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AP Code Suggestion - Printable Version +- Subliminal Talk (https://subliminal-talk.com) +-- Forum: Men's Journals (18+ NSFW) (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals-18-NSFW) +--- Forum: Men's Title Requests & Suggestions (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Title-Requests-Suggestions) +--- Thread: AP Code Suggestion (/Thread-AP-Code-Suggestion) |
RE: AP Code Suggestion - Whisperer - 01-05-2016 Wow, those were some heavy 8 pages. So here's my take: First, I despise the p-word, so I will call it what I saw someone else call it, the Morality Clause. Far better, since this is primarily a case of right or wrong. Which, in the end, is in the eye of the beholder. I'm a proponent of the 'if it's worth it, buy it'-camp. So in my mind/opinion, the phrasing should be more along the lines of: "Once/When/After/As soon as I have perceived the positive/beneficial value this program has brought me/my life, I feel amazing/fulfilled about having purchased this product from the author's website." Perceived value is global enough, even the placebo effect will trigger that. The past tense (manifestation-style) phrasing will either create an incongruity that the subconscious needs to correct by purchasing the product, or will have no effect since the listener has already bought the product. Now, my self-dialogue is a bit rusty, and it takes a lot of re-reads to turn it into something workable, but that's the general idea. The challenge would be that it would also affect third-party listeners (which technically the current script also does). It would create that uncomfortable feeling and yet they have no idea what it is they need to buy to fix it. As much as I love the idea of educating users, I can tell you that many content-sharers are more aware of the ins and outs of copyright laws than your paying customers, and thanks to the nauseating efforts by the music and movie industry hold said copyright laws in very low regard. Mostly because they see how easily copyright laws get abused against both the content-sharers as well as the actual authors/actors/entertainers/writers etc. These people are the kind of people that support bands that use the pay-what-you-think-its-worth system and the independent artists. Next, when it comes to the idea of disabling the effects of the sub, I'd highly recommend against it. The self-development community may have exploded (and since popped) over the past decade, but it is still much like a village where everyone knows one-another and values each other's recommendation. Nowhere more so than in the morally grey area of content-sharing. Allow one member of that village to experience the positive effects of the sub, and they will shout it off the rooftops to the others. Yes, there will be people that leech it just because they can. But they wouldn't pay 500 USD anyway, let alone the estimated price-tag for 6G. Will there be people that can't afford it and so pitch together to buy it? Yes, there will be. That group will be the most vocal in their support and glowing recommendations. They will speak of the wonders of subliminals and make others aware that there is a site called subliminal-shop. A site those others would otherwise have never looked for. Now you've got this influx of people, all intrigued, many likely supportive, wanting to contribute or give back, monetary or otherwise. If even a quarter of them end up purchasing the product (because quite a few of this particular community are actually pretty decent people), it'll still be more than you'd have if that community had not existed or your subs had not worked for them. So, educate, gently guide towards the shopping cart, but don't shut the program down. Finally, be careful with those refuse statements. I cringe just reading them. It's the same with the word decide. The finality and inflexibility of those words hit resistance. You know best, of course, but I literally get a physical reaction, like hitting a wall or having a bucket of ice-water dropped over me. I know a NLP practitioner that loves throwing me embedded commands and anchors just to see me react. Guys, I am reminded of a post Shannon made in the first thread about this topic. He pointed out that you are asking him, a relative stranger, to reprogram your brain with code you cannot hear. No matter how many scripts are published, for some of us, there will always be that nagging doubt that there's a discrepancy between the script and the audio file. And you know what? There may very well be. As long as you don't record them word for word yourself or manipulate the audio to make everything audible somehow, you'll never know. Personally, I'd like to believe my subconscious and the universe are powerful enough to prevent me from turning into a raving serpent-god worshiping lunatic. Just like they are smart enough to realize what I mean by Attract My Perfect Mate without going into every tiny detail. You can either trust, or not. Your choice. Creating all these conspiracy theories doesn't change the fact that you simultaneously