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ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Printable Version

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RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Troy - 06-10-2013

Sounds good. I haven't noticed anything just ridiculous lately, but it certainly seems I am increasing in confidence.

I'm actually nervous about using BIATBW, hot girls are already very attracted to my ultra high confidence.

Shannon, have you ever considered using tapping with your subs? I know with certainty that it took my results into overdrive.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Shannon - 06-10-2013

I specialize within my field. To achieve what I am achieving, that is the only way. My focus is on subliminals. I am studying hypnosis so that I can create even better, faster, more powerful subliminals. Tapping may be a study of mine in the future, but right now I am focused.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Troy - 06-22-2013

I did it. I reached 90 days of only doing this one subliminal.

Bottom line guys: This works!

My confidence is dramatically higher than before and this subliminal has really changed my life!

Don't be a pussy and quit early. Do it for at least 90 days. It's worth it, trust me.

Thanks Shannon. You're awesome dude. I'll start on another sub right away.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Fonzy3 - 06-22-2013

Good to hear that you made it man! Got me looking forward to doing ASC for a full ninety days.



RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Troy - 06-22-2013

I wanted to point out that I did the ultrasonic playing on my phone speakers and still got results!

I'm curious for future reference,
As far as the masked sub is concerned, when im listening with earbuds, is the lowest iphone volume still sufficient?

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Joronda - 06-29-2013

I like the trickling stream, and everytime I turn on my computer I automatically put on my earphones without thinking about doing so. I think I am addicted to the sound and my ears feel nice and warm. It is like not wearing a seat belt, I feel the urge to buckle up - or put my earphones on as soon as I sit down at my computer. I seem to go for hours and after the first few minutes I don't hear the sound any more until I come out of the trance. I get heaps done on my computer.

I have been stuck in a groove for a couple of years, not getting the important things done each day - but within 24 hours of playing two 3g programs on loop, one after the other on Media Player, I found myself out in the garden doing heaps of work and also catching up on my housework.

The two programs are 'End Clutter' and Sieze the Day, get organised'. I didn't know what was holding me back so I decided to play them on loop and see what happened. I have always been a happy person, but I have lifted up to another level. It is a great feeling to find myself really enjoying the things I was putting off.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Astrack - 09-17-2013

I believe ASC also removes self doubt. Like a person just keeps going whichever path he/she's going without doubting himself. Right?

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Shannon - 09-17-2013

To whatever degree your confidence is impacted by self doubt, it will affect the self doubt.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - shineon - 09-22-2013

I just looooove this sub! it's fantastic!!! I started it about a week ago and I was feeling miserable and sooky and walking with a slouch and couldn't find a thing to be happy about. somehow magically i came across your site and downloaded the freebie and immediately i started walking taller and smiling more and my whole outlook changed! it really shook me out of my slump within one listen! I did get all super excited and downloaded a bunch more subs (because of my overzealous enthusiasm but also because I wanted to give money back to the company/person who helped change my entire life around!)
i went to a job interview with two renowned salespeople and I held my own reasonably well with them,
I'm eating sooo much better and sooo much less and not stuffing my emotions/boredom down with food - think i might even sign up to be a life drawing model soon!!!!
I've told a bunch of friends about how superfantastic i think your program is (again I can't believe its free!!) One of my friend's niece's has liver cancer with brain mets and she's all of 9 months old, so my friend has downloaded the cancer one. I'll let you know when the little one is cancer free and you'll probably get another gushing testamonial from another convert!!

Just wanted to thank you again and note how much integrity you have to GIVE AWAY such amazing products! Can't wait to try the others!

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - jonathan4all - 09-22-2013

(09-17-2013, 06:41 PM)Shannon Wrote: To whatever degree your confidence is impacted by self doubt, it will affect the self doubt.

Honestly I am not feeling any self-doubt at all after listening two weeks. I am planning to complete 90 days before move to any other sub. Awesome inner-strength experience .. zillion thanks to Shannon.

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Fonzy3 - 09-22-2013

Good idea Jonathan.



RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - jonathan4all - 09-22-2013

(09-22-2013, 04:51 PM)Fonzy3 Wrote: Good idea Jonathan.



Fonzy My point of view on self-growth is
a. own perspective growth
b. learning from BOOK or seniors
c. real life stimuli
d. subconscious training

it has to be steady and perpetual , if it takes time it's OK but I want permanent reprogramming of my mind. As everybody wants to be invisible but whoever conquer with patience I believe in the end of the day he will conquer. Smile

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - Geodude - 11-28-2013

This Troy guy sounds like a real badass. Wink

RE: ASC 5G...I'm Blown Away! - alphamach - 12-26-2013

Awesome post