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MasterEnki's Sub Journal - Printable Version

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RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 01-26-2014

Finished up 90 Days of 'Attract Positive Energy 4G',

My usage since last update:

Day 63 - 6.30
Day 64 - 4.50
Day 65 - 5.00
Day 66 - 5.00
Day 67 - 4.20
Day 68 - 5.00
Day 69 - 5.00
Day 70 - 5.30
Day 71 - 5.10
Day 72 - 5.00
Day 73 - 5.30
Day 74 - 4.30
Day 75 - 5.00
Day 76 - 5.00
Day 77 - 5.00
Day 78 - 4.30
Day 79 - 5.30
Day 80 - 5.00
Day 81 - 5.00
Day 82 - 5.00
Day 83 - 5.00
Day 84 - 7.00
Day 85 - 3.30
Day 86 - 5.00
Day 87 - 5.30
Day 88 - 3.00
Day 89 - 2.30
Day 90 - 4.30

TOTAL - 417.00 (417 Hours) +
ULTRA - 300.00 (6 hrs x 50 Nights so far)

Approx. Total Usage - 717 Hours over 90 Days / Nights

I have noticed subtle changes on an internal level.

I haven't noticed change in the physical world.

My family are back to ignoring each other, and the people close to me are back to suppressing their resentments for each other.

I'm just going to assume that their aggressive outbreaks had something to do with Christmas, rather than the sub (APE 4G).

At this point in time, a week and a bit after finishing, I still have a bit less negative self-talk (though negative self-talk is still present on a daily basis).

My next sub is:


I'm currently on 'Day 6' of US 4G, and haven't noticed anything yet.

I also haven't noticed any resistance, which may or may not be a good sign.

My target is 40 Days for US 4G.

Similar to APE 4G... Ultra Success seems to be another passive sub.

'passive sub' = A sub without any clear goal,

For example,

AYP subs have a clear goal to manifest a relationship.

FYPJ has a clear goal of manifesting a satisfying job / career.

Where as subs like APE / Ultra Success should, in theory, have subtle effects in general / all areas.

The good thing about Ultra Success is that there are journals on here about others using it and reading about how others have benefited from US 4G seems to be a bit more motivating to me.

Where as, I seem to be the 1st person to journal using APE 4G!!

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 03-27-2014

Ultra Success completed (for 1st run) - 50 Days.

I plan to do at least another 2+ runs of 40 Days each in 2014.

Masked Usage for Ultra Success (first run),

Day 1 - 6.30
Day 2 - 3.30
Day 3 - 3.30
Day 4 - 5.00
Day 5 - 7.00
Day 6 - 5.00
Day 7 - 7.30
Day 8 - 5.30
Day 9 - 3.00
Day 10 - 3.00
Day 11 - 5.00
Day 12 - 5.30
Day 13 - 5.30
Day 14 - 7.30
Day 15 - 5.00
Day 16 - 5.00
Day 17 - 3.00
Day 18 - 3.30
Day 19 - 5.30
Day 20 - 5.00
Day 21 - 4.00
Day 22 - 3.00
Day 23 - 2.00
Day 24 - 2.00
Day 25 - 4.00
Day 26 - 4.00
Day 27 - 2.30
Day 28 - 2.00
Day 29 - 3.30
Day 30 - 3.30
Day 31 - 3.30
Day 32 - 4.00
Day 33 - 5.00
Day 34 - 7.00
Day 35 - 6.30
Day 36 - 7.30
Day 37 - 4.00
Day 38 - 4.00
Day 39 - 6.00
Day 40 - 6.00
Day 41 - 4.00
Day 42 - 6.00
Day 43 - 4.00
Day 44 - 3.00
Day 45 - 2.00
Day 46 - 5.30
Day 47 - 5.30
Day 48 - 6.30
Day 49 - 6.30
Day 50 - 6.30
TOTAL - 231.30 (231 Hrs, 30 Mins)

ULTRA - 300.00 (Average 6 Hours per Night)

TOTAL - 531.30 over 50 Days

Sub Experience:

Attract Positive Energy 4G - 90 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 50 Days

Ultra Success - Results:


1. Feeling more ruthless

2. Urge to conquer has increased

3. Much more impatient / restlessness

4. Increased amount of 'pissed off' at people that distract me from my goals / get in my way / waste my time

5. Seem to enjoy cleaning on a regular basis (2-3 hours per week)

These are probable / likely influenced by using the sub,

1. I had a person at work say (in front of a group of colleagues) that I do a decent job, and am a valuable member of the team.

