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Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Printable Version

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RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - SargeMaximus - 07-08-2013

(07-08-2013, 01:36 PM)jamboree Wrote: I have done a round of AM2011 and SM2.0. I have not done AM5.0 or SM1.0. I am basically redoing each stage of SM2.0 for at a rate of 3 weeks per stage as a refresher Wednesday I start stage 5. I didn't want to have to wait another 6 months to get through SM again, so I thought at 3 weeks per stage I won't mind 4 months. Then I can get to doing some other subs sooner, such as OF or OFGS.

Sounds like a plan. If it were me, I'd seriously want to upgrade. It could be that the foundation of AM2011 is too weak for SM2, but then I'm just guessing, and I certainly understand not wanting to wait. Either way, I look forward to further posts.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - adventurousman - 07-08-2013

Now he recommends AM 5.0 and after that women magnet not SM, no?

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - jamboree - 07-08-2013

Whether you use SM or WM depends on your preferences and your goals. But it's pretty much a must to use AM5.0 before you use either of those products. AM2011 is previous product that was replaced by AM5.0 and is no longer available.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - SargeMaximus - 07-08-2013

(07-08-2013, 05:28 PM)jamboree Wrote: Whether you use SM or WM depends on your preferences and your goals. But it's pretty much a must to use AM5.0 before you use either of those products. AM2011 is previous product that was replaced by AM5.0 and is no longer available.

I'm confused. I think I mistook you for master chief. Also, if you know that about using AM and SM, why haven't you upgraded?

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Masterchief - 07-10-2013

(07-08-2013, 12:24 PM)jamboree Wrote: Well, I am doing a 3 week per stage refresher of SM2. Currently I am almost done with stage 4 refresher. Thus far I have not reached the ultimate objective, which is to continuously have Sex. In fact, I have not had any while on SM2. I haven't had any obvious out of the norm attractions either. I had more success with AM2011. I will say that it has worked as far as being non needy and it has definitely helped as far as having a slight ED problem. As such I feel much more confident in that area. Also, Sex drive has increased. So, it is not totally ineffective. As such I won't ask for a refund. Anyways, there are still two stages to go to in my second run refresher. So we'll see what happens. And for those who want to respond with its probably resistance, I'll probably bite your head off because I know that could be it. Plus I read many of the other possible reasons. I am not looking for feedback. Just giving my observations. I will continue to work at it even along the lines of doing a 3rd refresh run through if necessary and if I am up to it.

Hi Jamboree

This is an oldie. Been ages since I have done SM. I did the first one, not SM2. I did do Alpha Male 2010 before I did SM1. I would say I got better and obvious results in terms of sex on AM2010

Just curious Jamboree did you get results first time you did SM2? If not how comes you are doing a refresher? I would chance it with one of the Attract your perfect girlfried/sexual lover...
It is recommended you use them for 6 months, so you could try that for 6 months instead of doing 6 months on SM.

That is what I'm going to do, just to check out the new 5G stuff, once the attract your perfect titles are updated.

(07-08-2013, 01:44 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Sounds like a plan. If it were me, I'd seriously want to upgrade. It could be that the foundation of AM2011 is too weak for SM2, but then I'm just guessing, and I certainly understand not wanting to wait. Either way, I look forward to further posts.

I don't think it is a weak foundation. I did the AM version before AM2011. Sarge, you say you may have religious issues when using SM. AM2010 really neutralized any religious issues for me, even more so than AM5 (or perhaps they weren't that much of a big issue since then).

I only put that there because I thought at the time, that may have been one of the reasons of my lack of results, but I'm certain religion had nothing to do with it.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Masterchief - 07-10-2013

(07-08-2013, 01:05 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: By the way Shannon, I've been wondering about SM's manifestation/attraction method, and since master chief brought up his challenges, I've been wondering: might he get success if he went to places (churches for example) where the girls are likely to be on the same level he is?

I remember you mentioning how SM attracts and manifests girls who are on the "same level" you are at, and I'm wondering: if one had a pretty good idea, couldn't you then go to places where it would be likely to find such girls and then let SM do it's thing?

Sort of knowing your level and going to it kinda thing. What do you think?

You make a good point. I'm not sure if the girls need to be on the "same level", girls are girls. I remember Shannon mentioning his perfect lover being a black model (correct me if I'm wrong Shannon), even though he never went out with a black girl before.

I got the best response from a girl working in Waterstones (UK version of Barnes & Noble). She was acting quite feminine, when I needed help in finding a book. I'd say I'm more of a book-ish kind of guy.

I was not working at the time so I pretty much had a chance to see responses from a wide variety of situations whether it be daytime or in bars/clubs. My night time out-tings were less as I found the bar/club girls annoying.

Perhaps that may be the case Sarge, who knows?

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - SargeMaximus - 07-10-2013

(07-10-2013, 03:51 AM)Masterchief Wrote: I don't think it is a weak foundation. I did the AM version before AM2011. Sarge, you say you may have religious issues when using SM. AM2010 really neutralized any religious issues for me, even more so than AM5 (or perhaps they weren't that much of a big issue since then).

