? I'm confused.

It actually depends on the jurisdiction. Where I am from (not the US of A), the age of consent is actually 15, though until you're 18 you are heavily protected by law (as in - you can be easily sued for the sexual abuse of a minor if you go for anyone below 18. Below 15 you will be persecuted as a child molester by the state). As to ethics, well... you need to make your own judgment call on that. Although I personally would refrain from seducing girls younger than 20 - they're still kids in my mind, I guess, and usually have terrible judgement and lots of stupid ideas about life.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Raykon - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 10:00 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote:
(08-20-2016, 07:18 AM)K-Train Wrote: Unfortunate what's happening between RT and Chaos. I hope you guys work out your differences eventually because while I love seeing trolls get trounced and shunned (as they should) it saddens me to see things like this play out among active members although I do accept that it's almost an inevitability of an open forum.

BEGIN PHILOSOPHICAL RANT. Skip down to see the CRAZY v1 aura hit!!!

I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm good man -- there's no need whatsoever to be sad. On the path to six, seven, eight figures and freedom from the system, you're always going to encounter those people that'll try to destroy your voice and push you back in line. The biggest challenge is learning to release the desire for "harmony."

I know that sounds bad, but sometimes, trying to reach a state of faux-harmony means sacrificing your principles and living an inauthentic life. Allowing people to repeatedly violate everything you are so that you can pretend to be peaceful. But, behind that peace is a deep-seated RAAAAAAGE ™ because you know you aren't demanding more from yourself, from the people around you -- from society. To me, harmony, zen -- whatever you wanna call it -- comes from the realization that you can't directly control outcomes. You guide yourself through life and direct what you can.

I cannot control others -- only myself and my reaction. And in a situation where someone tries to diminish the very essence of who you are (your experiences) I'll stand up, push back and detach myself from the fear of what might happen. Only way to live authentically.

This individual has expressed that he's not interested in anything I have to say. I'll respect that. That's his right. I won't respond to any of his posts or make reference to him ever again after this post. I'm going to direct energy at why I even started talking to him yesterday in the first place.... that DMSI HYPE!!!!


Gonna be hard to put this into words, it's kinda one of those, "you had to be there" things.

I've said many times that I believe many of the men here would get better success if they pursued women -- and yes, I realize that the target goal is to turn women into the seducers. Well, today... I ate my words. I had a hit so blatant and so inappropriate that I literally froze and just stared at her for a good 15 seconds.

Had to get the oil changed in my car. The place I usually take it is about 5 minutes from my friend's house (M's boyfriend -- I know, I'm terrible). I hit 'em up, asked if he wanted to get breakfast at the McDonald's up the road.

Anyway, I ordered one of those "big breakfast" meals for me and my kid. The clerk was this really beautiful, really cute blonde named Hailey. She takes my order, I notice that she's staring, but that's a normal thing for me after running AM6 twice. I split the big breakfast with my kid. Realize we only had one set of silverware. I was being lazy, decided to just eat the pancakes with the one fork we had. That is, until my three-year-old started sticking it up her nose and shit.

So, I run back up to the cashier's area to get another set. I realize my friend followed me. I was a bit ticked off that he left my kid there alone, so I was in a rush.

I ask Hailey for another set of silverware. She turns bright red, starts stumbling over her words. "You want a fork... knife.. and I mean, spoon... for... knife?" I looked at her kinda silly. She bursts into laughter, places her hand over her chest and starts apologizing, saying she doesn't know what's wrong with her. I smile, tell her it's okay. I'm just like: "Fork. And spoon. No knife." Kinda in a hurry because I'm trying to get back to my kid.

She literally starts stumbling around. Finds the spoon. Can't find the forks. And she's tripping on things, tearing through boxes and stuff. Then she comes back, and in this really sexy, submissive voice says, "I can't find the forks. I'm sorry."

In my head, I'm thinking htf am I gonna eat pancakes with a spoon and I wanted to bop her with it, but I ended up playing it cool, telling her that's it's okay. Needed to get back to my kid. When she hands me the spoon, she places it in my hand, grabs my hand and goes: "Are you sure?" I'm like, "yeah, it's all good." And then she looks me dead in the eyes and says:

"... because I'll get you anything you want."