2. Got a free juice, since the girl behind the counter splashed some of it all over my t-shirt!!

3. Seem to be getting more laughs from people at work when telling funny stories / jokes.

4. More people on the forum seem to be doing Ultra Success / Luck Magnifier (around the same time as me), so I can compare notes / experiences.

5. Another person at work (from another department) seemed half-assed interested in what I do (or at least made the effort to fake a half-assed interest!!) - she kept on repeating "Good for you". (the average person just ignores)

Thoughts / Planning / Reflections

My plan for the next 5 months (sub usage) looks something like:

Luck Magnifier (40 Days - 28 left) - 15/3 to 23/4
Everything is Possible (40 Days) - 26/4 to 4/6
Winner's Mindset (40 Days) - 7/6 to 16/7
Ultra Success (40 Days - 2nd Run of Ultra Success) - 19/7 to 27/8

* All these subs seem to work in synergy with one another.
* This should provide a solid base for future sub usage.
* 2 full day / night break between subs

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - Fonzy3 - 03-31-2014

Hey man, much appreciation for giving your experience with Ultra Success and Positive Energy. "Attract positive energy" sounds like a really cool sub. All ten of your improvement I've noticed as well during my journey with US. Gotten free stuff, mentally victorious etc. How is luck magnifier treating you? The order in which you choose to use your subs is interesting what inspired you to use subs that way. In the upcoming years the amount of positive change we will have gone through will be amazing. Smile



RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 04-01-2014

Quote:Fonzy Wrote:

How is luck magnifier treating you?

I have 17 Days experience of LM so far.

I haven't seen too many interesting things yet.

The first 2 nights, I had deep sleeps that lasted longer than normal. But my sleep cycle has returned to normal.

It seems one of my problems solved itself.

At work 2 people were fighting and both expected me to take their side. It was quite awkward, and I just wanted to stay out of it.

Surprisingly, the more powerful one ended up having their position made redundant, and the conflict seems to be no more!!

Another problem has manifested, similar context, but different content.

Now 2 of my friends just got into a fight, and both expect me to take their side. It is quite awkward and I just want to stay out of it.

I haven't noticed anything else yet.

My luck seems similar to before, but I might be in for a lucky break just around the corner!!

I don't have any exact goal with Luck Magnifier.

Quote:Fonzy Wrote:

The order in which you choose to use your subs is interesting what inspired you to use subs that way. In the upcoming years the amount of positive change we will have gone through will be amazing.

The main reason was due to the synergy that these subs seem to have with one another.

Another nice feature, is that these share a few identical suggestions, among the differences, that seem to compliment each other nicely.

For example,

'Ultra Success', 'Everything is Possible' and 'Winner's Mindset' all have "I am succeeding, because I'm am success" - which will reinforce it nicely.

Also, when growing up:
- I was constantly called a loser (Winner's Mindset)
- I was constantly called a failure (Ultra Success)
- I am a virgin, I never got 'lucky' (Luck Magnifier)
- I was also told that I can't do this, can't do that, etc. (Everything is Possible)
- I spent alot of time around negative people / negativity (Attract Positive Energy)

These should help cancel these types of beliefs.

And, a third reason is that they all should set a base for future subs.

Once I finish all of them, I'll have plenty of solid success-based programming which should be very helpful for future sub-usage, and the future in general (assuming that my mind accepts the suggestions in the subs).

If all goes well, after using the subs in my plan,

I'll be a lucky, successful winner!!

At the moment I'm contemplating what to do after my plan (as in after the 2nd run of Ultra Success, ending end of August).

I have narrowed it down to:

Option 1:
Aura of Sexiness (90 Days)
Ultra Success (40 Days - 3rd Run)
Ending about 7 Jan 2015

Option 2:
Aura of Sexiness (40 Days)
BIATBW Sexually (40 Days)
Ultra Success (40 Days - 3rd Run)
Ending about 31 Dec 2014 (Great timing!!)

Option 3:
Winner's Mindset (90 Days - 2nd Run)
Ultra Success (40 Days - 3rd Run)
Full year of Success-based programming (2014)
Ending about 7 Jan 2015

Option 4:
Something else

I'm not certain on what direction to go yet, after my plan. Option 1 or 2 most likely though.

I am certain of doing my plan up til August though, not matter what other subs become available before then, even if Shannon releases 'The Best Sub in the World 1000000G'!!

