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RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 01-26-2014

Yeah, it's far more advanced, it's like a level-up of the friend-zone Smile) The girl is really nice and great, she has a wonderful personality and it would be a pity not to have her as a true friend at my side.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - Fonzy3 - 01-26-2014

(01-26-2014, 02:33 PM)baftis Wrote: Yeah, it's far more advanced, it's like a level-up of the friend-zone Smile) The girl is really nice and great, she has a wonderful personality and it would be a pity not to have her as a true friend at my side.

Haha that's awesome man, sounds like you had full control of the situation with that friend and gave off a clear reading that you both were just going to be that. You have to be pretty solid and in touch with your emotions to have a smooth delivery like so. Been a pleasure reading your journal so far. What is your plan for subliminals after AM?



RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 01-27-2014

Thanks, Fonz. To be perfectly honest, the situation went somewhat like this : she asked me if I had any brothers or sisters and I said that I don't but she could be my sister.

My subliminal plan after AM 5? It's really way too early to tell. I did make a plan for myself that covers my whole love life and my self image altogether. It's in my BIATBW journal. As far as subliminals go, I really think I should wait until about the end of Stage 5 to see where I'm at, so probably my plan right now won't coincide with my needs at that point in time. Mostly, I went for AM for the dating part, if that handles well by the end of the journey, I'd go for Ultra Success or LTU; if it doesn't, I'd go for another run of BIATBW, this time for 96 days and then go into LTU.

It's really really foggy right now. I will know for certain when I'm at the end of stage 5 or beginning of stage 6.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 01-27-2014

Day 11

Woke up pretty angry at my ex today and I have no idea why I was angry. Ran AM5 Ultrasonics for like 20 hours or so ( 8-9 hours during sleep ), so that might've contributed to the anger. It still bothers me that I'm angry at her. I shouldn't feel anything right now, everything's dead and gone. The anger lasted for about an hour or so. Felt very OK after that.

I think I really felt that the whole relationship could've been rescued if we've had proper communication and me not being the "nice guy". I mean really, consciously speaking, after I've read the No More Mr. Nice Guy book by Robert Glover, it's no wonder she left me. I was honestly surprised that she didn't left me earlier. I really can't understand this anger thing. Maybe somewhere secretly-but-not-so-secretly I've felt insulted by her semi-harsh refusal to meet me for a get-together and blocking me on Facebook. Maybe my subconscious really doesn't want me to take the blame for myself and place her on the blame pedestal. Maybe it's just my emotional response to her rejection ( or break-up ). I don't know for sure. I'll sleep on it, maybe I can find an answer that will put this anger to rest.

Otherwise, nothing new to write about.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 02-06-2014

Day 12-22

Forgot my Internet flash drive at home, so for about 10 days I was Internet-less.

Quite interesting what happened during this time period. I had numerous revelations, most of which were related to past relationships and some were basically concerned about me. I had a deep realization about the superiority-inferiority thing and how it actually goes. I did read about this in Maxwell Maltz' Psycho-Cybernetics, but it clicked on it's own a few days later. A lot of what I perceived to be outer issues actually are within me and my experiences in the past. I've read about this numerous times, but only now did it clicked. A long-awaited welcome, indeed.

When it comes to self-discipline, I find it that I'm on the right track to where I want to be with this, even though at times it's very challenging. Like for instance, there are times where I say to myself "I will abstain from masturbating today" for a few days in a row and I stick to it. Sometimes I fight for it and give in, but I'm not really that worried that I relapsed, I'll know I'll stick to it in the end. If this happened say a year ago, I would've felt bad and blame myself for it. I do have the tendency to do that from time to time, but this thing is slowly dying.