I only put that there because I thought at the time, that may have been one of the reasons of my lack of results, but I'm certain religion had nothing to do with it.

Ah. So what's your opinion on SM currently? Also, what level are you coming from in terms of where you started with women, social skills, friends, and confidence? Thanks.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Masterchief - 07-11-2013

(07-10-2013, 04:37 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Ah. So what's your opinion on SM currently? Also, what level are you coming from in terms of where you started with women, social skills, friends, and confidence? Thanks.

My opinion is still the same, it is not a sub I would do again. As soon as an Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend/Sexual Lover gets updated to 5G, I will be doing that for 6 months instead.

I've been ok, on the woman front. I used to approach a lot whilst out in bars, thanks to being coached in PUA a couple of years back. My approaching skills have gone a bit rusty because I haven't done it in a while, but I had interest shown to me. Never a rude response, apart from once where two girls were really disinterested in what I was saying lol.

Social skills and friends front is excellent, no problem in those areas. I try to hang around in different social circles, so know a wide variety of people.

What sub are you thinking of doing after AM5?

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - jamboree - 07-11-2013

@Masterchief. In regards to your question on SM, I did not have much results from SM2.0 on the first run in terms of the ultimate goal of having continuous sex. In fact, it didn't happen at all. I also did not get the obvious attraction from women that I seen in AM2011. It sort of dried up. All was not lost though. I did receive benefits as I indicated in my post. As far as why I am doing a refresher, I'm more like why not? I figure, I've already dug this tunnel through this mountain, why would I get out of it and start all over and dig another tunnel with another program. I would rather stick to this program until the major walls start tumbling and i get through this mountain. Also, the program you recommend is very specific in scope whereas SM has many other benefits other than just the goal of having continuous sex. In fact the benefits I received from SM during the first run were only enhanced by the second run. I should note that although I call it a refresher, it's almost like a 2nd full run through. So, I would rather stick with SM. I still had some strong resistance during my second run through, so there is still stuff to work at. You keep at it, eventually you'll work through it.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - SargeMaximus - 07-11-2013

(07-11-2013, 07:05 AM)Masterchief Wrote:
(07-10-2013, 04:37 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Ah. So what's your opinion on SM currently? Also, what level are you coming from in terms of where you started with women, social skills, friends, and confidence? Thanks.

My opinion is still the same, it is not a sub I would do again. As soon as an Attract Your Perfect Girlfriend/Sexual Lover gets updated to 5G, I will be doing that for 6 months instead.

I've been ok, on the woman front. I used to approach a lot whilst out in bars, thanks to being coached in PUA a couple of years back. My approaching skills have gone a bit rusty because I haven't done it in a while, but I had interest shown to me. Never a rude response, apart from once where two girls were really disinterested in what I was saying lol.

Social skills and friends front is excellent, no problem in those areas. I try to hang around in different social circles, so know a wide variety of people.

What sub are you thinking of doing after AM5?

Interesting that you didn't have success with SM even from the strong position you had in terms of women and friends. I do find that interesting.

Currently I'm thinking of using SM. I've got my life pretty much on course (it's not pretty because of my youthful days, but at least I have a direction), except for women. Never dated or anything. I'm unsure if I should just go for AM 6 or SM, but my impatience in the women area makes me think I should just do SM and get it over with.

But then there's also WM. Have you done that one at all?

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Joronda - 07-23-2013

My boyfriend and I have been using Shannon's "magical bullets" for about a year, apart from a period of a few months when our computer crashed, and we have come to the conclusion that the magic happens when we adopt the mindset that:-

We simply play the downloads on a loop and forget they are playing - and trust that the results will show up in our lives when they are MEANT to, and NOT BEFORE.

The conscious mind does not like change, and if you worry too much about when the results are going to turn up, your conscious mind creates all sorts of reasons to keep you stuck in the mud.

Shannon is sowing magical beans in our minds, and we trust completely that he knows what he is doing - and we don't want our conscious minds stuffing the process up - so we SWITCH OFF our conscious minds and think about other things instead................and we have had some of the most wonderful surprises that you could even imagine. Things have turned in our lives that are much greater than we could ever have asked for. We have been blown away, and don't really know why all this abundance is falling in our laps.

Humans can only receive what they know about - but the subconscious mind taps into the abundance of the whole universe, and knows trillions of ways that our dreams can be met.

If we are anxious about the things we want, we put a HUGE BRAKE on them coming into our lives. We need to get out of the way of ourselves, because we are stopping better things happening.

All the top metaphysical experts will tell you that you must define exactly what you want, and then trust that it (or something better) will come into your life.

Manifesting nice things into your life is not hard work - you have to ADMIT that you are just a human being with an EGO, and that you NEED help. When you ask for help, the teacher (Shannon?) turns up in your life.

Now - the important question is: - "are you going to allow him to help you without interfering in the help he offers you? Are you following his simple (but important) instructions?"

If you don't follow his instructions, then how can you receive the true benefits? If you refuse to follow his instructions, then your conscious mind is in charge - and you DEFINITELY WON'T get the results that Shannon wants you to have. Quite frankly your conscious mind DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO MANIFEST your dreams.

