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Superman's UMS thread - Printable Version

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RE: Superman's UMS thread - Shannon - 09-23-2019

What were they about?

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 09-23-2019

(09-23-2019, 10:00 AM)Shannon Wrote: What were they about?

From what I can remember they were like horror movies, being chased by a killer, weird paranormal things

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 09-24-2019

(09-23-2019, 10:00 AM)Shannon Wrote: What were they about?

Had another weird night. First my dream I was watching a spiderman movie play out in real life. There was 2 spiderman at the same time, a younger one probably Tom Holland and an older more experienced one. I was following them around the city as they battled criminals.

Then I came to a fork in the road and the 2 spiderman went right and I stopped and looked left. It was an odd colour coming from that direction and I went down that path. It looked very odd like the ground was the wall and the sky was the floor. Basically take a picture and turn it 90 degrees. So I was walking on the wall and I followed it and it opened up to a strange rock quarry type area. It was outdoors the grass was red and the rock was yellow/white. There was a large circle area and a cliff going around one side. There was a pattern in the ground like a water droplet had dropped into a bowl. I walked to the center of the drop and a young girl with braces appeared. She kept asking me " do you remember" on the face of the cliff 2 huge eyes appeared and opened up staring at me, she asked me again do you remember. There was an image forming on the cliff between the eyes and the girl said do you remember and I said what and she said death before life. And then I woke up.

One of the previous dreams I had the other night was almost exactly like this. Just a different environment and I don't remember if the girl was there. But I do remember being asked if I remember and the answer being death before life.

I'm a little scared lol

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 09-30-2019

Still running UMS, but I feel DMSI type effects. Experiencing increased attention and unusual reactions from people who rarely if never respond in this way

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 10-02-2019

I ran 1-2 loops of hybrid trickling stream just because I was bored today. Then I felt the urge to make a budget and accurately record all my expenses. It was very eye opening. I didnt think I was spending so much because it was spread across multiple accounts and credit cards. To see it all in one place really put it into perspective how wasteful I've been and how much I over spend

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 10-15-2019

I think my car has just died on me. I really can't afford to fix it, and I really can't afford to buy another one, and if I trade it in it probably worthless. I really can't afford to be in this situation right now.

I did a forex course recently and it really helped me to understand it better than I had in the past. I always felt that the concepts were too complicated and going way over my head. But this time I've come to get a much better understanding of them. My mind is less busy and more focused.

But understanding it doesn't mean I have the money to put into it.

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 10-25-2019

Fixed my car, for now. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be.

Im not really feeling any personal effects from the sub anymore. I finished the forex course but my interest has waned a little. I'm still looking for ways to save or increase my income, but honestly winning the lottery is the only thing I can think of right now lol

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 11-18-2019

I have an opportunity to earn 10k more per year, but it's a completely different industry than what I studied. It's not an office job so I'd be on my feet and interacting with people all day

I'm not sure what to do, there is room for growth in both jobs but one offers 10k more upfront

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 11-22-2019

I had to pass on the opportunity. While it would have been nice to make that extra money and reduce costs at the same time. It would have meant a tremendous increase in energy and effort and a serious decline in quality of life for me.

It was a good opportunity but I'm sure there will be more

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 01-08-2020

I'm not even sure if I'm seeing results anymore. I'm still doing 6 loops for two days then 3 off. I've stopped focusing on the sub or results and I'm just living.

The only other thing I notice is that I'm having trouble with my memory. Especially childhood memories. I can picture them but it's more like im recalling something someone told me rather than recalling something I experienced myself. Sometimes I'm not sure if it actually happened. It's like I've disassociated with them.

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 02-20-2020

This place has really slowed down. I haven't posted since the beginning of Jan but my thread is only on the second page.

Anyways, I took a break from listening to subs. To give myself some time to bloom and also because I wasn't feeling any effects. So far it's been about 3 weeks.

I think I'll start again soon. I've tried a few money making schemes lately but none of them have worked out. I'm in a pretty bad situation right now financially. Worse than when I started the sub many months ago.

I have a job opportunity that may help a bit, but if I take it I would be limiting myself in the future because it's a completely different field with very few transferrable skills. If I were to switch back to my industry I would probably have to take a more junior position to match my experience on paper. Tough decisions

One thing that I do notice is that I feel like my mind is more patient. It's able to grasp things that I tried learning before but couldn't understand

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 02-20-2020

Edit edit

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 02-26-2020

Started the sub again. Carpet bombing my brain with as many loops as I can get in. Bought some lottery tickets recently, but didnt win anything. Asked for a large raise at my current job, hopefully I get what I asked for. If I get it I basically increased my salary by 21k within one years time. Been thinking of other ways I can make money and how I can streamline my life to fit these methods.

RE: Superman's UMS thread - Superman - 02-29-2020

I haven't gotten a response yet for my salary increase but I think it went through...