What are the changes between USLM2 and 3? To be specific, I was wondering what new additions are made to FRM 3.1, that would fix some of the shortcomings (if any) FRM 1 had
I haven't tried it yet, but even just the requirement of only five, one hour loops will make it vastly more user friendly to me. If it's more effective at dealing with resistance, as it almost definitely will be, it's win-win.
(11-06-2018, 05:06 PM)risingwarrior Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
What are the changes between USLM2 and 3? To be specific, I was wondering what new additions are made to FRM 3.1, that would fix some of the shortcomings (if any) FRM 1 had
USLM2 had FRM v2 in it, not v1. V1 is in Beast 17. USLM3 has FRM 3.2.
The additions made to FRM 3.x are not something that I can discuss in much detail without giving away secrets. Suffice it to say that there were some additions designed to finish what v2 started, and the whole thing was optimized heavily.
USLM3 also includes several statements from DMSI 3.3, some of which are in turn coming from Beast 17. This is ASS/ART programming.