RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-27-2011
During the creation process for AM11, Shannon asked for input. Because the feed back was slow, Spiral requested that other speak up. The following was my response.
Note: When I joined the forum I was known as OldMan.
(01-07-2011, 09:38 AM)OldMan Wrote: want us to post more (like you, Shannon, Jay, Ryan, and Ron)
Why should I share with you….how do I know who you really are. How do I know you are not just some old sagging bra-less woman who never takes a bath..but just surf’s the web all day, or if Jay is really just a Glee club experiment/home work assignment for some high school club, or Ron is really a divorced soccer mom who is researching alpha male traits for her new book exposing “The Real Lies Behind Alpha Males” as a way of getting back at her alpha male ex-husband….or Ryan…...if he is just a pre-pubescent pimpled faced 13 year old boy who fantasizes about the neighbor girl….and her mom..…most likely he watches them from his room with a pair of binoculars…and…Shannon…. Shannon…. he is some kind of government program…setup to create an army of drones via subliminal brain washing via the internet ….and Andrew and Jackie are just code words or evil henchmen….…….Ok spiralout1988 how do I know that you are ALL not just old bald hairy backed fat creepy alpha wannabe’s who wished they had a better life…..oh wait…that would describe me……. LOL
I will post more in time…..most likely once I start AM. I do enjoy reading about you from your posts.
Ok so now after writing that I will chuckle every time I read a post from you wondering if they hang down to your belly button or your knees. .or when Ron posts if the kids won their game… or when Ryan posts if he has just finished putting down the binoculars from watching the neighbor girl through her bedroom window (wow I’m going off on Ryan apologies this time…LOL)
(01-08-2011, 04:24 PM)Jackie Wrote: I don't normally post in the men's section because it's supposed to be pure and untouched by female coodies! But your post made me laugh, very good points. Basically share whatever you're comfortable sharing. Sometimes knowing less about people makes it easier to be more open. But I geniunely enjoyed your post, and yes, there are female eyes (mine) reading your posts! Mwaahaaaa! That was my best henchwoman cackle. No, seriously, be yourselves, share what you will, and have fun!
(01-07-2011, 10:18 AM)OldMan Wrote: RainbowAbyss I see that in the end you caught the spirit of the post. Laugh at yourself. If you can’t everyone else will.
So I pose the following question. How do you know that’s really a picture of Ryan and not just a picture of his super good looking older brother.
(02-03-2011, 07:23 AM)OldMan Wrote: Wow, Ryan this is great...way to go.
I'm glad that you are about a month of head of me on AM11. From your posts I'm getting a preview of what's to come. OK now I'm sure its a picture of you..and not your older brother 
(01-08-2011, 11:09 AM)ronatello Wrote: ROFL! Esp. my part!!!
Let's see, I am a soccer mom that lives in La Jolla, California in a $5.5 million dollar house. Wonderful view of the Pacific! I'm a 39 year old cougar that loves to prey on all the hot 20 to 25 year old studs on the beach... not to mention the ones in La Jolla villiage!
My husband left me for some 25 year old Playmate that lives in Oceanside .
At least I got his house! and my cubs like it too!!!
(01-08-2011, 11:12 AM)Jay Wrote: So, how's the book coming along? 
(01-08-2011, 11:16 AM)ronatello Wrote: Slowly... I've been busy with my cubs. 
Gents continue to laugh at yourself.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-27-2011
The following are the posts related to my forum name change to AwesomeYoungDude.
(01-25-2011, 12:38 PM)Shannon Wrote: Thanks for the suggestions, OldMan. (I hate calling you old man, it only reinforces the stereotype associated with old, and it's not good for your subconscious programming. You should re-register as "awesome young dude". lol) I'll point this out to Andrew.
(01-25-2011, 03:42 PM)OldMan Wrote: Too you I'm not that old...but to several others reading the forum we are both over the hill. They will in time realize that we are both still quite young, both very awesome, and both dudes. I used OldMan mostly to acknowledge my experience in life and not my age. I could change to awesome not-young dude.. but for now I'm cool with the old school reference.
Just a side note: I mentioned in a previous posts…the one where I mentioned you might be a government program… We are in this world to make it better and not here to consume it. I add my thanks to those already posted. The world is better because of you. I thank you and your parents for who you are. I was truly sorry to hear of your trials this year and those throughout your life. It’s not always easy to share private feelings but I thank you for sharing them. I’m glad that our paths crossed. I’m now making the world better because of you…
(01-25-2011, 07:35 PM)Boromir Wrote: I am so glad you are on this forum "Old Man", because it takes one to know one.
