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RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-03-2024

Stage 2 Day 19

Women have been reacting much better to me since I started doing affirmations last week. They're more attracted and receptive when I approach them.

I've also noticed that the eye seduction is starting to have an effect. When I look into women's eyes, they often laugh or seem unsure how to react. It's a bit weird, and sometimes it feels like I'm out of calibration. Because of this - I've read in other people's journals that this stage can make women find them creepy or perverted, but my experience has been smoother. When I make eye contact with a woman, she might stop for a second, trying to figure out my intentions, or she might laugh and feel awkward. Occasionally, women seem to notice me a bit more.

The affirmations have amplified the results by a factor of ten. However, Shannon advises against using affirmations because they might confuse the source of the results or lead to undesired outcomes. I'm unsure how to proceed because affirmations have been effective and produce quick, high-quality results. It's like being told to stop consciously having positive thoughts and let negative ones take over, or to avoid something that makes me feel good and gives positive outcomes.

This past week has been great. 
I've experienced positive manifestations, felt good, and been much more positive overall. 
I might stop using affirmations temporarily to see what happens without them, but I'm not convinced it's a good idea.

Yesterday, I talked to a few local girls, and they reacted much better to me. 
It felt easier to talk to them, and I even got two numbers from very attractive women, although they seem like flakes now.

Because of the eye seduction thing I see developing I'm convinced SM is doing something!
That's great news!

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-03-2024

(06-10-2024, 07:37 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 01:17 AM)Topaz Wrote: I'm not quitting just yet.

Shannon, when is that supposed to happen? At what stage?

IIRC most of us experienced that effect starting around stage 3, where the big guns start coming out.  Some may have experienced it around 2 or 4, and some did not experience it.  But every one of us who was executing well seemed to experience it.  The women who respond seem to want to use you for their sexual gratification.

Quote:About the girl, I had already given up on her when she said I'm too old and such. But then she continued to text me. She texts me every day. I'm not sure what's her story because she keeps mentioning her boyfriend. I think she's thinking about cheating or considering her options, or maybe it just feels good for her to feel wanted.

Maybe ask her why she's still texting you if she has a boyfriend.  It could also be that she's just wanting to be friends, or is attracted but can't let herself do anything because of boyfriend and beliefs, etc.  This is actually an opportunity to turn it around on, and with, her if you know how, and maybe make more progress.

Quote:I've continued to learn PUA material and it's very demanding! I'm doing well and I like the frame I can create with an indirect approach. This way, if and when they behave as they often do here, I can keep my composure and maintain my value.

Do you have to try to get women interested there?  Is that cultural in any way?

Reply #2:

Sorry for the delayed response, Shannon. I missed your post because you double-posted.

Unfortunately, it’s a cultural thing here. You have to be much more aggressive or show clear interest when approaching women. They are often very subtle about their attraction and usually won’t make the first move. Even if they text someone they’re interested in, they’ll be vague, and if the guy doesn’t get the hint, they might never talk to him again. Women here face a lot of pressure from being approached multiple times a day, sometimes also by old men making comments in public spaces like shops, markets or malls. 
When a normal guys approach them:
They often react by ignoring, claiming they have a boyfriend, or walking away. 
Sometimes, they’ll even raise their voice or say something strange or rude to deter attention.

I don't go out a lot but when I do:

Given this context, the fact that I almost no longer get these negative reactions since starting affirmations is a big improvement. This change didn’t happen just by using Alpha Male or Sex Magnet until now. 
It’s the affirmations that seem to make a difference. Affirmations are helping because they reshape my belief system. 
The reality I used to see wasn’t desirable, but with affirmations, I can consciously think about a different reality. 
This change in mindset is reflected in how women subconsciously react to me. 
They tell me I seem different and more likable than other guys here. 
While they may not be super interested initially, even after a week of affirmations, I can see how it helps. It gives me the confidence that something is happening and encourages a positive outlook, allowing opportunities to arise. And the Sex Magnet to show me what it does. With a negative thoughts or mindset Sex Magnet is not allowed to shine through.
That's my opinion and what I feel.
That's why some people didn't have results with some of the programs that what I think.
Without a positive outlook attitude and mindset positive results try to grow not in fertile soil.

I’ve stopped using or learning PUA techniques. I believe women respond better to my positive thinking and natural reactions rather than techniques. 
While PUA methods can be effective, they won’t work without a strong positive mindset or belief in one’s attractiveness. If you don’t believe you’re attractive or that women can want you, the techniques fall flat. That’s why I’m focusing on positive thinking and affirmations, as they seem to address the core issue of what makes women attracted to a man.

