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I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Printable Version

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RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Shannon - 08-25-2016

(08-25-2016, 07:30 PM)Steven Wrote: Shannon,

I guess this is what is most confusing for me. I am attracted to women, yet men seem to be responding much better than women to me now that I've been listening to v2.3 for about a week now. That just makes no sense to me.

I can't say I understand it yet either.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Have at ye - 08-26-2016

Quote:So, I've had resistance all day, the sad and depressive kind. I ran another loop to see if I could tunnel through it. Ended up making the resistance worse. In fact, I started to get one of my terrifying resistance migraines -- seriously, these things HURT and no amount of pain reliever stops the aching. Dawned on me that I hadn't eaten anything, so I ran up to the burger joint up the road and ordered this huge burger and fries meal. Here's the weird thing: this was definitely some kind of autopilot and/or OE decision. I did it without even thinking. It's hard to explain, but it was like I was kind of in a daze.

Sounds like dehydration (no painkiller will help with that, maybe with the exception of opiates and hardcore, hospital-grade anesthesia, and that's a dangerous course to take Big Grin). The nervous system requires an obscene amount of electrolytes to keep up with what the new g of programs is demanding of it, and that's why food is helping with that (there's plenty of water in juicy burgers Wink ). I'm drinking 2 bottles of pure water everyday now, and that's on top of anything else I might be eating or drinking, and I haven't had any of those headaches since my first week with DMSI 2.2 (though I did feel them creeping in sometimes, especially when I got tired/got sweaty).

EDIT - 2 bottles = 3 liters.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-26-2016

Day 6:

Zero loops last night.

I actually didn't do any loops last night. I have to go to court in a few minutes to handle a speeding ticket. In the south, they can issue something called a "Prayer for Justice" (PJC) if you haven't had any traffic violations in a few years. Basically, you pay the court fine and you get nothing on your record. BUT, the ADA or Judge (whoever you get called in front of) has to offer it. Most of the ADAs here are women, and since I'm still experiencing ghosting, didn't want to blow my chance. I'll get my loops in when I get back.

That being said, I still had multiple dreams last night that I can't really remember. Both were of the negative emotional state. One had something to do with my parents selling their house and moving into an apartment and I couldn't understand why they would possibly sell a house that's paid for. The other had something to do with me being on the run from some kind of authority. It was a very vivid dream at the time, definitely from processing DMSI v2.3.

It's good to see some positive attraction responses this morning (Kenpachi, Dzemoo, et. al.) -- I was starting to feel a little hopeless about v2.3. I can go without female attraction for a month, no biggie, especially with the crazy inner effects. It's just that, after this 32 days, I'm on to BASE 4g + UM to get my business / life to the point where I'm crazy profitable.

This was supposed to be my last month of debauchery for awhile and so far, I've just been focused on boxing and business, lol.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - CatMan - 08-26-2016

(08-25-2016, 08:31 PM)Shannon Wrote: BTW, the script is identical between 2.2 and 2.3, but the healing and OGSF modules are disabled.

Hi Shannon,

I just wanted a bit of clarification on this.

You determined that most likely the cause for V2.2's issues was a script issue where one part of the script went for V2.1's goal, rather than V2.2's, creating a conflict. You removed healing and OGSF from V2.3 to make sure it seems, but you saying the "script is identical" worries me. Was the script error changed?

Probably reading too far into that, but I wanted to be sure to put it out of my mind. That and I've seen that quote quoted a few times now, so it's nagging at me, lol.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - RTBoss - 08-26-2016

(08-26-2016, 04:20 AM)CatMan Wrote:
(08-25-2016, 08:31 PM)Shannon Wrote: BTW, the script is identical between 2.2 and 2.3, but the healing and OGSF modules are disabled.

Hi Shannon,

I just wanted a bit of clarification on this.

You determined that most likely the cause for V2.2's issues was a script issue where one part of the script went for V2.1's goal, rather than V2.2's, creating a conflict. You removed healing and OGSF from V2.3 to make sure it seems, but you saying the "script is identical" worries me. Was the script error changed?

Probably reading too far into that, but I wanted to be sure to put it out of my mind. That and I've seen that quote quoted a few times now, so it's nagging at me, lol.

I second that. Also, clarification on energy sourcing.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Dilettante - 08-26-2016

Hey chaos, has the anger subsided during your run?

I'm asking because I stopped using it about day 3 when my anger was getting the best of me (it was very much like rage) and normally i dont express my anger.


RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-26-2016

(08-26-2016, 04:43 AM)Dilettante Wrote: Hey chaos, has the anger subsided during your run?

I'm asking because I stopped using it about day 3 when my anger was getting the best of me (it was very much like rage) and normally i dont express my anger.


It comes and goes -- I'm swinging from one mood to another within minutes. Earlier, I was completely calm and collected, especially while at the courthouse (damn State Trooper didn't show up, so they reassigned my court date). On the way home, I began thinking of some random things that happened in my past (most likely from DMSI processing) and I was suddenly full of rage.

In my sub experience, rage is generally caused by two things:

1. I'm playing the ultrasonic too loud, and as a naturally resistant, rebellious person (can you tell, lol), I get EXTREMELY angry because my subconscious is perceiving the subliminal programming as being told what to do. In this case, I switch to masked and the rage subsides.

2. The programming is bringing up memories and I get enraged at the person for mistreating me, and at myself for letting that person mistreat me.