I totally froze. I didn't know what to do. My mind went completely blank. I just stared at her for a good 15 seconds. I'm wearing athletic pants, so you can clearly see the d*ck helmet bulging out. My friend was looking at this interaction like, "yo wtf is this sh*t." I ended up just taking the spoon and walking away, rushed back to my kid. She kept finding reasons to walk out to where we were sitting. She had her hair up in a pony tail, and she let it down. Kept stroking it and smiling. About 15 minutes later, she brings me a fork...

... after I had finished the pancakes. My friend is cracking up, saying that he doesn't remember girls being so flirty when we were that age. And my mind's trying to trick me into doing something I shouldn't. That little voice in the back of my head talking about, "Don't be a misogynist, chaos. Who are you to tell her she ain't old enough to get f*cked? If she 16, it IS legal. And she IS smart enough to make her own decisions."

I was like, nah brain and rolled up out of there before my primal brain got the best of me. v2.3 is going to be CRAZZZZZZY!!! Get hyped, ya'll! When you run DMSI and go out, just loop this song in your head over and over:

are you back on Version 1 or is that from before? Amazing results man. That's exactly the type of results i'm looking to achieve. I don't want to do ANYTHING and I want women to fall head over heels for me just by looking at me.

I had some pretty amazing experiences on DMSI that made waitresses/cashiers faces turn EXTREMELY red by just looking at them. but lately I haven't noticed that.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Shannon - 08-20-2016

(08-18-2016, 06:13 PM)Jones Wrote:
(08-16-2016, 08:13 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: When you've been one for ten years and you're off on your own, you tend to lose touch with the common person. For example (and no offense, Shannon): The idea of taking all things related to women out of AM7 sounds crazy to me. The sexual drive for women is primal, and we have the elites hijacking that drive for their own personal gain. It stands to reason that being an alpha male involves fighting off the mental and intellectual chains they use to bind us.

YES. This! ^^^ So much this!

That is one of the most profound things I have read on this board for some time.

Taking stuff to do with women out of V7 means removing the SM lead in. AM is supposed to focus on making you an ALPHA MALE. ONE goal. FOCUSED goal.

The stuff about not letting women walk on you and control you, that will remain. The SM Lead in that's what I am planning to remove.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Shannon - 08-20-2016

(08-18-2016, 06:18 PM)rayrocanaldo Wrote: I have an idea maybe DMSI V3 or V2.3 can project multiple auras like sex magnet does. What kind of auras would you guys like to see & how many ? I say 2-4 but to really stretch the limits let's try 10. That way we can see what's truly possible.

Ray complains that he used DMSI for a week and got nothing. Then he suggests we diffuse and dilute the results.

Winning! No.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Shannon - 08-20-2016

(08-18-2016, 06:21 PM)Hercules Wrote: Shannon,

What happens when an irresiteble force meets immovable object?


Cant you add Psychic Seduction in DMSI. Your version or it to avoid negative reprecussions was to just project a state on the other person which we do unconciously already. Maybe in DMSI you can make the user be able to project the feelings of attraction via ITMSS but now you are tasked to develop another 6G tecnology which would be the Exo version of this to use on other people using your energies.

Technically, the goal is seducing someone through energy alone. Some would say that's psychic seduction.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Shannon - 08-20-2016

(08-18-2016, 09:41 PM)Rayhon Wrote: Shannon. An idea I came up with today that you may or may not already implement in your programs

Simple idea but I think it will be a major improvement if it's not already added.

Breathing is very important, and most people don't breath properly and with the right rythym. Most people hold there breath in too long and breathing doesn't flow.

learn how to make it so that the sub causes you to breath properly and consistently in a nice even flow throughout the day. More oxygen to the brain and it allows your body to release tension and relaxes your body language.

I notice when I'm not breathing properly my body language suffers.

That an issue with DMSI for you?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - Catman - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 10:44 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(08-18-2016, 06:18 PM)rayrocanaldo Wrote: I have an idea maybe DMSI V3 or V2.3 can project multiple auras like sex magnet does. What kind of auras would you guys like to see & how many ? I say 2-4 but to really stretch the limits let's try 10. That way we can see what's truly possible.

Ray complains that he used DMSI for a week and got nothing. Then he suggests we diffuse and dilute the results.

Winning! No.

Well, I thought that too, then I thought "at least he's off the wealth/imagination sub fixations", lol.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion - chaosvrgn - 08-20-2016

(08-20-2016, 10:38 AM)Have at ye Wrote: Although I personally would refrain from seducing girls younger than 20 - they're still kids in my mind, I guess, and usually have terrible judgement and lots of stupid ideas about life.

Completely agree. Stole the words right out of my mind.