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RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-13-2013

Stage 1 Day 17

omfg still too much wanting/needing from the girl. although i dont consciously feel as needy towards them...somewhere deep down..its still there . fuck annoying .

im trying to just socialize to just socialize . instead of trying to get something from girl.

and its currently driving me nuts lol

all this weeeeeeeooo , and fuckssssss of emotions . fun ride... but draining too

girls ranking around 5's seems to get scared when i approach them. i usually just go approach in reflrex then realized its not what u see.. lol plus its fuckin dark these days

im trying to get rid of limiting beliefs

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-14-2013

eh...went out to a night club.

realized how shitty my night game is lol....

wasnt even comfortable escalating physically...

havnt gone for way too long... just getting it back

lol managed to talk to one girl at first.

then saw a girl i have approached in day time. chatted up with her for liek 10-15min and fucked it up lol cause didnt escalate shit =.=

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - soulfly1 - 11-14-2013

(11-14-2013, 01:18 AM)FluffyBunny Wrote: then saw a girl i have approached in day time. chatted up with her for liek 10-15min and ***** it up lol cause didnt escalate shit =.=
I just woke up so pardon my grammer, I need my coffee before I can think straight.

Just like to point out something, because its something I have fallen victim to in the past a great many times before I started dropping the PUA attitude and realized how BS it is:

Just because you don't escalate within the first 15 minutes means its game over.

You probably won't get her that night, and in some rare situations you may have lost her (cause she wanted to f*** only that night and went home with a guy.), but for the most of the encounters it doesn't mean shit (newsflash: not every girl at a party is looking to go home and f*** a guy she met 15 minutes ago. Arguably life would be so much easier if every girl was doing exactly this, but it isn't the case.)

Part of "releasing expectations towards woman" is exactly this. NOTHING has to happen within the first 15 minutes. It may or may not, in most cases it doesn't matter. Maybe she is going home and hoping to meet you again. If you think you lost her, you obviously have/will. If you understand that there is nothing to lose, then you may continue seeking contact with her..and end up seducing her anyway.

There is no "I have to act now Or I lose her". Its a lie. There is only 'opportunity'. Granted, girls don't like it when you miss out on opportunity. But opportunities come back nonetheless if she is attracted to you. And once you develop your natural game you will "sense" what action you have to take to move forward, and when to take it. At that point it becomes having the confidence and trust in yourself to do it, not following some silly "rules that should work in most cases".

the PUA community teaches you BS. BS that gets you to take action, and is good for your growth, yes, but still BS nonetheless. Reality works completely different from PUA-perceived realities.

Drop the community bullshit before it blinds you (notice I said: community bullshit, not the community entirely. Learn to see things from things)

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-14-2013

Stage 1 Day 18

My gosh this sub is so exhausting in the brain. i am like burned out doing so many things sometimes i have no energy just from running the sub.
i think out of the 18 days i have dreamed like 15 nights.

funny thing is sometimes i think of a girl . right before i sleep, and i ended up dreaming about her.
one time i dreamed about her naked lol .

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - rayrocanaldo - 11-15-2013

Maybe Shanon can find a way to compensate for the massive use of energy with some new technology he can probably come up with that will increase energy. I feel like the workload on him would be even bigger on him though. He works hard.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - Shannon - 11-15-2013

Ray, the program already does that. The demands of what you guys wanted is just more than, still.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-16-2013

Stage 1 Day 19

Became on social god mode today.....yes i broke the fuckin ceiling LOL

finally pushed my ass to go out enough .... to everything . now i became a socializer now . i talked to girls no matter what their looks are like, i talk to guys..... (not as much though lol) didnt give a fuck who was who i socialized lol
not saying i am super good at socializing .
but man i open mix groups of 8's , 5's .
9.0 bartender....
solo girls,
two girls....
my gosh ..... LOL

hard works pays off phew....

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-17-2013

went out again

did socialize .
but the clubs are way too loud to talk....
so cant talk at all.
tried physical stuff.
but didnt get past...waist holding rofl...

fuckin annoying . maybe thinking about going to bars....

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - Shannon - 11-17-2013

That's why I don't go to clubs.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-18-2013

My goodness can i say the last.... 22 days must have felt like ....3 months of my life.
i thought im on stage 3 of SM3 LOL. thats how long it feels like. then i was like what the fuck? im still on stage one?
lol i remember sitting in my room listening to AM5. 3-4 months pass like nothing happened and fast.
even though i have to say i am quite fuckin burned out doing all these things..... just realizing because i did so much that why time felt forever is quite a good thought. i have to say my lows are pretty depressing though...

Last night i felt so shitty
i almost went and got a 300$ escort for an hour
holy fuck struggled all day on it.
i was thinking well 300$ is nothing and i can do whatever with a 9.5HB for an hour?
so fuckin easy why not?
then the whole day i feel like huge internal struggle in the chest...
my gosh that feeling is intense..
thank goodness i end up not doing it lol.