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - Guero - 04-01-2014

Are you a member of JoS? Just wondering based off your name

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 04-02-2014

Quote:Guero Wrote:

Are you a member of JoS? Just wondering based off your name

What's JoS stand for?

My screen name is based on Enki from sumerian mythology, and Master makes it cooler!!

I've been a member of 'Level of Consciousness' and Runescape under the name 'Masterenki', but I can't think of any group / board with the initials of 'JoS' off the top of my head, so I'm guessing I'm not a member of that group / board!!

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 04-27-2014

Finished Luck Magnifier 3 days ago,

And just completed my first 6 months of sub usage in total!!

Masked Usage for Luck Magnifier,

Day 1 - 8.00
Day 2 - 7.00
Day 3 - 5.30
Day 4 - 4.30
Day 5 - 6.30
Day 6 - 3.30
Day 7 - 4.00
Day 8 - 6.00
Day 9 - 5.30
Day 10 - 7.00
Day 11 - 6.00
Day 12 - 6.00
Day 13 - 3.30
Day 14 - 3.30
Day 15 - 6.00
Day 16 - 6.30
Day 17 - 6.30
Day 18 - 6.00
Day 19 - 6.00
Day 20 - 3.00
Day 21 - 4.00
Day 22 - 7.00
Day 23 - 8.00
Day 24 - 7.00
Day 25 - 5.00
Day 26 - 6.30
Day 27 - 2.30
Day 28 - 3.30
Day 29 - 6.30
Day 30 - 6.30
Day 31 - 6.30
Day 32 - 6.00
Day 33 - 7.00
Day 34 - 4.30
Day 35 - 6.30
Day 36 - 6.00
Day 37 - 5.30
Day 38 - 5.30
Day 39 - 7.00
Day 40 - 5.00
TOTAL - 227.30 (227 Hrs, 30 Mins)

ULTRA - 240.00 (Average 6 Hours per Night)

TOTAL - 467.30 over 40 Days

Sub Experience:

Attract Positive Energy 4G - 90 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 50 Days
Luck Magnifier 4G - 40 Days

Luck Magnifier - Results:


Nothing noticeable.

No internal changes that I'm aware of.

External / Manifestations (that probably relate to sub),

1. Runescape - Around 650 pieces of coal (noted) randomly appeared in my inventory for no explainable reason!!

2. Helped someone I know move some furniture for a few hours (since I had a day off my normal job), and he offered me $100 for thanks.

3. Have seen a few hot chicks in bikinis walking around lately, as I go about my daily business / errands (which includes walking the dog).

They seemed to ignore me. But seeing chicks in bikinis, in real life, is still fairly lucky (in my opinion), especially around the post office, etc.

4. I've noticed a few small coincidences lately.

For most of my Luck Magnifier run, I didn't have anything lucky happen.

The Runescape thing happened around Day 19 or so, not certain of the exact day.

Around Day 34 - 36, I was starting to seriously doubt if LM was actually doing anything.

The bulk of lucky events has been the last week.

Thoughts / Planning / Reflections

My plan continues:

Everything is Possible (40 Days)
Winner's Mindset (40 Days)
Ultra Success (40 Days - 2nd Run of Ultra Success)

These 3 share success programming.

According to the script library, they all share some of the basic suggestions from Ultra Success. Though Ultra Success covers many more suggestions relating to success (as one would assume).

Which means I will get 120 Days straight of success programming!!

I've decided that 2015 will be my year of getting sexy!!!

I'm thinking of something like:

4 months of 'Aura of Sexiness', 4 months of BIATBWS and then possibly AYP for the last 4 months of 2015 (and then spill over into 2016 if needed).

I'll have 4 months at the end of 2014 free.

I will likely do a 3rd 40 Day run of Ultra Success in December.

I may do 3 months of 'Aura of Sexiness' in 2014 between the 2nd and 3rd run of Ultra Success.

I'm considering a possibility of doing this and another 4 months of AoS (in 2015) to really drill it in!!

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 06-29-2014

Sub Experience (as of 29 June 2014):

Attract Positive Energy 4G - 90 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 50 Days
Luck Magnifier 4G - 40 Days
Everything is Possible 4G - 40 Days
Winner's Mindset 4G - 24 Days (on 25th)

Usage for Everything is Possible:

Masked = 206.5 Hours approx.
Ultra = 240 Hours approx.
TOTAL = 446.5 Hours approx.

Everything is Possible - Results:

I had about 2 weeks in a row of only nightmares.

