Day 244
The good feelings lasted for a day and then reality struck. I am feeling quite depressed about the overall situation. Some payment relating to my business came up and I am now very tight on cash.
Last night, I shifted to the hybrid version of the track. I woke up with a headache. I felt that during the night something exploded in my head. I got up and then again tried to get to sleep. This happened 2-3 times and eventually I got up and started my day.
I have noticed this feeling of fear on several occasion. Not exactly sure what it is about.
Day 245
Last night I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately upon lying down. I woke up around 3 am and noticed that I was not listening to the sub. I put on my sleep phones and started my run of the sub. I woke up better than yesterday. I kind of feel that the sub is disturbing me. I do not know how to describe the feeling. You know when your parents are pushy and you do not want to do something and you have no choice. It is kind of that feeling. I do not feel comfortable and feel pushed / pressurized somehow.
Today my father offered to loan me some money as he said I am tight on cash now. I never mentioned to him about my latest cash situation but maybe he guessed on overall situation. I did not accept his offer as I hope to manage it and also counting on UMS from next month.
The business is growing now slowly and slowly, I am still injecting cash in it and giving it time. It is growing but at a snail pace.
Day 246
I had this dream. It is night time and i am in a boat with someone. We talk about the ocean depth and I say I can probably go to the bottom and in my mind I see a light at the bottom of the ocean. the person i am with ( I do not know who it is) say that he /she is terrified of the dark deep waters. We are passing by a small island and the whole island consists of a house with a gate , like a normal house on road side. The water is exceptionally smooth and calm. it feels more like the boat is on the road than in the water. The water is flat with no waves, no movement, just blackness like black color. It is a small boat with oars. We come near to a tree on the opposite side of the island. The tree has big roots going all around in the water. We come near the tree by passing in between the roots. Suddenly I see a jaguar with shining bright eyes on the bottom portion of the tree. I feel very afraid. The jaguar climbs upwards on the tree and we move on.
We come to a place where there is a big shining steel cage with a lion in it. The lion is very huge and about 2 times bigger in height than me. Outside the cage is a small door type opening. Someone is opening the cage to let the lion come out. I am pretty scared and stands beside the small opening and almost hugging the wall in fear. The lion comes out of the cage and moves past me to another area, then it returns and passes me and goes back to its cage. I also see my father standing near the path where the lion is going by and he does not seem to be afraid. The guy handling the lion is an old classf ellow of mine. I am thinking why the lion did not harm him as the lion was very scary and animals are afterall animals. Then I see him being carried in injured condition in a stretcher.
Overall my day went fine. I did not feel scared or anything abnormal upon waking up or during the day.
Day 248
I had another dream. I am in an airport, a really big airport. I check in at Emirates Airline and proceed further. On the way there is a checkpoint and beside the checkpoint there is a small space and small room. I stop at that place and tell the woman standing at the checkpoint that I am playing / whatever I am doing here. Please inform me when the time for my flight comes. I then sit on a chair and put on a earphone. I was either playing a game or listening to some music / sub, I am not exactly sure.
I consider this dream as a positive sign. I have in the past seen a similar dream of being in a big airport, but all in the past dreams, I have always been at the check in counter. I think this might have been a positive sign that I have proceeded further.
Day 250
No more dreams in the last 2 days. I sleep almost the moment I hit the pillow. It could be due to tiredness during the day or mental tiredness from the sub, I cannot say.
Today is the last day on USLM3. I am giving a week's rest and then shifting to UMS by 1st August. Reading other people's journals and the excitement is building up.
I am a bit apprehensive that UMS might not focus on my business. As i understood, UMS focuses on money from any goal which can come from any source, while USLM3 focuses on one particular goal i.e was focusing on my business.
In 250 days, I think USLM3 has done a brilliant job in starting the business. I was estimating to be up and running in 2-3 months maximum. However, it has taken me almost 8 months and I am still in the process of establishing the business. There have been periods where I stopped focusing on the business. I also feel that my blocakges, limiting beliefs or things which are preventing me from succeeding are not completely gone. However, since UMS is much more powerful in monetary aspects I am still making the shift.
How come you didn't hop on US/LM 4.1?
(07-24-2019, 02:02 AM)guyinlahore Wrote: [ -> ]Day 250
No more dreams in the last 2 days. I sleep almost the moment I hit the pillow. It could be due to tiredness during the day or mental tiredness from the sub, I cannot say.
Today is the last day on USLM3. I am giving a week's rest and then shifting to UMS by 1st August. Reading other people's journals and the excitement is building up.
I am a bit apprehensive that UMS might not focus on my business. As i understood, UMS focuses on money from any goal which can come from any source, while USLM3 focuses on one particular goal i.e was focusing on my business.
In 250 days, I think USLM3 has done a brilliant job in starting the business. I was estimating to be up and running in 2-3 months maximum. However, it has taken me almost 8 months and I am still in the process of establishing the business. There have been periods where I stopped focusing on the business. I also feel that my blocakges, limiting beliefs or things which are preventing me from succeeding are not completely gone. However, since UMS is much more powerful in monetary aspects I am still making the shift.
If you are focusing on a business as a primary source of income, two things will happen with UMS. First, it will take that focus and enhance your wealth from and through the business. Second, it will open you to achieving wealth from any and all sources that are readily available to you. It's not going to interfere with your business, but it might show you some eye opening things about making more money with it!
