i have noticed since starting subs again I am experiencing fatigue, confusoo, agitation, general anxiety and spaceyneas. Is this to be expected or does it mean my brain is being overworked and I need to listen less.
I'm using ASC right now.
I did bash the company and called you guys a cult haha now I'm worried some type of protection is being triggered in the code. Maybe I'm just really paranoid
(06-11-2018, 03:44 AM)unlearn88 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm using ASC right now.
I did bash the company and called you guys a cult haha now I'm worried some type of protection is being triggered in the code. Maybe I'm just really paranoid
Sounds like you're pretty unstable at least
Sounds like you should cut back your listening.
What are the reasons behind you using ASC?
I feel like ASC will give me confidence in my own abilities to heal and push through my current life situation. Like I currently feel powerless and victim but I'm hoping this will give me the strength to believe in myself and overcome my blockages.
ASC is a free sub and there is no code being triggered here.. Lol Bashing us won't do that that.. Nothing will.
I think u think way to much and have this thinking that external environment has more influence us that internal... That is not the case.
What u are facing is resistance where u subconscious will make u feel awesome and then after few days it will make u feel down so that u stop using ASC
This is why 3 months of usage is recommended. Cause during those 3 months u will see a lots of up and down in ur moods and finally recognize that this is how ur subconscious manipulates you..
Just push thru the resistance.. Healing urself takes time but only if u follow the procedure.. After all there is nothing better and easier than hitting a play button and chilling