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RainbowAbyssAlpha - Printable Version

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RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 04-08-2011

6 e edays into stage 6

At this point I'm convinced this set has done nothing for me but make me a worse more assertive person, more indifferent person, maybe it will all come together later but my only consolation now is that I can do sex magnet now and alpha round 2 will be easier. I am experiencing the most bizzare ridiculous effects with women that r driving me insane, they over and approachme even but when I engage its like I am invisible or they get repelled, despite whatever changes have occured ridiculous reistance is still coming up arrg

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Shannon - 04-09-2011

(04-08-2011, 11:00 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: 6 e edays into stage 6

At this point I'm convinced this set has done nothing for me but make me a worse more assertive person, more indifferent person, maybe it will all come together later but my only consolation now is that I can do sex magnet now and alpha round 2 will be easier. I am experiencing the most bizzare ridiculous effects with women that r driving me insane, they over and approachme even but when I engage its like I am invisible or they get repelled, despite whatever changes have occured ridiculous reistance is still coming up arrg

Can you explain this a bit please? That doesn't sound like the results you are intended to get.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 04-09-2011

Shannon, honestly IDK what the hell is going on lol
I don't mean to put blame on the sub, I've just never been so frustrated in my life.
IdK what the strange girl effect was it just basically seems girls are attracted and repelled by me at the same time
No mones, and I have been craving women stronger than ever. I also just don't feel like I am thinking like a dominant alpha male, I feel like I am thinking like an angry teenager or a happy kid more than ever. I'm getting pissed off, competive, jealous.
I mean everything on the product description is happening to some extent but it feels more mental than something that is deeply me, like its coating more than core. I think I am just really getting sick of my limts and sense of limits.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 04-09-2011

Honestly I think I just had a bad night, I just don't really get bad nights anymore and I kind of freaked
Things are not as dismal as they sound. A girl threatened to call security on me cause I said hello to her friend and it pissed me off so much that people can be so stupid and automatically negative and kind of sent me into a downward spiral, and then I question, how the heck could I care about this crap after almost 6 months of alpha, and then I question the program and forget that I'm still gonna be human. Although at times I've felt so superman on the sub that I just feel like it I should always be like that.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - mat422 - 04-09-2011

I can relate somewhat to that. When these subs make you feel good, you feel invincible, but when you go back for a bit it kind of sucks. People can pick up on bad vibes especially women, so if you are feeling any kind of frustration or anger they most likely won't get a good impression of you. So just try to keep it light hearted and don't be too serious. This is something I'm working on, after years of anxiety it's hard to not be serious but life really is one big joke the way some people take themselves so seriously.

Think about this line, "You attract more flies with honey than vinegar." When in doubt smile, make yourself seem more open to women. I don't know enough about you, but I've found that while going through this alpha set I just took things a little too seriously. I was very edgy and aggressive for a while thinking I had to maintain some perfect image of an alpha male. My best advice would be to just forget it and do what feels natural. Some days will be bad, we all have bad days, it's just learning to let it pass and enjoy the days that are good.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - woceyes - 04-09-2011

It can be frustrating Rainbow. I know there are times where my mood just dropped like on Wednesday I woke up angry plus the added benefit of not having any caffeine (yes i lessened my intake but i still have to have a mountain Dew in the morning) This made it worse for anyone near me. I was really aggressive and angry.

im not sure why but like mat said bad days come and go. Obviously her friend is a stick in the mud and she was jealous that an awesome person like you talked to her friend and not her. Try not to sweat the small stuff.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - K-Train - 04-09-2011

Stage 6 seems to be a rough one so far. I think because it has bits and peices of each stage and because we never went through stages 1-3 of AM11 which are the most aggressive/rough stages we're being hit quite violently. I'm sure after awhile you'll be fine though. Oh by the way, Rainbow and Woceyes, either of you guys planning on doing SM? It'll be interesting having most of the guys show up posting about how they have to carry around condoms in their wallets because they never know when a pretty women will show up asking for sex. Tongue

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - K-Train - 04-09-2011

(04-09-2011, 09:39 AM)JamesC71 Wrote: What is different from the 2010 to 2011 versions?

