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all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Printable Version

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RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - 4Kingdoms - 07-08-2016

(07-08-2016, 03:28 AM)Hold007 Wrote:
(07-08-2016, 02:09 AM)4Kingdoms Wrote: @Hold007 and Noctis
Lol, the stripper might be testing v2.2 on you!! Remember, DMSI is for both genders!!

pretty sure 99.9999999% of strippers don't even know what dmsi is!

For now.. you are 100% correct. Keep in mind strippers know about pheromones and so do servers in the restaurants. There are a few servers in this forum that openly admit to using pheromones for bigger tips!!

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - eternity - 07-08-2016

(07-08-2016, 02:09 AM)4Kingdoms Wrote: @Hold007 and Noctis
Lol, the stripper might be testing v2.2 on you!! Remember, DMSI is for both genders!!

you just helped me decide my future career path

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Shannon - 07-08-2016

(07-08-2016, 03:27 AM)Hold007 Wrote:
(07-08-2016, 01:51 AM)Shannon Wrote: Might want to wait for v2.2 for strip club testing.

Might also want to have a little more realistic expectation from strippers.

what u mean realistic expectations?

If the sub does what is advertised then strippers should be trying to go all out and in you face to try to bang the user of dmsi?

What you're not comprehending is that every woman has a job, and her job directly impacts her thinking, her experience of the world and how she learns to respond or not respond to it.

Have you ever noticed that waitresses are hard to get, but bartendresses are much harder? It's because waitresses deal with X amount of shit from guys trying to pick them up, but bartendresses deal with X^2 amount of shit. The shit shield on a bartendress is X^2 is therefore thicker.

And step it up a notch and you have strippers, who have to deal with X^3 shit. And their shit shield is X^3 thick.

Now, no matter how good and effective I make this program, and no matter how much and how well you accept and execute the instructions, the resulting energy and actions from you has to deal with this reality.

Strippers are very hard to get for anything but using you for money because they have this X^3 shit shield, and have dealt with a million guys just like you every week, and have dated and been hurt by half of them, and their reality is... this is a dick with a wallet, and she's only interested in the wallet.

I know. I have some friends and models who are ex-strippers.

So while the program will work, you have to consider a lot of factors.

How old is she?
How long has she been a stripper?
What does she look like?
How has she been treated?
What mental and emotional damage has she suffered in her life?
Is she a drug addict, and if so, how many drugs and how badly is she addicted?
Is she sober?
WHY is she a stripper?

A small percentage of strippers are there because they enjoy teasing men and getting paid for the resulting power trip, and they're just there to pay for college. That is a very small percentage. I dated one of those once. Even she was crazy.

The vast majority are there because they don't have the self respect, self esteem, sense of self worth, common sense, or motivation to make their money another way. They are willing to emotionally destroy themselves for the temporary boost in money. Usually because they've got mental and emotional issues, are addicted to drugs, and are completely out of control.

Who she is and why she's there, and how long etc. will tell you how well the program will work.

But when you're dealing with a woman who's seen literally 50,000 guys exactly like you this year... she's not impressed to start with.

That is why I say, realistic expectations.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Shannon - 07-08-2016

Interesting tidbit.

According to the models, strippers respond best to Option 3 of 5 for the goal scripting. Most women respond best to Option 1 or option 5. If option 1 or 5 wins, you won't see strippers responding as well, but you'll see better results from non-strippers, and vice versa.

This is true because of the factors I detailed above.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Life - 07-08-2016

It just sounds like u haven't been to a strip club before. Walk into one near closing time and you'll be proposed to have sex for a small fee of 300$. Not too hard to have sex.

I think what you meant is that because strippers are more open sexually they would fuck because of the sub regardless of pay. A bit skewed way of thinking but I've been there.

A lot of guys want to have sex because it feels good to the ego. Or because they can by having the sexual power over women.

What I've learned using subs is your relationship with the world is just as important as ones relationship with themselves. In my life having sex is at it's best when it's filled with emotion and passion. Maybe going to the bars every weekend will be right for you to have this satisfaction but it's certainly not limited to those scenarios. There are so many thought processes that I've realized have been wrong and are used for social approval rather than personal fulfillment. I've determined these "pure" revelations come from beleifs changing

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Shannon - 07-08-2016

(07-08-2016, 09:15 PM)Kibagame Jubei Wrote: It just sounds like u haven't been to a strip club before. Walk into one near closing time and you'll be proposed to have sex for a small fee of 300$. Not too hard to have sex.

I think what you meant is that because strippers are more open sexually they would **** because of the sub regardless of pay. A bit skewed way of thinking but I've been there.

A lot of guys want to have sex because it feels good to the ego. Or because they can by having the sexual power over women.

What I've learned using subs is your relationship with the world is just as important as ones relationship with themselves. In my life having sex is at it's best when it's filled with emotion and passion. Maybe going to the bars every weekend will be right for you to have this satisfaction but it's certainly not limited to those scenarios. There are so many thought processes that I've realized have been wrong and are used for social approval rather than personal fulfillment. I've determined these "pure" revelations come from beleifs changing

No, I said what I meant.

