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CatMan: Hello Kitty! - Printable Version

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RE: CatMan: Hello Kitty! - CatMan - 12-31-2019

(12-31-2019, 08:35 AM)Yous Wrote: Hello,

Just to try to contribute with my opinion, i think that when the subs are more and more complex and deep, the changes need more time.  I think that's why before 5g seemed to work for almost everyone, and since 5g, they work for less people, i think the scripts are really long and complex in comparison, so for executing them completely they need more time for some persons, even if the repetitions are much more and we should assume that should be the same time more less. The more deep is the change the more hard is the resistance, and this applied as well in the different persons, each person depending on the topic and his personality is more o less far from the objective than others. 

And in this case the objectives are really ambitious, and the scripts are changing. I assume that IML has arrived to one point that the scripts are really good and that they have almost everything, so normally the problem will not be in the script. 

I think sometimes could be better for some persons something more simple, maybe you could try 4g, forgetting about results and see in a couple of months how it was. 

And in the majority of the cases the subs are a really good help but not everything, could be great just to hear an audio and doing nothing become a millionaire or a playboy, but generally i think the audios make achieving the goals easier but they don´t do all the work.

Hello Yous!

Thanks for the post man.

Honestly, with the 5G vs 5.5G (now 5.75G) thing, I've often wondered if this possible over-reliance on "predictive models" is causing us a problem or not. Nothing beats actual real world testing in the end, something Shannon used to do HIMSELF before each release IIRC. Trying to simulate that in the efforts of creating easier workflow and efficiency can be appealing, but it can be dangerous because it just can't seem to recreate the dynamic human experience and background. Something gets lost.

I recall one incident where V2.2 was deemed by his models as being "too powerful to release without safety buffers". As a result, he had to delay the release to add such "safety buffers". However, after it was released, over time it was revealed to us that the aura scripting was crippled and the sub didn't actually function properly. To be honest, at that moment, I lost all faith in these "models". Because like I said earlier, they can't "catch" everything like real world dynamic testing can. It's not an indictment of him or them, just a factual reality. Maybe relying on them so much has become a detriment to the subs, I'm not sure.

Maybe your view about it taking longer because it's more tech etc. can be plausible. But, we've heard these things for multiple years now, been on this train a very long time. So it becomes hard to stay motivated by the same things, when it's hard to notice any change or momentum to back them up. As I said in my post before, we need the rubber to hit the road at some point, in order to validate the patience and belief, they aren't self-sustaining forever. So it's complicated.

I'm certainly not expecting the sub to "manifest" girls to my house without me leaving or anything, lol. But, in all fairness, we do buy a sub to achieve a specific goal, so we ARE measuring the sub to deliver on said goal, whatever that goal is. So, in essence, we do expect it to do the heavy lifting for that goal. Because if we could do it ourselves, we wouldn't need to buy the sub to begin with. However, back to the original point about helping the sub along. That's why I even arranged a couple weeks ago, to reconnect and put myself in front of a girl I was very attracted to five years ago, BEFORE I used subs, to test myself and DMSI in such a circumstance. It wasn't easy to work out, but I did it because I'm dedicated to this process and wanted to see if I've changed at all. I will report back on that if anything develops.

Thanks for the post, Yous! You're running LTU right? I've seen you asking around about it a lot I think, lol. I hope you have a great run with it.

RE: CatMan: Hello Kitty! - CatMan - 12-31-2019

(12-31-2019, 08:39 AM)lano1106 Wrote: Catman,

I don't want to get to involved in this discussion but there 1 thing that is striking to me.

It is your stand about casual sex. It seems to me that as long as you find the idea disgusting, having DMSI work is an impossibility.

1 major thing that is stopping women from having sex is the fear of being judged.

IMHO, if you were believing that casual sex is something normal and beautiful that 2 consenting adults that are attracted to each other want and like to share together, this would open up a new realm of possibilities.

Are you at least able to imagine yourself, with all the conditions right, being cool with casual sex?

Be honest with yourself. I know from experience that if there is something that I wasn't able to get, I was able to fool myself by back-rationalizing that the inaccessible thing was in fact a very bad thing so that I could feel better about myself and my shortcomings... (sex and money being 2 of those things...)

One possible scenario is if you don't have yet gained sexual confidence. There is nothing to like from a situation where the only aspect that you will be appreciated for is your sexual performance by a stranger if you are unsure about your performance yourself.

Otherwise, if you enjoy some occasional porn, you should enjoy casual sex. The only difference is that one is threatening your ego and the other is safe for it.

Hey there Lano!