About that girl I've texted I've stopped texting her.
Of course I've asked her why do we text if you have a bf she said it's because she doesn't want to be rude when I approached her and that she can text but will not meet.
So I've deleted her number.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-11-2024

A short update:
Met 3 girls already
2 18 yo
1 20 yo
They didn't care that I'm above 30.
And went with one on a date which was really good.

I'm traveling in Europe the girls here really like me appreciate me respect me and are very attracted to me.
A clerk didn't stop smiling laughing and looking me deeply into my eyes, when I asked what she recommends, even after my order she kept wanting to talk and look at me.

Some girls looked at me on the streets but that's very uncommon experience.

I'm still using affirmations.
But I think SM3 and the affirmations and just being me works for me in Europe.

It's 100% so different than my country it's such a bummer.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-12-2024

Ok it's not all positive in Europe and a lot of flakes.
I did approach the girls I've talked about in my previous post.

It seems I'm resisting the program for different reasons.
But it's because stage 2 is not where everything happens.

I need to be more patient with it.
I hope the last stages will bring better results.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-15-2024

Approaching a lot of women (not new to it)
Had another date yesterday and another girl today
Nothing special for me.
And it's the same results I had before SM3 (with women from Europe)
So 3 dates so far in Europe and no sex yet...
It's almost unfortunate I need to leave.

However I had 2 interesting incidents:
The first a blonde girl with her probably BF went upstairs to the next floor as I walked out my Airbnb and she said hello and smiled it's was weird because she was behind the guy. He was few steps ahead of her in this staircase and he didn't say hi they both had suitcases with them.
She carried the suitcase up the stairs and for some reason it was very important for her to smile and say hi.
Could be just how to politeness but I didn't see anyone here do the same.

Another weird thing:
I went out of a restaurant and outside stood a big fat guy eating ice cream.
He almost blocked the entrance with his body buy he didn't.
I looked into his eyes and he stared at me smiling and saying hello with enthusiasm.
I said hello back out of politeness.
For some reason it was very important for him to say hi to me and that I'll say hello back.
I've been to this restaurant 5 times already.
Never seen him before so I don't think he knows me.

Other than that I don't really feel anything.
I don't really get women looking at me or anything special.

Even the dates went flat and were boring.

The fact these people said hi to me
I hope it's because of SM and not just a coincidence.
Because of people men and women will start to pay attention to me more often it can be a good sign.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-16-2024

Stage 3
Another guy on the street said hello to me wtf
But yeah probably part of the process

Even though I don't have anything to inform about sex

I'm very glad and proud to say I don't give a fuck and it made some women tell me I'm rude haha
I hope this will continue to the next weeks ahead
I feel less ashamed and I don't think all these people who try to make others feel worse than are better than me
I am me and they will not be able to control me with shame and guilt which is exactly what a lot of people do.
Fuck that.

Did that make the H&M clerk mad because I asked something twice it did

Or a 19 yo who tried to make me feel guilty about approaching her

Theme learning to let go of bad emotions
Hope it will stick

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-19-2024

Unfortunately SM3 didn't work for me probably because of lack of good foundation?

I'm starting DMSI ...

The results I had in this journal with women is from approaching and using a bit of affirmations.
Also being in Europe.
The results I had here 3 dates with 3 different girls is common for me when having the time to approach women from Europe (these results are actually less than what I had 2 years ago just using affirmations)
Therefore I've decided to try newer technology until I'll run E6 or AM6 again or try to run SM3 again from stage 1...

The results of guys approaching me even though unwanted ( should mean I affect people and having an aure of approachability) was from SM3 meaning it might do something but far from what I feel it should at this point.
Not wanting to go crazy here I've decided I need to do something else ..
She of you might not understand or like my decision
However I know myself and know it's the best I can do for my own mental health.
I'm not a quitter and it almost hurts to stop a program mid way however I want good runs not bad runs without results

As I understand a good run should start to give done good results in stage 1 and 2
Including feeling sexy and attractive
And having many girls looking my way and flirting
And women who get really interested

All of that didn't happen for me yet therefore I think something is terribly wrong.

Please continue to follow my journey

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - 4Kingdoms - 07-19-2024

(07-19-2024, 05:44 PM)Topaz Wrote: Unfortunately SM3 didn't work for me probably because of lack of good foundation?

The results of guys approaching me even though unwanted ( should mean I affect people and having an aure of approachability) was from SM3 meaning it might do something but far from what I feel it should at this point.
Not wanting to go crazy here I've decided I need to do something else ..
She of you might not understand or like my decision
However I know myself and know it's the best I can do for my own mental health.
I'm not a quitter and it almost hurts to stop a program mid way however I want good runs not bad runs without results

All of that didn't happen for me yet therefore I think something is terribly wrong.

