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Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Printable Version

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RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Shannon - 03-01-2012

Waves wouldn't wake me up unless they were hitting me in the face. lol

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 03-10-2012

I've had a very rough couple of days. I've being very down on myself and feeling really low self esteem but things seemed to improve dramatically when I took a nap today. It may simply be that I'm exhausted and I need a good rest.

I went out into London last night and had some drinks with a friend. It was really strange in that I had a good time with my friend and we get along great but I found I was also in my head and feeling low self esteem as well as feeling unattractive to the women we met. Ironically whenever I met any women either through him or servers at the bar, they were really warm and outgoing to me. However I just spent a lot of time on the way home and in bed worrying about being perceived as creepy and giving myself mental torture.

Perhaps this is a sign that some very deep negative stuff is being destroyed by the subs. I also think it could be exhaustion. I tend to be very hard on myself and have a hard time relaxing. I feel like I should be doing something more meaningful rather then just relaxing and taking it easy. Like I imagine everyone is climbing mount Everest when I'm at home relaxing. I think that Shannon said he has a rule that he doesn't work when he is tired. Perhaps I should consider doing something similar. Also I can't wait to do Alpha Male, I think a few run throughs of that will clear my worries about women.

A good thing that happened is I finally fingered out to clean my house. I realised that one of the big mistakes I made is that I would try to clean and declutter at the same time. Now I realise that this is a huge mistake, it's actually better to just put everything not needed in boxes and sort it later. This meant I got both my bedroom and workroom (with my girlfriends help) cleaned in about an hour, however, with the method I was using before it would have taken at least a whole day, perhaps longer. Having a clean workroom and bedroom makes me feel much better.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 03-13-2012

I've being feeling great the last couple of days and noticed some nice effects from both DFNW and Happiness and Joy.

I noticed two positive things about going out when I met up with a friend today. First of all, going out seems to be more fun and less anxiety provoking. A while ago, when I went out it was like I really didn't what to but now it's more fun and something I look forward. When I do get anxious, either from being tired or hungry, I handle it much better. Also I tend to not get as tired, it might be that I'm more physically active, getting more rest or that the anxiety is down and I have more energy.

Yesterday I went up the street to pick some train tickets I booked online. It was after eleven and normally I hate going out at night, I just feel like I want to stay inside, but last night I kind of enjoyed it. Going out in the middle of the night felt like an adventure.

I'm also attracting some wonderful book into my life which I think are improving my overall happiness. I've read a couple wonderful books about sex recently that both made me feel much better about some unusual sexual desires I have. I'm also reading a wonderful book called "Reality Is Broken". It's about how video games are becoming more and more popular in society and how they are actually benefiting society in ways that were unexpected. It seems that I'm finding that all my pleasures in life are actually things that benefit me rather then distract me.

I think DFNW and Happiness and Joy are also positively effecting my productivity and motivation to get things done. I expect that either the work is becoming more enjoyable or there is less resistance to getting things done.

I'm looking forward to Alpha Male 5.0 but to be honest I must admit that I found myself nervous when thinking about it today. Perhaps this is a good sign because I realise on some level that it's going to have a powerful effect on my life.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 03-20-2012

I have done more then 32 days of both Happiness and Joy and Remove Negativity Within and I am thrilled with the results.

Overall I am much more upbeat, cheerful, relaxed, optimistic and positive. Combined together the two subs lowered my anxiety and depression and raised my spirits considerably.

I am more social and outgoing but also more productive. Removing negativity and improving happiness seems to have made my work a lot easier. I used to get distracted by negative thoughts when I worked but now I find my mind is clearer and more focused.

I seem to find and attract things into my life that make me happy, I've being going to the gym regularly for the last month which is something I have being trying to get back into for a long time. My social life has also improved and I'm much calmer around people. I used to hate weekends but nowadays I look forward to and enjoy them.

I also seem to be attracting some wonderful books into my life. I recently got a copy of a book called "What Happy People Know". I'm not sure where I heard about it but I think Ryan might have mentioned it somewhere.

I've decided that I am going to wait another month before starting Alpha Male 5.0. The reason is that I have got a new radio project which I'm going to compose a lot of music for this month. I want to be on top of my game musicwise so I started the Natural Song And Lyrics Writing last night.

I already feel that it might be having an effect on me but it's probably too early to tell. I noticed I am more playful and relaxed when it comes to composing music today. I'm looking forward to how this sub will effect me in the next month. After that it will be straight on to Alpha Male 5.0.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 05-04-2012

Just a quick update.