experience the desire for the quick fix these products can offer and the fear of the unknown. You'd be running around in circles, still having doubts even if a 1001 chimpanzees on a 1001 typewriters committed the collected works of Shannon L Matteson to paper. Shannon, I have scoured a lot of threads with your posts in them, and I was hoping you'd help me understand your mindset a bit better. You obviously believe in the LoA, which implicitly includes a belief in abundance. You even devoted yourself to this huge multi-year, part manifestation program. And yet you often make limiting statements. You claim 9 out of 10 people that learn your secrets will inevitably use it against you or steal from you or take away your profit, as if there's not enough to go around. And that's the lucky few people whose brain can operate at your level. Earlier in this thread, you were considering using our energy/focus for manifestation to benefit you, which would be consensual (we'd have forewarning), but probably not voluntary. In the same train of thought, you refer to yourself as a scientist as well as an entrepreneur, two things that oppose one another. A true scientist seeks to evolve their chosen field by publishing and collaborative efforts, an entrepreneur seeks mostly personal gain (if the means by which this is done helps others, it's a happy side-effect). You admit yourself you may be years ahead of anyone else in the field, yet you give me the impression you'll take it to the grave and set the field back a decade. I've been reading as many of your posts as I could find to learn and to understand so that I too may grow, but I keep noticing this conflict. Am I just misinterpreting? RE: AP Code Suggestion - TheRealJustin - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 10:20 AM)Whisperer Wrote: Wow, those were some heavy 8 pages. So here's my take: Yea I'm not trying to start conspiracies or anything like that. I love these subs, they've really helped me out a lot in life but it sucks seeing all this added stuff because it's stuff that I really do not want being programmed into my brain at all. I wish Shannon had enough faith in himself and his talent to just make purely golden subs without even thinking about the people trying to wrong him and only focusing on the people who buy his subs. This could be one of the most helpful companies to ever exist I just wish Shannon would just forget about the people out there looking for a freebie and only focus on the people who aren't because tons of companies achieve mass success without doind any of these anti-piracy measures and I'm sure this company can too without doing any of these anti-piracy measures. Thrive in spite of the pirates instead of trying to spite the pirates. I'd like to feel excited about trying out the newer generation subliminals instead of feeling like I may be screwing myself over by having an apcode going into my brain daily at rapid fire rates and not knowing how it's going to affect me. I'm not trying to start some hoohaa shut it down conspiracy I just want to use the subs I buy peacefully without worrying about other stuff in the sub and how it will affect me when that stuff doesn't even need to be in the sub and the only reason it's in the sub is to stop random people from getting a freebie. I say who cares about the people that get the freebies, just continue doing what you do best and then it will all balance out in your favor. RE: AP Code Suggestion - Survivor - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 10:17 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: Also, this line here concerns me: 'I am now consciously aware of all the positive effects this program has had and is having on me, and I attribute them all to this program. ' You know what, what I find amusing is that even though there are such lines in the script, Shannon still takes his time to say to people for whom a particular sub hasn't worked that 'it is partly because of the naturaliser, it is subtle'.Considering there are such obvious lines in the sub the naturaliser doesn't even need acknowledgement.. This is like a line that says 'I am now consciosly aware that the program is working /making impact/whatever for me'- How can we know if there isn't such lines in the subs ? The truth is we can never know, even if we feel there is such thing! Such a line could very much, as you say, trigger you to give credit for any little thing that happens , with that wording it sounds pretty powerful and all-encompassing. RE: AP Code Suggestion - TheRealJustin - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 01:59 PM)Survivor Wrote:(01-05-2016, 10:17 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: Also, this line here concerns me: Yea, though that line isn't a big deal to me I think it would be better if it were something more like "It's easy for me to notice what this sub is doing even when the change is so natural it feels like I've always been this way" Something like that but shortened up idk, just something so we don't credit every little thing to the sub but still do give the