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Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Printable Version +- Subliminal Talk (https://subliminal-talk.com) +-- Forum: Men's Journals (18+ NSFW) (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals-18-NSFW) +--- Forum: Men's Journals (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals) +--- Thread: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] (/Thread-Ampers-d-Finds-His-Mojo-SM3-0) |
RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 08-19-2014 please be aware I'm not a chemist, biologist or physician. My knowledge in this field is very limited as I learned about it just well enough to know what minerals I need to take, how and why I need to take them. Also my native language isn't English so please bear with me when I'm doing hard to explain such complex processes in detail so I do it in a very simplistic (= not exactly correct) manner. definitely get Himalayan salt, it's required to flush out the bromide that is swimming in your blood if you take much Iodine. Bromide and fluoride accumulate in your body through many ways you wouldn't expect even if you're living a healthy lifestyle. Iodine gets deep into your body and pushes these two among many other poisons (as well as heavy metals) out into your blood so they can be excreted. These poisons give you mental fog. The more you have the more drowsy you feel constantly, the less the clearer your mind is. That's why you'll feel mentally clear when Iodine frees you of these poisons, but if you take lots of Iodine at once you free more bromide up than your body can handle and you need Himalayan salt to quickly bind and flush it out, if you don't you'll get headaches and feel very very groggy as the bromide that got freed from your leg into the blood now enters your brain if not eliminated. (1) regarding SM3: As far as I have seen from the Journals, all Subs make you somewhat groggy but SM3 in particular makes you almost-go-into-coma-constant-groggy. I think this is not a coincidence. It is not just the "fuel" you need for your brain to create new neurons, but SM3 activates your arousal. Every time your dopamine rises and you get aroused there are complex biological processes happening: your heart rate rises, hormones get excreted, your metabolism and body temperature rises etc. This consumes far more fuel than just building neurons, and many elements are used up from iron to magnesium... but also Iodine. If you use up these resources there is a vacuum in your body. There are many molecules that usually need an iron/magnesium/zinc ion but if there aren't many available they also happily take mercury instead (depending on the molecule) to fill that vacuum. But of course they don't function as good with mercury as they would with the original atom they needed. A bit of these malfunctioning causes mental fog, a lot of it causes severe diseases like Alzheimer (scientist found increased mercury accumulation in the brains of Alzheimer patients) So if your body isn't filled with minerals it is open to "attacks" from heavy metals which causes mental, emotional and physical dysfunction (see the book "ultramind solution" by Mark Hyman for more detail). Almost everything that activates your bodys "reserves" use minerals as a fuel (of course many other things like hormones as well but let's stick with minerals for simplicity's sake) to a different degree, like stress, anxiety, arousal, concentration/thinking. So if you do anything that depletes your minerals more than you can refill by your food intake, you leave holes for heavy metals to sink their teeth in. (that's why stress can cause very physical dysfunction/sickness, headaches and even hair loss and heart attacks as it depletes physical minerals due to increased body functions). Depression on the other hand is the opposite of that it makes all your body functions go down so you can refill your minerals. Ongoing depression is usually the reaction of a parallel ongoing anxiety, it's not the depression that is making you sick, it's the anxiety that depletes you of minerals and forces you into depression. This is also why we see some people report depression especially in SM3 Journals. If you get more constant arousal due to the sub without changing your other depleting habits you'll get depression as there is more lack. (2) SM3 fortunately has some programming embedded that counters this increasing consumption: It'S the feeling of complete safety (=> inner peace, the opposite of anxiety) It sounds arbitrary but if you're feeling very safe 24/7 you're accumulating a lot more minerals, as there is no perceived threat and your body allows your body functions to decrease more then usual. One reason why meditation is said to have positive effects on health (it's like "anti-stress", anti-anxiety, the body uses in this state all of it's resources to build itself up). But if this safety programming of SM3 comes in too late while the arousal is depleting you all the way (or even better with simultaneous anxiety) you could get some depression during that gap as your body forces you to accumulate more minerals. Now not every stress/arousal/anxiety is depleting the same. The more intense it is the more depleting it is. But in arousal we can see the difference the most. Taoists already understood this all a long time ago calling it "inner alchemy" they tried to get into different brainwave states through meditation to influence the mineral composition and accumulation