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(08-22-2018, 05:35 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]Isn’t Magick just using willpower to focus various energies to achieve, or influence, a real world outcome?

Magick is a science.

Using internal, or external, energies to project an aura of sexiness is an example of magick.

By practising using / transmuting subtle energies, then the appropriate beliefs / mindset should develop naturally.

I remember years ago, trying to make ‘psi-balls’ by drawing in energy from the earth and sun, and focusing it in a ball between my hands (and after some practice, across the room).

I kind of got side tracked eventually, and never got to the point of being able to make my psi-balls visible to others (which would take an enormous amount of energy / focusing of energy). But some people seemed to react as if they could feel my psi-balls or that something was there.

Yeah I read a bit of the book, tried some stuff but nothing really happened. Seems it's snake oil.
I Met a guy once,amoung others who had siminalr expereince but this guy,Had Had a Near Death/Outtsa Body expereine FULL BLown NDE...he came back a changed Man. He was NOT afriad dof DEATH,he was not afraid of embarassment, He was NOT afraid of "Looking Like a Fool" and he was one of thee most successful buisness men in Houston Tx at the time.
I'd love to see a program about NO fear of death,embareassment,no fear of looking foolish! Once you have no fear of death, you're truly FREE to Live Life fuller and more vibrantly. You;d be surprised at the amount of decisions people make 'based; on the fear of death,that thats the underlying theme,if they ONLY knew it. that all,a program like this is deeply spiritual in its OWN way. Keith.
How abut a clair-audiant-clair-sentient-psychic subliminal... developing your natural spiritual and psychic abilites ,enabling one to be a Medium and Psychic at the same time?
(09-10-2018, 11:15 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-22-2018, 05:35 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]Isn’t Magick just using willpower to focus various energies to achieve, or influence, a real world outcome?

Magick is a science.

Using internal, or external, energies to project an aura of sexiness is an example of magick.

By practising using / transmuting subtle energies, then the appropriate beliefs / mindset should develop naturally.

I remember years ago, trying to make ‘psi-balls’ by drawing in energy from the earth and sun, and focusing it in a ball between my hands (and after some practice, across the room).

I kind of got side tracked eventually, and never got to the point of being able to make my psi-balls visible to others (which would take an enormous amount of energy / focusing of energy). But some people seemed to react as if they could feel my psi-balls or that something was there.

Yeah I read a bit of the book, tried some stuff but nothing really happened. Seems it's snake oil.

Not sure what book you are referring to?

I got my information from PSIPOG when I was a teenager back in 2003 or so.

Some of my experiences seemed pretty convincing, when I was regularly practising psionics.
(09-12-2018, 09:36 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-10-2018, 11:15 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-22-2018, 05:35 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]Isn’t Magick just using willpower to focus various energies to achieve, or influence, a real world outcome?

Magick is a science.

Using internal, or external, energies to project an aura of sexiness is an example of magick.

By practising using / transmuting subtle energies, then the appropriate beliefs / mindset should develop naturally.

I remember years ago, trying to make ‘psi-balls’ by drawing in energy from the earth and sun, and focusing it in a ball between my hands (and after some practice, across the room).

I kind of got side tracked eventually, and never got to the point of being able to make my psi-balls visible to others (which would take an enormous amount of energy / focusing of energy). But some people seemed to react as if they could feel my psi-balls or that something was there.

Yeah I read a bit of the book, tried some stuff but nothing really happened. Seems it's snake oil.

Not sure what book you are referring to?

I got my information from PSIPOG when I was a teenager back in 2003 or so.

Some of my experiences seemed pretty convincing, when I was regularly practising psionics.

My bad. The book is "Advanced Magick for Beginners"

I'm intrigued about psionics. What is it and what experiences?
(09-12-2018, 10:37 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-12-2018, 09:36 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-10-2018, 11:15 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-22-2018, 05:35 PM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]Isn’t Magick just using willpower to focus various energies to achieve, or influence, a real world outcome?

Magick is a science.

Using internal, or external, energies to project an aura of sexiness is an example of magick.

By practising using / transmuting subtle energies, then the appropriate beliefs / mindset should develop naturally.

I remember years ago, trying to make ‘psi-balls’ by drawing in energy from the earth and sun, and focusing it in a ball between my hands (and after some practice, across the room).

I kind of got side tracked eventually, and never got to the point of being able to make my psi-balls visible to others (which would take an enormous amount of energy / focusing of energy). But some people seemed to react as if they could feel my psi-balls or that something was there.

Yeah I read a bit of the book, tried some stuff but nothing really happened. Seems it's snake oil.

Not sure what book you are referring to?

I got my information from PSIPOG when I was a teenager back in 2003 or so.

Some of my experiences seemed pretty convincing, when I was regularly practising psionics.

My bad. The book is "Advanced Magick for Beginners"

I'm intrigued about psionics. What is it and what experiences?

PSIPOG had lots of interesting articles about energy manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, precognition and, I think, remote viewing / astral travelling (IIRC).

But PSIPOG seems to have closed down years ago.

After googling I found PsiOnline, which appears to be an archive of another old website, by someone who appears to have been a member of PSIPOG:

PsiOnline has several articles (about energy manipulation) that explain the same / similar techniques that PSIPOG explained.