sub credit where it's due. I never tried a sub with the naturalizer in it so idk maybe if that line wasn't there I would try it and be like "these subs don't do sh*t" but really I'm a completely different person, but I'd have to hope I'd beable to think back to how I was before the sub and see myself afterwards and see the difference without being scripted to see the difference, but like I said that line isn't a huge deal to me, that wouldn't make me reconsider buying something but it is something that could just be left out I think. And you're right a lot of people will use subs with the naturalizer and not get any results. That also makes me curious about the apcode because Shannon has mentioned if you activate the apcode it will affect the use of other programs. So, pretend someone runs Sex Magnet 3, and they get some results, but to them it was nothing impressive and they feel like though they had some internal results, 500 dollars was too much money. Now, say that person returns the sub. That means that they used the subs for free, there's virtually no difference between that person and a pirate since they both used and benefited from the subliminal absolutely free. So, is the person that bought sex magnet 3, ran it, and got little results, and then returned it, are all of the future subs they run going to work differently? For pirates Shannon has said for example if you run AM5 even for 10 seconds fr free, you need to buy am5 before starting AM6 or else the program will be working differently. He doesn't say it won't work, he says it works differently. So, for someone who buys and gains some value, and then returns, will all of their future purchases run differently also? How will the brain know to run future programs differently in one senario and not the other? There's just too many outcomes from too many situations, and too many unknowns and that's why I'm so against apcode. I'm not against Shannon or his subs I hope people understand that I just want to get what I pay for and nothing more. Everyone makes it seem like I'm just trying to make it so people can pirate his sh*t worry free, I'm not. See, there was a store metaphor used earlier about a store not being afraid of theft but also the paying customers have nothing to worry about with alarms, security guards, and cameras. They don't affect paying customers in anyway and there's literally nothing to worry about. If these stores, however instead of having those security measures just played a subliminal over the speakers to program their brains, then guess what? NOBODY WOULD SHOP AT THAT STORE!!!!! You can't analogize two things that simply don't go together they are too different literally if theft is that big of a deal, seriously you can put these subs on CD and sell them at Target and Best Buy and have the security that a store offers. Seriously. I would MUCH rather go to Best Buy and buy these subs on CD's and NOT have all this extra stuff in them. RE: AP Code Suggestion - Survivor - 01-05-2016 I noticed an interesting pattern. It all started with how Shannon, in an attempt to stop the emerging discussion of the AP code, told RealJustin that the AntiPiracy measures affect only his subs, yet in the FAQ it was written they affect piracy in general. If you have read th thread:'Am6 did not work' where the whole Ap code disscussion started, you'll know. Then there was this sudden discovery by Shannon that only the educational part made it in the scripts of the programs.He hasn't realised it was only it, he 'thought the paying in another way was also there'.For 2 years he hasn't realised this? What scientist are you then, I thought you are a careful scripter.What also raised my red flags was that you usually don't jump so fast into conclusions- how can you possibly be sure it is only the educational part if you haven't checked the script of your every program? You don't usually jump to conclusions so fast, and unless you are 100% sure..Possibly another attempt to stop the AP code disscussion, and possibly a deceit.. And then we had a post of Shannon in which he said one of the reasons the Ap code won't be revealed is because the pirates could find a way to beat it.Yet, he gladly posted the new AP script and the old AP script.I don't know for you but this screams 'DECEIT' to me.Either this is only a very small part of the AP code, or it is not the Ap code at all. See above. There are too many misleadings, so much as it is becoming a pattern. Take a look at post #86 and post #89 of the thread 'Am6 did not work' by pcprepair951{I can't quote them because the thread is closed , I've posted them below) What I find ALARMING is how Shannon for years defends his AP code, tells left and right it is a strongly-protected secret, and that if he shares it pirates may find a way to disregard it and bypass it (as we'll see in the following posts below) , yet out of the blue he gladly and almost happily shares both the new and the old AP code. And this old AP code is only 4-5 statements and NO paying in another way as mentioned.Hard to believe this is the full Ap code, Shannon just takes the approach'If I don't tell them it is not the full Ap code, I haven't lied.. simply because I haven't mentioned it at all'.