There's a thread in the product disccusion section titled "AM2011 What do YOU want" or something like that. It describes most of the new stuff put into the program. The only things I can say for certaint is that there is a new manifestation part in AM2011 (don't know what it is personally) and the program is designed to be more obvious and blatant.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Shannon - 04-09-2011

(04-09-2011, 04:23 AM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: Honestly I think I just had a bad night, I just don't really get bad nights anymore and I kind of freaked
Things are not as dismal as they sound. A girl threatened to call security on me cause I said hello to her friend and it pissed me off so much that people can be so stupid and automatically negative and kind of sent me into a downward spiral, and then I question, how the heck could I care about this crap after almost 6 months of alpha, and then I question the program and forget that I'm still gonna be human. Although at times I've felt so superman on the sub that I just feel like it I should always be like that.

If you feel like you haven't gotten what you paid for with that program, you just say so and we'll take care of it.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - woceyes - 04-09-2011

(04-09-2011, 09:31 AM)K-Train Wrote: Stage 6 seems to be a rough one so far. I think because it has bits and peices of each stage and because we never went through stages 1-3 of AM11 which are the most aggressive/rough stages we're being hit quite violently. I'm sure after awhile you'll be fine though. Oh by the way, Rainbow and Woceyes, either of you guys planning on doing SM? It'll be interesting having most of the guys show up posting about how they have to carry around condoms in their wallets because they never know when a pretty women will show up asking for sex. Tongue

i will use Sex Magnet as soon as i save up enough money for it. It will be funny to see all the post of guys on here saying they get to much sex.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 04-10-2011

Thanks guys, I appreciate all your input Smile
I don't know what the bleep
happened, I went into a rage/insecurity spiral that sent me back in time.
I appreciate your offer but I'm gonna hold out on any final judgments until the very end, and in
any moment of clear conscious I cannot deny the effects of the program in making me stronger.
Stage 6 is having some very interesting effects and today it was all for the best. Internally I just felt like the best version of my self. That nagging dissatisfaction, and sense of insecurity, and self doubt, that been under the surface for a while was gone, totally gone, I feel 1000x lighter.
No strange effects with women, if anything just great stuff. I feel like I just needed to fume some bad energy out maybe. I'll post more about the effects of stage 6 as everything is becoming clearer.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Spiral - 04-10-2011

Yea things happen man. I think you'll enjoy the rest of stage 6. It's my favorite stage by far. Rembember too, if you feel on edge just relax and breath. Take 5 minutes to meditate.

I don't know if you are at this stage yet but anytime you make eye contact with anyone smile at them like they are a little kid. I've been doing this more and more the last week and it just makes me feel so good and I think that's one thing that's helped me feel good the last couple of weeks.

Of course we'll have an off day or two but nothing too serious that we should worry about it. If you have trouble doing this just hold a nice smile for yourself for an hour two and go for a drive. Driving is the perfect type of meditation for me. That's where I am in heaven. Well... I gotta be going about 75-80 on an interstate with not alot of traffic but that's one of my things...