I have to agree with Shannon.
You should change you name, "Ole Wise Man"? I guess that doesn't ring so well either.
Hmm, how bout Master Po?
I tried grasshopper.
Old Man II
(01-25-2011, 07:36 PM)Shannon Wrote: Thinking "old" isn't good. Think experienced. Think wisened. Think skilled. Think more worldly. But old? Nah. That has negative connotations. We don't need negativity.
(01-26-2011, 10:19 AM)OldMan Wrote: Thanks Boromir, thats the second such post from you..I will change the name if possible. I like the grasshopper reference (I loved Kung Fu). Thanks again for the support...
(01-27-2011, 07:10 AM)OldMan Wrote: Shannon, Boromir, I agree. As I have thought about this you are right. OldMan is not a correct representation of me. So I will request a change to AwesomeYoungDude. But just to make sure our stories are the same, and to give you a smile, I see the events of my name change as follows….
.....trembling, fearful, with bowed head, the subservient OldMan, entered the presence of the Great Wise Creator. He had sought counsel before regarding his journey but this time something was different. The years of age showed as the OldMan knelt in His presence. Silently he waited...
Insecurities and mental resistance flooded his mind with doubts, twisting his reality into a contorted impassable web…What if, the OldMan thought,…What if it doesn’t work… Fear gripped the OldMan as the images of others already on the journey invaded his conscious mind. What if the subs are not real..What if there is nothing really in the silence..What if the cage is never unlocked…What if the downhill slope never ends…Will I falter where others have endured…What if I give in to the urge to stop…What if it’s really just a government brain wash program… What if I’m not good enough…What if I’m too old….
The authority of the voice startle the OldMan as he was commanded to look up.. Slowly the OldMan lifted his head...trembling has the Master carefully searched the OldMan's mind.... After what seemed like an eternity He spoke, I see that you are not what your name implies.. it reinforces the stereotype associated with old, and it's not good. You carry the self inflicted negativity that binds your subconscious. I wish to free you of this burden so that you can continue your quest towards alpha. I will instruct our Grand Wizard Andrew, based on your sending him a PM, to remove from our forums OldMan leaving it only as a faint memory …a vanishing dream. I wish you to have a new name…one to empower you on your journey. Rise…rise up and resume your mission…hence forth you shall be called…. [pause for effect]… “AwsomeYoungDude”. The man now with correct breathing, thought.. is it that simple..Must I only press play…Others have made it…. With youthful power the man stood. With new found courage and determination, and for the first time in recent memory,
AwesomeYoungDude squared his shoulders and resumed the stature of his youth. His step was light, is walk had swagger..his mind was clear.. It was as though the cage door was unlocked…he was liberated with indifference. AwesomeYoungDude now knew Alpha is achievable…
AwesomeYoungDude thank the Master for this gift. He slowly turned, catching the eyes of the most attractive females in the room…and smiled as he resumed his voyage to Alpha…. the world was better…the universe was again at peace..... .and the Great Wise Creator smiled…
… thus ended the name of OldMan…[fade to black]
[start music]
[roll credits]
It appears that I have always twisted my reality to match what I wanted it to be.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - Patti - 07-27-2011
(07-27-2011, 12:10 PM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote: The following are the posts related to my forum name change to AwesomeYoungDude.
(01-25-2011, 12:38 PM)Shannon Wrote: Thanks for the suggestions, OldMan. (I hate calling you old man, it only reinforces the stereotype associated with old, and it's not good for your subconscious programming. You should re-register as "awesome young dude". lol) I'll point this out to Andrew.
(01-25-2011, 03:42 PM)OldMan Wrote: Too you I'm not that old...but to several others reading the forum we are both over the hill. They will in time realize that we are both still quite young, both very awesome, and both dudes. I used OldMan mostly to acknowledge my experience in life and not my age. I could change to awesome not-young dude.. but for now I'm cool with the old school reference.
