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Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Printable Version +- Subliminal Talk (https://subliminal-talk.com) +-- Forum: Men's Journals (18+ NSFW) (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals-18-NSFW) +--- Forum: Men's Journals (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals) +--- Thread: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] (/Thread-Ampers-d-Finds-His-Mojo-SM3-0) |
RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - guilotine - 12-23-2014 It sounds weird to me that you would run 6 months of one sub (AM) to help set the foundation and then 6 months of another (SM) to help you get better with women and after one whole year and $1000 later there is only one or two lays to show for it. Maybe I am just being impatient but I would expect more from this. You would have probably had better success if you invested that money on a wardrobe and hit the clubs/bars 4/5 times a week and hit on a lot of women. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - blue42 - 12-23-2014 I get bored easily. Sometimes with "people" (a individual and a person is something else). That is why it has to be a competition and a challenge. I don't want to shoot fish in buckets. I want to zap them with electricity. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 12-24-2014 AlphaReal; I'm open to teaming up. Stage 6, Day 27, I noticed a few days ago that I felt this anxiety gripping me, which made me talk very low and had me mumbling. Just today, I spent Christmas Eve with the family, and for a large section of the day, I was on very shaky emotional ground; just felt a very weird set of emotions, in which I couldn't really look people in the face. It had me acting and talking a bit strange, to where I could've hurt some peoples' feelings by the wacky comments I made. Wondering if this is a hint to try EPRHA for a few weeks, up to 32 days, before starting an AM program. Then again, I really don't have any real emotional traumas that I feel could get in the way. It's likely just a form of resistance. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - TheRealJustin - 12-27-2014 Our subconscious minds are crazy. I wouldn't say the program hasn't worked, and I wouldn't look for results at all because you have no clue what the deep part of your mind is conjuring up. There's no way to make women magically fall into your lap, but your subconscious mind could be working right now to get you to do something that will make you become a man that gets women like crazy. Maybe that's even why you have BAMM on your mind, who knows. Maybe you'll become a youtube star, could be anything, but if your subconscious mind accepted the programming than right now it's working hard to make it a reality. You should read some books on the subconscious mind, and I think you will just relax and know the program will work no matter what if your subconscious mind accepts it, and your subconscious mind will accept it no matter what if you listen to it enough, especially since it's something you consciously want too. With Alpha you noticed so many changes so fast because it was changing your thoughts and actions. SM is getting women to want sex from you, so your subconscious mind needs to lead you into a life where that becomes a reality, so who knows what your future holds. If your subconscious accepted the program you will end up being a man that women are drawn to sexually, there's no question about it, but this stuff doesn't happen over night, and in my opinion expecting it in 6 months even is crazy because who knows what has to happen in your life for it to become reality. If it was a feel horny all the time sub, sure you'd get results because it's just changing you, it's not changing how other people are. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the future you have a huge status boost, or financial boost since those two things could make the programming a reality. Your subconscious is going to lead you down a path that makes the programming a reality if it accepted the programming. I have no idea time wise, but I'd put money down that you become a high status man, a fairly wealthy man, or both if this program wasn't resisted. Or maybe you'll become some master PUA, who knows, but I wouldn't expect results from this in the same way as alpha because you need to change into a man that is extremely sexually desirable. I'm sure alpha is still working in you too if you haven't manifested an amazing social circle yet. These things take time, and lots of change. If you read a bunch of books about the subconscious mind I think you won't doubt for a second that you will get the results you're looking for, the only thing standing in the way is time because your life could have to change dramatically for the programming to be true in the real world. Example would be Justin Bieber became a sex magnet, but look how dramatically his life changed before it happened. It's hard for me to get what's in my head into other peoples heads so sorry if this is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo to you, but I recommend reading up on the subconscious mind and I think you'll begin to feel better about what right now seems like a lack of results. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 12-28-2014 @ My last night will be the 29/30th, so the night of the 29th, I post a point-by-point about the program. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 12-29-2014 Stage 6, Day 31 (REVIEW) Tonight is my last night, so it's fair to say that the effects will be as they are now. Though I'll be digging in rather deep, I'm not exactly angry about my results. I'm simply speaking objectively about my results and where I stand. Long story short, I'm not satisfied, and I'm looking to get refunded. That said, the sub worked in certain regards, so it is by no means a dud. But it was by no means worth the prices I paid in loss of energy, tiredness, loss of focus and other secondary effects. I went into the program because I understood my inability to attract women was affecting me as a man, and I exited this program with the same feeling. Nothing happened as a net difference from start to finish, but stuff happened in the middle. The most tragic part for me was that it was working so well in the first half, and showed such enormous promise for the second half. But during the second half, the time when I was the most serious about putting in time, the results seemed to have vanished. I haven't approached any women in Stage 6, and I've accepted that I have more or less no game, at least none that would have me confident in my ability to positively influence women. I've got no real confidence that a woman with 9 or 10 in looks (I hate the scale, but you'll all know what I'm talking about) would realistically want anything to do with. I entered the program with a work ethic and discipline that had me believe that I had something to offer a woman of quality (me moving towards my purpose). The paradox of this program is that I lost myself and my work ethic, so by looking to improve my ability with women, I lost what it was I believed was of value to high-quality women. Nothing 'Sex Magnet' about that! The pros of the subliminal: - For one week, I was on fire, and I was able to get a real taste of what a sex magnet is like; I didn't actually have any sex during that week, but I had a couple of experiences with different girls; I felt very real chemistry with one of them. - For a certain period of time, when I'd lay eyes on a pretty woman, I'd feel a bunch of positive experiences that would incite me to go up to them; I'd also feel a steady set of emotions, which I associated to a love of women. That went away after Stage 4. - I broke a multi-year penetrative sex dry spell; thought women would be eager to give or receive oral, or other variations, for some reason, sex wasn't happening. I bridged that gap during this program; - Now, I care much less if I have sex, even though I still enjoy and want it; - I feel just about no sexual inadequacy when the conversation is brought up among friends or guys. - I like my appearance, and the ways the auras played out, though I expected it to look more powerful; Anyways, a point-by-point of the sales copy: http://www.subliminal-shop.com/product/sex-magnet-3-0/ Most of the first few paragraphs don't apply to me. The only distinction is that I attracted one woman sexually, and that's it. New in Version 2.0: Increased projection of auric sexuality and attraction of women, while projecting a strong signal of heterosexuality and repulsing interest and advances from other men. No advances from men, and no real way to tell if I'm projecting auric sexuality if women aren't showing sexual interest. Suggestions to keep your vehicle and living spaces clean and orderly to maximize your chances of successfully having sex with any female who enters them. I cleaned my room about as often as I needed to. A real cleaning of my room happened every month or so, with some sweeping and sorting twice a week or so. But at any given, my room could have been untidy or unkempt. This would seem non-relevant, but if I really have no idea when I could meet a women and bring her back, then I could be bringing back a woman to a dirty room. Either way, didn't really matter, since I would clean my apartment whenever I had my one sexual partner over. Increasing skill and success at seducing women into having sex with you. Nope; I feel no more confident about my skills, nor do I feel I have any real skill. More aggressively acting to get out and take advantage of opportunities to socialize with, meet, and seduce beautiful women. Nope. With a few exceptions, I didn't even feel like "going out" to bars or clubs, or even to go out and meet women. In social situations, more aggressively find, meet and seduce women who are attractive to you. Sort of, at the start. As time went on, I actually was doing this less. Boldly, directly and aggressively pull the trigger when you have a chance to have sex with an appropriate woman. I only "pulled the trigger" twice; once to kiss a woman (which went nowhere), the other to get with the sexual partner I had at the time. I would say I'm satisfied with it when it worked. Be naturally playful, happy and seductive with women you are attracted to. An improvement in playfulness and happiness, as I felt less need to get with them. But this didn't translate into any real success with them Respond to rejection differently than before: now, not only disconnect from negative emotional responses, but keep trying different things until you succeed. I disconnected from negative emotional responses, but I've developed a sort of learned