{ and if someone can find me the post where Shannon says the Ap script is around 3% of the program It will give a lot to this case! These 4-5 statements are merely less than 1% of even the 4G programs, not to mention compared to 5Gs..} post 86# (Shannon):' Maybe because knowing that information could perhaps make it less useful for it's intended purpose? Perhaps knowing what it says would help pirates defeat it? So it's a secret. And unless I can find a way to release without making it easier to defeat, it's probably going to stay a secret. ' post 89# (Shannon)' The AP code is a secret in an effort to keep it from being easier to bypass. It is not easy to bypass, but if there were enough known about it, and it were sufficiently intelligent person attempting to do so, it might be possible. It's not advertising or stuff like that. (and many others posts like these around the forum 'Ap code is secret, secret secret') ------------------------------------------------- (12-31-2015, 02:14 PM)Shannon Wrote: "Paying in another way" was originally designed to be the expression of energy out into the universe to do good as a way to balance the negative effects of the act of piracy. Expression of energy? Where does that energy come from, THE ONLY POSSIBLE SOURCE IS THE USER.SOUNDS LIKE HARVESTING ENERGY TO ME.There must be a source of this energy, and the only possible is the pirater.And what if this affects the paying customers as well? And even if it doesn't, the deceit comes from the fact the piraters do suffer from this process and is indeed harmful. Here is yet another thing which totally sounds like HARVESTING ENERGY FROM THE USER AND PUTTING IT INTO USE FOR SHANNON,in one form or another, paying Shannon. (12-09-2014, 11:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: Leon appears to be one of those. But, rest assured, he is paying for it in another way. He's just not aware enough to notice how. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You'd rather pay the monetary price, than pay the price the AP code extracts. Either way, I get paid. Only a fool tests me on that point and decides not to pay for the program. What I find even more alarming is how Shannon tells left and right the AP code doesn't induce negative emotions, it is harmful and such, yet his posts are OBVIOSLY aimed at inducing fear of the AP code and to get people to buy his programs OR ELSE _________(fear, paying in another way- how is that not negative and not harmful?) Examples:post 94# in the same 'Am6 did not work' thread: 'Much easier and cheaper to pay with money.' (So if it is not payed with money, the piracy is worth negativity equal of more than 500$?? That is quite a lot of consequence.) (12-09-2014, 11:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: Leon appears to be one of those. But, rest assured, he is paying for it in another way. He's just not aware enough to notice how. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You'd rather pay the monetary price, than pay the price the AP code extracts. Either way, I get paid. Only a fool tests me on that point and decides not to pay for the program. The fact that is also much bothersome is that for the first time ever, in this thread, we are let know by Shannon that the AP script is also being 'executed by the non-pirates' and on some level being affected.Till now, for years, we have been lied/misleaded that 'AP code activates only on pirated copies'. There are so many incongruencies that I noticed in your posts, Shannon , that I am seriously confused about you and your honesty. RE: AP Code Suggestion - Whisperer - 01-05-2016 EDIT: As a note, this refers to the script as it's currently been implemented in certain products. The new suggested script on page 6 of this thread addresses 99% of these issues and is in my opinion a quantum leap improvement. By the power vested in me by the Elders of the Internet, I hereby baptize that script the Morality Clause 2G. Apart from us still being unable to comprehend the amount of work that goes into it, since we neither posses the necessary information or the required skillset for comprehension. But I'll leave that one up to Shannon. He obviously put some thought in it. Now, on with the original post: In the end, how you've framed it matters to the interpretation. It's still verbal communication, which is quite limited. So let's break it down a bit: I now refuse to steal this program. Too late, already stolen. Won't steal it again, though. And was I really stealing it? Maybe someone else did, they just made it available for my perusal. Next. I now refuse to pirate or illegally copy, share, give away, distribute or profit from this program. Okay, 9 out of 10 people have the same interpretation of the p-word hammered into us by the news, and a general idea what Shannon would consider legal and illegal as it pertains to his products. So this one works, I suppose. I now try to understand, appreciate and value the time, skill, effort and