(09-26-2017, 04:20 PM)Travis Wrote: [ -> ]I'll be honest,
I looked up my card, and I don't think it describes my personality at all. According to Cards of Destiny, I am supposed to a extremely business minded person. I've never been that way. Granted, I haven't had experiences running a business.
I never looked into the eight of hearts, so it might look more accurate its factored in
I appreciate your honesty, there is 4 possible reasons I can think of for this:
1-the card aren't accurate
2-The description of diamond you look for isn't accurate and broad enough.
3-You didn't understand what a 2 of diamond is
4-There are so much planets in 8 of spade that you don't see as much the 2 of diamond influence.
Based on your answer I would say it's due to the second reason. The common description of Diamond is money and business. But this isn't accurate in my opinion and it's what my teacher is explaining in his course. Imagine someone living in a jungle and he came up as a 2 of diamond, he of course wouldn't run a business as it doesn't exist there. It's not really a diamond or a coin, it's the symbol for mineral, or earth. Which means someone is materially oriented, material is not only a computer or money it's everything physical, it can be agriculture for example, it can be food, it can give someone oriented toward everything that can be touched, that is concrete.
In astrology your ascendant is Taurus, Taurus is earth, Earth is the equivalent of "Diamond", and Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac, so it's the closest thing to a 2 of diamond.
Your moon is in Capricorn with Saturn, it's another earth sign. There is a lot of earth in your astrology, so this can explain why a Diamond came up in your birth card.
My brother is a Queen of Diamond, queen is similar to number 2. And is astrology is filed with Taurus (much more than us) and earth sign. He is not business oriented at all, I'm not sure he would even try running a business. On the other hand he is very focus on the material plane, he doesn't care much about anything spiritual like tarot or astrology, he want concrete tangible material thing like food, cooking, buying computer, being left alone on his computer, enjoying his home, he is a family person like Taurus usually is, this is what happened when Taurus is prominent in a chart.
Also number 2 is very important there, this one is not about money, it's about coming together, it's close to the moon description, a couple, a relationship, a concrete material relationship that you can touch and enjoy from a material point of view. But relationship is a limited description for a 2 like money is a limited description for "diamond". A symbol like 2 is meant to be very broad, as there is only 4 symbol here, like in astrology, you have to describe everything with this 4 symbol so you can expect that 2 isn't only relationship.
Let's take another example, my GF is a 2 of spade, here you can again see the Taurus influence as she like to sleep all day at home (feminine), she work a lot but she is not business oriented. Taurus can of course be business oriented, but it take more than Taurus to be business oriented. It can give an inclination for business as they care more for the concrete reality. 2 and diamond are feminine symbol so usually they are not inclined to run a business as it require a lot of strength, so someone needs some King or 3 or 10 to be competitive, to fight their way into a business.
But even them aren't going to run a business if their chart spread aren't well placed.
For example my GF has a lot of kings but she hasn't started anything special yet. She like to control things, to own things, she has a big Ego. But it's mess up in her chart, it's starved and shamed in every direction. So fear/shame is the culprit for her. Until now her Kings has manifested as more independence, she live on her own, make her own money, she can take care of herself which is rare where I live.
But that's about it, she isn't going to run for presidency because she has a lot of planets in a king card.