20 years ago... I had a male friend who dated a new girl every week on his days off from work.  
Women told me, "He's hot!!" Lesbians told me, "If I ever want a baby... I want him to get me pregnant."

My outings with my male friend were brief.  
We hung out for a couple of hours and kept it brief.
For whatever reason, women teased him that he was "gay" because they saw us hanging out together.
I told him, "I'm not "gay" and I know You are not "gay".

Even though he continued to date a new girl every week on his days off, 
the comments about him being "gay" ate away at him.
Our friendship ended because of these untrue remarks.

I agree that attention from other men is unwanted.
You know you are not homosexual.

Aren't you curious to see the outcome of SM3??
You sound so close to completing it.

This is a true story... "Acres of Diamonds"  
Summary: The man stopped mining for diamonds on his property.
Beneath his farm sat the great diamond mine of Golconda.  
The crown jewels of England and Russia would come from that mine.  
It was the largest discovery of a diamond mine in the world at that time.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-19-2024

I don't care if these guys approach me.
I've read it's quite common using Shannon's subliminals.

I do care about results and my time.

I don't see how continuing can help,
If there's a good argument here I will stop DMSI and continue with stage 3 of SM3.

Reading what Shannon wrote to me in another post don't make things easier.
He claims I don't follow instructions, I think he talks about not doing AM6 multiple times before SM3
Also in away I have to say I'm offended by him when he claims I just chase "pussy" which is not the most beautiful way to call sex, love making or women.
I starting to ask myself why do I even bother with subliminals.

The only good argument I can think of is some guys didn't have the best results before stage 4
However they did get a lot of looks and flirtatious talk from women which I don't get.
That's why I see my run as giving no results and their runs as successful.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - 4Kingdoms - 07-19-2024

I'm not here to argue.
As long as you are happy with your decision, that is all that matters.

Hopefully, you will take time off from listening to SM3 before you begin DMSI.
Two weeks will allow SM3 to fade.  You may get a headache if you start DMSI too soon.

I will continue to follow your journey!!

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Frosted - 07-19-2024

I don’t think quitting is good, but you might as well make the most of it. If you don’t like your DMSI results after a couple months I recommend hopping onto E6 and then doing AM7 when it comes out next year. This will lay a foundation for long term success with whatever you chose to do in 6G.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-19-2024

(07-19-2024, 11:37 PM)Frosted Wrote: I don’t think quitting is good, but you might as well make the most of it. If you don’t like your DMSI results after a couple months I recommend hopping onto E6 and then doing AM7 when it comes out next year. This will lay a foundation for long term success with whatever you chose to do in 6G.

That's exactly what I thought 
I am thinking for some reason I have a subconscious resistance to SM3 therefore I'm not sure if I should continue to run stage three and four and five and six. 
It seems like I get more frustrated everyday doing that. 
I thought about if I would finish with that run with no results I would probably continue to dmsi. 
Then do E6 or alpha male again. 
Taking into consideration that Shannon is working on alpha male 7 I think I probably should use the DMSI first then maybe run E6 or alpha male 7 or even alpha male 6. 
I want the effects of SM or dmsi to bleed into my next run...

Hope I'm not making a mistake here.
I did want to see what SM3 can do.

I will meditate today about it again.
Because I can still go back.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-19-2024

(07-19-2024, 08:20 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: I'm not here to argue.
As long as you are happy with your decision, that is all that matters.

Hopefully, you will take time off from listening to SM3 before you begin DMSI.
Two weeks will allow SM3 to fade.  You may get a headache if you start DMSI too soon.

I will continue to follow your journey!!

It's hard for me to decide yet..
So I cannot say I'm happy with my decisions.

RE: Reflections of Charm: My Sex Magnet 3 Diaries - Topaz - 07-20-2024

I've spoken with a friend over the phone
He used AM6 once and he's a customer

He told me I should give SM3 a try even though he totally understands me and my frustrations.

Telling I wouldn't know what it could do if I don't finish it and anyway even if I'm not satisfied to at least give it a chance.

So even though I've subscribed to DMSI and used it for one day (btw the flood of energy is very uncomfortable I don't see why it should use bodily resources like food and sexual energy instead of the universe energy to manifest women)

I'll continue with SM3...
Thank you for encouraging me to continue that's why I've spoken with him about it...
I'll take at least one day off and continue with stage 3 at intended.