RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - FluffyBunny - 11-11-2015
Yah i get all his points and funny thing is none of them is directed to me in quotes 
I never blame anyone for anything so its cool.
That being said...
So if i ran MLS 4G and BIATWS 4G I am going to get better results than running MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G???
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - 4Kingdoms - 11-11-2015
(11-11-2015, 07:07 PM)FluffyBunny Wrote: Yah i get all his points and funny thing is none of them is directed to me in quotes 
I never blame anyone for anything so its cool.
That being said...
So if i ran MLS 4G and BIATWS 4G I am going to get better results than running MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G???
Running two 4G's was never an issue. That said... MLS 5G is way more powerful and has the latest subliminal technology in it.
Will you get better results if you ran two 4G's? I think your brain will be happier!!
I still think you should run MLS 5G on it's own to get most out of it for the money you spent!!
Then when you are at the refresher stage of MLS 5G, add BIATWS.
Maximum Learning Speed 5G is intended for long term usage plus refreshing. It is intended for use 3 months minimum, 8 hours a day minimum, with 6 months and 12+ hours a day being optimal. Refresh as needed with 2-4 weeks of use.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - Shannon - 11-11-2015
Is MLS 4G as good, powerful, advanced, effective and encompassing as MLS5G? Hardly. But you'll get better "using them both together at once" results because 4G is so much less demanding.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - FluffyBunny - 11-11-2015
Ok so i am feeling MLS atm.
Because im reading a lot more stuff on everything ,
i just want to learn EVERYTHING.. WOW EVERYTHING.
I think i was always the guy who wanted to know everything every aspects of business , seduction, public speaking, sales, virtues , life....
But i lack the motivation to do most of them.... I would always half ass learning theses things almsot like jack of nothign traits ... being mediocor on most of these skills...
Right now i want to like be a master of everything and i cant stop looking stuff up....
i am a very step by step like i want to know everything but at the same time im super intuitive so it counters me a lot.....
im like a super feelingish guy...
and right now i have a class presentation to do tomorrow and im looking up for things to engage class better and dominant the room ... WTF hahahahhaha
i kinda would say im loving it but who knows lets just wait for a few more days lol
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - FluffyBunny - 11-12-2015
hm i also notice..... another thing...
When i am completing tasks....
I brought back information i have learned from a while back.... but consciously forgot... BACK into doing that TASK.
I was cutting my own hair .... then somehow my arms just realized exactly how to cut it....
and it made me through back to how hair dressers cut hair in a organized ratio... and i just ended up doing it automatically ...
interesting thing... It was a learned from watching someone cut my hair
i wonder if it bring back memorized things and in certain situations if needed to be used, it would just come to my head and i would just say it LOL that would be funny
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - Raz - 11-12-2015
Sounds frickin' interesting. Wish you all the best for unfolding all your potential with this sub.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - Dzemoo - 11-12-2015
From my experience this works for a few days with interesting results but then you will be overwhelmed with resistence and exhaustion, and the results will stop because of this
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - TheRealJustin - 11-12-2015
(11-11-2015, 06:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: (11-11-2015, 07:19 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: BIABWS 4g mixed with MLS 5g has to be a million times less powerful than AM6 so I don't see the big deal. I don't understand why the rule is one at a time but then there's 6 stage sets and they say the entire script of a million things is in them. So more than one at a time is bad, but 20 at a time is okay? Doesn't even make the smallest amount of sense.
exaggeration aside, you don't understand because you don't know enough about what's going on under the hood and behind the scenes. 6 stage sets are custom designed to be able to work, and they include a layer of design and implementation that I literally had to invent to make them work. To the best of my knowledge, we are the only producers of such subliminals for that reason. I can't explain further without giving away trade secrets, but I'm sure you'll agree that with my 20+ years of experience and research and development, and having literally invented the technology that allows 6 stagers to work, I might happen to know what I'm talking about here.
Quote:I have asked about this a ton of times and never got one single response besides "don't do it" or "it's against the rules" who follows the rules 100% when they don't even have one reason to follow them besides 'I said so'?
The reasons for why we don't mix 5G with anything else are out there and I have explained them "a ton of times" as you put it, but here we go again.
- 5G is very demanding of the brain, for oxygen, glucose and all the brain chemistry involved in advanced information inpiut, processing, cognition and the actual development of the neural pathways and dendrites that result from using the program.