in their bodies. Other Taoists specialized in knowing which herbs to take to fill their lack of minerals, calling it "outer alchemy". And they knew arousal can be the most depleting state if it's taken to the extreme. They have a saying like "1 orgasm equals 100 times arousal, 1 ejaculation equals 100 orgasms". Arousal isn't so depleting in itself, orgasm are mildly depleting but the huge depletion happens through ejaculation (Although the resources are different more zinc, gold etc.). The most precious nutrients and minerals are in there to create a new life. And if you're not celibate (inner alchemy) after you shoot them out (literally) you leave space for heavy metals to enter... unless refilled with supplements. (outer Alchemy) The problem here is, the depletion of arousal is not just about dopamine, it goes much deeper, saying "minerals" to that is a really simplistic way of me to not fill a complete book with this article. You can get aroused as much as you want and even ejaculate in healthy intervals if you get your basics down (magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, Vit C, D, B3, B2, Vit K (Mk4) even during SM3 without the need for depression. But don't expect your body to handle 24/7 arousal with ejaculations twice daily while having your brain washed 8 hours a day for 6 months straight without any resistance or heavy depression. I believe, not only will you go through SM3 with less depression, SM3 itself will have more effect on you, the more fuel you have (especially dopamine) as many of the attractive effects of SM3 are caused by spikes of dopamine. I totally agree to what Shannon said here: Shannon Wrote:Your body naturally acts as a generator of, and battery for, sexual energy while you are healthy and within "breeding age". To cultivate it into your aura, simply don't release it. It will eventually "fill the battery" and at that point you will begin to immolate with it, and it will bleed off through your aura. http://subliminal-talk.com/Thread-Cultivating-sexual-energy-into-your-aura I heard of people who practiced "non ejaculation" (instead of following an orgasm with an ejaculation they just had an orgasm = "dry orgasm") and didn't release for a very long time, that just that in itself caused SM3 similiar effects. More confidence, less fear increased attention and arousal from women. In contrast to this, I heard of many people, especially heavy porn consumers to have the complete opposite effects, because they're depleting themselves with frequent ejaculation and abnormal high constant arousal states. (3) I see it this way: SM3 increases the biological process of using minerals to create sexual substances (mainly hormones and brain chemicals) that cause the sexual Aura. Of course this effect gets increased if you have more minerals available that SM3 can use by not wasting them (anxiety, stress, ejaculation, porn => meditation) and increasing them (supplements) I hope I could answer with this post the questions you had about surprising effects of SM3 we often just labeled as "resistance". So maybe you know now, what causes the depression and sleepiness in SM3, how it relates to the heightened arousal and anxiety and why it all gets better at the later stages the more calm you feel. I now have to go to sleep I spent way too much time writing this inspite of having a very important meeting tomorrow. Footnotes: 1: What makes Iodine particularly awesome is that not only does it kick the heavy metals out, once it took their place, they keep their place (unless you create a lack of iodine which pulls them out) and heavy metals can't enter anymore. This means the more Iodine your body has, and as long as it has it the harder it is for heavy metals, and chemicals to enter, which causes an unfriendly environment for fungi and bacteria and causes and overall permanent boost in your immune system. (2): Of course there can be many causes for Depression like psychological barriers etc, I just wanted to show this from just another point of view while not going beyond the constraints of this post. (3): I know yourbrainonporn said ejaculation isn't making much difference psychologically as "edging" shows to be as bad if not even worse than ejaculation, but the reason ejaculation stopping didn't show immediate effects is because arousal states and orgasms target brain chemistry (dopamine in particular) directly (being a more energetic depletion) and ejaculation depletes minerals like zinc, gold, magnesium (more physically dense depletion) so for ejaculation it takes a while longer until this mineral lack causes a lack in brainchemistry (zinc->testosterone->dopamine) so the damage ejaculation does isn't revealing itself obviously. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - SargeMaximus - 08-19-2014 /\ Saved for future reference. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I love. Education to OVERCOME an obstacle rather than being defeated by it. Same thing with my porn diet. Now, Inconcievable mentioned not using zinc/magnesium/calcium in combo, why is that? Aren't we (supposedly) getting those things in our diets anyways? Also, what are the levels to maintain of each vitamin/mineral you mentioned, and how much would you say an average ejaculation depletes them by? Tryin' to do the "accounting". ![]() Thanks! RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 08-19-2014 actually Calcium and Magnesium go quite well together in a 2:1 ratio, if you're interested in one of the best calcium supplements google for "Sango Marine Coral" It has the perfect Clacium:Magnesium ratio and thousand other minerals. It has almost the same mineral composition as our bones. But you probably don't need calcium yet. You probably have a serious Magnesium deficiency and until you have filled that up you won't be able to make much use of the calcium and if used too much the calcium accumulates as salt debris in your veins and you'll die from a heart attack. So first magnesium, than calcium. And please don't buy the vitamins from the grocery store, you will just piss it out and throw money away. Quote: Same thing with my porn diet. Now, Inconcievable mentioned not using zinc/magnesium/calcium in combo, why is that? Aren't we (supposedly) getting those things in our diets anyways? Also, what are the levels to maintain of each vitamin/mineral you mentioned, and how much would you say an average ejaculation depletes them by? It's a bit more complicated than that. Let's take your porn diet that was aiming at refilling dopamin: If it did just that you saw in this post how much minerals would still get depleted without getting refilled. But yes you would cover up the symptoms for a while because you wouldn't feel the natural lack of dopamine indicitating you have a serious mineral deficiency by manually increasing the dopamine. You would avoid the depression that your body seriously needs to refill the minerals because due to artificially high dopamine you would still feel good, causing to deplete your body further of minerals. You would need more and more of your dopamine diet to not go into depression as your mineral depletion increases until you have total break down. (Also one reason why people get resistant to antidepressants, because the antidepressants deprive the body of the necessary depression causing a further mineral depletion until again, total break down) But now let's say you would also take the minerals I suggested to refill those depletions also... those were just the base minerals and Vitamins to prevent the worst. If you take those minerals, yes you prevent some depletion. And if you remain at normal levels of ejaculation, it would be even fine for the rest of your life. But if you take this "refill" as a permission to go crazy on ejaculation depletion of other minerals would also make themselves noticeable, e.g. gold. But this time you wouldn't feel this depletion even in years as you covered it up even better this time, only 10 maybe 30 years later those depletions will show through causing severe depressions out of nowhere, weak bones etc. Almost every healthy mineral, Vitamin and everything else is contained in an ejaculation. The good news are that also almost every healthy mineral, vitamin etc. are contained in vegetables as well, but most to a very, very small degree, e.g. Gold almost nothing. So your vegetables are your pumpgun hitting everything as long as the depletion is low ("short range") and the supplements are your sniper hitting just one target but with very high impact ("long range"). If you make your depletion high enough that you can't handle it with your pumpgun anymore you will never be able to hit all the onehundredthousand targets with your sniper without missing any single one causing a severe imbalance. And severe imbalance would be the best case. It would be better to leave your body heavily depleted than trying to fix it with supplements as this could literally kill you. It's okay to refill low to moderate lack of minerals, but with heavy depletion you have to go way way beyond the RDA. Not for calcium necessarily but for the trace minerals like Iodine you would have to go 2000 times or more than the RDA depending on the deficiency. Not that in itself is dangerous, as the RDA is a joke, but once you cross the RDA so severly you have to know your game and take the supplements in the right order and right ratios... one mistake and you'll die. Now don't get paranoid especially with Iodine 200 times the RDA is still no problem I'm rather talking about gold, silver, iron, copper etc, these are more dangerous when you have to play with them on such high levels. Especially Gold and silver aren't easily replaced. You can't get that easily a proper "Silber" supplement, as it would be poisonous to you if you try to ingest it. The valence shell of those atoms has to be in the right configuration like they are when the Vegetables "ingested" them for us to make them bioavailable. And now we're literally talking "Alchemy" here, people back in the day just used plants instead of laboratory supplements. (I still recommend plants instead if you have the money) Now the solution isn't either: "eat double amount of vegetables for double amount of ejaculation" because there is one single substance that no food can refill but your body can in a very limited and exhaustive way that is ejaculated also. Not to mention the mineral composition in vegetables isn't designed to blance out heave depletion in trace minerals as there aren't many trace minerals in our soil for our vegetables anymore. But I think I know a solution that could satisfy you, giving you the highs of sexual pleasure while getting maximum benefit of SM3 and without having to go into depression. But it's also not so simple, and I don't want to take any more place of DanAmersons Journal to go into detail with this as this would be getting quite off topic. Maybe we start another thread discussing this more in detail. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - SargeMaximus - 08-19-2014 Lol, actually my doctor told me today that I need calcium. Anyhow I agree, new thread! RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - athanas - 08-19-2014 (08-19-2014, 05:49 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Lol, actually my doctor told me today that I need calcium. Anyhow I agree, new thread! Be careful, physicians often mistake a calcium deficiency with a Vit D deficiency as they mistake an iron deficiency with an zinc deficiency. They just look at your blood and see calcium is missing there, so let's give him calcium not looking deeper for the reason WHY there is no calcium there. It could be that you lack Vit D which is crucial for Calcium Absorbtion. You could take all the Calcium supplements that you want and it would all go down the toilet. Literally... like through your urine. If you're lucky, that is... if not it get's stuck in your heart. Vit D Deficiency is VERY common 9 of 10 people have it, but don't ask your doctor about Vit D supplements as the RDA for VIT D is 800 IE... which is a drop of piss. I take about 50000 daily, I would even take 100 000 like many other people did before but It would be quite expensive for me to increase the Vit K accordingly that has to go with it. Not saying you don't have a calcium deficiency, you could, but if you have a Vit D deficiency as well you'd would have to fix that first, otherwise you can't fix the Ca deficiency efficiently. And still before Ca you have to check Vit K, or Calcium will cause the above described heart attack, and then still you're not done... again magnesium first, calcium second. So even if you have a calcium deficiency, you have to fix your deficiencies in the right order, and by the time you fixed your Vit D deficiency I would bet your Calcium deficiency "mysteriously" be vanished by then so you'll never have to fix it... But, yeah... new Thread. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 08-19-2014 Stage 2, Day 32 Nothing overly eventful. Procrastinated less than usual, but didn't get a whole lot done. I busked, and that showed me that I need to do more deliberate practice, as I'm starting to forget passages, and guessing (a big no-no). I was approached to play at someone's engagement party three weeks from now (talk about motivation to practice!) in fingerstyle. PERFECT! I've needed to learn this long repertoire, why not get paid to do it? Btw, I did the 'Unlimited Abundance' module by Christie Sheldon on Fear of Rejection, cleared a bunch of stuff. I had been afraid to do this one particular song, for fear of sounding stupid. Later today, after clearing that, I learned it and performed it for the first time, and I nailed it pretty awesomely as well. I've purchased Stages 3 & 4, and have begun listening to Stage 3 just before bed. Now I'm practicing new songs, and I'll have to work in my old songs. Keeping in touch with the young woman from Sunday. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - swisston - 08-20-2014 (08-19-2014, 10:23 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: Don't use the zinc/magnesium/calcium combi, as calcium and magnesium can be antagonists.That's why you *should* take both, rather than just magnesium ![]() Get one that includes a bit of copper too. Life Extension do a good vitamin D that includes vitamin K2 and Iodine. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Shawn - 08-20-2014 (08-20-2014, 02:00 AM)swisston Wrote:(08-19-2014, 10:23 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: Don't use the zinc/magnesium/calcium combi, as calcium and magnesium can be antagonists.That's why you *should* take both, rather than just magnesium As much both are required in the body taking high dosage calcium and magnesium at the same time can influence the resorption in a negative way. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - swisston - 08-20-2014 (08-20-2014, 03:01 AM)sebastian Wrote:(08-20-2014, 02:00 AM)swisston Wrote:(08-19-2014, 10:23 AM)Inconceivablezen Wrote: Don't use the zinc/magnesium/calcium combi, as calcium and magnesium can be antagonists.That's why you *should* take both, rather than just magnesium Interesting. Do you have a source for that please? RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - AriGold - 08-20-2014 Why don't you make a thread in the "chatter box" about supplements. This is a thread about a man (future rockstar), busking in the streets and his sex life. Also if people will look for improvement via supplements, they surely don't look at this thread first. Dan, keep going and keep enjoying your life. I will be reading your journal! RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - JackOfHearts - 08-20-2014 Your new thread is here: Health supplement/diet thread Very interesting topic!! RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Geodude - 08-20-2014 For the love of God, stay out out of my dreams! ![]() RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 08-20-2014 (08-20-2014, 05:25 PM)Geodude Wrote: For the love of God, stay out out of my dreams! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNgcYGgtf8M Nuff said. RE: Ampers&d Finds His Mojo [SM3.0] - Ampersnd - 08-20-2014 Stage 3, Day 1 Been staying up increasingly late through practicing (3am), waking up increasingly late (12:01pm). I think I have to use Hypersleep to rebalance. Got instant respect at work; don't know if it's the energy clearing I've been doing or the instant results of the subliminal. |