cost that went into making this program. This is a dubious one. In communicating with oneself, we learn that if you use the word 'try', you've just given yourself permission to fail. So the subconscious can easily ignore this if it wants. A better choice would be 'strive'. Apart from that, a variation of this statement would be perfectly acceptable. Just give us a way to actually gain that understanding and to quantify the time, skill, effort and cost, or our mind will keep it as an un-resolvable command and it will leech our energy. The more secrets and mystery, the more difficult for us to follow up on it. It may even push us to keep asking the same annoying questions in the forum over and over again in a desperate effort to comprehend. Oops, too late. I now know, accept, understand, believe, sense, feel, acknowledge and act upon the fact that it is wrong to break copyright law concerning this program, so I naturally refuse to break copyright law concerning this program. Well, if you feel the need to, so be it. You really tried to get all the learning modalities included, didn't ya? If I am using a pirated copy of this program, I now want, need and choose to either stop using it and delete all copies of it that I have, or do what it takes to pay for a legal copy. Very strong phrasing, probably needs a buildup, a precedence for compliance. Otherwise it may hit some resistance. I'd rather not see it, of course, but I understand its inclusion. However, if you give people the option of deleting all copies they have, why tell everyone their only path to redemption is purchase (and if their copy has been mass distributed they're f*cked for life)? ** Deal with naturalizer effects ** I am now consciously aware of all the positive effects this program has had and is having on me, and I attribute them all to this program. Every time I read this, I get this circular feeling, a chicken and egg. Once you consciously link a behavioral shift to the program, you will proceed to attribute that effect to your usage of the program, which will reinforce your belief that it was the program that caused it, making you look for even more proof (which you will inevitably find, LoA-101), attributing that and so on and so on. It becomes a perpetual self-fulfilling prophecy. The reason Justin keeps tripping over this one is probably because it feels off somehow. I agree, I wouldn't know how to fix it though. The intended message is valid, almost like a foundation to my earlier suggestion. I now educate myself about the copyright laws affecting me and follow those copyright laws. Should this be placed earlier? Also, to alleviate concerns previously mentioned, you might want to rewrite to follow copyright laws where they concern Shannon's products. It's very global now. I'm sure other copyright owners will be very appreciative for your effort in leading these misguided sheep to obey ALL copyright laws for EVERY product. This is the one previous posters were so scared of. YouTube will be an empty place when everyone has done your subs. Fortunately, it's not very forceful. Years of existing copyright infringements by the average user should be able to resist it autonomously. There are two significant items to learn from the above script lines: First, they almost all refer to this program. That means the code will logically not apply to the next program you do. If you were to obtain AM6 from alternate sources, the script would only apply to you in AM6. If you bought SM3 from Shannon, the AM6 script will not apply there. Of course, the only line that would not be acted upon would be the if-line. All standard paying customers will most certainly act on the other affirmations, proceed to inform themselves about copyright laws and feel an aversion to breaking such laws for everything under the sun, including - but not limited to - Shannon's products. Second, it stands to reason that Shannon was exaggerating a bit when he indicated the script would be active if you only listened to the first 30 seconds. The odds are these particular script-lines have not been placed all the way at the start of the sessions. It's far more likely they get introduced somewhere around 15 minutes, when you've been softened up. Oh, and Survivor, there probably are affirmations in the script that shift our state to believing something that isn't true yet in order to have it become true. That's just how your mind works. It may even be along the lines of 'I now realize that this program is already producing tangible and desired/expected results in my body, my mind, my environment and my life' Why? Because Shannon doesn't know every tiny thing there is to know about for example being an Alpha Male. But your subconscious does, how else are you able to recognize one instinctively? The Alpha Code is written in our genes. The above script is a shortcut that forces your subconscious to make you display Alpha behaviors, without the need to specify said behaviors. It has no choice, there's a discrepancy between the statement and your current behaviors. And like the highlander said: There can be only