Just a side note: I mentioned in a previous posts…the one where I mentioned you might be a government program… We are in this world to make it better and not here to consume it. I add my thanks to those already posted. The world is better because of you. I thank you and your parents for who you are. I was truly sorry to hear of your trials this year and those throughout your life. It’s not always easy to share private feelings but I thank you for sharing them. I’m glad that our paths crossed. I’m now making the world better because of you…
(01-25-2011, 07:35 PM)Boromir Wrote: I am so glad you are on this forum "Old Man", because it takes one to know one.
I have to agree with Shannon.
You should change you name, "Ole Wise Man"? I guess that doesn't ring so well either.
Hmm, how bout Master Po?
I tried grasshopper.
Old Man II
(01-25-2011, 07:36 PM)Shannon Wrote: Thinking "old" isn't good. Think experienced. Think wisened. Think skilled. Think more worldly. But old? Nah. That has negative connotations. We don't need negativity.
(01-26-2011, 10:19 AM)OldMan Wrote: Thanks Boromir, thats the second such post from you..I will change the name if possible. I like the grasshopper reference (I loved Kung Fu). Thanks again for the support...
(01-27-2011, 07:10 AM)OldMan Wrote: Shannon, Boromir, I agree. As I have thought about this you are right. OldMan is not a correct representation of me. So I will request a change to AwesomeYoungDude. But just to make sure our stories are the same, and to give you a smile, I see the events of my name change as follows….
.....trembling, fearful, with bowed head, the subservient OldMan, entered the presence of the Great Wise Creator. He had sought counsel before regarding his journey but this time something was different. The years of age showed as the OldMan knelt in His presence. Silently he waited...
Insecurities and mental resistance flooded his mind with doubts, twisting his reality into a contorted impassable web…What if, the OldMan thought,…What if it doesn’t work… Fear gripped the OldMan as the images of others already on the journey invaded his conscious mind. What if the subs are not real..What if there is nothing really in the silence..What if the cage is never unlocked…What if the downhill slope never ends…Will I falter where others have endured…What if I give in to the urge to stop…What if it’s really just a government brain wash program… What if I’m not good enough…What if I’m too old….
The authority of the voice startle the OldMan as he was commanded to look up.. Slowly the OldMan lifted his head...trembling has the Master carefully searched the OldMan's mind.... After what seemed like an eternity He spoke, I see that you are not what your name implies.. it reinforces the stereotype associated with old, and it's not good. You carry the self inflicted negativity that binds your subconscious. I wish to free you of this burden so that you can continue your quest towards alpha. I will instruct our Grand Wizard Andrew, based on your sending him a PM, to remove from our forums OldMan leaving it only as a faint memory …a vanishing dream. I wish you to have a new name…one to empower you on your journey. Rise…rise up and resume your mission…hence forth you shall be called…. [pause for effect]… “AwsomeYoungDude”. The man now with correct breathing, thought.. is it that simple..Must I only press play…Others have made it…. With youthful power the man stood. With new found courage and determination, and for the first time in recent memory,
AwesomeYoungDude squared his shoulders and resumed the stature of his youth. His step was light, is walk had swagger..his mind was clear.. It was as though the cage door was unlocked…he was liberated with indifference. AwesomeYoungDude now knew Alpha is achievable…
AwesomeYoungDude thank the Master for this gift. He slowly turned, catching the eyes of the most attractive females in the room…and smiled as he resumed his voyage to Alpha…. the world was better…the universe was again at peace..... .and the Great Wise Creator smiled…
… thus ended the name of OldMan…[fade to black]
[start music]
[roll credits]
It appears that I have always twisted my reality to match what I wanted it to be.
Yeah, I like the title, "Mrs Ayd" better than "Mrs Oldman" hahahaha
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-28-2011
(07-20-2011, 12:35 PM)Shannon Wrote: The manifestation portion of AM2011 is designed to manifest beautiful women into your life, if you want that to happen. The specifics I do not remember and I cannot access my computer to check specifics until I replace the hard disk. But I think it was along the lines of if you want to, it will work on manifesting beautiful women into your life who you are able to be more than friends with.
(07-27-2011, 01:32 PM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote: During the AM11 set I received signals from my sub-conscious wanting me to diminish the effects of attracting un-desired/unwanted female attention. I trust your efforts (script) are to not have a monogamist male become non-monogamist.
Based on my sub-conscious communication, I'm concerned, because I do not fully understand the content of the female attraction manifestation. Your principles and base believes are different from mine. I know you are a man of integrity in that your scripts are not subversive and you strive to build scripts with "moral content". You do not have the same subversive scripts that other producers have. I want to make sure that the principle, behaviors, and belief system instilled within the AM11 sub are compatible with my believes and goals.