helplessness about my situation with women, where I'm no longer really motivated to try anything new. So, no. More automatic seduction response to women you want to have sex with. Nope. Focus is not just on having sex, but now pushes you to have sex multiple times with a woman you seduce. I had been having encounters with the one sexual partner I meet every few weeks. This feature would be nice if I were having sex with many different women. Increased focus on anxiety and fear destruction. In the best parts of this program, I had no anxiety or fear. But not getting any results simply shut down my desire to keep trying. Approach anxiety is more aggressively dealt with. Once again, when I'm motivated, I'll go up to women I'm attracted to; I even did this in the Alpha Male program. Approaching would be fun and leave me feeling uplifted, even if I didn't 'get' anything from her. The following points could be addressed by saying: I'm not in any way motivated to handle my situation with women. More assistance for virgins, sexually inexperienced men, men who have a fear or resentment of women and men who have a fear of sex. I wasn't a virgin, though I had some degree of inexperience. I do see sex differently. I still occasionally feel resentments towards the behaviors of certain women at times. Causes sex to be better, gives you better sexual stamina, self control, confidence. I would say that there's a small, but noticeable difference in my enjoyment. I'm satisfied in this camp; When you do choose to allow yourself to achieve orgasm, causes a complete orgasm with full release of sexual tension, energy and maximum pleasure – while allowing you to continue to have sex for as long as you want afterwards. Afterwards? I must be like a musket; it takes me time to reload the shells. But I'm satisfied in this camp. On Auras: I like the energy I'm throwing off. It's part young Godfather, part James Dean, the rest varies. I think that I look 'better' in more situations. My posture improved as I've mostly removed pillows while I sleep. On women approaching me: I can think of 2-3 women approaching me. One chatted me up on a train ride, took my number and set up a meet. She was attractive enough (had big enough boobs) to have me try to kiss her and become a needy little bitch for an hour or so. The other ones were at a party, and simply said hi; I wasn't really attracted to see that as substantial. Anyways, that's my brain dump about the program. I need to re-run Alpha Male a few times to develop a rock-solid reality; I believe that a strong reality will make the Sex Magnet programming sink in the right way. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Mystic Pymp - 12-30-2014 Don't be sorry for wanting a refund. Product didn't me your expectations and it's not like you were sitting in the basement protected from any possible results. I'm sure many would say you should do rerun or something like that, but I think you're plan with doing AM again has a lot of merit. Good luck! RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - SargeMaximus - 12-30-2014 Hmm, a lot of these things you described are hitting with me as well. My first thought was "You just need to practice more" but that can be done WITHOUT $500 subliminals. >> RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 12-30-2014 One important question: How much and which clearing tools did you use during Your Am-Run compared to your SM-Run? (whether it'd be PSTEC, Feft, Sedona, Lefkoe or any other clearing tool) I heard from multiple members on this forum (some contacted me per PM) that they noticed weaker results from subs while they were using clearing tools. The more powerful the tool the more it weakened the sub. Maybe this could be the case for you, too. Actually this shouldn't be surprising, I read on many websites of those clearing tools that they clear goals and ambition even of goals you'd think of as positive. One author described in his book how he was able to completely cure his approach anxiety with EFT. Midway he got worse even though his "game" was quite good at that point because EFT cleared everything and made him start from ground zero again to build his skill back up. A teacher of Radical Undoing mentioned that it clears you of every ingrained pattern, you lose every social conditioning (whether "positive" or negative) this causes you to have more free will, and feel less guilt even if you do something that society labels "bad". It doesn't change your morals but it deletes the automatic social punishment conditioning that you subconsciously picked up growing up. (Which could be very interesting even if you don't intend to become a criminal as itmeans it would also delete conditioned punishment responses like "don't talk to strangers" "don't bother women on the street etc" -> cure for Approach Anxiety as well) But this teacher also mentioned it cures many ambitions and goals and lots of automatically conditioned responses that you find "pleasurable" as well. It is very likely that you'll encounter a stage where you "un-do" the very ambition that motivated you to start radical undoing in the first place. So after you cleared everything you have to build up the pleasurable responses yourself by conditioning them into you again according to that Radical Undoing Teacher. Can you see how this or other clearing tools could clear your motivation to