I spent a month on Natural Song and Lyrics Writing and it definitely did a lot of positive things. I got a big royalty payment in the middle of April which helped pay of some of my debt, also a lot of the music I wrote in the last month has being very successful and the directors I worked with were very happy with the results.

I have now started Alpha Male 5.0 and despite only been a week I am loving it so far. Today I feel really strong and also a genuine sense of self appreciation. I also feel that I like people a lot more and I'm more compassionate. I'm also standing up for myself in a positive way but feeling understanding of other people.

I had some anxiety early this week but it's clearing now. Part of the anxiety probably came from worrying about a family member who had the results of CT scan recently. The results were good but up until the time of the results we all worried quite a bit. I tend to be quite strong up until the time the results come in and I felt euphoric when we had the good news. However a week later I felt a real mess as all these toxic emotions came to the surface. This has often being the pattern when I'm worried about someone. I tend to be strong for them but once we get good news I feel good but then let everything go. It's like all the tension and worry that built up over a month or couple weeks comes spilling out in weird and sometimes scary ways.

However I feel much better now. I no longer see anxiety as a problem, just a sign that I need to take care of myself. I'm feeling much kinder and more compassionate towards myself.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Spiral - 05-04-2012

Sounds real good ManOfElectricity. And I'm glad your family member is doing alright. And keep on writing good music.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 05-07-2012

Thanks Spiral. :-)

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 05-07-2012

I've being meaning to give more of an update. I think a big life change is coming. I need to move my life in the direction I want rather then just letting it drift. I'm looking forward to things changing but it's not going to be an overnight thing. It's going to take time and I can be impatient but in the end it will be worth it.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 05-07-2012

Also I'm noticing women looking at me a lot more then usual and I'm feeling more confident and assertive.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 05-08-2012

Today I realise how much I've being putting things of that are important to me. I've taken on a lot of work, some of it really enjoyable and rewarding but I've forgotten how to look after my well being and tap into my passion for life.

I'm going to redirect my life in the direction I want rather then waiting for it to happen on its own.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - Shannon - 05-08-2012

I don't comment much on your posts, but I'd like you to know that I do read and enjoy them.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 06-06-2012

Thanks Shannon I appreciate it. :-)

I've been meaning to update my thread but have being super busy recently.

I started stage 2 of Alpha Male just a couple days ago and I'm excited to see where it takes me.

Stage 1 was really enjoyable. My confidence and feeling of well being is much higher. I'm also feeling super productive and happy and I have better focus and self control.

One thing that has been a big part of my life recently is learning to relax and not work too hard. For the last two or three years I have taken on way too much work and have burnt myself out many times. I'm now learning how to structure my life in such a way that this doesn't happen. The worst thing about working too hard is not only am I really exhausted but I don't have time to do things that improve my life such as meditation and exercise. I'm getting back into those now and I feel so much better for it.

Occasionally bad feelings come up but I'm generally able to handle them much better now, either by changing my thinking or talking to someone close to me. In general I feel much stronger and more self assured.

I'm also having a lot of success recently. I went to a screening of a film I composed music for a couple weeks ago and it went really well. I got lots of positive responses from the audience and people I worked with on the film. My parents were both there and they were both very happy. I also went to a concert of music I arranged and composed which my friend performed on the saxophone. Again it went really well and the responses from the audience were really positive.

I can't help thinking that it's the effects of "Natural Song and Lyrics Writing" subliminal. Although I ran it before Alpha Male 5.0 it seems that "Natural Song and Lyrics Writing" is combining very well with Alpha Male. I'm also still feeling the effects of Happiness and Joy and Remove Negativity Within. I'm noticing in general that the 4g subs are much more powerful then the 3g ones. It's seems like they last much longer.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - ManOfElectricity - 06-07-2012

I went to a friends concert tonight which went really well. One thing I noticed is that I am much more comfortable and indifferent. My social anxiety is down and I feel like I am opening up to people.

RE: Rebirth Of A Natural Alpha Male 2012 - AVB2011 - 06-07-2012

(06-07-2012, 05:06 PM)ManOfElectricity Wrote: I went to a friends concert tonight which went really well. One thing I noticed is that I am much more comfortable and indifferent. My social anxiety is down and I feel like I am opening up to people.

I have similar effects on certain days when I was on Stage 2. It was great feeling. I always have positive energy when I woke up in the morning and I always felt content and happy most of the time.
But sometimes I got pissed off with people's BS and stupidity during stage 2.