Hello everyone,
It will be interesting to share some of the odd behavior that you noticed on DSMI, whether they are positive or negative.
behaviors that you just say wow, why am I doing this.
For me, I have noticed that I keep knocking with one finger on surfaces (wood, etc) in public areas.
This started with 3.1. I really do not know the reason behind this behavior, however I believe its me trying to steal energy from the closest person to me at the moment of knocking.
what have you all noticed? hopefully we can share more of the positive ones.
I could socialise very easily even if I don't want to.. Its like when I go outside I could talk to anyone.
Tbh this isn't normal for me. Being an introvert I avoid social situations and prefer being alone or atlest just love talking to my family only (mostly my younger bro)..
It's like when I am outside my subconscious just takes over and I say stuff which I didn't even thought about.. If something or some situations would make me feel embarrassed then I just tell me true feelings and people just get impressed by that.. I tell the true in a way which they accept and also makes them laugh... I became something else and tbh I love it.
Things became easy.. Everything seems to go in flow ever since I started DMSI..
I am a guy with lot of mental issues.. and experiencing all this was like I was in different reality.
What Zane says. Autopilot taking over, and becoming a massive flirt aswell. Its like the sexual version of nzt. Im speaking what comes out first. Like just now when getting some stuff, my irder was wordsalad yet the girl was hooked. What a great tagteam, wasnt that bad looking aswell. Sexual tension of the bat.
I can say, since running DMSI, I feel highly amplified. In mind, instinct, character. It like being unstoppable and am curious how far I can tap into this further.
I pout now. lol
Also I had a 'psychic' experience today
(08-29-2018, 01:42 PM)kingpill Wrote: [ -> ]I pout now. lol
Also I had a 'psychic' experience today
Psychic how?
Never mind, I just read your journal. Impressive
For me I notice my words sometimes don't come out right and I have to really focus on putting together coherent sentences. Also there's a weird delay when people talk to me, almost like a buffer before it's actually recognized. It's like the actual sound from them talking is noticed separately from what they actually say. But I chalk this up to 7 loops with only 8 hours of sleep a night, I just don't think I'm reaching as deep of a sleep as I should.
I was using DMSI Ver A for most of the last 3-4 months. When I bumped my loops from 1 to 6 per night I noticed an infatuation with local woman (whom I see on instagram) though I had never met! So much so that I cancelled my gym membership to join her gym. I'm due to join next week!
However, since I stopped running DMSI on Sunday 26th August (only been a few days...stopped to allow for 35 day break....looking to start US/LM on the 1st October) that crazy infatuation and obsessiveness has gone. Now I feel somewhat indifferent (but am still attracted to her). What gives?!
Forgot which version, I think it was 3.01, but one thing I noticed was when I walked on the street and people were in front of me, I felt like telling them to get the f*ck out of my way. Also holding eye contact with people until they look away. Also when I was sitting down, I would sometimes fall back for like a split second. I had also run 3.1 for a short time but didn't notice much.
(08-31-2018, 04:27 AM)Travis Wrote: [ -> ]DMSI will change your personality to be sexy as possible. That might not be as good as you think. It dulls out my personality abit. There’s an aversion to discussing anything intellectual because guess what, being cerebral isn’t ***** sexy. Some people would interpret this change as good and others as bad. I see it as more good because I was acting like a try hard philosopher. It is somewhat disconcerting to see something change your personality though.
It's only doing that if your personality already doesn't match the girls you're attracted to.
Im a lot more 'reserved/cooler' than before. I do a lot less in terms of talking etc and let others talk
(08-31-2018, 02:19 PM)kingpill Wrote: [ -> ]Im a lot more 'reserved/cooler' than before. I do a lot less in terms of talking etc and let others talk
Yeah, I also did alot less things just seemed to happen
(08-31-2018, 02:10 PM)Blazedo Wrote: [ -> ] (08-31-2018, 04:27 AM)Travis Wrote: [ -> ]DMSI will change your personality to be sexy as possible. That might not be as good as you think. It dulls out my personality abit. There’s an aversion to discussing anything intellectual because guess what, being cerebral isn’t ***** sexy. Some people would interpret this change as good and others as bad. I see it as more good because I was acting like a try hard philosopher. It is somewhat disconcerting to see something change your personality though.
It's only doing that if your personality already doesn't match the girls you're attracted to.
I also act less cerebral while executing DMSI. My internal personality doesn't change. Internally I'm just as cerebral but outward I'm more comedic which does get better results with the girls I find attractive.