You're right, I'm not exactly intimately familiar with strip clubs, but what I mean is, getting these women to have sex with you because the sub is working and they are irresistibly sexually attracted to you is going to be challenging unless we get the phrasing correct for the goal scripting. I'm not looking for standard "I'll do anything for money" behavior in response to the user, because he will get that regardless. I'm looking for, "I want to fuck you because I want to fuck you, and I'll gladly do it for free because you make me want it so bad by being sexy as hell."

In other words, anyone can get a woman to fuck if they offer her enough money. But getting a woman who would normally view sex as having a price tag like that, to fuck them because he is simply irresistible to them sexually, when he would normally be just another faceless dick with a wallet schlub to her, is when we know the sub works. And that is not going to be the easiest thing to accomplish because of her shit shield, emotional damage, etc.

Maybe we are saying the same thing.

Ultimately, this program is not originally intended for seducing strippers. However, I'm sure that's how it will be used by a lot of men.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - bits - 07-08-2016

I don't know why so many guys "go after" strippers

most are crazy in one way or another
without heavy makeup, they don't look that great among the "average" population
any girl will turn into a wild sex fiend if you don't make her think you'll judge her for it

Much more exciting to turn a "shy" and "innocent" girl into a naughty vixen than to have a girl who does it for a living. Probably way easier as well.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Life - 07-08-2016


You're right.

We are saying the same thing. My post was intended for the person who made the thread. Miscommunication.

I was just saying people are usually so far from the goal when they start listening. When I did I just monitored each step, progressing from 1-2-3 etc. When 10 arrived the goal was completely different and better then what I imagined it to be while starting at step 1. That's when I knew the sub did its job

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - swisston - 07-09-2016

Paying to get sexually frustrated by a woman who isn't interested in me in the slightest... strip clubs are the worst.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - Hold007 - 07-09-2016

ok shannon I don't really care if this works on strippers or not as long as it work on normal attractive women them it doesn't really matter. I just thought that if this was suppose to make the user super sexy then a stripper would try to bang the user. I mean a hollywood celeb could bang these strippers for free.

But will dsmi work on models? like catwalk models and glamour models? Or will it have the same problems as strippers???

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - thor2014 - 07-15-2016


No disrespect but you need to get out of the house and start meeting people in real life. I imagine you are maybe 18 years old and still taking his first steps to becoming a better person. I applaud you for being here and taking the first steps.

I suggest you move out of your parents place and get your own appartment. That is the first step to becoming a better person. I cant help but feel that when you want something done like your socks and underwear washed you shout "mama wash my panties and socks" or "mamma mamma make me a hotdog i want food now". I can see this as you are trying to give orders to members on the forum. Giving orders whilst hiding behind a computer screen is not the way to do things. Please follow up your actions with words.

Next get some exercise and change your diet. Stop munching on cheese burgers allday, start doing things yourself dont wait for mamma do everything for you. Stop accepting pocket money to buy your cheese burger at macdonalds. Get your own job maybe start your own company. If you want an inspiration get in contact with catman.

Best of luck

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - thor2014 - 07-16-2016

The first step would be to move out and find his own place. Rather then relying on his mother to wash his clothes, cook his food. As this is what I imagine is his position. This would be step in right direction. Once one takes on responsibilities that's when he experiences change and growth. Starting up a new business have to mean starting up a company with a million dollar a year turnover.

An example could be starting his own lemonade or ice cream stall.


(07-16-2016, 09:37 AM)Coma_Black Wrote:
(07-15-2016, 08:59 PM)thor2014 Wrote: Hold007,

No disrespect but you need to get out of the house and start meeting people in real life. I imagine you are maybe 18 years old and still taking his first steps to becoming a better person. I applaud you for being here and taking the first steps.

I suggest you move out of your parents place and get your own appartment. That is the first step to becoming a better person. I cant help but feel that when you want something done like your socks and underwear washed you shout "mama wash my panties and socks" or "mamma mamma make me a hotdog i want food now". I can see this as you are trying to give orders to members on the forum. Giving orders whilst hiding behind a computer screen is not the way to do things. Please follow up your actions with words.

Next get some exercise and change your diet. Stop munching on cheese burgers allday, start doing things yourself dont wait for mamma do everything for you. Stop accepting pocket money to buy your cheese burger at macdonalds. Get your own job maybe start your own company. If you want an inspiration get in contact with catman.

Best of luck

I don't really see how you are lecturing him about moving out etc when you yourself have not been getting any huge results from women, based on your journal. Are you having sex with multiple women or a great gf of your dreams? No. So why are you telling him to move away or whatever.

Telling someone to start a company if they have no idea or credit etc is dumb anyhow.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - thor2014 - 07-16-2016

Coma_Black I can tell you are a smart kid. I like this idea of getting him to go to trade school. You might want to offer him some guidance. My point is women with big boobies don't just appear out of thin air in front of you.

If he wants strippers why doesnt he go and work in a strip club. Maybe open his own strip club ?.

RE: all the men running Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 5.5G go to strip club - thor2014 - 07-16-2016

You may laugh and scoff at people who open ice cream stalls to make money see this how this gentleman opened an ice cream business and became a millionare.