(07-24-2019, 04:43 AM)cataleya Wrote: [ -> ]How come you didn't hop on US/LM 4.1?
UMS has USLM 4.1 and EHPRA included in it. So I guess it is more powerful.
(07-24-2019, 04:43 AM)cataleya Wrote: [ -> ]How come you didn't hop on US/LM 4.1?
I am in the same boat. Still using USLM3.. I guess I have gotten used to this sub and kinda feel attached to it.. Maybe that is why I don't feel like going for 4.1 or maybe I am just satisfied with my current state.. Idk which one it is.. Its both I think...
I am on the rest period between USLM3 and hopping on to UMS. From reading other people's journal about TID, I try to look at the page of UMS to see any effect. I played a free online lottery also, lets see if i win anything.
I am still having some dreams. Some parts feel positive, while some feel not so positive. On Friday, a driver cut me off quite badly. I had to slow down to save myself. I crossed him later on from left side and almost made a sign; what is your problem. He left his lane speeded up to the left most lane, overtook me and then went ahead. Later again I crossed him from the side. Normally people in such situation do not ignore the other driver, but this guy just went away, like he forgot.
On the job side, there is some major news. A big irritant, a man in the management is going to leave the company. I have started to feel some relief already now. I am quite hopeful things will turn out better in the future.
I stopped using USLM3 in anticipation of shifting to UMS. I was planning to buy it around 1st August so there would be a break of few days in between and importantly I was waiting to receive money.
The money did not arrive and I panicked and I contacted the bank. They said there were some verification pending in the account so payments cannot be credited. In the online banking screen, everything shows fine, the yearly verification process shows completed. Anyways, the support person raised a ticket and forwarded to concerned for completion of the verification process. In the meanwhile, I contacted the company who was supposed to pay me. They told me the payment was bounced. I requested for the payment to be made again only to be told that since I do not live in the US, I cannot receive payment in the online bank account (based in US) I was using. They asked me to provide bank account and address in the same country. I am now shocked. I have used this online bank account for last many years. Now I am in dilemma, as all my future payments are affected by this sudden change.
During this whole period I felt depressed, annoyed, negative and upset generally. I was following up with the bank for several days and got this information yesterday. I am now thinking could this all be due to resistance from thinking of going to UMS ??. I do not know. As paypal is not available in my country and I cannot buy UMS using my credit card, there is no option but to wait and look for options on how to fund that account. I was thinking of lots of money and now I am short of money.
I have last night started using USLM3 again.
Now, is not the time. Dont worry. You will find your out of this problem it's just temporary.
Dont wanna sound weird but when something like this happens I usually take this a a sign to stick with USLM3 longer.. When I look back to those problems I could see why it was there in first place.
You will reach/get whatever you want.. and all this is just a drama in between.. Ups and downs happen but overall trend is always upward.
Day 270
I have been having some dreams which i remember when I wake up and then I forget them shortly.
On day 268, i was listening to the sub on my sleep phones. I got up in the middle of the night and found that the sleep phones were not in the proper place. Had I missed any time listening to the sub, I do not know. The first thing that came in my mind was I had purposefully moved it from my head in resistance. I adjusted it on my ears and went to sleep again.
On day 269, I went and slept in a different room and used my phone speaker for listening. I knew I was facing some resistance and turned and tossed a bit and then went to sleep. During the night, I woke up and felt great fear. I could feel no fear below the bed cover / light blanket I had on and fear and terror all over the top of the cover. I felt it for few moments and then somehow found the courage to shrug it off and go to sleep.
When I woke up, my whole family thought I looked drained and tired. I had a short nap in the afternoon but the tiredness continued till the night.
On day 270, I again slept in a different room and used my phone speaker. I took some time to sleep as I was thinking about something. I had a dream in which I am the host of a party. It is a fine party in place I do not know. The food and the cakes are the finest I have ever seen in my entire life. Few of my distant cousins are sitting on a table. They complain to me that the manager brought food for them quite late. I went off to find the manager, walking here and there. I am getting very anxious and looking for him. In the meantime, I wake up. I immediately starting regretting why I did not eat any food myself and wasted time.
Mentally I am still exhausted. Now I come to 2 days break time so hopefully I will recover from this tiredness. I also plan to sleep more.
Day 287
I have not been posting for a while. For some reason I did not want to come to the forum and read the journals especially the UMS ones. When I was planning to buy UMS, I was reading all the UMS journals. In few days, I felt sort of repulsion from UMS journals and then it was fine. I am still not reading them maybe due to being busy or maybe they do not matter to me. I feel I
Nowadays when I listen to the sub, I do not feel any pressure, change etc. Everything feels very normal. I have started taking a herbal medicine which is supposed to be good for brain. I have noticed some good changes in me. I have started to communicate in a more mature and better way. I have noticed this and so has my boss and he seems to be appreciative of some of my conversation. Maybe the sub was working and it is coming as a result.
The business is moving forward slowly and slowly. My financial projections turned out be wrong. I am quite short on funds now. My partner is now investing in the business. This aspect is making me very tense and sometimes irritable on money matters. Financial position is quite tight on the personal front as well as I had to put extra money in the business. There were some unexpected expenses as well which is now making me waiting for the next month salary. I thought about doing some sideline work online to earn some small cash. But due to time constraint and not enough knowledge I could not make any progress.