As for my experiences,

I spent half of highschool practising psionics. I used to sit in the back of class practising the telekinesis exercises (with pens, paper clips and other small objects I could carry in my pencil case).

I probably spent more time in class practising psionics than notetaking, actively listening to teacher, etc.

I practised psionics from around 2002 to 2005. Once I turned 18 (in 2005), I started spending my time going out to clubs / pubs with my friends from school (we were all recently 18). I also got a job. Got more into video games. I kinda got lazy with my psionic training and started focusing on other things.

About a month ago, a conversation with someone reminded me of psionics / PSIPOG. I’m going to try find 20 minutes a day to start over with my training (I should pick it back up quicker, since the techniques / exercises should still be in my subconscious mind).

My main wow experience was that one time I actually saw some results with telekinesis. After about 2.5 years of regular training, I managed to turn my light on without physically touching the switch with my body. This was near the end of my psionic training (before I lost interest / got lazy with it). I practised for another, maybe, 6 months with no other results with telekinesis.

The other success was when I was making psiballs / constructs next to random people (without telling them) and some, more sensitive people, seemed to react to the energy (most people ignored it / couldn’t sense it).

99.9% of the time nothing happened / zero results. YMMV.
That light switch story is pretty epic man, but yeah, sounds a bit too hit and mostly miss for me.

I was getting deep into frames/mind control before DMSI came out (some of my ideas I hope made it into DMSI) and I am starting to think that is more useful than magick and whatnot.

A simple mind control trick is to leverage the power of social proof even when there is none by being a strong figure of authority (it;'s in your vibe). If you do it right, you can completely overwrite people's initial knee-jerk rejection and ask the exact same question seconds later and get a "yes". Needless to say this has served me well in sales.

There is a spiritual/karmic/religious (?) aspect to it in that I firmly believe nothing can be successful unless it is in line with nature. So obviously you can't make people do things that harm them, but that's the beauty of it.

Sorry for the ramble but I just remembered some of the deeper shit I was uncovering. Gotta get back in there.

I know there must be a sex equivalent, but I've yet to tap into it. That's what I had hoped DMSI would become.
Pertaining my post from my journal and random musings gallery, here's the article/discussion transcript:
I'd posted this in another thread, but moved it so I wouldn't violate rule 4.

Tenth Avenue North

These lyrics hit me. Not because I'm a "performer". But since I'm not, and these words still stir me.

God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go

God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control

I shed some good tears while posting this. Damn, I told a coworker today to tell God exactly how he felt, and I asked him honestly if he'd had a yelling session at God yet, since he and his gf lost another baby to a miscarriage, their 3rd miscarriage. I've personally found a lot of relief telling God my real feelings.

I cried since I've needed to do this. I've tried to control all my feelings on E2, and lately it's becoming too much. Songs like this allow some of it out.
I think spiritually is self exploratory, not sub based.
(10-17-2018, 08:55 PM)san_hal Wrote: [ -> ]I think spiritually is self exploratory, not sub based.

Spirituality is not sub based at all.

Spirituality, however, is based on truth, and E2, among a number of subliminals, helps clear out the lies and toxic junk that pollute my perception of my God. Those lies permeate our culture and make it look absolutely impotent, at first glance.

And again, the truth is vastly different. Clearing out the junk via subliminals is a gift to me, and for me. Since using E2, I've been drawing back to him, slowly but surely.
I"d Love to see a Powerhouse One called DMT/AYwashka/OBE/NDE boom,bamm your ass is transformed:-) ahhh well one can dream. least Im feeling a bit better...USLM2 FRMv2 is kickin my ass today, better now than I was,still some what triggered/bothered/irratated. moving the emotions thru.
I'd love to see a subliminal on increased psychic abilties as well as Mediumship( ability to 'talk' to the 'dead',hear them,ect-I already do this to a degree) with a golden shield of protection,ect around me. also Love to see a GENIUS sub, the genius code,tap into the genius within,dialed into the awareness,frontal lobe's turned all the way up,total hemispheric communications right/left brain.ect. genius vibes turned full on!! 11/1/18
Many people talk about natural selection, survival of the fittest and say that humans are just animals.

Humans are in-between animals and divine.

Humans have an animal aspect (and animal urges) and also a divine aspect.

This makes humans quite different from every other lifeform on earth.


The whole ‘alpha’ VS ‘beta’ concepts make very little sense in relation to humans. Humans can manifest sexual relationships, and can manifest various experiences, and can choose to experience the reality they want (as long as they change their deeply held subconscious beliefs).

‘alpha’ VS ‘beta’ and survival of the fittest makes sense for animals. Since animals lack the divine aspect. Animals have very minimal awareness. Animals are fully bound by their genetic program(s), and natural selection makes sense for animals.

But humans have awareness, and willpower, and can outgrow and over-ride their genetic program(s). And so, natural selection doesn’t make much sense for humans. And humans can also manifest things, including sexual relationships (regardless of their genes, or how ‘superior’ their genes supposedly are, etc).

SMV also seems redundant, considering that humans can manifest sexual relationships.
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