The first question: Is the manifestation neutered for a married-committed-monogamist-male such that its has a net-zero or close to zero bandwidth reduction or effect. Does it have the same effect and overhead as a male listening to a female targeted sub.
I'm committed to Ms AYD in every way. The best way to remain committed is to remove, avoid, and eliminate undesirable female attention. If in the future I become weakened due to stress, financial problems, or the normal disagreements that occur in marriage, I do not want the temptation of undesirable female attention to creep in to my life. I'm always on guard for such things. Being on guard and noticing when and what you are vulnerable to is a common approach to dealing with unwanted behaviors. Understanding the trigger points long before you hit them allows avoidance while in the proper state of mind. Just ask my friends in AA. They avoid trigger points and are on guard such that they avoid placing themselves in positions in which they are tempted above their ability to resist. If you think of my commitment and investment in my marriage to Ms AYD as a 401K, risk is ok while the amount is low ($10,000), but when the amount is very large ($100,000,000), risk is not a good thing. I've invested to much in my marriage to have anything risk its loss.
So the second question is, how do I obtain the exact wording of female attraction manifestation portion of the sub. This is not a small thing for me. What others take as casual I do not. I can best defend against something only by fully understanding it.
Lastly can you point out examples in my thread and other's threads where the female attraction manifested.
(07-20-2011, 03:44 PM)Shannon Wrote: ...Interestingly, it seems to have worked for almost everyone I have kept tabs on, and myself.
(07-27-2011, 09:51 PM)Shannon Wrote: To answer your first question, there are multiple major safeguards in the program.
The first one states that you will always do the right thing. This not only helps build self respect and self esteem, but helps prevent action on temptations in all directions.
The second one states that you always control yourself as necessary to achieve the best outcome in any sexual situation where you encounter a woman interested in you sexually.
The third states that you will always be the one who chooses when and with whom you have sex.
The fourth states that the more attractive a woman is to you, the better you will be able to control yourself around her.
And finally, the actual manifestation is that you manifest into your life women who are willing to have sex with you, if you consciously want and choose to manifest them. This actually embodies two safeguards: A) they will be willing, but it is not enough for one party to be willing. B) You must consciously desire this already for it to come to pass. I can't be more specific than this.
The way this manifestation is worded, you will just disregard the command if you don't want to manifest them, so it has about 1/10th of a percent of the bandwidth of the actual manifestation. Virtually negligible.
As for the evidence, I'm not really concerned with proving it. I'm observing people using it who are not in the forums, as well as forum members. The goal is to lead into the Sex Magnet, so the manifestation isn't introduced right away, and not everyone will want to, or have sufficient time to actually manifest these results. The results I have see, however, gives me approximately the results I was expecting from the process.
Hope this helps.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-28-2011
AM11 Stage 6 Final, Overcoming Procrastination Final
- I found that many of the old annoying habits of my past that were thought to be long gone have re-appeared during this stage. This is very surprising and most unwelcome. The sub has instilled a desire to do only what I want, and apparently that’s what I want to do. I now have to re-quit things that have not plagued me for years. Bummer
- I'm finally cool with the manifesting portion of the sub. This has been a major sticking point for me over the last 6 months. It has hampered my development. I really don't like being a guinea pig. This left me with the feeling of being taken advantage of which is a primary trigger in the sub. This guinea pig mentality was an undertow in many of my axe grinding posts. Being a guinea pig also influenced my concerns with Shannon’s work with Patti. Being an unwilling guinea pig hampers progress. To say it another way, no matter how many safe guards are in, I do not want to purposely subject/expose myself to an unknown and potentially cancerous/radioactive material. Throughout AM11 my sub-conscious continued to send me messages that I should do things to reduce its effect. I see why Shannon delayed its disclosure until after the sub was completed. I would have deferred starting the sub until after others had used it. Throughout the sub I knew it was female attraction and tied it’s non-disclosure to being a guinea pig. I did not think that Shannon was pulling a fast one and programing me to destroy my marriage. I think Shannon also desires to be in a long term relationship someday. But the unknown worked hard on my insecurities and the non-disclosure was a sore spot for me. My initial anger over manifesting female attraction being in the sub is gone. I'm convinced it’s not adversely affected me. Only time will tell what its long term effects are. I see its importance in the Alpha Male progress, but I also think the sub would do better with a general manifesting component like the luck magnifier. I’m cool with the situation. Shannon, hopefully you have your data. I suggest that female attraction be removed in future versions. For some this is an unwanted component. Those that want the female attraction will follow AM11 with SM or one of the other female attraction subs. Cool that’s done......