Some of my nightmare's included:

1 - Going to the toilet and peeing feces / diarrhea (this particular dream disturbed me for several days afterwards)

2 - Being surrounded by swarms of flies (this also scared the hell out of me!!! But not as much as number 1)

3 - Several generic nightmares of being attacked / bullied / abandoned / betrayed, etc.

I also had a dream (non-nightmare) about having Anima Siddhi (one of the Eight Great Powers / Perfections of Yoga).

One of my nightmares about being bullied, was about some random guy I have never met bullying me for being a nerd,

When I was walking the dog (in real life) a few days later, I saw a stranger that was identical to this random guy in my dream - as in same looks and voice, etc. - Nothing bad happened in real life though.

Thoughts / Plans / Reflections

I have currently completed 154 days of my success plan (out of 210).

The only subs left now are:

Winner's Mindset 4G - Another 16 Days (to make 40)
Ultra Success 4G - 40 Days (2nd run)


I'm most likely going to dive straight into 120 Days of 'Aura of Sexiness 4G'.

I figure that it will work very similar to charm / charisma spell(s) from RPGs (such as Oblivion, etc.)

Target: Self
Effect: Increases 'disposition' of other characters / NPCs (= other people in real life, probably women / gay guys in practice)
Magnitude: (More sub usage = stronger charming effect, most likely)
Duration: (More sub usage = longer lasting duration of effect, most likely)

In practice, only experience will tell.

I'll be starting a new journal in the Men's Section, once I start AoS 4G.

Until then, I have another 56 Days of Success Programming to completed.

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 07-19-2014

Sub Experience (as of 19 July 2014):

Attract Positive Energy 4G - 90 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 50 Days
Luck Magnifier 4G - 40 Days
Everything is Possible 4G - 40 Days
Winner's Mindset 4G - 40 Days
Ultra Success 4G* - 4 Days (on 5th)

*Note: This is the 2nd run of Ultra Success.

Usage for Winner's Mindset:

Masked = 230 Hours approx.
Ultra = 240 Hours approx.
TOTAL = 470 Hours approx.

Winner's Mindset - Results:

My dreams were pretty much normal (like when I wasn't using subs).

Though I had 2 out-of-the-ordinary dreams, on things I've never dreamt about before.

Strange Dream 1:
I was waiting at the bus stop and a woman sat next to me and kissed me, then she started kissing some other guy.

This is the first dream (that I can remember) that involved me physically kissing someone.

This was on the night of Day 2 of Winner's Mindset.

Strange Dream 2:

I was riding / raising horses.

This is something that:
a) I have no interest in
b) Have never done

This was around Day 14 or so of Winner's Mindset.

I'm starting to feel quite confident and powerful.

I am also feeling less guilt when I assert myself.

I also notice that I'm less interested in women overall than before.

One thing I've noticed, is that women 50 - 70 seem to be greeting me, and making small talk and smiling at me in public (which has started happening much more regularly than ever before).

Younger women (under 40) are still avoiding me like the plague!!

Some people I know have been much more rude / aggressive towards me when I was using Winner's Mindset:

- My Manager was demanding that arrive to work early, or else. She even said that I can do whatever I want before the starting time, as long as I arrive at least 20 - 30 minutes before my shifts begin.

I decided to accommodate her, since I can listen to the masked sub still while waiting for my shift to begin (instead of at home), so it isn't really worth fighting / wasting energy over.

- My Dad was being a 'tool' towards me (nothing new though).

- My Flatmate was being a 'tool' towards me (nothing new).

- However, one of my closest friends had a go at me, saying that I don't see him enough and that I work too much.

He later apologized, and said that he understands that work / income comes first and that he was having a bad day. We agreed that it kinda sucks that we can't hang out most days like when we were teenagers.

Thoughts / Reflections:

I'm really interested in how all this success programming is going to affect my results with AoS / BIATBW (when I use them).


I have another 36 Days (including today) left before completing my 210 Day plan.

Starting to really look forward to starting my AoS / BIATBW adventures.

RE: MasterEnki's Sub Journal - MasterEnki - 08-23-2014

Sub Experience (as of 23 August 2014):

Attract Positive Energy 4G - 90 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 50 Days
Luck Magnifier 4G - 40 Days
Everything is Possible 4G - 40 Days
Winner's Mindset 4G - 40 Days
Ultra Success 4G - 40 Days

Thoughts / Reflections:

I've completed my 210 Day Plan.

My external experience(s) are more or less the same as before subs. But I feel more positive internally, so that is a minor victory.


This is the end of this journal.

I'll be starting my next journal later today / this afternoon.