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OFv3 being fearless - Printable Version

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RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-09-2021

Running one loop hybrid right now over laptop, without earbuds, as I was guided to do so. My hands are glowing and radiating with heat, and the hybrid is just going in.

Edit: my face looks clean and radiant aswell. Obvious glow.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-12-2021

Day 139 break

Yesterday went really well in terms of the sub, where I feel/sense the bloom like a fresh wave/rush. Its load > process> clear execution and knowing im on OFv3 where things surface, such as fear in the morning.

Second day now without loops and its as if nothing is going on really, like a wear off effect, which has me started loops again before. I really want to give myself processing time this round.

Im clearly having some DMSI TID going on and waves of feeling awesome. Some women seem to shutdown while others give a lovey dovy look filled with desire and bedroom eyes. Hypnosis is a thing, I find myself getting in trance when locking eyes intentionally while holding it.

Today I found myself saying out loud when talking with a friend, that my sense of time is off/not there and im feeling as if im in a vacuĆ¼m or some sorts, as if being in a void. Pretty wild. It started with him seeing me looking up some esoteric occult stuff, and so we started to share experiences, but I was paying attention to subtext. When doing this I didnt call him out and felt somewhat stuck.

Im also not impressed by the front presentation of people. Masks are a thing and im gaining deeper sight and understanding along with new creative ideas. They aint fooling me, im actually disregarding it to an extent. Same as with women, less and less impressed by looks, less and less reacting to how she looks. I aint impressed, im grounded in my masculine leadership, like a dad interacting with his daughter and doing the right thing, and by default, passing shittests. "Im not impressed by your excuses missy, you are grounded, youre on time out" kind of mindset.

Im literally at the point in writing my story. Each moment I have the choice to decide to feel good and tend to it. Which is awesome.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-13-2021

Day 140

Boldness, taking no bs, outspoken and direct. Unfiltered. 2 separated loops. 1 hybrid over new earbuds and 1 US over laptop.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-14-2021

Day 141

Becoming more ruthless and risk taking. Hesitations are dissolving and many aint there anymore. Feels good to breathe and feel this powerfull. Its great walking without baggage.

There is an art to all of this. Visionairy. Creativity.

Overruling the hesitant mind without mercy.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-25-2021

Took a break last night.. shits been hitting the fan today. Woke up this morning pretty rough. Im fearfull around so many things, like all falls apart. Now, normally I wouldnt care so much ( the whole whatever can be taken away from you aint you kinda thing ) but now, some part aint having it. My mind is literally screaming. Subtle fear attacks, oh boy.

Pump at the gym was ridiculous. I realized how bonkers it is to be intimidated by beauty. It makes no sense at all.

Releasing insecurities has me walking on air. Its amazing.

I have some fears coming up and im scared I create this deliberately within me. Manifestation goes quick nowadays, so.. this fear of creating that, has me spinning, confused, overthinking, mentally leading to being burned out, yet I cannot shake it off. Its a pattern of backfire. Feeling out of control.

Eventually itll pass. Its a process. Its looking 10 steps beyond this. When focussed on fear it becomes bigger ( like everything ) and before you know you face a wall and its all there is, blinding you.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-27-2021

If DMSI aint released yet after my first run of OF is done, I will dust the AM6 refresher off again.

Im having a "why phase" why am I doing what im doing. Its kinda rough, it has me question reality tbh and had moments I didnt trust anything like ultimate skepticism, which had me spiralling. At some point with OF I expect only growth, and level up.

Probably dealing with core issues, transformation and alchemy. Pretty huge whats going on..

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 10-28-2021

Dealing with seething hatred last couple of days. It can be no longer supressed and is a learning/getting in touch with. Anger & hatred in the most violent and agressive way is transmuted into martial and probably solar energy. Let it work for you. Faulty believes are dissolved and I wont take shit. Radical autonomy, sovereignity and ownership. I could be just be a temperamentfull guy. Making anger my friend and anger being a agent for change. My boundaries are strongly enforced and manipulation is on absolute 0 tolerance. I simply wont tolerate it at all anymore no matter what. Getting in touch with the internal source and fire. There is nothing to lose.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - NOMAD - 10-29-2021

(10-28-2021, 11:58 PM)Kol Wrote: Dealing with seething hatred last couple of days....Faulty believes are dissolved and I wont take shit....

I went through this for months. I'm on the back side of it now, but it didn't occur to me until I read this post.

(10-28-2021, 11:58 PM)Kol Wrote: Radical autonomy, sovereignity and ownership... My boundaries are strongly enforced and manipulation is on absolute 0 tolerance. I simply wont tolerate it at all anymore no matter what.

This where I am also except that the anger is gone. Now it's simply a matter of fact. Even without the anger, that matter of fact appears be sensed by others. It's like people are very careful as they approach said boundaries even if they haven't been physically, verbally, or otherwise consciously established. They just seem to know.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 11-11-2021

Thats dope! @NOMAD happy for you. Fear is really something.. I seem to come out on the other side now aswell, but amidst it can be hard to see, understand and what not.


Last few days I had anxiety coming up and I realize it just now. Now im going hard on it. "Its anxiety" boom! Exactly it is. This has me identifying things. My run is almost over. I might extent but damn, what a life! Loss of fear makes you a complete different person. Ngl, I wrestled with it the last couple of days, but having awareness is agame changer.

Also, shoutout to @Oversoul for bringing GoM up!

My insight in game, dynamics, dna, women, its through the roof. Cannot explain,but im blowing myself away at times.

There is still things to be worked on. Still a hightened sense with choices people make, such as my mentors. Its more a needy kinda thing,controlling kinda thing that has me on hightened alert "oh he skips my comment" "oh he ignores me" that kinda thing. Im hopefull. Im in a position of creating and feel it that way.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 11-11-2021

Really dope things are happening now. Had my car just fixed and feel blessed. Woah. Had strong anxiety coming up, which im getting better and better at in letting go and started gratitude right there. Just repeating it in my mind. Mind is powerfull. And the anxiety was gone, calmed me down. Thats some quick ass manifestation right there. Feeling kinda unstoppable. Now im buzzing. Gratitude is underestimated if you ask me. It also kills lust for result, which OF has helped wonders with aswell as Shannons advice of allowing the sub to show. It really clicks as of late.

It feels good to feel good!

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 11-12-2021

Im feeling rough, raw. Yet sure and confident? Its kinda paradoxial. Synchronicities are pretty overt and abundant. I opened this video and its directly what I needed.

RE: OFv3 being fearless - Kol - 12-09-2021


I have become the sex money and power. Im feeling somewhat supernatural these days. My practices are through the roof, looks im getting are insane, and I've ran since this post OFv3 beyond the 6 months. Some would say im comfortable with the sub, but this lack of lust for result, the set and forget is key. Idgaf about the sub. Similar to putting my will into the universe, and then "forgetting" I did, so these forces can work through my life.

After I hit the 180 days mark, things were being brought to the next level. Core levels, surface levels. My confidence is skyhigh, idk what fear is anymore. Im feeling grounded, solid.

This morning, reading about DMSI being released, I was wondering about it. I really had no inclination anymore to run it as im already having it. Im multi dimensional. Thats how I describe it. 6 months OF is minimum, in my case, OF brought me to a whole new level after that. Maybe, because I let go of the timeframe, thus grounding in my own power, maybe not.

I feel full on electrified, powerfull. Influentional.

I do have to say, my temper can be still go from 0 to a 100 real quick, for example when I couldnt get access to my files on here, and this result in some nastiness. But I digress.