Ok i clearly am really fuckin close in getting laid. After doing so many things.
currently ....
i mean there one night when i was at an event just socialzing which is friday.
girls pretty much really like my presence.
one i just talked to for fun.
she touches my shoulder.
this other girl who has a boyfriend ends up putting her head on my shoulder when we were busing...
when i said : Ima sleep and i close my eyes. she then puts her head on my shoulder for 5 seconds

then after that i end up being "in the zone/god mode" for my first time and end up picking up a 9.0 bartender like it was a joke.... everything was easy flow.
i opened her . touched her, she was ok with everything. i drawed back with relax leaning back body language while telling a story. later i went close in ... for the number close cause she hinted she gotta go back working. and ends up a bear hug rubbing each others back....
but didnt makeout cause it wasnt in my brain at that moment....
or else she defly would of let me ..

then the next day. like i mentioned above ... went to clubs . zero attention. so seriously..fuck clubs now lol...

Btw Shannon what kind of Aura is it generating in Stage 1 and 2? i feel like stage two is gonna be much much more noticeable then stage 1, just a gut feeling . when do i get all 7 auras generated???
also i remember reading somewhere u said when u were running SM2. u wanted to go out to socialize all day?
and u end up going to Bars??
i was wondering where else are nice places to chat...and meet people.
cause last week man i at least approached like 20-30 girls? got like 10 numbers...
but the thing is its not really building a social circle much....
do u have any experience or idea i can work on ???

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - Shannon - 11-19-2013

The auras are ignited even in Stage 1, but they're not fully developed until Stage 3 or 4. It's a process of bringing them online and powering them up.

I tend to work on the idea that anywhere I go is a possible place to find attractive women to talk to. I prefer to go where I will be assured that they will be there every time I am, so that I can let them get to know me over time at their own pace in a nonthreatening way and environment. The result is that I tend to go for women I meet working at places and also women who frequent events like Trivia, which happen every week or whatnot.

My way is slow and steady. I'm not worried about getting in her pants, or even getting her number. I enjoy her company and slowly build comfort and trust, and escalate things very gently over time. It makes it effortless to get numbers and whatever else when I do go for them. She knows me, she's seen what I am like without me trying to get her, she's comfortable with me and she knows she can trust me. So when I suggest we should exchange contact information, she's perfectly comfortable with it, and then I can say, hey, I'm going to the movies, you should come. And she'll come along because she enjoys my company.

Slow, steady, calm, comfortable, gentle escalation at her pace. It's not going to get you laid in one day in 99% of cases, and probably will take days, weeks, or even months. But, once you do get to sex with her, it's all set up for a relationship that includes sex and whatever degree of romance you want as well. If you throw honesty into the mix, and you answer all her questions truthfully, you can end up in a situation here you're having full blown romantic and sexual relationships with two or more women at the same time, and they all know about (and maybe even know!) one another.

That's how I do it, unless she shows me in the moment that she needs and wants faster than that.

Don't go for an escort as an easy way to get to sex, unless:

1. You go out with your escort and have her act as your social proof (where nobody knows her or that she's there for pay), or
2. You can manage to get your escort to fall in love with you and give you sex for free.

#2 is a bad idea. If she's an escort, she's not going to be having sex with just you, and the propensity for drama is crazy. Escorts also think differently, and what is acceptable behavior for them is not normal, or in many cases, emotionally healthy. Especially for an emotional relationship, a committed relationship, or goodness forbid she become pregnant with you...

But, if you can trigger a woman to fall in love, it's game over 98% of the time. Just be careful not to get her in love and then just use her for sex. You want her to be in love and you reciprocating that emotion, or she'll eventually turn on you. And as we all know... there is no fury like that of a woman scorned.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-19-2013

oh.... no wonder its so exhausting.
i use to sleep 7-9 hours a day, now its like 11-12 hours a day for the past week

even when i wake up i feel no energy this past few days.....
probly because of my state, cause i didnt feel good that night and was emotionally tired atm.
yah it is very emotional draining overall. specially when you get to the peaks of what u did one time. and then you fall.... over and over again. and then i feel like giving up then i gotta pick myself backup ...

Approached 4 girls. these were like warm up ones... i didnt even have a conversation with them, so i dont except much from the numbers anyways
2 numbers. one girl is slutty type one girl seem very shy lol
1 took mine, shes defly not gonna call . lol i should of insists on taking hers

State... is quite unbalance and wavier here and is quite low on these approaches as well as. Wasnt feeling great. Felt Not too bad kinda about a 5/10 .

I dont understand the idea of let them get to know you over time? Like... i mean
a month or two ago. i was just talking to this girl later i realized i really like her....
we always sit together in class. and would flirt and joke around....
then i end up kinda making a move , she knew what i was trying to do.... but didnt let me...
theres other factors... but still.

young woman go to Trivia events =o= ?.... can u name some kinda of event i can go check out and just socialize ? for younger guys like me... im 20..

why not just talk and then go for the kill even if u dont see signals .... ?