Shannon has told us that humans have a lot of cobwebs and resistance to change that need sorting out - and all you have to do is keep playing the downloads and TRULY BELIEVE that in the fullness of time you will be able to look back and see how much your life has changed.

I wanted a gigantic rose garden and there was no way I could afford one - and in the last few weeks I have suddenly met strangers who have appeared out of the woodwork and handed over all the plants I need - absolutely FREE.

How could they have known what my dreams were? My dream wishes flowed out to the universe and into their minds, and like a magnet they came to help me.

The garden was just a beautiful dream, and I fantasized it might happen, but I wasted no energy WORRYING HOW IT COULD HAPPEN or feeling annoyed I could not have it. I planted magic beans in my mind, and the universe gave me even more that I had asked for.

If a Sub is not working, Shannon is right - you are stopping it from appearing - you need to give yourself more time and not try to weave miracles in a few days or weeks.

There have been people who are so stressed out in life that they fall on their knees and cry their heart out and ADMIT they have reached the end of their tether and have run out of ideas and NEED HELP. Suddenly the conscious gives up it's blocking power - and the subconscious mind throws up a solution and the crisis is over.

When you admit you can't do it on your own, then the magic takes over.

When you stand on a cliff and contemplate jumping to your death, you have run out of ideas - but if you are prepared to let someone give you some help, your life can re-start again. Just needs one new friend in your life.

Life wasn't meant to be tough, and it does not need to be. If you are NOT satisfied with what is happening to you, then you have to admit you want something better.

You can't have a new relationship until you release the baggage in your life - and Shannon's subs can do that.

Some people have more baggage that they realise, so you need to understand that defragging your mind may need several re-plays in some cases. Some people have a lot of emotional damage that has to be released.

If you want instant results, ask your fairy godmother to put a magic spell on you and give you a pumpkin coach and some glass slippers to wear to the ball. Then stand back and let it manifest at the (right time).

After a time of wonder a baby (dream) was born.

My boyfriend and I have slowly become more assertive in life, and we are playing less of the "nice guy" who GETS taken advantage of. We are truly pleased to be on the roller coaster, and wonder with playful curiosity what other surprises will happen since we asked Shannon for his help. Life is becoming easier and more fun.

My boyfriend said to me:-
"There is always a rainbow after the storm,
and I want you to be my rainbow".

He knew what he wanted and was brave enough to tell me.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - SargeMaximus - 07-23-2013

I'm curious why you posted that in this thread. Is master chief your boyfriend?

At any rate, I'd love to believe you, but the whole reason I came here was because I WAS trusting things to just work out, and they weren't so yeah, doesn't always work the fantasy way.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - Spiritman - 07-25-2013

(07-25-2013, 03:47 AM)ohmygee Wrote: too much woo-woo hocus pocus bs for my liking. if you've never dated before or arnt dating stay away from SM imo. start with WM if you can afford it. If WM wasn't 3G when SM2 came out I would have started that first.

Maybe its not how the subs were designed but in my mind its simple. attract women into yor life first, then have sex with them. hard to have sex when there's no females in your life, and you dont actively approach women. even though I'm sure SM2 is designed to bring females into your life, if you have trouble getting females in your life now I think WM2 is a better choice.

From my experience, and what I've seen SM2 isn't going to change that the FIRST run. I have seen it change a person the SECOND run, to a point where thats ALL he's focused on (sex/meet new girls/constantly going on).

I have to agree, that is why I went with WM after I did AM.

RE: Sex Magnet Complete, Dissapointing Results! - jamboree - 07-25-2013

I agree and disagree. I agree in that if you have the issues as stated to a significant degree you MAY want to consider WM2 over SM2. Where I disagree is that everyone has different goals and objectives. I chose the product based on that, which may be different from the other guy. If the other guy chose WM2, good for him.

I also disagree in that I do think SM2 helps in those areas as stated. I think the reasons why a product is not working in a specific area are more complex than pinning it down to one or a couple of particular things. The human n brain is vast and complex and each person has their own brand of complexity, which is why it works for some and not others on the first run of a product even if those individuals have the same level of experience. It may eventually work with subsequent runs.

Also, if you read my post, it worked in other areas, which is one of the main reasons I chose the product. Now, I am working towards the ultimate goal of the product. So, if I had to choose between SM2 and WM2 again, I would choose SM2.

Now, my post is simply an observation of the product. An honest observation that it wasn't working in the specific area as I stated. As I stated previously, I wasn't looking forffeedback on why it's not working or how I should do things. I've already read a bulk of material on all the reasons and as a result I have theories on why it may not be kicking in specific for me. There are a bunch of other things that are relevant to that which I didn't post. I only gave my observation. I think that observation may have moved Shannon to look at further improving the product based on his post on creating SM3. That's a good thing.

Also, don't get me wrong, I like Shannon's products. I have benefited from them. And I haven't given up on SM2. Just a matter of tunneling through this mountain. For some of us, the mountain may be a little bigger.

Good luck.