- 5G is designed to max out your brain's ability to input data per second, and to process data. This means that if you attempt to use two programs simultaneously, you'll overload instantly, and if you attempt to use them both at the same time but not simultaneously, you'll seriously degrade the results you get from both, if not neutralize them.
- You can get serious unexpected side effects in cases if and where the scripts may conflict in goal.
- You divide your energy and focus, and at best, will have the results appear much, much more slowly.
- 5G programs will dominate 4G and 3G programs in effect, but the results of dividing focus can be unpredictable. I'm trying to be safe, and you should too.
- I don't really appreciate it when people don't follow the carefully written and researched instructions and then try to give me a negative reputation because of their own stupidity.
- I also don't appreciate it when people don't don't follow the carefully written and researched instructions and then try to get their money back because of their own stupidity.
- The instructions tell you how to get what you paid for in the best and shortest way, and keep you as safe as possible doing so. Pretty common sense to follow them at that point.
I'd say these are pretty good reasons for the instructions saying what they do.
Quote:If there's a good reason not to do it, I'd love to hear it, but when someone says not to do something and I ask why, and they say because, that's just not a strong reason not to do it. I'd like to know because why, because I see absolutely no reason not to do it.
Maybe the instructions were written that way because someone knows something you don't. And maybe not every reason for them saying what they do is something I can or am willing to explain, since regardless of what I say to explain, only a small fraction of people ever read or care about it, and explaining over and over and over again to no result is therefore a waste of my time which could be spent developing new stuff and building subs...
Quote:It's like if someone's like "hey, don't eat that pancake" and I'm like "why?" and they say "because, I said, and I know", then I'm going to eat the pancake, but if they said "because I saw someone poison it, and if you eat that you will die" then, if I believed them, I wouldn't eat the pancake, but just saying because is no reason worth listening to imo.
It sounds like you have an issue with being told what to do. Resisting just to resist. That's not so wise, and sooner or later that pancake is going to cause you food poisoning and maybe even kill you. Maybe sometimes you should consider the source and just follow the instructions if the source is reasonably knowledgeable.
Quote:Only thing I would do different is I would listen to one of the two until I don't get tired from it anymore, and then I'd add the other one. I've never tried 5g so maybe I wouldn't but right now I'm running 2 4g type b/d and nothing bad is happening, I'm enjoying the subs and don't see any reason to stop, and saying it's against the rules isn't a motivating reason to stop. If breathing was against the rules I wouldn't stop, but if I knew I should hold my breath because there's poisonous gas in the room, then hey, there's a reason I would listen to and I'd hold my breathe, but I'm just not the type to follow sh*t blindly and have no clue why I'm even following it.
Your logic is breathtaking.
Quote:I also don't just break rules for fun, but if there's something I want to do, and I don't see any reason not to do it, then I'm going to do it.
So it's not for fun, it's just because you're invincible?
Look, I know some of you guys think you know everything and you're invincible and all, but seriously, if you're going to ingore the instructions, just make sure that you do the following:
- Take personal responsibility for your choices, actions and results.
- Don't blame me when and if shit goes wrong. If you didn't follow the instructions, whatever happens is YOUR fault. Not mine, and not IML's.
- Don't ask for a refund when and if shit goes wrong because you didn't follow the instructions. If you didn't get results, or the results were strange or they took a long time or looked weak, that's your doing, not mine.
- Don't badmouth me, my products or the technologies I have developed if or when shit goes wrong because you didn't follow the instructions.
Beyond that, I'm tired of trying to get you guys to use the programs according to how they were designed to be used and get the best results, because it's obvious that some of you are largely incapable of comprehending that the instructions are aimed at getting you better results and keeping you safe, not wasting your time and not wasting your money.
And with that said, have fun.
Sorry you got offended, and thanks for saying more than we may not get results. Every answer I've heard before, and I'm saying from everyone not just you, but every answer before made it sound like the only thing to worry about is results may not happen as fast, or may not happen at all, so I never saw why it mattered so much about running more than we should. If our safety is at risk by running more than we should you should make that WAYYYYYYYYYYY more clear, because that's my only concern when I run 2 programs together that don't go together. I was fine with getting slower results or possibly no results, and I was fine with not being able to return something, but I'm not fine with risking my own safety.
