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Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Printable Version

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RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - K-Train - 06-30-2013

Awesome stuff man! Glad to see your relationship is going strong!

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Javier Gerardo - 07-01-2013

Now I'm tempted to try Deep Gratitude and Appreciation. It seems that recently I have been blessed but I wasn't that grateful for some and still focused on the things that I need and want. I will try to be appreciative from now on.

Thanks for sharing man. Good Luck also! Smile

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - vanjav - 07-02-2013

Hi fonzy.
I wanted to know if you still using the attraction sub after you found your lover?
I mean is it necesary to keep using the sub for the attraction to continue or you can stop using it after she appears?

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 07-04-2013

(06-30-2013, 11:54 AM)K-Train Wrote: Awesome stuff man! Glad to see your relationship is going strong!
Yea man and I just bought X32, so we'll see how that goes !
(07-01-2013, 10:32 PM)Javier Gerardo Wrote: Now I'm tempted to try Deep Gratitude and Appreciation. It seems that recently I have been blessed but I wasn't that grateful for some and still focused on the things that I need and want. I will try to be appreciative from now on.
Thanks for sharing man. Good Luck also! Smile
Thanks haha, after using this program finding 100 things everyday to be grateful for would not be hard to do.
(07-02-2013, 07:43 PM)vanjav Wrote: Hi fonzy.
I wanted to know if you still using the attraction sub after you found your lover?
I mean is it necesary to keep using the sub for the attraction to continue or you can stop using it after she appears?
I stopped using it after we had sex for the first time.

Day 28

I notice that my mind state is not changing to much from this sub but there are positive things occurring in my daily life such as discounts, and good coincidences. These events that stand out must be from what my deeper sense of gratitude is attracting.

I do feel different though and it seems like the changes in me that have been made are prevalent. Earlier in my journal I noted that I wanted to have more appreciation to the fact that I have to be more productive as well as make my bodies fitness a higher priority. I think I have definitely shifted to being more productive because I am getting more done at my job and I am also eating healthier now. It might be that this is happening since it is a new month and I consider it a "fresh start" but this headspace definitely feels like it going to stick.

When I think about it, all of my relationships are happy ones ( parents co-workers, girlfriend, friends etc. ) My overall living space is cleaner and i've noticed that there is more money in my bank account then usual.

The right thing to do would be to list off all my conscious goals so I stay focused, and that would be to obtain all my obvious desires.



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 07-14-2013

Day 38

After using this program for more than a month I have felt quite accomplished. Using this sub has brought a new sense of happiness and increased positivity in my life. Every day my happiness and abundance appears to be increasing.This has got me thinking on whether I need to use it for more than 60 days straight. I've considered myself emotionally healthy for quite a while, this sub was just to seal over my attitude of gratitude, but I've now noticed some serious changes. I am thinking about using " Improve your Grade and Study Habits 4G" next month for 90 days. So that I can experience the necessary changes I want in order to be successful when my semester starts in September.

Deep Gratitude and Appreciation has done wonders for me so far. Even though I felt that I was already a very positive guy, this month has caused me to have a lighter mind state and made me more content in the most natural way. In my earlier journal posts I mentioned that I wanted to improve my fitness and productivity, I believe this has occurred because of my ego balancing. I have lost seven pounds since the beginning of July. Began to portion my meals and go to the gym 4 plus times a week, I am also reading a book a week and following up on opportunities that come my way. I sell a lot of brand name items such as clothing, accessories etc and have had a larger amount of customers wanting to purchase then usual. My financial situation is going quite well too as I'm more organized when it comes to my spending and I find myself with more money then usual. Got offered 20 dollars randomly to help this guy move a couch to his truck which only took like 5 minutes.

So overall a lot of good things going on around me and this is how it is ninety percent of time. This is a underrated program that effects all areas of a persons life. If you are the type of person that finds themselves constantly working, going after goals, achieving and just want to be happy with where you are and what you have, this is the program for you.

I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 07-24-2013

Day 48

Wow! that's really all I can say. Seems like everyday that passes the effects of this program become stronger. Over the past ten days this feeling of euphoria has overcome me.