get hot girls? How it clears your conditioned arousal patterns that you picked up during puberty that makes your body secrete certain hormones to motivate you to get some p*ssy after you got certain visual cues? (boobs, nice face or ass) This is the same what people who are doing a "porn reboot" like Sarge are going through. They have distorted arousal patterns due to high porn consumption that makes them secrete dopamin in the wrong moments and makes them lack dopamin in the right moments. They abstain from porn to reset that pattern and re-learn it by touching, smelling and seeing real girls after their dopamine receptors grew back. With properly established arousal patterns these guys now get a dopamin rush in the right moments which turns them on and which in turn turns the woman on. That's why many "porn rebooters" report a great increase in attraction from other woman after their reboot. (This is btw your "sexual aura" that SM3 generates. SM3 increases this dopamine response to an abnormal level which should make the woman so horny that they approach you The same principle is used by the Masculine Intent exercise. You try to make yourself horny to secrete dopamine (which makes you even hornier and confident and assertive and and...) and the right pheromones (which makes her horny) but perfectly aligned with horny eye contact, horny body language, horny speech pattern&horny tonality (all caused by the dopamine) ) RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 12-30-2014 Getting horny is a conditioned response even if many people refuse to beleive it. This is why the PSTEC creator warned that the improper use of PSTEC could make you lose your attraction to women and turn you asexual. PSTEC can be used to cure Pedophila according to it's creator, it is not a disease but a conditoned arousal pattern. There are people that are attracted to all kinds of crazy things (kids, animals even trees!) which all can be reset with PSTEC. And if you reset your arousal patterns regarding women you stop giving unconscious subtle arousal cues (like pheromones, breathing patterns, pupil dilation etc) which would turn them on and get them attracted to you. This is how you could be clearing the sexual aura of SM3. Clearing tools are powerful and I'm glad I have them in my arsenal but in my opinion they don't go well with a simultaneous use of subliminals. You don't eat your meal on the toilet while you're taking a shit either. You first go into the kitchen to eat your meal, then give your body time to process and absorb the nutrients and after that you go to the toilet to get rid of the toxins. So why would you want to try to absorb beneficial beliefs by listening to the sub and getting rid of toxic beliefs through clearing at the same time? Why not separate those actions and one time you focus on getting rid, dissolving and clearing yourself and another time you focus on building yourself up, nurturing and strengthening yourself? Just as a side note: I promised myself to refrain from clearing tools while I'm going through AM6 and SM3 and after that clear as much as I can. I already did some PSTEC and Feft for a couple of weeks and felt wonderful so I know they work for getting rid of emotional toxins. But I'm glad I decided that I save them for later as I am now on SM3 Stage 1 and I can't complain. AM6 gave me such great results I still can't beleive it (got out of some friendzones without me initiating anything, received texts like "I want to be more than friends" out of the blue and much more) Now At SM3 S1 I have a girl (college student and 23, like me) that is addicted to me (has a oneitis) doesn't stop texting me, asking me to hang out, says she misses me if I don't reply for 1 day and that she is going to d**pthroat me as much and as often as I want her to, "sw*llowing everytime without exception" . She always thinks I'm doing something with other girls without any reason. She is even afraid to admit she want a relationship with me because she thinks she would lose me if she tries to pin me down like that as I mentioned I'm curious about experimenting with open relationships (she hates the idea got really angry at me when I mentioned it, lol). Even when I'm encouraging her to date some other guys she is so completely taken in by me she said she can't imagine having sex with somebody else than me... she is declining even "steretopically" way hotter guys than me. I wouldn't have any jealousy if she would f*ck some other guy. For me this is quite an improvement as I started from a very, very low place and a long dry spell. No matter how hard I tried not to, I got jealous very easily. It seems the sub changed my belief system to exclude that type of emotion to some degree without the need of clearing tools. I couldn't have imagined this all happening to me back then and now it's like I don't care at all. And I still don't know how I got into this position as I put less effort into attracting woman than before AM6. I didn't go out at all I was only at 3 parties the last 6 months and I got more girls interested in me by that than when I regularly went out 2 times a week. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 12-30-2014 Yeah, I could defend my position by saying that what you're saying about my emotional state doesn't completely match where I am. But results are results, and I don't have them, so there must be something in conflict. Either, my deep subconscious mind, or my removing certain patterns of programming with major clearing. So for AM6, which I plan on doing next, I'll refrain from doing any major clearing (like you said, in the back pocket for emergencies). I DO want to use PSTEC Positive on smaller side-issues that I don't believe that AM6 will cover specifically. These include: my French pronunciation, showing up early to engagements, having the motivation to do pMemory, sticking to my New Years' Resolutions. These are things that can operate along with core programming and not conflict (I would believe that to be the case). RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 12-30-2014 Quote:Yeah, I could defend my position by saying that what you're saying about my emotional state doesn't completely match where I amDon't get me wrong, I don't think you are in the same emotional state as a recovering porn addict, and I don't think you have distorted arousal patterns. I actually think you are in a quite normal emotional state. I just used those examples to illustrate why you might not have "abnormal SM3 boosted Sex-auras" drawing women to you. Because the same principles apply only on a higher level. You haven't cleared so strongly to erase your deeply ingrained normal arousal patterns, but you probably erased the new arousal patterns that SM3 tried to install in you as they were still fresh and weak. (12-30-2014, 09:24 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: I DO want to use PSTEC Positive on smaller side-issues that I don't believe that AM6 will cover specifically. These include: my French pronunciation, showing up early to engagements, having the motivation to do pMemory, sticking to my New Years' Resolutions. These are things that can operate along with core programming and not conflict (I would believe that to be the case). This is exactly what I first was trying to do as well. Seeing how beneficial clearing can be I wanted to find the proper way to use it while being on subs. I thought with the right "aiming" I could only target the unwanted emotion (like anger, fear anxiety) and let other beliefs untouched. Then I realized it's not that easy. Beliefs create emotions and emotions fuel and strengthen beliefs. The problem is multiple beliefs are attached to the same emotion and when I weakened that emotion it affected all those attached beliefs whether good or bad... doesn't matter through which imagined situation I "summoned" the emotion. Am example: I summon the emotion "anger" by imagining how my brother provoked me last weekend during PSTEC so I can clear it, because I don't want to be able to be provoked like that anymore. That "anger" was created by the belief "If I let my brother ridicule me, it means I'm beneath him and less worth". The anger was created to push me to prevent my brother from ridiculing me because I wanted to avoid the consequences of the belief that I accepted as true. When I weaken the emotion with PSTEC the belief gets also less stable and I can discrad it more easily. If I discarded the belief, I won't get angry next time the same situation happens as there is no belief that has the function to produce anger in me. The problem is that anger fuels many other beliefs as well. Yes, the disconnection happens most strongly in the scenario you had in mind during PSTEC but there seems also a collateral disconnection happening affecting the emotion "anger" itself and ALL the attached beliefs (beliefs you DON'T want to weaken). This in itself isn't that bad because you can correct this by clearing the opposite end of the spectrum and bring it back to balance by clearing the fear of getting angry. I won't go too much into detail because now it get's complicated, but what happens now is this will have a colateral disconnection as well which you have to balance out... So in short: If you start clearing you have to really commit to it and clear everything out to get into balance, because the more you clear the more "shit" opens up that needs to be cleared. If you stop midway you could leave yourself pretty unbalanced (example: clearing your anger but not your fear of getting angry, making you feel free on one side but actually more shy and afraid to speak for yourself as your old anger balanced out your fear) So to avoid this you could be clearing all around but you know this doesn't work well with subs. If you really have to use clearing while you're on subs, use it as sparingly as possible even if it is on unrelated beliefs to keep the collateral disconnection low. To avoid this problem I'm experimenting with alternating immersions of subs and clearing. Meaning after I'm done with SM3 I'll do 3 months clearing (no subs), then 6 months sub, then 3 months clearing. I think this is the safe route if anybody wants to take it. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - AlphaMind - 12-30-2014 It is already answered by Shannon over and over again. Do not de-fang the beast. Anger itself is a fuel to improvement. Clearing the anger = de-fang the beast. Can anybody. PLS! Stop outsmarting the god damn instruction? Just do exactly what it is said :@ RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - zen - 12-31-2014 Always a pleasure to read your posts Athanas. Your writing is very similar to Shannon's and I enjoy it. Do you have a journal opened? |