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Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - Printable Version

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RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 06-30-2016

(06-30-2016, 09:35 AM)RTBoss Wrote:
(06-29-2016, 11:29 AM)darklord1 Wrote: I guess I keep waiting for the subliminal genie to pop up and say, "yeah, that was the sub or no, that was just regular you."

That's the thing. The subliminal changes how the "regular" you thinks and acts. So, technically, it IS the regular you doing things you may not have done without the programming.

It's when you look back at yourself and experiences after 90 days where you start to see all the little differences that add up to that "new you."

Wait until you run a 5G or up program that has the Naturalizer in it. It makes changes so seamless, you think it's how you've always been. But, then you look back objectively and you'll say, "Holy shit."

Looking forward to it. Pheromones spoiled me with quick results and I didn't have to do much.

Patience is a virtue, I guess. Thanks for the feedback.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-01-2016

Day 8....Now this is interesting. My wife asked me last night about the effect of the sub on her.

I was like, "what's up?" Her words, "I've been waking up with a new mindset." She has been more confident (she usually is not) and had a great week.

She convinced her boss to do several things that she had previously said no too...Now my wife has teased me since I told her about this experiment. She even complained because she wasn't sleeping as well and thought it was the sub (me too, a little).

I had a good to great day in sales...It was with a referral from an existing client and those usually are easier for me. I was able to make a sale today with the referral without meeting them in person....I have done this in the past, but very rarely.

They are considering 3 other product lines that I offer. The greetings and positive energy that I'm receiving seems a lot more than usual...People asking me for directions, advice (friends do, but not strangers)...It almost feels like I have on a social pheromone....Part of this sub talks about being charismatic and people usually say that I am funny....Lately, there have been a lot of positive interactions.

Also last night, I only cycled through the ultrasonic sub and I slept better....Not sure if that is standard or if it was just timing.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-03-2016

Day 9 and 10....Went to a party which delayed my posts, but still keeping up with my MSS journey.

I have been extroverted my entire life, so when I say that I am not an extrovert on steroids might be an understatement.

Becoming more extroverted is a line in the sub...I just checked because I didn't really pay attention to that the first time I scanned the actual text of the sub.

I was on fire at the party and had every one laughing so hard that many said that I was so charismatic (also a line in the sub) and had the best sense of humor of anyone at the party.

Full disclosure: I have accomplished stuff like this before, but never as easy as it came to me...It's like I'm in the zone with no off days....

No more being tired....No more wanting to eat more...Head doesn't feel funny now when I listen....Just routine.

Here is something that I can't quite explain...When I talk to people, I see dilated pupils like the deer in the headlights I get from pheromones....but I haven't been wearing pheromones.

Speaking with a lady at a hotel counter, she gave me free stuff....went out of her way to help me...The same went for every member of the staff that I interacted with. It's F'in trippy.

Stranger Interactions have been really, really hard to positive. My confidence level has been sky high.

If I had to explain this to someone it would be like this....It's like a new work out, but for your mind. You are sore the first few days as your body adjusts to a new way of training and then there is no pain....You do something physically or mentally that surprises you and it fires you up to keep going.

You become the self licking ice cream cone. Now I will say one thing that surprises me and it is not exactly great....My sex drive has been non-existent. I forced myself to masturbate just to make sure that things were still working....I'm good there....but I feel like a zen monk when I'm not talking...

I was so concerned about my lack of arousal that I did buy and try one of the "Eros" products. The first one that Shannon mentions doesn't affect other programs. Felt something in the middle and back of my head, but I only tried that for an hour while watching a movie with the wife. I didn't feel stimulated, but she did....I told her that I was playing a sub, but didn't say I had a new one.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - Lucius - 07-04-2016

Thank you for documenting your journey. Sales is something I did not like, having tried it before, but sales skills are very essential for everybody like you said. Maybe I will give this a go in the future while waiting for an upgrade of BASE.

ABC - Always Be Closing.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-04-2016

(07-04-2016, 12:26 AM)i-Awake Wrote: Thank you for documenting your journey. Sales is something I did not like, having tried it before, but sales skills are very essential for everybody like you said. Maybe I will give this a go in the future while waiting for an upgrade of BASE.

ABC - Always Be Closing.

Sounds like a plan. And thank you for liking the post. I was thinking that the millionaire, entrepreneur, and the sex stuff was what most people followed.

I liked sales before, but some aspects are still a challenge. The follow up, which I call the "chase" is what chafes me.

Sometimes the "maybe" is harder to hear than the "no". I'm starting to not get worked up by those "maybe's".

There is a prospect that I worked 6 months ago and I got her to move much faster than before. Could being more familiar now, but any improvement is appreciated.

I also like that the self esteem and charisma pieces are in the sub.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-04-2016

Day I'm sleeping better while the sub plays and I'm not hungry or tired.

Can't feel the brain tingle anymore. It's more like a lightness in my frontal lobe. seems like major movement to reprogram when you start and then fine tuning once you get past that.