The casual sex thing, well I admit I don't play the typical stereotype of the horny guy trying to get laid constantly. I've always been confused and felt "weird" for not being so seemingly obsessed with it. lt's always been very hard for me to wrap my head around, that most guys love the idea of random hookups and what not and the why behind that.

However, I've never been one of the party/clubbing guys, where such things are commonplace due to lowered inhibitions from alcohol and periodic drug use. Maybe I was never a part of it because of low confidence, low success with women so I didn't bother, both things I wrote about earlier, so I'm not sure. So, that "culture" if you will, was something I wasn't a part of, regardless. Also, since my stance on casual sex was so different than the majority of those who do such things, and/or had severe confidence issues about myself and women, I either wasn't very attracted to girls who frequented them, and/or naturally I wouldn't have been their type either as a result. Different interests in multiple directions, alcohol (I don't drink), casual sex, possible drugs, partying, clubbing, and the like I suppose.

I've thought about this quite a bit over time here as the topic gets suggested about me and causal sex or getting a hooker once every few months. Either in posts, or PMs, it's been a recurring trend. I mean, for some reason, I just don't feel like casual sex...for ME mind you...not anyone else...have your fun...but for ME...I don't think it holds appeal to me. I've known lots of guys who love going out and "getting chicks, brah!", that's great for them. I'm happy for them. For me, I don't know, it's hard to know the exact reason why it's different with me. Mainly because I can't measure a "before and after" with girls I think. I mean, my negative experiences go back to when I was a young boy with girls, I remember back then being very aroused by the ones I liked. Being in awe even. Probably TOO aroused and over-pursued and what not, even though I had no idea what I was doing and was probably just acting on impulse and hormones. I'm sure if some of those experiences went the other way and the girls welcomed my attempts, I might have had sex, had girlfriends, and maybe my feelings on this may be different. I have no idea to be honest. Or, maybe I'd still feel the same and be "old fashioned", which is very likely given my upbringing and morals instilled in me. Not too much rule 4, just to pre-emptively clarify (sorry mods I won't dwell on that).

The sexual confidence thing is kinda what I delved into earlier in my posts, both this one and earlier. It's just a theory of course, as I don't know if the lack of experience and lifelong failure with girls has "trained" me to not want casual sex among other things. Or, if it's a red herring, and really, I'm just "old fashioned", which is very likely, again given my background and upbringing.

The porn thing is interesting. But, it's hard to know. I mean, truthfully, I have porn and masturbation as my only sexual outlets for my life so far. Obviously, since I'm a virgin, that is the case. I'm not really an avid porn watcher, sometimes on DMSIs I've had horny "fits", that needed to be scratched with porn watching. I viewed them as intrusive and annoying, they derailed me from other things in my life. Extreme urges, that may even have just been resistance spikes, I don't know.

There's a lot to digest and ponder, but really, it's hard to know which of any of it, are the "root" issue(s). I just felt I needed to give a detailed answer to the questions posed to me as best as I could, since I was told my previous words revealed things that needed to be changed in the script. It's hard for ME, to pin down stuff about myself as the "why", if you get me. At best, I think it's like a labyrinth, a bunch of possibles, that need to be run out to be evaluated. So that's why I kinda just take a long time to pour out a lot of material, in the hopes that things stick out that may be useful.

Thanks a lot for your post, Lano! I hope BASE treats you well, man.

RE: CatMan: Hello Kitty! - lano1106 - 12-31-2019

CatMan, first, thank you for the nice wishes you gave me!

next, I can relate to what you say...

At some point, I was convinced that I did prefer having sex with someone with whom I was feeling a connection.

The ugly truth was that if things were going too fast, I knew that I would suffer from performance anxiety. I could possibly not be able to get it up and that would be among one of the most humiliating experience that can happen.

DMSI/SM3 did tremendously help to free me from all this.

That being said, you might have the same struggle that I did or maybe not. There is no wrong or right answers about what behavior/belief are correct.

I'll conclude by saying that as long as you are honest with yourself and keep an open mind to try new experiences in order to figure out what fits you best, you are going to be fine.

Have an excellent year 2020 CatMan!

RE: CatMan: Hello Kitty! - Shannon - 12-31-2019

It sounds like you assume you know a lot more about the predictive models I use, how they work and what they can do, than you actually do, CatMan.