Ninety percent of the time I am really happy and continue to get happier. I am constantly doing things and finding experiences that make me happy. The other day I was at the office and I randomly searched up " quotes for abundance, prosperity and success" I felt a HUGE amount of happiness from doing this. Reading what great people have quoted and thinking to my self " that's something I would say". I am constantly walking around with a smile on my face thinking about things that make me laugh. Just by noticing all the beautiful things in my world. How it's such a beautiful day, how I lost over ten pounds, how I am just a great and wonderful person. Anything I put my energy into i'm successful at, and all of this has shifted so naturally. Yesterday was the biggest change. As it came to evening time I was hit by this sense of euphoria and my head just became so much lighter. I immediately started to visual things more as this is what I am accustomed to doing to attract positive things, focusing on the good things and how I see my life being. Last night I just caught up on my favorite Tv shows, listened to my favorite music, man I was so content just having a good time. I walk around with a peaking sense of a " feeling good " emotional mind state throughout the day. It's like everything I come into contact with feels my emotional greatness. When I am living through my passion I get the best positive reaction out of everyone. But speaking to my girlfriend is the highest peak of positivity in my life I feel all we do is laugh together, smile and give each other affection. The physical results from this program I have noticed are in direct relation to my mind state being more content. I have found a radio station I LOVE and am wanting to listen to at any time of the day, my father who usually prefers something else even likes it. I have been more physically active and I find myself with more money. I am giving every area of my life importance. “It is wealth to be content.” ~ Lao-Tzu

The other ten percent of the time I find my self wanting things. The way my life is makes me content. I am abundant in every area of my life but society keeps giving me signs and demanding more from me, through my parents, my competitors, and myself. I guess this is to unleash my potential but that's the beauty of the journey.

There was one night where instead of speakers I listened to the sub through headphones and I felt a drastic increase of power from the program so for the next twelve days I might just do that to get the most out of my time with this sub. I am free as a bird and feel as if all the channels to the good things in my life are open so looking forward to what comes next.

If you have any questions about the sub feel free to ask.



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - MD81 - 07-24-2013

Impressive results!

Thanks for posting updates.

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 08-03-2013

(07-24-2013, 04:16 PM)MD81 Wrote: Impressive results!

Thanks for posting updates.

I appreciate that.

(07-25-2013, 03:01 AM)"Q Wrote: Your results has got me interested in getting the 4G version when it comes out.

Reading this thread has got me wondering whether a broad title that encompasses some of the "Emotional Health" titles and the "Thinking and the Mind" titles could be possible, or wanted. I was thinking something like, "Life is fantastic", to cover a little bit of DGA, LM, Love & Appreciate Yourself and Positive Thinking.

If it is in 4G, it could be used in conjunction with OGSF. So, OGSF would address the removal of unwanted issues. Whilst "Life is fantastic" would add positive issues.

Yea, I prioritize my life as emotional health, then success, physical health, then women. Q there's "life tune-up" if that was a 5g program that would be great. I think loving your life adds to every area where Just aiming for success would is leaving happiness out.

Day 58

I think I’m going to put more time into posting on the forum updating every few days or so it’s seems more beneficial to be contributing to a social network connected to something that I am genuinely passionate about ( how the mind is). Rather than going on facebook or twitter that just has people posting things that give them a chuckle that I waste time observing. Once again I’m grateful for Shannon, his team and all the forum members for making this online interactive experience possible.

There is a lot on my mind that I want to write about like there always is but the difference between now and 58 days ago would be the headspace in which I am in. This program has made me more content. It does exactly what the description says. But my past attention put towards gratitude could have caused an increased affect to how this program has affected me. It is my instant reaction to see the good in things. And I walk around knowing that there are endless possibilities for me in this world. The physical changes I have noticed is evidence that I have a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for my surroundings. For example I have had an increase of sales, and abundance of money in my life. This is evident through my appreciation for that whole area of my life. I have a new found love for being active and running. I could now compare the feeling of buying a new tshirt to the feeling of having a good work out. The only difference is in my life the healthier option is better for me. I guess this shows that my thought process is shifting to let me aquire the dreams I want.

I think my fear for certain desires in my life have reduced. I thought of myself as fearless and confident before the program but this new level of contentment allowed me to achieve a lot. I look in the mirror and see a man on his way to getting everything he wants but also has everything anyone could ask for. This program will make you abundant in every area of your life by shifting your thinking.

I say this because I previously felt more emotion to having a balance and making the most out of life, thinking big and feeling a need for success because society demanded it. My mindstate feels grown in the way that I have achieved what I thought was fun, like going out, partying, eating unhealthy food, dating many women at the same time, spending a lot. But now I’m focusing in on doing well in school, saving for my retirement, having a good time with my family and girl. Planning for my career. It feels cool to be intelligent instead of aggressive. It feels cool to do my best at work and everything in my life because I’m more grateful for all those things now. I had a cold during the beginning of June and thought it was just go away, now when I felt a cold coming on I took the necessary medication and got enough rest and it went away in less than twenty four hours. I had a surgery back in march, an acl repair and my doctor said I am recovering good. I finally received the information about my families financial status, sat down with our financial advisor and everyone and learned what I needed to do. I am going to the gym almost everyday compared to it being so tough before. Anything I was indifferent about I am now finding the good in them just being happier overall.

