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lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - Printable Version

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RE: lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - GreekGod22 - 03-19-2021

Just a suggestion, but perhaps you could make this journal more relatable by focusing more on your emotional development, the way you see the world around you, and less on technicalities of your day to day affairs.

RE: lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - lano1106 - 03-19-2021

thank you for the suggestion but I first and foremost journal for myself to understand my thought process.

If you like reading it and get something out of it. Good, if not, don't read it.

RE: lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - lano1106 - 03-22-2021

Cycle 31 (v2 cycle #12), day off:

I did complete some refactoring needed for a major change that I have planned doing for at least a couple of months (the farther that i remember thinking doing that move was last December).

With the last added traces, I have got new insights about my current situation:

1. Current markets are very quiet right now. It feels like some sideway markets. In those conditions, there is not much trading opportunities right now for my strategy.
2. I miss the majority of the detected opportunities.
3. OTOH, I am only leaving roughly $50 or less on the table

So what that means, is optimizing my system performance is not a very top priority. I am going to at least complete the current optimizing task because simply getting my mind up to date with all the needed details, it takes some time. If I don't complete while all the details are fresh, I'll need relearn everything next time I revisit the issue.

I might also try to address few low hanging fruits. This is not a lost investment as I will profit from those enhancements as soon as the markets start picking up steam.

My new priority then is to rake wider to evaluate more opportunties. No problem, I have a task aiming for achieving right that is in my todo list... I'll move to that task pretty soon.

RE: lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - lano1106 - 03-23-2021

Cycle 32 (v2 cycle #13), day 1:

Concerning my trading project, things are finally unblocking. The current task is almost done. It is about time because this morning, I got another catastrophic daily report.

My system only completed 4 trades and made a small loss (no big deal. about 4 bucks) but it did miss about 23 opportunities because it has not reacted fast enough to grab them. I clearly have a serious competitor playing the same game around...

I also just took an important decision. I got myself NSFM. My couple is almost over. It is not my decision but in a nutshell, there are 2 types of people. Those who believe that there is a real pandemic and every government action is appropriate. and those who believe the opposite. That the governmental actions are disproportionate to the actual threat and the measures are actually causing more harm than the virus.

If it happens to have the 2 types inside a couple... That may lead to a bumpy road... this is what I am living right now... The cat came out of the bag when the vaccination issue came on the table. for my gf, which has some health issue, she isn't acting rationally. She acts out of fear. I believe that she shouldn't take it because with the stats that I have, it appears that the vaccine is making more victims than the virus itself. It is experimental. Clinic testing won't be completed before 2023. So, for myself and my kids, I just look at the numbers and rationally, the right decision is don't take it. My GF thinks otherwise. I disapprove her decision and I am concerned that it may lead to negative health results in the future but I respect her decision. She became aggressive with me when she did announce me her decision about the vaccine. I think that the reaction is driven by her subconscious and it behaves this way for protecting her beliefs about the whole thing. The subconscious must be aware that the belief is on top of very shaky foundations...

I hesitated a lot about what to do... Do I give AOL a shot? I have a copy of WM waiting for me on my PC.

Finally, I feel like opening my options is what I want to do. Once I have options, I may switch to AOL if saving my relationship is still something that I want to do.... TBH, I am bit turned off too by the fact that she is heavily influenced by the official narrative with which I'm not buying at all. It seems like with the government appearing to enjoy its current power grab and not showing any signs of letting go anytime soon, it seems like it may be important to have a partner that is in sync with my thinking with this issue.

Also as I write this, it must have been 3 weeks since last time that I had sex and I just want to make sure this need gets addressed so that it doesn't become a too big distraction in my work.

The sex market these days are like trading... It is probably very volatile with the lockdown threat still flying over our heads. The opportunity window is probably very narrow. Where I live they are slowly reopening society but for how long? I suspect that they will try to lock us down a 3rd time anytime this year.

So what that means, is that I need to use the most potent program that starts working fast. My gym is supposed to reopen at the end of the month and this is a place that I like very much the women that I see there.

WM is a 7 months commitment (AM stage 7 refresher + 6 stages). Due to its multi-stage nature, I feel like once you start it, you pretty much have to complete it. If I knew for sure that there won't anymore lockdown before October, I would go for it but this is not the case. I don't want to start the program and have it become irrelevant in Stage 3 or 4 because I'm forced to be confined at my house alone. With NSFM, despite being recommended to be used for a period of 4 months. I won't feel bad to put it aside after 1-2 months of usage if its usage become irrelevant.

So there you go... I'll be starting a new adventure any day from now. Just waiting for Ben to process my purchase...

WM will have to wait in 2022 if the near future looks better and if it is still in my interest to explore it.

RE: lano1106 OF V2 5.75.5G journal - lano1106 - 03-24-2021

Cycle 32 (v2 cycle #13), day 2:

I have finally completed the first trade book class optimization phase.

The result is beyond my expectations. I was thinking that if I could cut in half the processing time, it would be awesome. It did better.

It went from taking 7 seconds to process 500,000 updates to 2.3 seconds. It is a 70% improvement!

It is almost too good to be true. I'll test locally for some time and if all is good, I'll deploy the new code on the server tonight!