I do a lot of mental alchemy exercises during the day -- my favorite one allows me to monitor the flow of my thoughts, which I write down and try to find patterns in the thought flow. Since starting DMSI, one of the prevailing patterns is a strong disdain for the fact that women seem to apply value based upon their sexual attraction. If they find you sexually attractive, it's like you have more value to the world -- intelligence, honor, life works be damned. Lot of anger coming from that, and when women get obnoxious on my Tinder or OkCupid, in the past, I would just block 'em. Now, I've really been slamming the proverbial "ice pick up their nose and into their brains" as a result.

For example (paraphrasing a real convo I had few days ago):
Me: [Nice message]
Her: [Rude, obnoxious rejection]
Me: lol. You should've been aborted.
Her: Is that a threat?
Me: ... Clearly, it's not -- unless I can go back in time and force your mother to abort you. Wait! It is a threat! I'm gonna make inventing time travel my life's mission, so I can go back in time and force your mother to abort you!
Her: blah blah blah, who cares

I blocked her after that. Funny thing is, it seemed like she was trying to apologize for her comment. But any woman that would be turned on after I said some shit like that is not someone I want to be with.

[Second example EDITED so I wouldn't break Rule #4. Just know, it was f*cked up and I got her ass good. Wink]

Am I being mature with these? Probably not. Does it feel good? Yea, it does. Arguably, women do this shit because there's no repercussions. Start verbally smacking back and maybe things will change. One thing I never do: Approach a woman, get rejected and then go: "OMG YOU WERE UGLY ANYWAY." Yeah... that one won't work. But I won't be afraid to call someone out on being rude.

Got a little sidetracked there, but the TL;DR version is: Yes, the rage passes. It comes and goes like [insert profound quip here.]

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - LionKing - 08-26-2016

lol. BTW, I get the same effect from listening to the US track for too long or too loud. Or any track for too long (like 24-48 hours). Clearly feels like I'll get angry at the sub, and then I'll know I need to take a break from it.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-26-2016

Codex updated to include latest development:

* Users are reporting a strong desire to quit DMSI -- and pursuing women in general -- in exchange for personal development subs, like E2 or AM6 (in my case, BASE 4g + UM).

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-26-2016


Whoa! Makes me wonder if Shannon was on the right track to include the healing module in v2.2. As I've said before, I really liked that healing module!

To be more specific, when I first started v2.2 I basically became a hermit and super introverted, even nervous around women which was weird because I usually feel very comfortable around women. After about 4 weeks it seemed the shift was from healing to going out. By about the 6 week mark, I was all about going out and talking with women. So it seemed the healing took about 6 weeks.

Thanks for the update! This v2.3 is a real mystery!

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-26-2016

(08-26-2016, 06:35 AM)Steven Wrote: @chaosvrgn

Whoa! Makes me wonder if Shannon was on the right track to include the healing module in v2.2. As I've said before, I really liked that healing module!

To be more specific, when I first started v2.2 I basically became a hermit and super introverted, even nervous around women which was weird because I usually feel very comfortable around women. After about 4 weeks it seemed the shift was from healing to going out. By about the 6 week mark, I was all about going out and talking with women. So it seemed the healing took about 6 weeks.

Thanks for the update! This v2.3 is a real mystery!

If I recall, Shannon said that the models indicated that v2.2 would take about a month and a half to really start working for people. A combo of v2.2 for the healing and v2.3 might be "the one."

Interestingly enough, I'm on my first loop today and I am BURNING UP. I've never felt the v2.3 aura like this. It's almost on v1 level. From head to toe, there's a fine layer of sweat covering me and I can feel the aura immolating.

I'm not sure if 7 loops was too much or if the sub is finally starting to ingrain (like other people are reporting) but maybe we're on the verge of a massive paradigm shift here!

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-26-2016


1) Yesterday I couldn't get enough A/C which is odd because I usually felt on the cool side before starting the DMSI series. But yesterday was a whole new level of heat.

2) I feel like there's a lot going on in my head in addition to those alien out of character kind of thoughts I'm having. So I think I know what you mean about a massive paradigm shift.

3) That 6 week point (or month and a half) was right on as far as I'm concerned.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Have at ye - 08-26-2016

Well, the goal of the sub is, ultimately, to have women pursue you.

Thus, if the moronic societally impressed concept of "men as pursuers" (the turbocapitalist carrot-and-stick method of exploiting male sexual energy for profit) has a powerful hold on your view of the world, it's no wonder your subconscious is going to try to hold on it to it for dear life.

The whole deal is most unhealthy. Especially for women.


It was in response to this post:

Quote:* Users are reporting a strong desire to quit DMSI -- and pursuing women in general -- in exchange for personal development subs, like E2 or AM6 (in my case, BASE 4g + UM).

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-26-2016

(08-26-2016, 09:08 AM)Have at ye Wrote: Well, the goal of the sub is, ultimately, to have women pursue you.

Thus, if the moronic societally impressed concept of "men as pursuers" (the turbocapitalist carrot-and-stick method of exploiting male sexual energy for profit) has a powerful hold on your view of the world, it's no wonder your subconscious is going to try to hold on it to it for dear life.

The whole deal is most unhealthy. Especially for women.


It was in response to this post:

Quote:* Users are reporting a strong desire to quit DMSI -- and pursuing women in general -- in exchange for personal development subs, like E2 or AM6 (in my case, BASE 4g + UM).

YES! Completely agree. That's why I've made a personal commitment to seeing this thing through.