03-17-2018, 04:08 PM
Hello all, I decided to start up my journal again and actually help Shannon with DMSI.
DMSI Background: I actually got into the DMSI train back in the later days of 3.0.1 but had to stop for an extensive MIR run. By the time I had recovered from a back to back to back cold (yeah I got sick 3 times in a row lol) DMSI 3.1 was out. I ran DMSI 3.1 for roughly 5-7 months last year and reported several of my experiences with it via the general DMSI thread. Overall I felt like I gained an impenetrable IDGAF attitude, confidence, and unique energy signature but noticed that I got a mixed bag of results. Some looked interested but didn't attempt to initiate or some were even repulsed by me (probably the AS, which is surprising since they all looked pretty normal). Something that was interesting for me while hearing the loops was that I kept feeling an electrifying chill go through my body. Im not that energetically sensitive but it was without fail, and Im pretty sure that was how my subc manifested the aura. I'm mentioning this in case it comes back during my usage with 3.2. My aura was also mainly violet with rays of gold (Im assuming this is the solar energy sourcing at work), and we'll see if that pattern continues as well. I should also mention that I masturbated daily during the run and watched a lot of porn, 3.1 actually made the habits worse over time. Last time I ran 3.1 was probably in September and overall I consider 3.1 a flop for me personally.
Currently: Day 20 of DMSI 3.2B TS Hybrid FLAC
- The first week gave me a strong sense of well being, it was very relaxing while listening to the sub and it tapered throughout the day without the effect fully diminishing. However as of late I've been pretty grumpy, getting irritated at stupid shit that people do (especially as a supervisor in my job). I've been bolder as of late too, but I wouldn't exactly say confident... more like I just don't care, and because of that I do stress less. Not sure if its because of the ARA, or the pheromone optimizer, or something else that has caused this shift in my personality.
- The urge to masturbate has insanely gone down, I averaged once or twice a day. I gave in only twice, and it was towards the beginning of my 3.2 run. Every time I feel the urge, I can actually suppress it and just will it away. The Wall is a work of art from what I've experienced, kudos to you Shannon for building it.
- The tiredness is starting to set in now, the first few days of 3.2 were smooth sailing. Now I just want to go home after work and nap for a bit.
- On the women front, I haven't picked up much yet but there is some movement. I mentioned it before in the DMSI discussion thread that everywhere I go now there's cuties and hotties everywhere. I KNOW Im manifesting them, and whatever module it is I am executing it. None have really directly hit on me though lol. I have seen a few here and there checking me out, and some where they just stare at me with this pensive look. Not exactly DIH but I can kinda read it now, it's like they're trying to mentally find out if I'm hot or not but they cant seem to make up their mind haha. I actually did have a good friend's wife stop in the middle of a conversation and have a realization that "I'm cute" yesterday, which was nice to hear.
Overall for a B version, this is surprisingly very smooth. When the A version comes out I'll jump ship and see where it takes me. But anyways... I'll be around. I don't expect to update this journal very often. But if something awesome happens, you all will be the first to know
DMSI Background: I actually got into the DMSI train back in the later days of 3.0.1 but had to stop for an extensive MIR run. By the time I had recovered from a back to back to back cold (yeah I got sick 3 times in a row lol) DMSI 3.1 was out. I ran DMSI 3.1 for roughly 5-7 months last year and reported several of my experiences with it via the general DMSI thread. Overall I felt like I gained an impenetrable IDGAF attitude, confidence, and unique energy signature but noticed that I got a mixed bag of results. Some looked interested but didn't attempt to initiate or some were even repulsed by me (probably the AS, which is surprising since they all looked pretty normal). Something that was interesting for me while hearing the loops was that I kept feeling an electrifying chill go through my body. Im not that energetically sensitive but it was without fail, and Im pretty sure that was how my subc manifested the aura. I'm mentioning this in case it comes back during my usage with 3.2. My aura was also mainly violet with rays of gold (Im assuming this is the solar energy sourcing at work), and we'll see if that pattern continues as well. I should also mention that I masturbated daily during the run and watched a lot of porn, 3.1 actually made the habits worse over time. Last time I ran 3.1 was probably in September and overall I consider 3.1 a flop for me personally.
Currently: Day 20 of DMSI 3.2B TS Hybrid FLAC
- The first week gave me a strong sense of well being, it was very relaxing while listening to the sub and it tapered throughout the day without the effect fully diminishing. However as of late I've been pretty grumpy, getting irritated at stupid shit that people do (especially as a supervisor in my job). I've been bolder as of late too, but I wouldn't exactly say confident... more like I just don't care, and because of that I do stress less. Not sure if its because of the ARA, or the pheromone optimizer, or something else that has caused this shift in my personality.
- The urge to masturbate has insanely gone down, I averaged once or twice a day. I gave in only twice, and it was towards the beginning of my 3.2 run. Every time I feel the urge, I can actually suppress it and just will it away. The Wall is a work of art from what I've experienced, kudos to you Shannon for building it.
- The tiredness is starting to set in now, the first few days of 3.2 were smooth sailing. Now I just want to go home after work and nap for a bit.
- On the women front, I haven't picked up much yet but there is some movement. I mentioned it before in the DMSI discussion thread that everywhere I go now there's cuties and hotties everywhere. I KNOW Im manifesting them, and whatever module it is I am executing it. None have really directly hit on me though lol. I have seen a few here and there checking me out, and some where they just stare at me with this pensive look. Not exactly DIH but I can kinda read it now, it's like they're trying to mentally find out if I'm hot or not but they cant seem to make up their mind haha. I actually did have a good friend's wife stop in the middle of a conversation and have a realization that "I'm cute" yesterday, which was nice to hear.
Overall for a B version, this is surprisingly very smooth. When the A version comes out I'll jump ship and see where it takes me. But anyways... I'll be around. I don't expect to update this journal very often. But if something awesome happens, you all will be the first to know