I think you need to realize what you are saying, how you are thinking and what you are doing.
Quote:To explain my situation, I experienced rapid hair loss during the months that I was on 3.1. I’ve always had this fear of losing hair, so the sub likely used it as resistance. At first I wasn’t sure, so I’ve done a lot of research on hair loss and got to the roots of the problem. Basically, even if we have the genes predisposed for hair loss we can still turn off gene expressions through lifestyle and diet changes. So I started doing these things and daily scalp massage sessions. Many people have regrown their hair following this approach. After a year, I still don’t see any result, so now I really suspect it was 3.1 that caused it, since some people have also reported similar things on 3.1. It must have triggered something in my body. I’ve been experiencing serious anxiety and depression these past few days because it seems like my hair is getting worse and it’s driving me crazy. If possible please help me out here, thank you!
DMSI is designed to make you as sexually attractive as possible. That is the complete reverse of what you think and feel when you are losing hair. The hair loss is almost certainly the result of reversal resistance to achieving the program goals - even though losing hair really isn't the big deal most guys want to make it out to be. Take it from me, being bald is no impediment to being sexy and getting laid.
That said, the program didn't do this, your response to the fear you feel as a result of what the program is telling you to do is the cause if DMSI has anything to do with it at all.
DMSI is just a set of instructions, remember.
So what we need to do is get past that fear, and that's what I'm working on. Once we have FRM working, the hair restoration modules should do their thing.
I am of course going to build a hair restoration sub eventually, but in the mean time, think about this:
Most women prefer men who have a full head of hair, or a man who is bald. But most guys are too afraid to shave their heads if they're losing hair. If you're losing hair, try shaving your head. Once you get comfortable with it, you'll find it's much better than "losing your hair". And until you have a solution to growing it all back, it looks better than "losing your hair" vs "has a full head of hair".
When I first came across a website telling me that instead of trying to grow my hair back, I should just shave it all off, I laughed. "What kind of moron is this guy, anyway?" I said. But now here I am, bald as a cue ball for years and loving it. It has actually improved my self confidence. Now I have the option of having no hair or letting it grow out, and being equally confident in either situation.
One day I will hopefully find a way to create a sub that corrects hair loss. Until and unless I do, I look much better with no hair, than having a horseshoe of hair around the sides and thinning hair up top.
This proves that
hair isn't what makes you sexy. I have none, and my girlfriend (hot enough to get stared at regularly in public) tells me that "I see women hit on you all the time. A lot of women find you very attractive". I don't pay attention, apparently, but she sees it.
What makes you sexy is being successful. Successful means confident that whatever your condition is, you are more than good enough. Insecurity is what makes women run, and usually guys with thinning hair are insecure about it. Nobody cared about mine until I started realizing it was happening and it made me insecure. Then women started acting differently. When I shaved my head, it took me about a week to feel confident again in public, and then I realized...
People normalize whatever they encounter enough. So if I'm bald for long enough, and it doesn't bother me, they will normalize that.
That is exactly what happened. And then what makes me attractive to women returned: my sense of self esteem and self confidence. My personality. Sense of humor. Playfulness. Attitude. Point of view.
So until you have a solution... maybe consider shaving your head. Women admire a bald man who is comfortable with himself because by being bald and comfortable with himself, he is openly displaying confidence that can't be faked.