As with the physical aspect of my plan, it's going along GORGEOUSLY. I'm on my 34th day of the P90X and it's absolutely marvelous, I can't believe I look this good. I've never had these looks before, I'm feeling fitter than ever. At times, it's painstakingly hard, but hey, no pain no gain. The only thing I've kinda went "half-assed" about it was the yoga. I get reaaaaaaally bored during it and it's a challenge to go through it from start to finish, mainly because it's an hour and a half long and the first half is mostly the same 4 exercises over and over again ( ashtanga vinyasa stuff, sun salutations, warrior 1,2 and so forth ) mind-numbingly boring, but the latter half is quite nice, i like it. because of this, i'm really prone to either not do it when I'm supposed to and do it on my "day off" from exercise or skip it altogether because of really not being in the mood for it. 5 weeks, it happened 2 times and I had it in my program like 5 times ( today was the 6th time and today I skipped it, doing it tomorrow or sunday, but i am doing it ). Astonishingly, I see the difference yoga made to my body and I'm more flexible now than ever, actually. Not there yet, but it's still quite great.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - stratos - 02-06-2014

good bro! i'm 10-15 days into P90X3 and the "baby p90x" is much more to my liking. might go back to the original P90X or P90X2 after i get up to speed with p90x3, which is just 30 minutes a day and not the usual 60-90. yoga's definitely the tough one.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 02-08-2014

Thanks, man. I'll do P90X3 after I'm done with P90X, Insanity and Focus T25. I started Focus T25 yesterday and I'm doing it in parallel with P90X, t25 in the afternoon & p90x at night. So far so good, I'm loving this. After I'm done with this, I'll go for P90X3 and Insanity both at the same time, just like I'm doing now with T25 and P90X. Bring it!

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - Fonzy3 - 02-10-2014

Yo man, that's awesome to hear about your progress with P90x. It's always a pleasure to hear about someones success with exercise as it is motivating. It sounds like a exercise regime that is just awesome to stick to and you get crazy results from doing it over and over again. I'm sure you've heard of the 60 day program "Insanity" but what's important is you showing up and completing your exercise session. I've just been motivated to do p90x next month. I'm sure you've come to the realization that eating right significantly helps when it comes to fueling your exercise. How's your experience with high intensity interval training been?



RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 02-11-2014

Hey, Fonz.

If my posts contributed even in the slightest to your motivation in doing P90X, I'm very honored. It's a great workout and it's really rewarding at the end.

With High Intensity Interval Training, my experienced were rather mixed. I've had days when I felt I really had to stop doing the plyometric exercises, where I felt my spleen would just burst out of my body; somedays I feel really tired, but very energized after. Other than that, it's all good with the other exercises, they really pump me up afterwards. Also, maybe the food I ate had a say in it, so there's that. But I still did it until the end, only once I skipped the bonus round in plyometrics, but that's it.

And while we are here, in regards to nutrition, it's very important, but at the same time I've rarely kept track of what I ate, because my metabolism is just awesome. At 5'11'', I weigh 148 pounds and eat like I've never seen food in my life. At the beginning, I've counted the calorie intake and monitored the 4:1 carbs-to-protein ratio, but that's just about it. I didn't stop counting, it just became second nature. I eat protein bars (2-3 a day, depending if I skip lunch or not). I mainly avoid processed/pre-cooked food, eat whole-grain oat meals in the morning, I eat whole foods ( if a type of food has more than 5-6 ingredients, it's out of the question; ex : salami, which is also processed meat ). No "recovery drinks" that fitness companies recommend or multi-vitamins or any of that stuff, water during exercise and low-fat chocolate milk after the workout will do just as good, if not better.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 02-12-2014

Day 23-29

Well, I had some tiny bouts of depression these past few days. Maybe it's because of the Valentine's Day thing coming up and me not having anybody to go out with. And that brings me back to my ex. Now, stupendously, I'm not angry at her at all. And every scenario I have of her involves me being calm and level-headed vs. she being either pissed off or very cooperative.

I've set eyes on a cute girl from work, but luck has it that we are in "lay-off" mode for a while, so no seeing her ( hell, I don't even have any sort of contact from her ). Just hope we'll be called to work the following week, or else I'll have to find another job fast.

RE: Baftis' Alpha Male Journey - baftis - 02-18-2014

Stage 2 Day 1

I've started Stage 2 last night. I actually did 33 days of stage 1, since I've miscalculated the starting date of stage 2. Had a good run with stage 1, brought up things from my past, dealt with small bouts of depression. I've seen results, though not earth-shattering, they're there.