one. And that is the one you repeat to yourself most often. Guess which one that'll be... By the way, if you want a nice example of copyright being abused, search for the lawsuit against Prelude to Axanar. It's sickening. They make almost a million in crowdfunding to produce a non-profit fan fiction movie like there have been so many before, and suddenly the studio demands 150k and a cut of the non-existent profits, claiming a violation of intellectual property laws. Duh, it's fan-fiction. Of course they'll try and make it look as close to the original as possible. Other such projects even hired the original actors (but they only raised a measly 300k). Where does that money go if they win? Not to the creation of new content, certainly not to any of the actors and people involved. Nope, it goes to the shareholders. RE: AP Code Suggestion - TheRealJustin - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 06:21 PM)Survivor Wrote: I noticed an interesting pattern. Damn, BRAVO man, good job putting that all together. RE: AP Code Suggestion - TheRealJustin - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 06:56 PM)Whisperer Wrote: EDIT: As a note, this refers to the script as it's currently been implemented in certain products. The new suggested script on page 6 of this thread addresses 99% of these issues and is in my opinion a quantum leap improvement. By the power vested in me by the Elders of the Internet, I hereby baptize that script the Morality Clause 2G. If you listen to a sub for 1 second then you've heard the whole script. It does not get introduced 15 minutes in. Every second that goes by, you've heard it. Shannon has said pirating one sub will affect the use of all subs, so you don't know what you're talking about. RE: AP Code Suggestion - TheRealJustin - 01-05-2016 (01-05-2016, 06:21 PM)Survivor Wrote: I noticed an interesting pattern. Yea, I just read this again and you totally caught this dude in a web of lies. I could tell he was lying and or giving half truths but I never knew how to say it or show it. Thank you for putting this together because the way people react to me I was starting to wonder if maybe I was just tripping out and seeing things that weren't there but yea, you pinned the tail on the donkey! I definitely will never be buying a sub from this company again. I would return every sub I have but I'm sure they wouldn't give me my money back but whatever, what goes around comes around, like Shannon always says if he was doing shady sh*t it would come back to him, looks like it may be coming back guess he was right. There's actually a program available that lets you type in your own affirmations and it makes a sub for you, prob not as good as Shannon's subs but oh well, I can't trust Shannon, nobody should. I actually read something about a year ago on some weird as* forum saying Shannon used to be called catboy or something like that and they were saying to never trust him and stuff but I figured it was just some people jealous of him or something but they must have known what they were talking about. Good luck to everyone that sticks around, hopefully you guys don't actually have anything to worry about, like I said I'm not wishing doom and gloom on Shannon or his company, but I definitely do care more about myself than I do this company, and I'm not going to use subs from someone that clearly has a lot of growing up to do. This guy is treating our minds like a game or something, hardcore inferiority complex. Must have grown up a complete loser and is now seeking some sort of sick revenge on anyone that does anything outside of what he sees as okay or not okay without even caring if it's legal. Not legal in Shannon's eyes and I guess it's not legal at all. Hopefully you guys spread the truth more so people know exactly what they're getting into and who they're dealing with before they start buying and listening to these subs. Buyer Beware. RE: AP Code Suggestion - JakeAlOmani - 01-05-2016 This is all really unnecessary. I believe in the power of his products and I believe in his integrity... I do however, strongly suggest, and affirm, that dropping the AP code is the best choice forward. This is not just based on reasoning, but also combined with intuition beyond the logical/reason/linear mind, this is the right choice to take. RE: AP Code Suggestion - Dzemoo - 01-06-2016 (01-05-2016, 10:13 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote:(01-05-2016, 06:21 PM)Survivor Wrote: I noticed an interesting pattern. lol that was too much dude no need to get that personal ![]() when i look at how many poeple got banned latley for showing bad behavior i wonder what it has to do with subs if they are changing poeple in an unsocial way No AP Code for Paying Customers, Please! - hunk - 01-06-2016 Happy new year, everyone. Wow! what a thread. It's a really pertinent issue that has been on my mind as well like of many of you and I'm glad it is under discussion and review. Just went through the entire thread and here's my vote: No Anti Piracy (AP) code for paying customers, please! IML products are digital products