- I’m convinced I would have considered AM11 a failure if I had not included Overcoming Procrastination. All the confidence in the world would have been wiped away by the compelling negative feelings of not being able to move myself to action. Shannon, I suggest that you increase the motivation portion in future versions. I watched what happened to you and others. I would have quit half way through the sub because of its undesirable effects. I have to make a living and zero motivation would have got me fired or hampered my career. James is a good example of this. I believe that the motivation portion is as important to us using the sub for non-female attraction as female attraction is for those using the sub to get laid. We want to be alphas for a different reason. Again….cool…
- Hitting another small patch of neediness in the final days of AM11. This occurred while thinking about a future event that will shortly occur in my life. This event was the primary motivation in use of AM11’s over Life Tune-up. Time will tell if AM11 was the better decision.
- Found that while cleaning the garage this weekend, to my surprise the door opened and there sat Ms AYD with a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. This time she whispered something quite different in my ear. [laughing to myself] The garage still needs cleaning, but now we are both a smiling. Shannon…..YOU..DA…MAN…(and apparently so am I...)
Shannon thanks for your work and your patience’s. I’m indebted to you and hopefully this thread will assist you in developing even better products.
Now I’m done with posting this thread. It’s been difficult and time consuming to continue to post. After posting in the testimonial section I expect to fade into the shadows. I will occasionally poke my finger in the stew to stir things up. But I’m glad to be finished with the thread.
So this is the wise OldMan referred to as the AwesomeYoungDude signing off. Good luck in your journeys.
[Fade to black]
[Cut to commercial]
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - Shannon - 07-28-2011
I appreciate the feedback. I have concluded that I should create two versions of AM2012: one designed to be for involved men, and one for uninvolved men. Or perhaps one designed to lead into SM, and one designed purely around AM.
The suggestions you've made are already on my list of things to adjust. I wonder sometimes if you realize just how much you've changed, though. The man I'm speaking with now is a man unafraid to speak his mind. On a few occasions you appeared to have been trying to goad me into some sort of confrontation based on what I now understand to be your displeasure with my having added an experimental portion to the program. At other times, you've actually given me what could be taken as commands, which didn't go over well. However, since I know what's going on, I didn't feel the need to point it out. I concluded that AM was having the desired effect and let it go. AM has certainly not failed on you, regardless of using OP or not; but it does need tweaking. Thank to your efforts and those of other posters, I know how and where to adjust it for achieving ideal performance.
You're right, though, I should have put more consideration into including the experimental manifestation, and I apologize for that. However, I think you misunderstand why I kept the experiment secret. It had nothing to do with making money, but with preventing the expectations of the users from skewing the results. The placebo effect can be interesting regarding manifestation work, and makes it exceedingly difficult to gauge sometimes. Especially since manifestations tend to appear as coincidences regardless.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-28-2011
Shannon, I advise against a separate AM. I mean no dis-respect, but the market forces will set the priority on the AM->SM path and the non-SM path will be relegated to a lower priority. Those interested in using AM11 for non-female attraction will move to the back of the bus. You have a wide audience to satisfy; the majority of users are singly minded towards SM. The remainder of us can tag along, just continue accounting for us. Shannon, you face the same challenges as every business, how do you provide a product with the widest appeal with the least amount of effort, by combining as much as possible.
You my friend have a lot of work to do. You have ideas that you've represented in past posts the I would love to see in a sub. I want and need you to succeed, my future plans depend on it.
Conquer the world man, it’s yours.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - Roy - 07-28-2011
AYD,congratulations on finishing the AM11.I really enjoy reading your posts.
What are the next subliminals you are going to use?Are you going to run through the AM set a second time?
Anyway,I think the AM->SM priority also comes because of lack of other
follow up sets for different issues.If there was other sets that would follow
I would have a tough choice deciding between SM and other possible sets.
In the thread AM11 what do you want
Shannon suggest building surface alpha set with a big list of points to include.