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 04-14-2011

12 days into stage 6
added ultra motivation about 5 days ago
So here is the pattern for stage 6
Blissfully happy, smooth, internal sense of power, strong ease
at being, everything is effortless, zero neediness, love of my own life and sense of emotional health
and then bam-I come face smack against every one of my limitations, the first time I had the breakdown you guys were privy to, since then it had become more and more objective, but the feelings are there none the less and there seem to be cravings for having more women in my life that error on the side of too much.
Ultra motivation seems to be helping tremendously, with the initial burst of getting into new things although its burst of infinite energy had died down a bit but I'm guessing it'll pick back up in a week or less.
Here are stage 6 effects so far.
1.Very comfortable in my own skin, relaxed, and smooth
2. A sense that I have all the value and am worthy of anything
3. A really powerful positivity, that seemed introduced in stage 5 but sometimes is just ridiculous on stage 6, to the point where the world physically looks brighter and its like everything is made of energy-IDK if this is from stage 6 per say, but it started happening at stage 6 and is particular pronounced in the morning after I wake up after 8+ hours of listening.
4. Much more social grace and ease
5. Eye seduction and gazing like butter
6. 90% of the time a ton of relaxed confidence
7. Very, very chill-so chill I needed to add ultra motivation
8. feel very Alpha, without having to prove anything or trying, its just like-I am very strongly my own person who can now relate but cannot be swayed or manipulated for the worse.
9. Much more able to both slow down and enjoy and speed up and handle things.
10. A lot of tempering and polishing of previous stuff
11. There are times when I feel like I did on woman magnet-but with with way more confidence and zero self consciousness, I just get this overriding sense of abundance of women and its like I am drawing them to me.
12. Very indifferent to everything except what I care about
13. Ton of kindness and respect from most everyone I engage with
14. final acceptance of the standards I set for my life-like I will except nothing but-but without being tyrannical about it
15. More directness and touching when relating to women when engaged but alot of trouble approaching outside of the night life scene for reasons of direct intent.
That seems to be what I am noticing new or what has been amplified.
I'll finish off Alpha by the end of april and then do 2-4 weeks of approach anxiety and asc and then its on to sex magnet from june-november-this will undoubtedly the summer of my dreams.
Shannon, needless to say, you can keep my money for the program Smile

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Shannon - 04-14-2011

(04-14-2011, 02:56 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: 12 days into stage 6
added ultra motivation about 5 days ago
So here is the pattern for stage 6
Blissfully happy, smooth, internal sense of power, strong ease
at being, everything is effortless, zero neediness, love of my own life and sense of emotional health
and then bam-I come face smack against every one of my limitations, the first time I had the breakdown you guys were privy to, since then it had become more and more objective, but the feelings are there none the less and there seem to be cravings for having more women in my life that error on the side of too much.
Ultra motivation seems to be helping tremendously, with the initial burst of getting into new things although its burst of infinite energy had died down a bit but I'm guessing it'll pick back up in a week or less.
Here are stage 6 effects so far.
1.Very comfortable in my own skin, relaxed, and smooth
2. A sense that I have all the value and am worthy of anything
3. A really powerful positivity, that seemed introduced in stage 5 but sometimes is just ridiculous on stage 6, to the point where the world physically looks brighter and its like everything is made of energy-IDK if this is from stage 6 per say, but it started happening at stage 6 and is particular pronounced in the morning after I wake up after 8+ hours of listening.
4. Much more social grace and ease
5. Eye seduction and gazing like butter
6. 90% of the time a ton of relaxed confidence
7. Very, very chill-so chill I needed to add ultra motivation
8. feel very Alpha, without having to prove anything or trying, its just like-I am very strongly my own person who can now relate but cannot be swayed or manipulated for the worse.
9. Much more able to both slow down and enjoy and speed up and handle things.
10. A lot of tempering and polishing of previous stuff
11. There are times when I feel like I did on woman magnet-but with with way more confidence and zero self consciousness, I just get this overriding sense of abundance of women and its like I am drawing them to me.
12. Very indifferent to everything except what I care about
13. Ton of kindness and respect from most everyone I engage with
14. final acceptance of the standards I set for my life-like I will except nothing but-but without being tyrannical about it
15. More directness and touching when relating to women when engaged but alot of trouble approaching outside of the night life scene for reasons of direct intent.
That seems to be what I am noticing new or what has been amplified.
I'll finish off Alpha by the end of april and then do 2-4 weeks of approach anxiety and asc and then its on to sex magnet from june-november-this will undoubtedly the summer of my dreams.
Shannon, needless to say, you can keep my money for the program Smile

Just as long as you are genuinely satisfied with your purchase. Smile