and I believe they have a right to take reasonable measures to prevent any unauthorised use of their products. At the same time paying customers have a right to request for products free of any AP code or any other undesired programming. My solution to this current issue of AP code is to prepare two copies of products. Distribute the one containing some sort of AP code, but allow customers who ask for a clean copy to be able to have access to a clean copy. What sort of AP code should the dirty (as opposed to clean) copy contain? There are two options here based on how much beneficial the unauthorised use and distribution is to IML. 1. If IML isn't benefitting from unauthorised use of its products the AP code could nullify any benefits from the use of products. [I'm no expert on scripting, but it could be something along the lines of: "If I haven't paid IML US$X for this program I now cease to listen to this program and not gain any benefit from it."] 2. If, however, the unauthorised use and distribution is benefitting IML and is one of their main sources of advertising/marketing - the AP code could contain statements which cause the person to pay the cost of program to IML if they are comfortably able to do so. However, to be fair and just, this payment should be in the form of a financial transaction only (as opposed to any other form like energy etc.). [Again, the sample script could be: "If I haven't paid IML US$X for this program and if I am comfortably able to raise US$X to pay to IML for this program I now take steps to raise US$X and pay that to IML."] 2a. Optionally, if it is desired that people who are unable to pay for the program do not use it any longer, another piece of scripting could be added. Something along the lines of: "If I haven't paid IML US$X for this program and if I am not in a position to comfortably raise US$X to pay to IML for this program I now stop listening to this program and not gain any benefit from it." These should ensure that users don't go into hardship trying to pay for the products and that they don't take extreme measures to raise funds to pay for the products. In addition, if they're unable to pay they stop listening to the program and do not gain any benefit from it. Educating people on copyright law is a very risky business. Copyright law varies in different countries and also it's open to interpretation. Plus the onus of educating the users shouldn't lay on IML. In a world where burglars sue the home owners when they (burglars) break into a home and hurt themselves, I wouldn't add anything untoward to the AP code. Now the above options do not take care of the bystander scenario or the cases where a person gifts the program to a friend/family. Taking care of these cases will add more complexity to the AP code for distinguishing between a listener who has been gifted the program vs a bystander vs someone whose copy hasn't been paid for. (I'm not even sure if it's possible to distinguish between these classes of users) At which point it will be IML's call whether to make the AP code this complex or will they just want to get rid of the AP code altogether. It's their business and it's their call based on their market research, cost/benefit analysis and the feedback from existing and potential future customers. Whichever way they (IML) choose to go (AP code or no AP code) the paying customers should have a way to obtain a clean copy devoid of any AP code and any undesired programming. The value exchange from the user should be limited to financial transaction equivalent to the cost of product. Thanks for reading. RE: AP Code Suggestion - Shawn - 01-06-2016 Making two versions makes no sense at all, because you can bet which one get the way to torrent or similar. RE: AP Code Suggestion - cqz - 01-06-2016 he should make a subliminal or tell us what to do to delete the programming done by his subs. is using subs from another company enough? so, lets say someone (maybe me) was in a better place before they started his subs or maybe someone (me) doesn't like the kind of person this "shannon l. matteson" is, after all or maybe someone (me) doesn't like the "education" in the AP code which looks like it does affect piracy in general. i think if someone is at a point in his life where he's looking for subliminals on the internet i guarantee he understands the basics of copyright laws and doesn't need a forceful push to follow them, it should be a conscious choice (if i have the money and decide it's worth it, i'll buy that sh*t, if i don't have it im just another privateer) i mean if i pirated his subs and got some benefits... well for that period of time he had his piracy code and who knows what else in my head and if i didn't pay for the sub in that time frame it means my subconscious, as directed by the AP code, decided the benefits from the sub aren't worth the money or cant pay anyway. so it should be fair if all the programming was cleared tl;dr: looking for surefire way to remove all traces of shannon l. matteson's(cool name choice by the way) programming from my subconscious. ideas anyone? |