In all honesty this program is not that powerful but if givin enough time can make important changes in your life. I haven’t had a cigarette or drink since I’ve started. I watched this movie “only *** forgives” and really appreciated the things I liked about it and how I was able to experience watching it in my life. Everything seems to be getting better. Gratitude is definitely the way forward.

I also made an extra 700 dollars this past week. Things seems to just "work out" with this sub. Good things are being attracted on a daily basis.

Anyways I’ll keep up with the updates



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Shannon - 08-03-2013

Please edit your last post to remove the references to religious topics (name of movie), as that violates Rule 4. Thanks.

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - K-Train - 08-04-2013

I can definitely tell Fonzy through your words that your mind frame has indeed changed. You seem more peaceful, more positive, and not bogged down by negativity. I'm sure everyone around you is loving it because happy gracious people are a real commodity these days.

I understand you have X32 correct? What's been your experience with it? I'm a PSE junkie, and X32's product description is tempting me. Tongue

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 08-05-2013

Hey man, I was just about to write "where's this guy been?" on your journal.

Thank you for those kind words K-Train. You're right, those journals from when I began was a different person to who I am now. Seems like I am more in touch with myself then before. The changes have been so natural.

Nah, I just haven't had the need to use it, there's already a lot of passion with me and my girl. Also I kind of have this rule where I don't want to use more then one sub at a time. But I'm finishing up Deep Gratitude and Appreciation in a few days, thanks for reminding me I'll probably use it then.



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - K-Train - 08-05-2013

(08-05-2013, 02:53 PM)Fonzy3 Wrote: Hey man, I was just about to write "where's this guy been?" on your journal.

Thank you for those kind words K-Train. You're right, those journals from when I began was a different person to who I am now. Seems like I am more in touch with myself then before. The changes have been so natural.

Nah, I just haven't had the need to use it, there's already a lot of passion with me and my girl. Also I kind of have this rule where I don't want to use more then one sub at a time. But I'm finishing up Deep Gratitude and Appreciation in a few days, thanks for reminding me I'll probably use it then.



Haha, yeah bro I had finals last week so I was only able to lurk. No worries though.Smile

I don't blame you, one sub at a time insures maximum effects. Sometimes I get impatient and don't follow that rule but so far I've been *mostly* sticking to it. Plus, it's ten times easier to get 6 hours of exposure from one sub than two.

I was just reading X32's description and then it hit me "you know what, this might come in handy" Cool. Plus other than Shannon's colorful and exciting stories courtesy of his tester there ain't much feedback on it from the forum folk.

PS: Shannon and any other moderators. X24 isn't up in the shop. Even the link doesn't work for me in Shannon's journal.

RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Fonzy3 - 08-08-2013

Day 64

These past two months have been great especially looking at it as a foundation for what I want to get accomplished for my upcoming year. I always believed being content was a mind state that had been perfect for me as it was a balance between all factors but still being positive. But I still strive for more. I guess because of my past it has taught me to use everything I've learned to my advantage and now I'm ahead. This past month the affects of this program have been much more noticeable. The difference between conscious gratitude practices and using this subliminal is that I feel appreciation on many more levels. When I look back at the past two months I can connect the dots between my life and this program. I feel happier, my appreciation for my body has increased (been daytime fasting for the past thirty days) , more pleasure in my experiences, my wallet is filled with many more Cnotes. My relationships have improved, seems like I've received the support I've wanted from my parents,at work and it feels like I'm in the perfect position with my girl. People have seemed to notice that I have a great amount of experience with relationships and value what I have to say about it. Even though I've believed this about myself before I have come to this realization that I do put importance on my interactions with people because our greatest asset is each other. There's a lot more freedom. And my mind agrees that to be at my 100 percent everyday is necessary and is embraced because it is something that will make me more "content". At the end of the day a lot more is getting done and there have been a lot more positive outcomes during my daily life which has made me content/ brought me happiness.

I'm just starting to notice a great amount of gratitude on a deeper conscious level, originally I wanted to run this program for ninety six days straight but because of my past experiences with gratitude I think I'm ready and set up for the next program in order for me to be successful throughout the year. It would be amazing to continue running this program for another month to see where my happiness ends up, but maybe the next time I use it'll be upgraded to 4g and the results will be even higher. Headphones made a big difference during this run, I knew I would see the affects of this program much more if I kept them in, that's something I could rely on. For the next day or so I'm going to experiment with B2, Natural Seduction and X32. Then it's preparation time for my fourth year of university with Improve Your Grades and Study Habits 4g.



RE: Deep Gratitude and Appreciation - Edo - 08-09-2013

Amazing results Fonzy!! Might check that up when its upgraded to 4G.