Convinced someone to try the free sub for self confidence.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - Lucius - 07-05-2016

(07-04-2016, 06:05 AM)darklord1 Wrote: And thank you for liking the post. I was thinking that the millionaire, entrepreneur, and the sex stuff was what most people followed.

You are welcome. Sales is so underrated! I am using E2 at the moment and I think it is helping me see things differently, and directing me to some great resources. For example, some of Jordan Belfort's videos and other great speakers have been free on YouTube for a long and I only got interested in them. It still baffles me how such amazing videos have very low view counts.

As much as I like the sex stuff, I am having more desire to be a better person both emotionally and financially, then everything else will fall into place. The girls will be there even if all I have is a vision.

There was this time I had a job washing up pots and pans in a restaurant, which I personally think is one of the lowest jobs on earth. One day I was having a chat with the manager, an 8/10 lady in her early thirties, and I happened to share my vision with her. Her eyes literally lit up! She started giving me IOIs from that day so much so that even the waitresses noticed and commented. I left the job a couple of weeks later but each time I bump into her, she still lights up and brings up the topic of my vision. I unconsciously sold my vision to her, and she fell for me. And, that was before I discovered subs.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-05-2016

(07-05-2016, 02:44 AM)i-Awake Wrote:
(07-04-2016, 06:05 AM)darklord1 Wrote: And thank you for liking the post. I was thinking that the millionaire, entrepreneur, and the sex stuff was what most people followed.

You are welcome. Sales is so underrated! I am using E2 at the moment and I think it is helping me see things differently, and directing me to some great resources. For example, some of Jordan Belfort's videos and other great speakers have been free on YouTube for a long and I only got interested in them. It still baffles me how such amazing videos have very low view counts.

As much as I like the sex stuff, I am having more desire to be a better person both emotionally and financially, then everything else will fall into place. The girls will be there even if all I have is a vision.

There was this time I had a job washing up pots and pans in a restaurant, which I personally think is one of the lowest jobs on earth. One day I was having a chat with the manager, an 8/10 lady in her early thirties, and I happened to share my vision with her. Her eyes literally lit up! She started giving me IOIs from that day so much so that even the waitresses noticed and commented. I left the job a couple of weeks later but each time I bump into her, she still lights up and brings up the topic of my vision. I unconsciously sold my vision to her, and she fell for me. And, that was before I discovered subs.

I believe you are correct on showing vision. Glad to hear you are checking out Jordan Belfort. His straight line system seems like it would be great.

Day 12....felt fine. Nothing new.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-06-2016

Day 13....Had an ok day selling...Made progress on some accounts, but nothing out of the ordinary. Had a really good prospect from some time ago who I reconnected with...He is going to see if he can get me some referrals because he is no longer in the industry....I will say that I did try selling at my kid's camp today....So I do try to sell everywhere I go now...Church.....No shame in asking people for leads....My wife is a little like calm it down, but I'm always on....

I guess I'm trying more which should lead to more opportunity....The crazy thing is that I am not as focused on selling what I have....I guess I'm too willing to sell other things too instead of focusing on my main products....I suppose I would add some focus to the sub when it goes to 5G or 6G.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-07-2016

Day 14....Nothing new I can see or feel. I think in the interest of time, I won't post everyday.

I'll wait until something interesting happens. I'm still committed to doing this for 90 days.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-08-2016

Day 15.....faster post than anticipated. Not sure what caused it, but I was hyper aggressive today. I'm normally a laid back lay out the facts and pull some emotion type sales guy, but today I was pushy to put it mildly.

I felt today like what I imagine an Alpha Male sub might create. Aggressive and a bit angry. Pushed more people to buy today.

It's like I felt when I took deer antler velvet after 2 months. Now I do take zinc supplements at bed time, but it never had that strong an effect before.

Just not sure how to call it.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-16-2016

Day 16-23.....I talk a LOT MORE. So the extroverted part definitely is kicking in. My motivation is not great...Not bad...but not great.

Not crazy hyper....I would say that I am bit more aggressive, but nothing that seems super useful.

I'll keep pressing....

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-18-2016

Day 24...25.....So here is how I see it so far...More Extroverted - Check, More Immune to Rejection - Check, More Ideas on Selling - Check.....Motivation to sell - work in progress....People responding more positively to me whenever I interact with them - Check....People buying like I'm ebay+amazon on crack - work in progress.

I guess the feeling of being more relaxed in all of my interactions is very consistent. Ideas of how to position products seems to also be improving.

My sales cycles are typically longer so that hasn't changed.

RE: Maximum Sales Success - 4G -B/D - darklord1 - 07-22-2016

Day 26 - 29....Not the best sales cycle. Down periods happen and this is one. No real change in how I present and customer response.

I'll keep listening, but may know why I didn't see much on this one. Again, I'm more talkative and some other things, but my persuasiveness is about the same with regards to getting people to buy.

An innovative idea I had has not played out. My goal was to make at least one sale with the new idea to justify the cost.

I have two other ideas that are still ongoing.

I am still hopeful that a light will come on.