I don't have any problem with authority at all but that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly listen to people I don't know without having any reason to. For all I knew you had your one at a time rule for 5g or for b/d just so whatever happens is more obvious and you get less returns. For all I knew you could have friend's running all sorts of stuff together and it's totally fine and safe and you just tell us not to so that we really notice whatever the sub is doing to us. If you don't say it's dangerous and I'm risking my safety then how am I supposed to know?
Someone doesn't become a renowned scientist by saying "trust me, I know what I'm doing, I've been doing this for a long time, so just trust everything I say and do what I say, and don't ask questions. Even if that scientist is someone that should be trusted completely he should still answer WHY. And he doesn't need to give away his secrets in order to answer why he could say "never mix those two gases" someone asks why, he says because you will blow up and die. Good reason, and he didn't have to explain "well the secrets in this gas mixed with the secrets in this gas will blah blah blah" No secrets given, just blow up and die is all that needs to be heard.
I'm all about safety so maybe I'll stop running two b/d's together but I don't feel overloaded or anything, I actually feel super good so idk, but I will keep it in the back of my mind that it may not be safe, and if I ever feel unsafe I'll stop immediately.
Everything you said though makes sense, thanks for giving an actual answer as to why we should listen to you.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - ArcticFox - 11-12-2015
(11-11-2015, 08:25 AM)K-Train Wrote: To all the guys in this thread and other threads listen up: If you warn someone NOT to do something and state that it's in the rules and they continue to ignore you LEAVE. THEM. ALOOOOOOONE. At the end of the day it's their money and their product now. I understand we like to help people around here but sometimes you just have to let people go about things on their own.
@RealJustin: The main thing that I've heard from Shannon himself repeatedly over the years is that running too many programs will diminish your results because you are dividing the energy and focus of the subconscious mind too much..................
So you advice to leave them alone and then proceed to give your opinion on the matter, strange.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - K-Train - 11-12-2015
(11-12-2015, 07:52 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: (11-11-2015, 08:25 AM)K-Train Wrote: To all the guys in this thread and other threads listen up: If you warn someone NOT to do something and state that it's in the rules and they continue to ignore you LEAVE. THEM. ALOOOOOOONE. At the end of the day it's their money and their product now. I understand we like to help people around here but sometimes you just have to let people go about things on their own.
@RealJustin: The main thing that I've heard from Shannon himself repeatedly over the years is that running too many programs will diminish your results because you are dividing the energy and focus of the subconscious mind too much..................
So you advice to leave them alone and then proceed to give your opinion on the matter, strange.
I was speaking specifically about people continuing to tell Fluffybuny he's not following the rules. That's why I used "@RealJustin" to make it clear that my comments that followed were directed to HIM and NOT to Fluffy. Nothing strange about that.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - ArcticFox - 11-12-2015
(11-12-2015, 09:37 AM)K-Train Wrote: (11-12-2015, 07:52 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: (11-11-2015, 08:25 AM)K-Train Wrote: To all the guys in this thread and other threads listen up: If you warn someone NOT to do something and state that it's in the rules and they continue to ignore you LEAVE. THEM. ALOOOOOOONE. At the end of the day it's their money and their product now. I understand we like to help people around here but sometimes you just have to let people go about things on their own.
@RealJustin: The main thing that I've heard from Shannon himself repeatedly over the years is that running too many programs will diminish your results because you are dividing the energy and focus of the subconscious mind too much..................
So you advice to leave them alone and then proceed to give your opinion on the matter, strange.
I was speaking specifically about people continuing to tell Fluffybuny he's not following the rules. That's why I used "@RealJustin" to make it clear that my comments that followed were directed to HIM and NOT to Fluffy. Nothing strange about that.
fair play mate
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - FluffyBunny - 11-12-2015
find that its hard to sleep at night. i specifically stop listening to it 5 hours before bed.
But im assuming since i was still studying before goign to bed it was still active..
I would also wake up during the night and fall bak right to sleep.
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - Shannon - 11-12-2015
(11-12-2015, 06:05 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: (11-11-2015, 06:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: (11-11-2015, 07:19 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: BIABWS 4g mixed with MLS 5g has to be a million times less powerful than AM6 so I don't see the big deal. I don't understand why the rule is one at a time but then there's 6 stage sets and they say the entire script of a million things is in them. So more than one at a time is bad, but 20 at a time is okay? Doesn't even make the smallest amount of sense.
exaggeration aside, you don't understand because you don't know enough about what's going on under the hood and behind the scenes. 6 stage sets are custom designed to be able to work, and they include a layer of design and implementation that I literally had to invent to make them work. To the best of my knowledge, we are the only producers of such subliminals for that reason. I can't explain further without giving away trade secrets, but I'm sure you'll agree that with my 20+ years of experience and research and development, and having literally invented the technology that allows 6 stagers to work, I might happen to know what I'm talking about here.
