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RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 03-21-2011

It's a great feeling for me to look back on all of the positive changes I've made in myself since starting this journey. The alpha set has helped immensely. It's easy not to take notice when the changes are happening so gradual, but when you really look back and re-live how you used to feel about certain scenario's that now no longer phase, you can guage just how much you've grown.

For instance, I have long since viewed love as a chemical dependacy and this article I just read right here further confirms that and the alpha set has been my methadone of sorts to help wean me off of those powerful mood altering chemicals that usually aren't all that healthy neither or neccesary. Not that, I don't ever experience them at all, but there is now rarely ever the NEED to get my fix from the chemicals of love. In fact, according to that article above, the chemicals of Lust, Romantic Love and Long Term commitment are three seperate mixtures that can be experienced alone or simultaneously. The need for the feelings of Romantic Love were the first thing I was able to wean myself off of (Not to say that the alpha set deadens you, it just helps you to regulate your mood better. Also, this was my conscious desire and it certainly helped). Lust is a tougher one and one I'm still working on, but I have gained such good control over it that I am amazed by it. By the way, guys, again I'll say that I'm not advocating to be emotionally deadened, just to have better control over yourselves. Scientific research has shown that men's brains are actually impaired quite a bit when they're talking with a woman they find attractive. actually become dumber when you're talking to a women you like. You can see how it would help to have control over this sort of thing. It puts you leagues above any other guy she's talked to. That's the true sign of an alpha, having absolute presence with a beautiful woman or put another way, not being mentally impaired by the chemicals of lust. Yet another reason for everyone to do the alpha set at least once.

Now on to what I'm doing right now. ASC and approach anxiety. Enough people have sung the praises of ASC and that's because it's awesome. I haven't really heard anyone mention much about the Approach Anxiety sub, though. That sub is fantastic. Maybe a mixture of the two is super powerful or something, because I feel incredibly powerful and it's growing every day. Also, I didn't realize until I really started listening to the approach anxiety sub, but there's something in there in that's incredibly useful to me that I didn't notice at first glance and that was the stuff in the script about always having something interesting to say when you talk to a woman you find attractive. When I let myself banter, I am great at it, but I think I subconsciously block myself off from it sometimes. Well this has helped a lot and I didn't even notice the difference until I realized just how much I actually have been bantering lately with every woman I meet. The funny thing is that I really don't want anything from women right now. I'm just bantering for the hell of it. I suppose these girls I'm charming will be useful for when I DO want something.

Anyway, that's a long enough rant for now.

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Spiral - 03-22-2011

That's a good testimonial on the approach anxiety sub. I think sex magnet deals with approach anxiety and social anxiety, as well. The only thing I'm concerned about if it enhances flirting skills

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - RainbowAbyss - 03-22-2011

Cortez, awesome post, that sounds like a great sub combo
I def will have to try it, I hope sex magnet makes going all the way with women
Something one consistently is down for, I mean not needing is great but so is wanting and gettingaSmile lol
I really like how u put alpha; as methadone, its so true, I feel so stable inside, stoic so to speak. Spiral, how could sex magnet not enhance flirting skills lol

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Spiral - 03-22-2011

touche Rainbow... touche

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 03-22-2011

Wanting and getting is good too. The best feeling drugs are the one we produce ourselves...

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 03-29-2011

I'm still on ASC and Approach Anxiety. Good stuff. Again I say that the approach anxiety sub is powerful stuff. The line in the scripting about having no anxiety about anything is affecting me on all levels. I feel pretty damn good, all things considered. I had some bad luck today and I'll probably have to spend a lot of money on a new transmission. Not all that stressed out, though, considering I may well be quite broke. That's incentive to do better in life. I am no longer a victim of anything. S*** happens, I guess. At least my sex life is great Big Grin

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - RainbowAbyss - 03-29-2011

(03-29-2011, 02:05 PM)Cortez Wrote: I'm still on ASC and Approach Anxiety. Good stuff. Again I say that the approach anxiety sub is powerful stuff. The line in the scripting about having no anxiety about anything is affecting me on all levels. I feel pretty damn good, all things considered. I had some bad luck today and I'll probably have to spend a lot of money on a new transmission. Not all that stressed out, though, considering I may well be quite broke. That's incentive to do better in life. I am no longer a victim of anything. S*** happens, I guess. At least my sex life is great Big Grin

That will take the edge of anythingSmile

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 03-30-2011

Lol, it sure does. All things considered, life feels great right now. More and more I'm feeling in total alignment(as Abraham Hicks puts it).

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 04-12-2011

This month on Approach Anxiety and Absolute Self Confidence has just shifted the effects that I had from Alpha Male in to overdrive. The programming in the AA sub has made me pretty much free of all anxiety. I just don't feel it anymore for the most part. The ASC sub mixed with what I already had from AM 2010 has given me such a powerful feeling of confidence all the time and such a feeling of being on top of the world, like there's just no way I can lose. I'm feeling good and very driven. I think I'll start Sex Magnet very soon because it is pretty much summer now and that will be a fun summer sub. : )

So, I'm going to be in Austin on Saturday, recording a podcast with Rion Williams. Anyone have any questions they want answered?

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Shannon - 04-13-2011

Yeah. Are you an affiliate yet? Think about the money you could make with connections like Rion Williams, dude!

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 04-13-2011

I was going to talk to you about that, Shannon. I do have a website(hell I even have Zan Perrion as a fan of my facebook page). As well as being an affiliate, I was hoping after I do the Rion podcast that I can do one with you about your subliminals. I'm sure something like that would send some people your way as there's a lot of people who still don't understand them or just flat out think that they don't work when they are such an amazing tool for self improvement.

Here's our website. That's the beta, but we work on it a lot.

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Shannon - 04-13-2011

Sounds good. Smile

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - RainbowAbyss - 04-13-2011

Cortez, how do you, like u personally, do a grounding session. Do you have the cds, use grounding tv or youtube? Do you try to get really emotional, or just feel the feminine energy and letting it bring you into deep medidation? How long? All that kind of stuff.
thanks and I think I might copy ur asc and approach anxiety sub combo after Alpha, a month of that should lead nicely into sex magnet. I might be to impatient to wait but it sounds like a really fun combo.

RE: The Modern Libertine's diary - Cortez - 04-14-2011

My view on NG is a little different than Rion's. I personally used to watch a few videos that got me emotional and then watch whatever videos I felt like for the grounding part of it. My favorites were SNSD and Takahashi Ai videos and you can find all of those on youtube. My way was pretty straight forward and worked pretty well. As long as you're getting some kind of emotional release out of it then it's working. Watch whatever videos give you an emotional release. That's half the point of it. So I would do that for a little while each morning and it helped out a lot.

Also, I don't feel the need to continue doing it unless I really want to. You can overdo anything. If it stops working for you then stop doing it. I hardly ever do it anymore, I don't feel like I need to that much, but two years ago it made a huge difference in me. I also don't like to describe NG in terms of energy, like saying it makes you energy attract women or anything like that. I think it just makes you value women on a different level which makes you way more attractive to them, leaving energy out of the argument altogether.