RE: CatMan: Hello Kitty! - Yous - 01-04-2020

(12-31-2019, 02:47 PM)CatMan Wrote:
(12-31-2019, 08:35 AM)Yous Wrote: Hello,

Just to try to contribute with my opinion, i think that when the subs are more and more complex and deep, the changes need more time.  I think that's why before 5g seemed to work for almost everyone, and since 5g, they work for less people, i think the scripts are really long and complex in comparison, so for executing them completely they need more time for some persons, even if the repetitions are much more and we should assume that should be the same time more less. The more deep is the change the more hard is the resistance, and this applied as well in the different persons, each person depending on the topic and his personality is more o less far from the objective than others. 

And in this case the objectives are really ambitious, and the scripts are changing. I assume that IML has arrived to one point that the scripts are really good and that they have almost everything, so normally the problem will not be in the script. 

I think sometimes could be better for some persons something more simple, maybe you could try 4g, forgetting about results and see in a couple of months how it was. 

And in the majority of the cases the subs are a really good help but not everything, could be great just to hear an audio and doing nothing become a millionaire or a playboy, but generally i think the audios make achieving the goals easier but they don´t do all the work.

Hello Yous!

Thanks for the post man.

Honestly, with the 5G vs 5.5G (now 5.75G) thing, I've often wondered if this possible over-reliance on "predictive models" is causing us a problem or not. Nothing beats actual real world testing in the end, something Shannon used to do HIMSELF before each release IIRC. Trying to simulate that in the efforts of creating easier workflow and efficiency can be appealing, but it can be dangerous because it just can't seem to recreate the dynamic human experience and background. Something gets lost.

I recall one incident where V2.2 was deemed by his models as being "too powerful to release without safety buffers". As a result, he had to delay the release to add such "safety buffers". However, after it was released, over time it was revealed to us that the aura scripting was crippled and the sub didn't actually function properly. To be honest, at that moment, I lost all faith in these "models". Because like I said earlier, they can't "catch" everything like real world dynamic testing can. It's not an indictment of him or them, just a factual reality. Maybe relying on them so much has become a detriment to the subs, I'm not sure.

Maybe your view about it taking longer because it's more tech etc. can be plausible. But, we've heard these things for multiple years now, been on this train a very long time. So it becomes hard to stay motivated by the same things, when it's hard to notice any change or momentum to back them up. As I said in my post before, we need the rubber to hit the road at some point, in order to validate the patience and belief, they aren't self-sustaining forever. So it's complicated.

I'm certainly not expecting the sub to "manifest" girls to my house without me leaving or anything, lol. But, in all fairness, we do buy a sub to achieve a specific goal, so we ARE measuring the sub to deliver on said goal, whatever that goal is. So, in essence, we do expect it to do the heavy lifting for that goal. Because if we could do it ourselves, we wouldn't need to buy the sub to begin with. However, back to the original point about helping the sub along. That's why I even arranged a couple weeks ago, to reconnect and put myself in front of a girl I was very attracted to five years ago, BEFORE I used subs, to test myself and DMSI in such a circumstance. It wasn't easy to work out, but I did it because I'm dedicated to this process and wanted to see if I've changed at all. I will report back on that if anything develops.

Thanks for the post, Yous! You're running LTU right? I've seen you asking around about it a lot I think, lol. I hope you have a great run with it.


I like IML and the forum because everybody can give his opinion and because it has good products. We pay for the best and we want the best. Anyway the same with any other product is logic that the customer if they don´t get what they want they say it. There are really good products, but sometimes they don't work for everyone or they don't give all what it´s expected in the product description, and if the user use the product as describe in the instructions is not the fault of the costumer. 

IML has a good policy of refunds, and i suppose it works well, i have never asked for one because i´m not using the product accordingly with the instructions. Im using LTU and MLS at the same time, MLS most of the time and when i feel that i'm losing my center or i have to deal with something emotionally i use LTU. My main goal is passing an exam and MLS helps me a lot in motivation and understanding, but its difficult to control the curiosity and being in one thing studying. MLS  help me as well in social stuff and when i drink alcohol in social situations, it helps me to remain with my intelectual abilities and i talk more, etc...Anyway when i get to pass the exam i will use LTU as prescribed.

Anyway this is an experimental program and you can not have a refund and you know it, but i guess more than the refund you would like the program to work for you, and whenever a product doesn´t gives you what it is supposed to is not the client fault if used as prescribed. 

In the other hand this is a public forum and it's important for IML, the people read the forum in order to get or not the products, so for IML it is difficult to deal with this. Anyway we say what we think either good or bad, so finally at the end is good for IML because it gives credibility about the good opinions. And i'm sure they will continue working to make the product work as better is possible. 

And i think anyway opinions as yours at the end are good to improve the products.

Happy Year dude, Wink