Quote:I have asked about this a ton of times and never got one single response besides "don't do it" or "it's against the rules" who follows the rules 100% when they don't even have one reason to follow them besides 'I said so'?
The reasons for why we don't mix 5G with anything else are out there and I have explained them "a ton of times" as you put it, but here we go again.
- 5G is very demanding of the brain, for oxygen, glucose and all the brain chemistry involved in advanced information inpiut, processing, cognition and the actual development of the neural pathways and dendrites that result from using the program.
- 5G is designed to max out your brain's ability to input data per second, and to process data. This means that if you attempt to use two programs simultaneously, you'll overload instantly, and if you attempt to use them both at the same time but not simultaneously, you'll seriously degrade the results you get from both, if not neutralize them.
- You can get serious unexpected side effects in cases if and where the scripts may conflict in goal.
- You divide your energy and focus, and at best, will have the results appear much, much more slowly.
- 5G programs will dominate 4G and 3G programs in effect, but the results of dividing focus can be unpredictable. I'm trying to be safe, and you should too.
- I don't really appreciate it when people don't follow the carefully written and researched instructions and then try to give me a negative reputation because of their own stupidity.
- I also don't appreciate it when people don't don't follow the carefully written and researched instructions and then try to get their money back because of their own stupidity.
- The instructions tell you how to get what you paid for in the best and shortest way, and keep you as safe as possible doing so. Pretty common sense to follow them at that point.
I'd say these are pretty good reasons for the instructions saying what they do.
Quote:If there's a good reason not to do it, I'd love to hear it, but when someone says not to do something and I ask why, and they say because, that's just not a strong reason not to do it. I'd like to know because why, because I see absolutely no reason not to do it.
Maybe the instructions were written that way because someone knows something you don't. And maybe not every reason for them saying what they do is something I can or am willing to explain, since regardless of what I say to explain, only a small fraction of people ever read or care about it, and explaining over and over and over again to no result is therefore a waste of my time which could be spent developing new stuff and building subs...
Quote:It's like if someone's like "hey, don't eat that pancake" and I'm like "why?" and they say "because, I said, and I know", then I'm going to eat the pancake, but if they said "because I saw someone poison it, and if you eat that you will die" then, if I believed them, I wouldn't eat the pancake, but just saying because is no reason worth listening to imo.
It sounds like you have an issue with being told what to do. Resisting just to resist. That's not so wise, and sooner or later that pancake is going to cause you food poisoning and maybe even kill you. Maybe sometimes you should consider the source and just follow the instructions if the source is reasonably knowledgeable.
Quote:Only thing I would do different is I would listen to one of the two until I don't get tired from it anymore, and then I'd add the other one. I've never tried 5g so maybe I wouldn't but right now I'm running 2 4g type b/d and nothing bad is happening, I'm enjoying the subs and don't see any reason to stop, and saying it's against the rules isn't a motivating reason to stop. If breathing was against the rules I wouldn't stop, but if I knew I should hold my breath because there's poisonous gas in the room, then hey, there's a reason I would listen to and I'd hold my breathe, but I'm just not the type to follow sh*t blindly and have no clue why I'm even following it.
Your logic is breathtaking.
Quote:I also don't just break rules for fun, but if there's something I want to do, and I don't see any reason not to do it, then I'm going to do it.
So it's not for fun, it's just because you're invincible?
Look, I know some of you guys think you know everything and you're invincible and all, but seriously, if you're going to ingore the instructions, just make sure that you do the following:
- Take personal responsibility for your choices, actions and results.
- Don't blame me when and if shit goes wrong. If you didn't follow the instructions, whatever happens is YOUR fault. Not mine, and not IML's.
- Don't ask for a refund when and if shit goes wrong because you didn't follow the instructions. If you didn't get results, or the results were strange or they took a long time or looked weak, that's your doing, not mine.
- Don't badmouth me, my products or the technologies I have developed if or when shit goes wrong because you didn't follow the instructions.
Beyond that, I'm tired of trying to get you guys to use the programs according to how they were designed to be used and get the best results, because it's obvious that some of you are largely incapable of comprehending that the instructions are aimed at getting you better results and keeping you safe, not wasting your time and not wasting your money.
