(01-13-2018, 01:39 PM)Raykon Wrote: [ -> ]You guys were obviously giving signals in one way or another that turned the women off.
LOL, no doubt on that, buddy.
Seriously, I'm sure V3.2 will be a step forward. For now, I'm going to enjoy a well-deserved sub break, clear my mind and get my energy and ability to focus on things back. I'll handle some stuff at my company I've needed to do for awhile in the meantime to help me to expand my company over 2018 properly in the way I envisioned. It'll be a good break.
All the best to all future V3.2 users!
I believe that a lot of you guys have religiously studied pickup to a point where you think you have to be funny or have a super sense of humour with every girl you meet. Keep in mind that every girl has her archetype. She might be into you because you look like her previous boyfriend, she might be into black guys, tall guys, short guys, chinese guys, funny guys, guys from her social circle the list is endless. How did men attract women before pickup boot camps and forums were around ?. If a girl has a mild interest in you then DMSI should beable to magnify that to a point where she makes the move.
Humour is not needed in DMSI, focus on evolving your personalities in a positive way. Or if you want to be funny go to a comedy class.
(01-13-2018, 11:23 PM)anansi26 Wrote: [ -> ] (01-13-2018, 09:50 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ] (01-13-2018, 09:22 PM)anansi26 Wrote: [ -> ]Couldn't you just specify that whenever you expressed your cleverness it came off as attractive though?Add some kinda halo effect/cool factor/endearing mojo where even if you say or do something lame as hell it just works.
When a girl likes/wants you, it doesn't matter what you say or do.
Getting the girls the user wants to be that way for the user is the whole point of DMSI. At least I thought that was it.
I was just chiming in on the humor thing specifically.Theres still levels and nuances to a womens attraction.It shouldn't be rocket science.She should be excited by the DMSI aura,There should be a strong comfortability factor.strong likability,popularity specifically from females,a definite imprint effect where she just unconsciously wants to be with you (You can decide if I want the company or not.)The manifestation should bring a decent amount of attractive women into your life regularly and handle the logistics of hooking up.All the healing and clearing is unnecessary.Plenty of messed up people are having sex.Are we trying to get laid or turn into saints and make love to angels?All the user needs is a deep acceptance of the new paradigm,a zest for life,and a powerful sex drive.you could even use the sex drive to power DMSI which in turn gives you a powerful sex drive again.The whole thing could be a non-stop loop if done right.
It is apparent that you don't understand what H&C in DMSI is, what it's for or why I included it. We're not trying to "turn into saints and make love to angels", we are trying to clear the road to success by removing whatever is in the way of progress.
Yes, plenty of messed up people are having sex, but that doesn't mean that DMSI will be executed by someone who has blocks to executing it. H&C was created and included to get people to deal with, heal, clear, overcome and move past whatever issues they have that interfere with and otherwise prevent execution.
We don't yet know if H&C is necessary. So far it seems to frequently be used by the subconscious as an excuse not to execute, but that does not mean it cannot or will not be useful once I make loopholes go away.
Some of you guys have a very simplistic point of view on life and things like the subconscious awareness of humans, when the reality is that these are some of the most complex, subtle and intricate things humans are capable of contemplating. Especially given that deciphering this is like picking a lock in the dark, when you don't know how many tumblers there are and the tumblers keep trying to play games to prevent themselves from being picked.