What about the girls you wont see again ? Like lets say a beautiful girl you walk pass on streets or mall , or while you where ever you are. how would u go about your process you mentioned... =o=

u go to movies O_O? ..... isnt movies for like "dating" gf , bf stuff... =o=...

i personally dont mind..... going slow and then get the results you mentioned.
but i dont know how and never.... really had the experience. im only 20 ... never had girls like that..

about the escort .
300$ for social proof =.= ...........thats so dam expansive...
and its only for 1 hour i can have her lol.

not to mentioned #2. if i can make a 9.5 escort girl fall in love with me.
then why wouldnt i just go make normal girls fall in love with me ....

yah....about girl falling in love i dont think i have had..
fuck i had a girl over DTF....while i was on AM5.
we made out kissed neck...
i let it go cold...
next time..... i got LJBF =.=....
im real good at falling in love. LOL.

Now that i think about it.
i got that 9.0 bartenders number.
she was smiling to my while im walking around opening other groups that day...
well that day i was on god mode lol...

technically its kinda what u mentioned ... playing slower..
cause i never texted or called her...
i thouhgt its kinda pointless... or was a little scared.
also another thouhgt i had was i could easily go back .cause its on a campus pub.
so i can see her anytime if i wanted to....
but then i had another thought like....
what am i gonna do when i see her? ... fluff talk? or escalate...?
only thing i thought was good was makeout...then escalte then text then go on a instant date when she gets off work type of thing....
other then that i cant see my self going regularly and just talk and get to know her...
i already stated my intentions very clear first time i talked to her...
she said she has a boyfriend
i said we wont date.
and then she puts in the number..

also one funny thing i notice today.
probly is due to OGSF

i wasnt shameful about checking out every girl and picking out the cuttest to approach while i was walking back and forth in a cafeteria ...
that was funny.
i went back and forth one time... so one time around. then i went back to the one i thought was cuttest.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - Shannon - 11-21-2013

The typical PUA wants to bang in 1 to 6 hours after meeting a woman, and some of them get quite good at making that happen. But for them the focus is so heavily on sex that they forget that anything else has any value, for her or themselves.

The younger a female is, the easier she will be to have sex with on the same day you meet her - unless she's coming after you as a cougar. In most cases, that's because she (cougar) has been there, done that and learned what it's like and what she does and does not prefer. Most women - real women, not girls - have outgrown that sort of thing. They need a slower, gentler, more mature approach. You can still be going only for sex, but it's going to have to deal with her past burns, baggage and experience. It's all about trust. If she can trust you, and you've kept the sexual vibe going, you've got it made.

Same day sex seems to me to be more about the challenge, or the sex, than anything else, and I personally don't care for it. In fact I will turn women down for sex on the first day, or the first date, 99 times out of 100. This is extremely powerful for two reasons:

1. When you tell a hot woman no, you have the sexual power, and she will be impressed and even more attracted. Nobody else is doing that...
2. It makes a relationship much more likely and more likely to be healthy if it does happen.

Just because it's my style doesn't make it good for everyone. As with all things, take what works for you and leave the rest behind.

RE: Fluffybunny's Sex Magnet 3 Journal - FluffyBunny - 11-21-2013

Thats not what im trying to do though.....
I wanna get the number from random girls.... and then get to go on first dates so i can get to know her or fuck her...depending on situations ...
but i dont care if its first date we fuck or....a month later that we enter relationship.

How would u go about your slow mode if lets say a random beautiful woman walk by on the street.

Most woman around me are young as im still in university.
i dont think an cougar has ever openly gone on me lol......

Stage 1 Day 24

Went to a pub that has bingo night.
I starting looking into pubs and bars.
this one was closest to where i am been there once...

went there alone.
got a steak
Most people i notice are in their own little group so i dont know how u socialize lol.
thing is after i finish my dinner
i paid the bill. talk to the male bartender...
he ended up saying
well if u come trm just let the door man know im X and i told u to come check it out

apparently trm there gonna be packed full....

so thats one guy i met.... was simpler then i thought...=o=
i thought it was hard to get bartenders to do that...
he seemed like an open guy...

then i was about to just random join a table
then i walked around saw people i use to know...
we joined up chatted.
this one girl i never know.
meh she quite opened but . i didnt like her.
Waitresses one did smile at me and i smiled at her.
i usually just look at them and admire their beauty without any shame or anything. cause i enjoy it
she smiled twice...
i didnt think about approaching....
idk maybe just chat up with her a bit trm...

nothing too special . but yah. im go check out the place trm.
as well as other pubs and bars for sure....
i think i should just go on less busy days and get to know staffs...

i was gonna go join other tables ....but they seem to know each other really well...
like groups of 4,6,2 etc....
but i probly would of if i didnt see people i use to know lol.

A buddy of mine... mentioned i talk to girls i was trying to hit on like a friend...
what the fuck =o=........................
man i swear neediness is very very hard to kill. specially when ur getting no end point results.