This would be an incredible set to use after AM and also a follow up to those not interested in SM.If that program had been created I would
probably go for that over SM.The situation now is that is only the SM set
as a follow up.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - AwesomeYoungDude - 07-28-2011
Thanks.. The plan is as a family to use life tuneup.
RE: AwesomeYoungDude's Alpha Journal - Patti - 07-29-2011
(07-28-2011, 08:39 AM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote: AM11 Stage 6 Final, Overcoming Procrastination Final
- I found that many of the old annoying habits of my past that were thought to be long gone have re-appeared during this stage. This is very surprising and most unwelcome. The sub has instilled a desire to do only what I want, and apparently that’s what I want to do. I now have to re-quit things that have not plagued me for years. Bummer
- I'm finally cool with the manifesting portion of the sub. This has been a major sticking point for me over the last 6 months. It has hampered my development. I really don't like being a guinea pig. This left me with the feeling of being taken advantage of which is a primary trigger in the sub. This guinea pig mentality was an undertow in many of my axe grinding posts. Being a guinea pig also influenced my concerns with Shannon’s work with Patti. Being an unwilling guinea pig hampers progress. To say it another way, no matter how many safe guards are in, I do not want to purposely subject/expose myself to an unknown and potentially cancerous/radioactive material. Throughout AM11 my sub-conscious continued to send me messages that I should do things to reduce its effect. I see why Shannon delayed its disclosure until after the sub was completed. I would have deferred starting the sub until after others had used it. Throughout the sub I knew it was female attraction and tied it’s non-disclosure to being a guinea pig. I did not think that Shannon was pulling a fast one and programing me to destroy my marriage. I think Shannon also desires to be in a long term relationship someday. But the unknown worked hard on my insecurities and the non-disclosure was a sore spot for me. My initial anger over manifesting female attraction being in the sub is gone. I'm convinced it’s not adversely affected me. Only time will tell what its long term effects are. I see its importance in the Alpha Male progress, but I also think the sub would do better with a general manifesting component like the luck magnifier. I’m cool with the situation. Shannon, hopefully you have your data. I suggest that female attraction be removed in future versions. For some this is an unwanted component. Those that want the female attraction will follow AM11 with SM or one of the other female attraction subs. Cool that’s done......
- I’m convinced I would have considered AM11 a failure if I had not included Overcoming Procrastination. All the confidence in the world would have been wiped away by the compelling negative feelings of not being able to move myself to action. Shannon, I suggest that you increase the motivation portion in future versions. I watched what happened to you and others. I would have quit half way through the sub because of its undesirable effects. I have to make a living and zero motivation would have got me fired or hampered my career. James is a good example of this. I believe that the motivation portion is as important to us using the sub for non-female attraction as female attraction is for those using the sub to get laid. We want to be alphas for a different reason. Again….cool…
- Hitting another small patch of neediness in the final days of AM11. This occurred while thinking about a future event that will shortly occur in my life. This event was the primary motivation in use of AM11’s over Life Tune-up. Time will tell if AM11 was the better decision.
- Found that while cleaning the garage this weekend, to my surprise the door opened and there sat Ms AYD with a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. This time she whispered something quite different in my ear. [laughing to myself] The garage still needs cleaning, but now we are both a smiling. Shannon…..YOU..DA…MAN…(and apparently so am I...)
Shannon thanks for your work and your patience’s. I’m indebted to you and hopefully this thread will assist you in developing even better products.
Now I’m done with posting this thread. It’s been difficult and time consuming to continue to post. After posting in the testimonial section I expect to fade into the shadows. I will occasionally poke my finger in the stew to stir things up. But I’m glad to be finished with the thread.
So this is the wise OldMan referred to as the AwesomeYoungDude signing off. Good luck in your journeys.
[Fade to black]
[Cut to commercial]
Patti is NOT happy! Whatdaya mean you're not gonna be posting anymore? Weren't you gonna use another sub? And wasn't that sub suppose to be life tune up? And weren't we gonna compare notes or at least you were gonna let me know how it was working for you?????
No? haha...oh well, that must have been a conversation in MY mind! There's so many, I can't keep track!
But well done sir! It's funny how you felt like posting was more work but you are very thorough in your postings. I'm happy to see you and Shannon are friends again lol. And all in all I'm happy this was a good experience for you, even with its ups and downs.
But, pa pa pa paaalease don't leave the forum...that would make me very sad