And with that said, have fun.
Sorry you got offended, and thanks for saying more than we may not get results. Every answer I've heard before, and I'm saying from everyone not just you, but every answer before made it sound like the only thing to worry about is results may not happen as fast, or may not happen at all, so I never saw why it mattered so much about running more than we should. If our safety is at risk by running more than we should you should make that WAYYYYYYYYYYY more clear, because that's my only concern when I run 2 programs together that don't go together. I was fine with getting slower results or possibly no results, and I was fine with not being able to return something, but I'm not fine with risking my own safety.
I don't have any problem with authority at all but that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly listen to people I don't know without having any reason to. For all I knew you had your one at a time rule for 5g or for b/d just so whatever happens is more obvious and you get less returns. For all I knew you could have friend's running all sorts of stuff together and it's totally fine and safe and you just tell us not to so that we really notice whatever the sub is doing to us. If you don't say it's dangerous and I'm risking my safety then how am I supposed to know?
Someone doesn't become a renowned scientist by saying "trust me, I know what I'm doing, I've been doing this for a long time, so just trust everything I say and do what I say, and don't ask questions. Even if that scientist is someone that should be trusted completely he should still answer WHY. And he doesn't need to give away his secrets in order to answer why he could say "never mix those two gases" someone asks why, he says because you will blow up and die. Good reason, and he didn't have to explain "well the secrets in this gas mixed with the secrets in this gas will blah blah blah" No secrets given, just blow up and die is all that needs to be heard.
I'm all about safety so maybe I'll stop running two b/d's together but I don't feel overloaded or anything, I actually feel super good so idk, but I will keep it in the back of my mind that it may not be safe, and if I ever feel unsafe I'll stop immediately.
Everything you said though makes sense, thanks for giving an actual answer as to why we should listen to you.
It's not offended. It's tired of answering the same questions over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, when they're explained in at least two places. I have made no secret that part of the reason I don't want people using them together is because there is the potential for issues. But you sound as if it's no big deal if we have our profits drop because people aren't smart enough to use these programs as designed and then don't get results and try to get their money back when it was their fault it didn't work! Think about that. It's like you building a car, from scratch, and then someone intentionally drives into a tree and then wants you to refund them, after you specifically said... don't do that. When profits drop, we have to work harder to make ends meet. And the end result is that we're working harder to achieve the same thing, basically because people aren't following the directions. How would that make you feel to deal with again and again and again?
And yes, I understand what your point is, but my point is, the answers are there. The FAQ on the forum and in the FAQ on the store have the answers. Then they're sprinkled all over the forum. This is not by far the first time I have answered that.
When I give instructions, it's not because I want to deny you something. It would get me more profits if you could use two or three at a time and have it work, wouldn't it. But the fact is, that's not how things work. And a lot of what I do is either secret, and explaining why is not possible, or is so technical that you're not going to understand how serious it is because you're not trained in how the subconscious works. The conscious mind is largely clueless about the subconscious, and that means people frequently assume that what they can't see won't matter and doesn't exist. It does matter, and it does exist.
The primary reasons for why I have the usage rules I do are:
1. That's how they are designed to be used for best results.
2. That's how you get what you paid for, and we stay afloat.
3. You can cause issues by not following the usage instructions, and sometimes those issues can be unpredictable.
4. In cases like two type D's at a time, you're basically just pissing up a rope because you aren't going to have the energy or focus to get a good response from the Type D scripting when you do that. Type D is manifestation, and even by itself that's been challenging to make work consistently because there are so many variables outside of my control to contend with.
If this didn't matter, trust me, I would not spend the time figuring out the best way to use these, the ways to make them as safe as possible, and I surely would not spend so much time writing the instructions and repeating myself ad nauseum, "Follow the instructions!"
RE: MLS 5G and BIATWS 4G - hiddenalias - 11-29-2015
(11-11-2015, 11:01 AM)AriGold Wrote: I think he knows what he is doing. Without anyone trying it, we won't find out. I wish you all the best, may both programs together work wonders for you!
Even if Shannon has said dont combine 2 5g subs together, I've heard one user who has (accidentally)? done this and still got results; and whatever they do, it is on them, after all they did pay for the subs.
If they suffer the consequences of not listening to it the right way, they will have to learn by experimenting and finding out for themselves.